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Retribution Page 53

by Heather Atkinson

  There was a rustle above him. Looking up he saw the stack of boxes starting to tip. He threw himself aside, the boxes landing in a heap beside him, sending up a pile of dust. One burst open, the contents spilling out to reveal cuddly toys. If the situation hadn’t been so dire he would have found the fact that Reid had chosen to stage his dramatic climax in a toy warehouse amusing.

  He got back to his feet, pausing to listen but he could hear nothing, the boxes muffling the sound.

  Ryan pressed on through the cardboard maze, spinning round when he heard a voice behind him, sighing when he saw a life-sized model of a figure from a sci-fi film clutching a laser weapon, spouting threats in a robotic voice. Reid must have set it off, which meant he was close.

  Ryan spotted a cardboard cut-out of some actor propped up against a pile of boxes. Picking it up and tucking it under one arm, he crept to the end of a row of boxes and poked the cut-out’s head out from behind a box. There was an explosion of cardboard as a bullet ploughed through it. Ryan tossed the cut-out aside, crouched low and shot down the aisle, smiling when he heard a cry followed by the thud of footsteps hurrying away from him.

  He pushed at the boxes behind him, knocking them into the row behind, tipping more cuddly toys onto the floor. This started a domino effect and the rows of boxes went over one by one until there was one resounding bang as the final row hit the far side of the unit.

  Once the noise had died down Ryan remained still, listening. When he heard nothing he cautiously crept out from his hiding space, smiling when he saw a pair of legs sticking out from under a heap of boxes further down the room.

  He approached the legs, something niggling at him about the unnatural way they stuck out so rigidly. The image of the life-size model he’d seen further back popped into his head and he ducked behind a pile of boxes as a shot rang out, the bullet slamming into a box behind him, the air filling with an irritating buzz as the impact set off the electronic toys inside. The legs had been a decoy.

  Ryan peeked out from his hiding place but could see nothing. Checking the clip in the gun he saw he only had one bullet left. He had to use it wisely.

  He reached into the box of electronic toys and pulled one out, seeing it was a little robot, complete with flashing lights, feet stamping in a futile attempt to walk. Aaron would have loved it.

  Taking aim, he shot out the light overhead, plunging the room into darkness. He tossed the robot into the middle of the room, where it landed on its back, its little lights brilliant in the darkness. There was a bang and the robot exploded into bits, going silent. Ryan smiled. He’d spotted the flash of a gun muzzle to his right.

  Keeping low, he moved out from behind the boxes and back the way he’d come, skirting round the toppled boxes, eyes adjusting to the gloom, able to make out shapes.

  He came up from behind on the figure frowning at their gun and cursing, unfortunately standing on a squeaky toy as he did so. Reid spun round, arcing his leg in a kick, catching Ryan on the left shoulder, knocking him off balance. Ryan ducked when Reid threw down his empty gun and kicked out at him again then again. Ryan snatched up a toy - which happened to be a small truck - and hurled it at him. It bounced off Reid’s chest, winding him.

  Surprised, Reid rushed out of the back of the building through another roller door. Ryan ran after him, the fresh air welcome after being in the stuffy warehouse. He scanned the area but could see no one.

  Rachel heard the gunshots emanating from the back of the unit and fear ran down her spine. She got to her feet, exhausted, cradling her arm to her left side.

  She paused by Raven’s car to pick up one of the dropped tranquiliser darts. It was a poor substitute for a gun or a knife but it would have to do.

  Battler and Bruiser had already been out to collect the two men who had been overcome by the gas that had been inside Raven’s car. This had been followed by the roar of the shotguns, so Rachel knew they were no longer a threat.

  Careful to keep close to the wall, she walked around to the rear of the unit. The business park wasn’t particularly well-lit, consequently it was difficult to see, every shadow concealing a possible enemy.

  Overhead a plane was taking off, the roar of the engine dulling all sound and in that moment she felt cold steel pressed against her throat.

  “We meet again,” whispered Reid’s voice in her ear.

  Rachel sighed, wishing she’d stayed put on the grass. She’d just created another hostage situation.

  “Ryan,” he heard a voice yell. “I’ve got your wife.”

  Ryan’s first instinct was that it was a trick but he wasn’t about to take the chance with Rachel’s life, so he ran in the direction of that voice, coming to a halt when he saw Reid holding a knife to his wife’s throat.

  “Sorry babe,” said Rachel. “I should have stayed where I was.”

  “Not your fault. It’s that little bastard’s.”

  He whipped round when there was a noise behind him, sighing with relief when Jez, Jules and Raven ran out of the back of the unit.

  “You alright big bruv?” said Jules. Her eyes flicked to Rachel and Reid. “Oh for fuck’s sake. You’re a slow learner aren’t you, you dick?”

  “Shut it you mouthy bitch,” retorted Reid. “And who the fuck are you anyway?”

  “His sister,” she replied, pointing to Ryan before aiming her gun at Reid. “Now let my sister-in-law go so I can turn you into Swiss cheese.”

  “Put the gun down you silly cow or I’ll slit her throat.”

  “Don’t you know,” said Rachel, eyes turning black. “I have a habit of surviving having my throat slit.”

  “Put the guns down for God’s sake,” Ryan told them.

  Reluctantly Jules, Jez and Raven let their weapons drop.

  “You do know,” said Jules. “That if you kill her we’ll just pick the guns back up and shoot you.”

  Reid gripped the knife harder. Sweat was pouring off him and his heart was hammering. Like Leah, he was starting to feel like a stupid, unprepared kid. If he got out of this alive he was going to kill Gerard Kerrell himself.

  “Just take it easy Reid,” said Ryan, realising he was on the edge.

  Reid pin-wheeled round when Cass and Brodie tore around the corner behind him, panicking at the sight of the gun in the latter’s hand.

  “Just stay back, all of you,” he shrieked. “I will kill her.”

  Rachel rammed the tranquiliser dart into his hand, simultaneously pushing the hand holding the blade away from her neck. She turned and swung her fist into his face, pain lancing through her side, staggering away as Ryan hurled himself at Reid.

  Ryan punched him repeatedly in the face, bellowing with rage, wanting this man to really suffer for what he’d done to his wife and daughter. Reid flopped onto the tarmac, body jumping with each blow, his martial arts training meaning nothing beneath the savagery of Ryan’s fury. His nose was shattered, lips split, blood spurting from his mouth.

  When Ryan eventually stopped hitting him, Reid was unrecognisable, unable to breathe through his ruined nose, breath rattling in his chest.

  Ryan lifted him and wrapped one arm around his neck. “This is for Leah.”

  He jerked his arms, there was a snap and Reid slumped to the ground, eyes vacant and staring.

  “Thank God,” breathed Rachel, falling into her husband’s arms.

  He held onto her, kissing her hair before pulling back slightly to look into her eyes. “You need to go home, along with Cass and Brodie. The rest of us will sort this out.”

  “I can help,” said Rachel.

  “No you can’t, you’re injured.” He looked to Brodie. “Take her home, please.”

  “Aye, course I will pal.” Brodie looked to Rachel. “You gonnae come quietly or do I need to tie you up?”

  “You can tie me up,” called Jules with a suggestive wink.

  Cass had to laugh when Brodie rolled his eyes. Usually people were doing that at him.

  “No need for that,” said Rache
l. “I’ll come quietly. I want to see my daughter.”

  “Aye, course you do doll.”

  As Brodie escorted Rachel to his car, Cass following, Ryan nodded him his thanks and he nodded back, handing him the gun.

  When they’d gone, Jez and Ryan picked up Reid’s body and carried him back into the unit where Battler and Bruiser still guarded their prisoners - alive and dead alike. The two who’d shot at Leah and Bianca while they were in the car squealed when Reid’s mangled body was thrown onto the floor beside them.

  “Rachel?” said an anxious Battler.

  “She’s fine,” said Ryan. “Brodie and Cass are taking her home.” He looked to Bruiser. “You get yourself home too. Daina’s probably worried sick.”

  He frowned and shook his head.

  “He’s right,” said Battler, patting his brother on the shoulder. “We’ve got plenty of bodies to handle this. Go home.”

  Bruiser slowly nodded before ambling outside, shotgun laid across his broad shoulders.

  When he’d gone Ryan pulled the shutter down behind him. “How are we going to do this?” he said. “Good old fashioned fire?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” said Jules.

  “One of them’s still alive,” said Jez, gesturing to Duncan, who was groaning on the floor.

  Ryan stood over Duncan and aimed the gun at his face, Duncan’s eyes widening.

  “You lost,” said Ryan coldly before pulling the trigger.

  One of the two men Battler and Bruiser had captured fell to his knees, hands in prayer position. “Don’t kill us, please. We were nothing to do with this.”

  “You seriously expect us to believe you didn’t know your friends had taken two teenage girls hostage?” demanded Jez.

  “Yes, it’s true.”

  Ryan raised the gun. “You shot at my daughter.”

  “We…we didn’t mean to. It was Reid’s idea.”

  “You should have chosen your friends better,” said Ryan before shooting him in the head. His friend only had time to gasp before he was shot too, falling back onto the floor beside their ringleader.

  Ryan straightened up and looked around the room full of dead bodies. Normally he would feel sad at such a sight but not today. This was what happened to people who fucked with his kids.

  “Burn them,” he said.


  Leah waited at home with Ashley and Bianca. Ashley had treated their very minor injuries, which consisted of nothing more than abrasions from their bonds and a few bruises. He’d even given them a brandy each to steady their nerves.

  The girls didn’t want to be separated, a bond formed between them after their ordeal. They sat together on the couch, holding hands. Ashley sat on the other side of his daughter, just relieved she was alive and well. The three of them waited in anxious silence for the others to return.

  At the sound of a car engine, Leah leapt up and ran to the monitor on the door.

  “They’re here,” she cried.

  “Wait, I’ll go,” said Ashley, pulling her back. “Wait in the lounge with Bianca.”

  “But my family’s here.”

  “I want to make sure it really is them first. Now go.”

  Leah slunk back into the lounge while Ashley cautiously opened the door, relieved when Brodie hopped out of the front of his car, Cass getting out of the back. He walked around to the passenger side to assist Rachel.

  “Are you okay?” said a concerned Ashley, rushing out to her.

  “Fine, just some cracked ribs,” she replied.

  “Do you need the hospital?”

  “Nah, I’ll be fine. It’s not the first time,” she said wryly. “Plus I don’t want anyone asking any awkward questions.”

  Ashley looked to Brodie. “Is it over?”

  “Nearly. They’re just tidying up.”

  “Reid and his friends?”

  “You don’t need to worry about that pile of pricks anymore.”

  That could only mean they were all dead. Ashley knew he should be morally outraged. Those men should be in custody and processed through the justice system but after seeing his daughter tied up and terrified, he only felt a swelling of satisfaction that they’d never again hurt his baby.

  Rachel rushed into the house to see her daughter, calling her name. Leah shot out of the lounge and ran to her mum, hugging her tight, recoiling when she yelped with pain.

  “I’m fine,” said Rachel. “Just a couple of cracked ribs. Nothing serious.”

  “I’m so glad you’re home. Is everyone okay?”

  “We’re all fine.”

  “Dad was injured, I saw blood on his arm.”

  “Just a graze. He’s fine too.”

  “And Reid and his friends?”

  “You don’t ever need to worry about them again. It’s over.”

  Leah sobbed with relief and cuddled her again, more gently this time.

  She stayed close to her mum as she wandered into the lounge and slumped into an armchair.

  Rachel gave Bianca a tired smile. “You okay honey?”

  She nodded. “Thank you for helping me.”

  “You’re very welcome.”

  “Who wants a drink?” said Ashley as Cass and Brodie sat together on one of the sofas, exhausted.

  “Aye, that would be great pal,” said Brodie. “Got any red wine?”

  “Red wine?” said Ashley with a raised eyebrow. “Err, yes but I thought you’d like a whisky?”

  “Because I’m Scottish? Aye we cannae get enough of it up there. Do you know it even comes through the taps?”

  Rachel gave a tired snort. “You’re priceless Brodie.”

  “I know that hen,” he winked.

  “Cass?” said Ashley.

  “I’ll take the whisky,” she said with a wry smile.


  “Whisky too.”

  Rachel smiled when Leah sat beside Bianca and they held hands again.

  “They kept us locked together in a room for hours,” said Leah, feeling she needed to explain why she didn’t want to leave Bianca’s side. Normally she would have considered someone who was almost two years younger than herself to be not much more than a baby but Bianca was a rock to cling to and she needed her.

  “That’s okay honey,” said Rachel. “You don’t need to explain what happened until you’re ready.”

  Leah nodded gratefully and they all settled down in thoughtful silence, sipping their drinks, awaiting the return of the others. Rachel even found herself starting to doze off, the whisky easing the ache in her ribs but she forced herself to stay awake. She would not sleep until the rest of her family was back safely.

  They arrived an hour later, smelling vaguely of smoke and petrol.

  Leah jumped up to hug her dad, who cuddled her tightly before releasing her. She ran to her Aunty Jules next to hug her, then Jez and Battler.

  Ryan slumped onto the edge of the armchair beside Rachel.

  “Sorted?” was all she said.

  He nodded. “The warehouse is currently on fire, which was started by vandals.” He looked to Ashley. “We’ll need you to help make that the official line.”

  “I’ll certainly do my best. Are there any bodies to find?”

  “No. Accelerant was used. There’ll be nothing of the warehouse or anyone else by the time the fire’s put out.”

  Ashley sighed with relief. “I’m just glad it’s over.”

  Ryan nodded.

  Ashley handed out more drinks and refilled glasses, all of them sat together in weary silence, Brodie even nodding off in his chair. Ashley was delighted when Bianca snorted with laughter at the sight of Brodie’s head lolling onto his chest. He released a loud snore, making himself jump awake, as well as Cass, who had been dozing beside him.

  “You’re all welcome to crash here for the night,” said Rachel, struggling to keep her eyes open. “We’ve plenty of room.”

  “Aye hen, that might no’ be a bad idea,” said Brodie. He gestured from himself t
o Cass. “We’ve had a drink anyway, so we cannae drive.”

  Rachel looked to Ashley. “What did you tell your wife?”

  “That Bianca’s staying at her friend’s and I’m on the night shift.”

  “You want to stay the night?”

  “Yes please, that would be great.”

  “If you like Bianca, you can stay in Leah’s room.”

  “Yes please,” she said sweetly.

  “Ashley, that puts you on the couch.

  “Right now, that sounds wonderful,” he yawned.

  “Raven, would you like to stay?”

  She glanced at Jules, who gave her a sultry grin and she nodded. “Yes please.”

  “Don’t tell me…,” began Jez.

  “What?” frowned Jules.

  He sighed. “Nothing.”

  “You go to bed and rest,” Ryan told Rachel. “I’ll sort everything out.”

  “What about your arm?”

  “Just a scratch. Battler’s already said he’ll stitch it up.”

  She kissed him. “Thanks babe. I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.”

  Rachel slowly got to her feet with a grimace and after hugging her daughter she said to the room, “I’d like to thank you all for what you did for Leah and Bianca tonight. For some of you this wasn’t even personal but you went all out for us and I’ll always be grateful.”

  “As will I,” said Ryan.

  “And me,” added Ashley.

  Raven just nodded magnanimously while Brodie raised his wine glass. “Anytime hen. And here I was thinking Devon was boring.”

  She gave him a fond smile before limping out of the room and upstairs, pausing to hug Battler on her way out.

  Ryan organised everyone somewhere to sleep - Ashley on the couch in the lounge, Jez and Battler taking the spare bedrooms, Brodie in the boys’ room and Cass on the fold-out couch in his office. As Raven and Jules kept mooning over each other he put them in the annex outside, so no one would be disturbed by any strange noises coming from their room.

  “Are you seriously going to, you know, with her?” Jez whispered to his sister, nodding in Raven’s direction.

  “Yeah. Wouldn’t be the first time and it seems I’m not going to get Brodie or Cass into the sack.”


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