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Retribution Page 55

by Heather Atkinson

  “I need to go too,” said Raven. “I’ve got work to do.”

  “So soon?” said Jules, disappointed.

  She shrugged. “Sorry, I’ve got stuff to sort out.”

  Jules nodded in understanding. “Don’t forget, let me know if you need back-up.”

  “I will.”

  “And we need to go home soon,” Ashley told his daughter. “Before your mum realises something’s wrong.”

  “Oh,” said Bianca, looking to Leah.

  “You’re welcome to come round any time,” Rachel told Bianca, making her and Leah smile.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  “I’ll stay for a few more days if you can put up with me,” said Jules. “I could use a holiday.”

  “That would be great,” grinned Leah.

  Jules beamed at her.

  “I’ve got to get back too,” said Jez. “Before Cathy cuts my nuts off.”

  Bianca and Leah both sniggered into their hands.

  Everyone started gathering up their things. Raven was the first to leave, to Jez’s relief, pulling on her long black coat. “Thank you for having me,” she politely told Rachel.

  “No, thank you Raven,” said Rachel. “You helped get my daughter back. What do we owe you?”

  Raven held up her hand. “On the house. I was happy to help Jules’s family.”

  “Thank you,” said Rachel, although she got the impression Raven may well call in the debt in another way.

  Jules hugged her friend before thrusting her tongue down her throat, Ashley covering his daughter’s eyes with his hands. In a swirl of black, Raven left.

  Brodie and Cass were the next to depart.

  “Well it’s certainly been interesting down here in cream tea land,” said Brodie.

  Ryan extended his hand to him. “I know we haven’t always seen eye-to-eye but you carried my daughter out of that warehouse and for that I will always be grateful to you.”

  Brodie shook his hand. “You know, you’re no bad, for a criminal.”

  “Thanks,” said Ryan flatly.

  “We’ve already transferred the money to your account, as well as some extra,” said Rachel. “You both went all out for us and we appreciate that.” She looked to Cass. “You really had me going in there with that scared act.”

  “Sorry for worrying you but it put them off their guard.”

  “Cass’s speciality,” said Brodie. “One flash of those big brown eyes and men lose their heids.”

  The way Brodie and Cass smiled at each other told Rachel that Cass didn’t need to worry about other women.

  On his way out the door, Jules grabbed Brodie by the face and pressed her lips to his, Cass glaring at her. When Jules finally released him he gaped at her, a bit wobbly on his feet.

  “I just had to know what it was like,” she grinned.

  “You’ve Julesed him,” said Ryan as they watched Brodie walk on unsteady legs to his car, Cass walking alongside him, face set.

  “Nah, he’s tougher than that.”

  Just before he got into his car, Brodie looked back over his shoulder at Jules and winked.

  “Told you so,” she smiled.

  Jez left next, amid much hugs and thanks, a taxi taking him to the airport for his flight.

  Battler followed. “I’ve got to go. I’ve got a…date.”

  “A date?” smiled Rachel.

  “With Belle,” he said, blushing.

  “That’s wonderful. Good luck.”


  “Do you need any tips?” said Jules. “It must be a while since you went on a date. You don’t need to drag the woman about by her hair anymore.”

  Battler sighed and shook his head. “Good luck having her in your house for a few days,” he told Ryan and Rachel.

  “I know this great trick involving tapioca pudding and a cantaloupe,” she called as he headed out to his car, making him walk faster.

  “Tapioca pudding and a cantaloupe?” frowned Rachel.

  “I’ll tell you about it later,” she smiled. “Big brother will love it.”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” she said when he frowned.

  Bianca and Ashley were last, Leah hugging her friend while Ashley shook Ryan’s hand and kissed Rachel on the cheek. “I have no words,” he began, welling up with emotion.

  “It’s alright,” she said. “We understand.”

  “You know, I was so disapproving of what you did before but now I say you should keep it up.”

  “Seriously?” said Rachel.

  He nodded. “My lot couldn’t have got us out of that mess last night. It would have turned into a hostage situation that would more than likely have gone bad for them,” he said, nodding at Leah and Bianca, who were chatting away. “Reid and his friends would have been arrested, tried and perhaps released early or even let off, like David Hughes. I’ve seen it happen before. Your way real justice is dispensed and because of you my little girl will be safe. I suppose I’m trying to say I’ve got your backs. You could use someone on the inside.”

  “Thanks,” said Ryan, stunned by this turn of events.

  Ashley nodded and extended his arm to Bianca. “Come on sweetheart, we need to get home.”

  “She understands she can’t tell anyone about this?” whispered Rachel.

  Ashley nodded. “But I think she and Leah will get each other through it.”

  “I think so too,” smiled Rachel as she watched the two girls hug.

  Rachel, Ryan, Leah and Jules gathered in the doorway to watch them leave. When they’d gone Ryan shut the door, surprised by how quiet the house was.

  “Who wants to go out and do something exciting?” said Jules.

  Ryan smiled. Scratch that. Things were never quiet with his sister around.

  “Oh bloody hell,” said Mikey when Jez walked into their office at the bungalow.

  “Well that’s sodding charming.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that but I was hoping Jules would be with you and you can’t tell me off anymore because we’re both single.”

  “I wouldn’t bother, I haven’t got the energy,” he yawned.

  “How’s everyone in Devon?” he asked with a frown. “Is Leah okay?”

  “Yeah, she’ll be fine. That’s one tough girl. Like her parents.”

  “I hope they get some bloody peace for a while,” said Mikey. “It boils my piss how much shit they’ve been through.”

  “Hey, I hear you,” he yawned again. “Have you seen Amber since you chucked her out?”

  Mikey related the story of her turning up dressed to the nines and Jez shook his head. “I bet it’s not the last time she tries something like that.”

  “Probably not but she can fuck right off.”


  “Still in hospital wrapped in plaster.”

  “Good. Idiot. You sure we shouldn’t top him? We could send Mark?”

  “And if I say no?”

  “I’ll accept that. He’s your cousin. The final decision is yours.”

  “Does it make me weak that I don’t want to kill him?”

  “No it makes you human and it reassures me that I have a business partner with a conscience.”

  “I appreciate you leaving it to me and no, I think we should leave him alone. He’s suffering enough, especially after Amber tore his heart out.”

  “No worries. Any news on the Katia front?”

  “Yes actually. I managed to find a copper in Essex in the station dealing with Slattery’s murder who’s skint and willing to give me information.”

  “They should pay their officers better. And?”

  “Sadly it seems Katia and Hayden are going to get away with it. Apparently there are two dozen witnesses willing to testify they were in a nightclub at the time.”

  “Jammy bastards. Still, that must have cost them a lot of cash to cover all those witnesses.”

  “Plus Robbie Jordan died while being transported to a secure location. H
e had his throat cut but of course no one saw anything. With their prime witness dead the case against Hayden collapsed, unfortunately.”

  “This is getting worrying. Katia wields a lot of power now.”

  “And one day she’ll feel confident enough to take us on, only she won’t do it head on like Jared, she’ll do it insidiously.”

  “Probably but we’ll see her off, like we have all the others.”

  Mikey just nodded, worried that one day their luck would run out.

  Beth anxiously watched as her mum led a subdued Archie into the living room. She, Riley, Archie and Holly had all assembled to welcome him home and they regarded him warily, not sure what to expect after his sojourn away.

  “Did you have a nice time at Grandma’s?” said Beth.

  Archie nodded. “Yes thank you.”

  “He’s been such a good boy,” said her mum. “No trouble at all.”

  This didn’t surprise Beth. He was always good for her mum. “Thanks for having him.”

  “Anytime.” The atmosphere was awkward, so she decided to excuse herself and let them get on with it. “Right, well, I’ll see you all later then.”

  After she’d gone an uncomfortable silence filled the room. Beth hugged her son, surprised when he clung onto her.

  “I’m sorry Mum,” he whispered.

  She was astonished when he started to cry and not out of anger or malice either.

  He burst into huge wracking sobs and Riley ushered Holly and Alfie upstairs to their rooms. However he waited just in the next room, in case this was a trick on Archie’s part. He hoped not.

  “I was so sad at Gran’s,” wept Archie, clinging onto his mum. “I didn’t like being away from you all. Please don’t send me away again.”

  “I didn’t want to do it sweetie but you seemed so unhappy here. I thought you needed some time away from us.”

  “At first I was so angry with you. Then I was sad. I wanted to be here.”

  “I’m so sorry, I didn’t want you to be sad,” she said, tears forming in her own eyes.

  “I’m not angry at the baby anymore,” he said, straightening up to look her in the eye. “I will always look after her and protect her. She’s going to be so small, she’ll need protecting.”

  “Thank you sweetheart,” she said, a tear trailing down her cheek. “I think that’s wonderful.” Her little boy was feeling real emotion again, something she’d thought was gone forever for him. She wished she’d sent him to stay at her mum’s months ago.

  Beth kept cradling him to her until he’d tired himself out with crying and his tears dried up.

  “I’m thirsty,” he said, sitting up.

  “Come on, let’s get you a drink. I got more of your favourite juice.”

  The smile he gave her actually reached his eyes. “Thank you.”

  She took his hand and led him into the kitchen where Riley waited. Archie gazed up at him, eyes wide and earnest.

  “Sorry Riley.”

  “It’s okay,” he said, hugging him. “As long as you’ve learnt your lesson?”

  He nodded eagerly. “I have. I’ll love and protect the baby because she’ll be so small. I was angry at her before but now that’s gone.”

  “I’m very glad to hear it,” he replied. For the first time since he’d known the boy, he seemed to be being honest.

  Archie actually smiled up at him. “Do you want to play on the X-Box?”

  “Yes, that sounds fun,” he smiled.

  “We can ask Alfie and Holly to join in too. I promise I won’t get angry and throw the controller.”

  “That’s great Archie.”

  Riley and Beth beamed at each other as Archie led the way back into the lounge, missing the way his cheery smile fell and the ice returned to his eyes. He hadn’t lied, he wasn’t angry at the baby anymore. Instead all that rage was aimed at Riley and his mum. He couldn’t do anything about it just yet, he was going to have to be good for a while. But one day he’d get them back for sending him away.


  Jules returned to Manchester feeling much restored after her sojourn in Devon. Leah was recovering very well from her trauma with the help of her new best friend, Bianca and Rachel’s ribs were almost healed. However Ryan was going around with a haunted look, constantly on the alert, expecting someone else to attack them. It was exhausting watching him and she hoped it was only temporary because that sort of thing ate away at a person.

  First of all, she found a house she liked, at a reasonable distance from Jackson and Cara but still close enough so she could visit when the day came that Cara welcomed her back into her life.

  Next she went shopping to arrange some proper furniture for herself, enjoying picking it out, putting her stamp on the place. She picked a pretty pink bed for one of the spare rooms, ready for Cara. She was determined to be optimistic about her future with her daughter.

  She then headed over to the bungalow where she found all the men gathered, minus Declan of course, enjoying the way Mikey’s eyes sparkled when she joined them at the table.

  There wasn’t much to discuss, just the usual drug runs and debt collecting. Everything was quiet since the Declan debacle, although Jules was disappointed to learn that her plan to bring down Katia had failed.

  When Shane, Mark and Grant had been given their duties and had left, Jez excused himself and returned to the office, leaving Mikey and Jules alone.

  “It’s good to have you back,” said Mikey, remaining in his seat at the head of the table.

  “It’s good to be back.”

  “So you’ve done the right thing coming home?”


  “And did Devon help you get your head straight?”

  “It did. I know I need a break from relationships for a while.”

  “Oh,” he said, looking down at his hands.

  “I need to concentrate on getting my daughter back.”

  “Yeah, I understand,” he mumbled.

  “I’m sorry, it wouldn’t be fair of me to lead you on.”

  He smiled humourlessly. “It’s ironic that now we’re both single I feel further away from you than ever.”

  Jules winced and looked down at her nails, picking at them. “You’re not far from me Mikey. I’ve just been to hell and back.”

  He nodded, trying to be understanding but it was difficult when she was everything he wanted, so close yet still so bloody far away. He got to his feet.

  “Where are you going?” she said.

  “Out. Stuff to do and all that.”

  As he walked by her she reached out to touch his hand. “Don’t run out on me,” she said softly.

  “I’m not…just…stuff to do,” he said before hurrying from the room.

  Jules sighed and leaned back in her chair, hating herself for hurting him again. As there wasn’t much to do she said her goodbyes to Jez and headed over to the tattoo studio.

  Anita was run off her feet so Jules stepped in and did two piercings and a small swallow tattoo on some tart’s ankle. It was work she could have done with her eyes closed but it felt good to be back in the saddle.

  Feeling more upbeat, she returned to her new home just in time for the delivery of her furniture. After directing the delivery drivers where to put everything she slumped onto her brand new and very comfy sofa and found her thoughts straying back to Mikey.

  “Stop it,” she told herself.

  To distract herself, she picked up the book on Mesoamerican history and attempted to bury herself in it. However this time it wasn’t her poor level of concentration that meant she reread the same page four times, it was him.

  With a sigh she cast the book aside and picked up her sketch pad and pencil. Someone had booked in for a tattoo of an American Indian on their arm and had asked her to do the design. Idly she sketched the figure, replete with long flowing black hair and bulging muscles. She liked American Indians, she thought them beautiful. When she’d finished she tutted. Rather than the traditiona
l, delicate features, her American Indian had Mikey’s face. The corner of her mouth lifted into a smile. The headdress suited him but she didn’t think her client would be very pleased to have Mikey Maguire’s face on her arm.

  She couldn’t escape him anymore. Now she’d split up with Jackson it was as though some block had been removed and now Mikey haunted her thoughts.

  “Sod it,” she said, leaping to her feet.

  Jules flung on her jacket, pulled on her boots and snatched up the keys to her motorbike.

  Mikey had never thought his life as a gangster would involve so much paperwork but it did. His legal businesses had to be very carefully monitored to ensure they brought in enough money to cover the cushy lifestyle he led. It was a delicate balancing act and one he was pretty good at that ensured the police were kept at arm’s length. This balancing act was more vital than ever because he was quite sure DI Dwyer was far from finished with him.

  He sighed and tossed the pen aside. This could wait but he was putting off going home. The boys were spending time with Amber’s parents. He wasn’t sure she herself would even be there, by all accounts she was spending a lot of her time going out and getting pissed. He might loathe Joyce and Ken but at least they were capable of looking after his sons properly. But he didn’t like going back to an empty house. All his dreams of a happy, cosy family life like Jez and Ryan had seemed like a foolish dream. He was alone at the bungalow, Jez had left hours ago to spend time with his family, the lucky sod but at least here he could focus on his work. Going home to stare at the television screen would just be depressing.

  Maybe he should go to a nightclub? He’d loved clubbing when he was younger but when he’d settled down with Amber he’d grown up and partying had lost its appeal. He could go out and pick up a woman who might be able to take his mind off Jules for five minutes.

  “Sod it,” he said, getting to his feet and pulling on his suit jacket. He was off to get tanked and hopefully enjoy some meaningless sex. It was almost a relief when he heard the door go.


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