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Retribution Page 57

by Heather Atkinson

  “This,” she said.

  With that she shoved everything on his desk onto the floor.

  “Hey,” he said. “It took me ages to get it how I liked it.”

  Jules rolled her eyes. “Pull the pole out of your arse. If you want to be with me you have to have some stamina.” She glanced down his body and smiled. “I see you already have. This bodes very well for us.”

  Grinning, he peeled off his trousers, boxers, socks and shoes in record time and raced up to her, intent on throwing her down on the desk. But she dodged his attempt to grab her and instead he found himself thrown down on the desk onto his back.

  “You are so fucking exciting,” he exclaimed as she leapt on top of him.

  She kicked off the lamp, which had survived her first onslaught and it fell to the floor with a smash.

  “I liked that lamp,” he said.

  “It was in my way.”

  She kissed his stomach, her tongue leading a trail over the ripple of his abdominal muscles, up to his chest, Mikey writhing and groaning beneath her. He was even more excited when he realised she still had the knife sheaths strapped to her wrists.

  “Why are you still wearing this?” he demanded, pulling off her bra and casting it aside, freeing her breasts. He gazed up at her. “I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you.”

  Her grey eyes softened and she shivered with pleasure as his hands traced the pattern of the snake up her thigh, around her waist and up to her shoulder.

  “Do you like Venom?” she said.

  “Course I do. She’s part of you.”

  “Soppy sod,” she said, although she was smiling.

  She grabbed his arms by the wrists and pressed them back onto the desk, Mikey’s heart pounding as her eyes burned into him. In one smooth movement she took him inside her, Mikey groaning with satisfaction. Finally he felt fulfilled.

  He picked up the clock that kept knocking against her right leg and hurled it across the room where it smashed against the wall.

  “It was in your way,” he smiled up at her.

  She tossed back her hair and laughed with delight, her body continuing to undulate on top of his.


  Jez walked into the office at the bungalow and froze, gaping at the carnage. Mikey’s desk had been destroyed, everything that had been sitting on it now on the floor, items had been smashed and there were dents in the wall. He would have thought it was to do with Tom sneaking in last night, which Shane had already told him about, to Jez’s consternation because now their stronghold had been breached again it meant another move to a safer location. But right now that wasn’t his primary concern. He was more troubled by the clothing that had been discarded, tossed about the room in wild abandon. How dare Mikey bring a woman back here? No strangers in their headquarters. Not even their wives were allowed. That was their golden rule.

  He stormed towards the bedroom across the hall and shoved open the door.

  Jez’s anger evaporated when he saw Mikey and Jules curled around each other, fast asleep. He held her close, her head tucked into his chest. Thankfully they were both under the duvet so he didn’t have to see his sister and best friend naked together. Somehow the scene looked right.

  Quietly he closed the door and crept back across the hall to his office.

  “Hey Boss,” grinned Shane, twirling a pair of black panties around one finger. “Look what I found.”

  “They’re my sister’s,” he said, stony-faced.


  Jez nodded.

  “Oh,” he said, letting them drop, blushing.

  “Let’s go.”


  “Anywhere but here. We’re leaving them to it.”

  Something disturbed Mikey, a sound, perhaps a door closing but when he listened he couldn’t hear anything so he assumed he’d imagined it. Instead he turned his attention to Jules, asleep in his arms. He couldn’t believe it. After all this time, finally he had her.

  Gently he ran his fingers through her hair, not wanting her to wake up just yet because he wanted to watch her sleep and enjoy the warmth of her naked body against his. He was afraid that when she woke she’d say it had all been a mistake and would never happen again. Finally that ache inside him had been satisfied, as though a piece of himself that had been missing all these years had come home. Finally he was at peace. It was a heady, almost overpowering sensation and if he lost her now he’d be left a broken man.

  He held his breath when she stirred, those mesmerising grey eyes rolling open. Her lips curled into a smile and she kissed him. Mikey clung onto her, groaning into her mouth, so relieved she wasn’t going to do a runner.

  “Morning sexy,” she grinned.

  “Morning beautiful. Sleep well?”

  “Mmmm, very. I’m well rested and ready for more,” she said, sliding her leg across his waist.

  “You’re insatiable.”

  “Pretty much, yeah. Think you can keep up?”

  “Oh yeah. Ow,” he exclaimed when she slapped him sharply on the backside.

  “Surely you’ve not forgotten that I have certain…proclivities?”

  “How could I forget?”

  “What I like goes beyond the usual spanking and ‘ooh you’ve been a naughty boy,’ shite. I like full on S and M.”

  “I admit, I’ve never got into that but I’m willing to give it a go.”

  “Great. Don’t worry, I’ll ease you into it. I’m a very good teacher.”

  “I’ll bet but I’m telling you now, I won’t be put on the end of a leash and I definitely will not strangle you.”

  She pressed herself against him. “Looks like you’ve got the dominating thing already down,” she said, sliding her hand down his body, Mikey gasping when her hand wrapped around his length. “But I haven’t done the strangling thing for ages. I don’t need it anymore.”

  “Good,” he said as he slid inside her. “Christ, we fit together so well.”

  “Tell me about it,” she moaned, pressing her hips to his.

  “So we’re doing this?” he said.

  “Feels like it,” she replied as he thrust into her again.

  “I mean us…together…relationship,” he panted.

  “You want to discuss this now?” she exclaimed.

  He pushed her onto her back, thrusting into her again before going still. “I’m not moving again until you give me an answer.”

  “You’re kidding?” she cried, digging her nails into his buttocks, encouraging him deeper.

  “Not. Until. I get. An answer,” he said through a tense jaw, sweat breaking out on his forehead as he fought the urge to plunge into her repeatedly.

  “You’re torturing me.”

  “I’m torturing myself too. Answer me.”

  “Yes, course we are. Now fuck me.”

  “I’ve dreamed of hearing those words for so long,” he said before thrusting up into her.

  Gerard sat nervously drumming his fingers off the tabletop as he waited for Ryan Law to enter the room. Already he was five minutes late and he was sure he was doing it on purpose. The sweat poured off him, despite how chilly the room was. His plan had gone spectacularly wrong. He’d waited and waited, obsessively tuning into the local news whenever he could, waiting to hear word of the Laws’ demise but it had never happened. At first he’d thought Reid had played him for a fool, taking his money while doing sod all in return. Then had come news of the fire at the warehouse where Reid had said he would lure the Laws to. His worst fears had been realised when he’d been told Ryan Law was paying him a visit. Not only was the bastard still alive but he’d gained access to the prison without Gerard sending him a visiting order, which just went to prove how much clout he had.

  Gerard jumped when the door swung open and Ryan walked in, alive and well, his turbulent grey eyes full of murder. The guard closed the door, leaving the two of them alone and Gerard wished he’d come back.

  Ryan sat before him, crossing one leg over the
other. How did such a big, hard bastard have so much elegance?

  “As you can see,” opened Ryan. “Your pathetic plan to have Reid and his friends kill me and my family failed miserably.”

  “Reid?” he said, deciding feigning ignorance was the only option he had. “You mean the lad you came to ask me about? What’s he got to do with anything?”

  “Oh please, I don’t have time for your wretched excuses. Don’t embarrass yourself. Reid told us everything.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Ryan’s gaze was contemptuous. “I don’t need you to admit anything. I already have everything I need to pass sentence on you.”

  With that, he got to his feet.

  “Wait,” exclaimed Gerard. “What do you mean, sentence?” He jumped when an alarm sounded. That meant there was trouble somewhere in the prison.

  “That’ll be your friend Brian,” said Ryan before banging on the door.

  “Brian? What’s happened to him? Tell me,” he cried, shooting to his feet but unable to get anywhere because his hands were cuffed to the table.

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” was all Ryan said. The door opened and he stalked out, the door slamming shut behind him with an ominous clang.

  Gerard jumped when a minute later the door opened again and the guard walked in.

  “Come on, back to your cell,” said the guard bad-temperedly.

  “Wait, it’s recreation time,” he said, for some reason not wanting to go back to his cell when usually it was his haven from the other inmates.

  “Prison’s in lockdown,” he said as he uncuffed him from the table and hauled him to his feet by his arm.


  “Brian Crossly was just found in his cell, stabbed to death.”

  The news hit Gerard with the impact of a ten ton truck. “No,” he said, tears filling his eyes. “Brian can’t be dead.”

  “Well he is. Messy it was too, blood all up the walls. He tried to put up a struggle but obviously he met someone bigger and harder than him.” The guard’s eyes filled with malicious pleasure. “Not for the first time either.”

  “Brian,” wailed Gerard, tears and snot running down his face, making the guard grimace.

  As he was led back to his cell the deafening wail finally went silent. All the other prisoners were back in their cells, the only sound Gerard weeping.

  “Here we go,” said the guard, pushing open his cell door to reveal four glowering prisoners.

  “No,” said Gerard, trying to back away but the guard twisted his arm painfully up his back.

  “One of your victims was the son of my best mate,” the guard spat in his ear. “He’s just been checked into a loony bin because what you and your sicko friends did to his boy broke him. In you go,” he snarled, shoving him inside.

  Gerard staggered and fell onto all fours, the four men gathering round him. He glanced back at the door but it was already closed. He looked up at the men. “Please don’t kill me,” he whimpered.

  “This is what happens when you fuck with the Laws,” said one of the men, raising the shank, the blade still caked with the blood of his best and only friend.

  “No,” cried Gerard as he was flipped onto his back and held down by three of the men, the fourth looming over him with the shank, licking his lips with pleasure.

  As Ryan strolled through the gates of the prison, the alarm set up its wail for the second time. His lips curled into a grim smile, the weight that had pressed down on him since Leah had been kidnapped finally lifting.


  Cathy beamed as she watched her family gathered together. Ryan and Rachel and their kids had come up from Devon to join them for the festivities and they were eagerly handing out presents. She noticed Leah was more subdued after her episode but otherwise she seemed okay, seriously discussing her favourite bands with Alfie, who had gone down the same route as his cousin, both in their black clothes, hair dyed black. Inwardly Cathy laughed as she recalled the moment Jez had noticed the black nail varnish on Alfie’s fingers and had gaped in horror.

  Archie was sitting with his mum, eagerly watching her bottle-feed Ellie, his new sister, handing her a cloth to wipe the milk that dribbled down the baby’s chin. To everyone’s surprise, Archie doted on his little sister, he could even get quite jealous when anyone else paid her attention, unless it was his mum or Riley. He was even behaving much better at home, his temper calming down. It seemed Ellie was exactly the soothing balm he needed to help him deal with his rage and pain. He was still a long way from the boy he used to be but they’d accepted that boy was gone and was never coming back. He was also still quite hostile to the other children, especially Ethan. The two boys had been casting glares at each other all day, Aaron moving to stand beside his brother in silent support. Cathy had noticed both Rachel and Beth looking from Archie to Ethan with identical worried frowns and she knew exactly what they were thinking - that they hoped history didn’t repeat itself.

  This aside, everyone was enjoying themselves and having a good time, a vast improvement on last year’s festivities.

  Mikey sat in an armchair, Jules practically on his lap, their arms wrapped around each other. Their relationship had quickly gone from strength to strength, so much so that they’d bought a house together and moved in a few weeks ago. Cathy smiled when Zach toddled up to Jules and handed her a drawing he’d done of her. Jules beamed and pulled him onto her knee for a cuddle. Jules, who had so desperately wanted more children had become a mother to Josh and Zach, their biological mother losing interest in them as soon as her divorce to Mikey had been finalised. Amber saw her sons sporadically at best and she was spending Christmas at the villa in Cyprus with her parents, none of whom were interested in spending any time with the boys. Josh and Zach didn’t mind because they were surrounded by loving family. Zach in particular barely seemed to remember Amber.

  Cara, as everyone had prophesised, had come round to her mother gradually and stayed with her a couple of nights a week, although her permanent home was still with Jackson and Cindy, who had had a baby boy together, called Brandon. They’d married soon after his birth. Jules hadn’t minded, her relationship with Mikey was far too strong and Cathy thought everyone was finally with who they were supposed to be. Plus Cara got on very well with Josh and Zach and thought of them as brothers.

  “Our turn now?” said Jules excitedly when Ryan and Rachel had finished handing out their presents.

  “Be my guest,” smiled Ryan.

  “Here’s yours big bruv,” she said, tossing him an object wrapped in silver paper.

  Ryan caught it and smiled as he opened it. “Paleolithic history.”

  Jez rolled his eyes. “Help, I’m falling into a coma.” He looked appalled when he realised what he’d said. “I’m sorry Jules, I didn’t mean…I just meant that only Ryan could like a present like that…and you too.”

  “That’s alright you div,” she grinned. She looked to her older brother. “Next challenge,” she said cheerfully.

  “I look forward to kicking your backside again,” he said, opening up the book.

  “We’ll see. My concentration’s much sharper now so prepare to be pummelled.”

  “I’m prepared,” he said with a good humoured smile.

  Cathy sipped her wine and smiled as Jules and Mikey handed out more presents, Leah squealing with delight when she opened up the beautiful floor length black dress composed of black lace. Her family was happy once again. Everything was as it should be. Hopefully this time the peace would last.

  Katia walked into her jewellery shop the day after New Year’s Day, bright with happiness. She’d had a lovely Christmas with Hayden and the boys and she was relaxed and full of energy, looking forward to getting back to work. They were intent on pushing their influence further into London. There were some very strong crews down that way and she knew she couldn’t overcome them all but she could do business with them. She was renowned for making people
money, so she had crews clamouring to work with her.

  The door went ten minutes after she’d opened up and in strode a short, fragile-looking woman with masses of curly red hair. Katia new exactly who she was, she’d seen enough photos of her kissing Mikey’s stupid cousin. However, why she was here she couldn’t think and she was torn between fury and amusement at her impertinence.

  “What do you want?” glowered Katia.

  Amber was nervous. It was a calculated risk coming here. For all she knew Katia could use her as a hostage or maybe even just kill her. “Payback.”

  Katia’s hand slowly slid round to the back of her skirt where she’d secreted a small knife in a sheath. “On who?”

  “My husband. Or rather, ex-husband.”

  Katia let her hand drop. “Mikey divorced you?”

  She nodded miserably. “He’s shacked up with his own cousin, the sick bastard.”

  “Declan?” she frowned.

  Amber resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Jules, the fucking filthy, loudmouthed slag.”

  Katia wanted to laugh out loud. That was priceless but she kept her poker face. “So you think I can help you get revenge?”

  Amber nodded and prepared to play her ace up her sleeve, knowing it was the best way to get Katia onside. “I come to you as a mother. He won’t let me see my boys. He’s taken my children from me, just like he took yours.” She smiled inwardly when Katia’s eyes widened with homicidal fire.

  “What do you propose?”

  “I live in Manchester, I can get access to Mikey.”

  “Even though he is with the slag?”

  “Yes. I’ll give you what you need to bring Mikey down and Jules too.”

  “And what do you want in return?”

  Her eyes darkened. “Both of them dead.”

  “You really want the father of your children to be killed?”

  “Yes because he’s a complete bastard who destroyed my life,” she shrieked.

  Katia thought she was one egg short of a basket, as Hayden sometimes said but she wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Here might be the way she got her deal with Toni McVay. She noticed Amber’s eyes greedily flicking over the jewellery. Katia was more than willing to furnish her with some trinkets if it got her what she wanted. “Why don’t you come in and we can discuss things in more detail?” She produced a bottle of champagne. “Over a glass of bubbly.”


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