Free from Guilt

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Free from Guilt Page 4

by Pat Simmons

  “Yikes.” Parke responded and gritted his teeth. “Samuel’s first family that lived in Hartford?”

  “Yes, and from what Denise told me, her oldest brother is deceased. He was killed in a car accident a few years after Samuel died. He was drunk at the time.”

  Malcolm whistled. “Man.”

  “Although I think her timing is off, Denise is here now and you two need to deal with her,” Cameron said.

  “What do you mean, us two?” Parke frowned, as if to intimidate Cameron like he did when they were younger. “You’re the lead genealogist in the family. I’m surprised you’re not recording her information on your iPhone for the archives. Plus, you’re closer to Ace than we are. More importantly, we need you to run interference with Kidd.”

  Chuckling, Cameron stood. “You’re on your own, big brother. Right now, I’m in need of first aid. I was wounded, remember? Come on, I’ll introduce you.”

  When the three made it to the table where their newly discovered cousin was chatting away with another woman, Cameron kept his eyes on Gabrielle the entire time. Sitting across the table, she was preoccupied with a group of men vying for her attention.

  “Excuse me, Denise. These are my older brothers, Parke and Malcolm. You three should talk and work out the details.”

  Assuming they would take it from there, Cameron stalked over to the other side of the table to address his competitors. Gabrielle finally glanced up and acknowledged him. The snapshot of her smile arrested his heart and caused him to stumble. But his recovery was swift. Besides her striking beauty, there was something about her that attracted him to her.

  Clearing his throat, he made his presence known. Then, extending his hand to each of the men, he introduced himself. “Cameron Jamieson, the groom’s cousin and best friend. And you are?” Without waiting for an answer, he dismissed them one by one.

  “You don’t mind if I steal her, do you?” It wasn’t a question as he reached for her hand and slightly tugged her away from the male admirers.

  Frowning, she followed willingly. “What’s the matter? Is it still stinging?”

  “Actually, I feel better. You should have been a nurse. I’m curious about what you did.” Cameron looked around for two nearby seats that had been abandoned. Without releasing her hand, he pulled out one for her before he took the other.

  “I should’ve been a lot of things.” She shrugged. “I would never intentionally hurt someone without knowing the antidote to help them.”

  “What? That defeats the purpose.”

  “That man was drunk, but forceful. The only thing I wanted was to subdue him. I admit that the Mace was overkill. I should have called for security to handle him or ask someone nearby to intervene.”

  As far as Cameron was concerned, if he got a man down, the brother was down for the count. Before the conversation could advance, Talise took to the microphone and started singing “Single Ladies.” Cameron huffed. He was not getting a break with trying to hold Gabrielle’s attention.

  The women in the room jumped to their feet, singing along and lifting their hands in the air.

  “It’s time for the bouquet toss, ladies,” Talise announced.

  Women seemed to come from every direction toward the dance floor. Gabrielle sat back and crossed her legs. It didn’t appear as though she was going to budge.

  Relaxing in his seat, Cameron crossed his ankle over his knee. That was a good sign. He smirked in satisfaction. “Aren’t you going up there?”


  “Really? Why not? Are you married or engaged?” While waiting for her to answer, Cameron mentally summed up her status. Without a ring, Gabrielle Dupree was fair game. Let the best man win her heart.

  “Neither. I’m sitting this one out. I think Talise has her mind set on who she’ll aim the flowers toward.”


  “Her mother-in-law.”

  Sandra? Cameron swallowed. He forgot all about Ace’s mother. How would she factor in if the extended families were to meet? How would she feel about coming face-to-face with the other two women who bore children by the same man?

  Refocus, idiot, he heard his heart say.

  “So you don’t want Talise to be your matchmaker, huh? She may have someone special in mind. As a matter of fact, I happen to be acquainted with this real nice guy who knows how to treat a lady.”

  “I already have a matchmaker,” she said, trying to ignore him.

  That got his attention. “Yeah, who?”

  “The Lord Jesus Christ. I’m waiting on Him,” she said smugly.

  Oh. Cameron wanted to laugh, but Gabrielle didn’t blink. God? She couldn’t be serious. Whenever people say they were waiting on the Lord, he always felt it was a cop-out for them not to aggressively work for what they wanted.

  “God gave me a free will to pick and choose who and what I want. I plan to exercise that right.”

  Disappointment registered on her face. “That’s too bad, because I’ll take a recommendation from the Lord any day. I happen to believe that Jesus gives the best of the best—and I want the best.”

  “I’m not trying to sound cocky—”

  “Then don’t,” Gabrielle cut him off.

  Cameron wasn’t expecting that. He had never come up against a strong-willed woman who didn’t appreciate his attention. Okay, there were a few. If the theory held true that opposites attract, then there was no hope to pursue her. But he was too curious to let it go.

  “What is it about me that you don’t find appealing?”

  Evading another one of his bothersome questions, Gabrielle stood. “You know, I’ve changed my mind. Maybe I will get in on the bouquet toss.” She grinned sarcastically. “After all, I should take the initiative to meet my mate. Excuse me.”

  Frowning, Cameron rubbed his shaved head. Confused and insulted is how he felt. He possessed three degrees, carried a distinguished title, and was rather good-looking, so he had been told. Yet he was dumbfounded on how to get this woman to consent to one date with him.

  Chapter Four

  I’m so happy for you and Ace. You’ve truly been blessed with one of God’s best men. For me, the ceremony was the most romantic scene since I watched Jumping the Broom. And you know how many times I saw that movie at the theatre, on DVD, and on cable.” Gabrielle practically gushed at Talise, as she gently rocked her sleeping goddaughter in her arms.

  It was Monday afternoon and all of the guests had returned home, except Gabrielle. During an extended stay, she was enjoying some quiet time, lounging in the nursery of her friend’s new home.

  Talise laughed. “Yes, I know. Look out, Jane Austen, Gabrielle Dupree is about to form a Jumping the Broom club.”

  Sticking out her tongue, Gabrielle said with a grin, “I just might.”

  Talise had ordered Gabrielle to stay with her until Gabrielle returned to Boston on Tuesday afternoon. On Sunday, Denise had reluctantly flown back home to her family in Connecticut. Although she had been ecstatic about meeting both of her half brothers, Denise was disheartened that she didn’t get a chance to meet Kidd. Somehow, he had managed to avoid an introduction at the reception.

  Gabrielle did introduce her to Talise and Ace, who promised to rectify Kidd’s evasion at a future time. “Hopefully, it will be in the near future,” she commented, while expressing her disappointment.

  As the girl chat continued, Talise attempted to snoop into Gabrielle’s personal life. They were waiting for Gabrielle’s big brother, Drexel, to drive down from Springfield, Illinois, to spend the evening with her. Drexel, professionally known as Judge Dupree, would then turn around and drive the two-hour trip back. He was scheduled to appear in court the next day to preside over pending cases.

  Cleverly, Gabrielle turned the conversation back to Talise’s romantic story. “Girl, I am so in love with that man,” Talise declared, as she shook her head. “It’s just God. I couldn’t see me forgiving Ace after the way he deserted me.”

  “It was all a big
misunderstanding.” Gabrielle summed up her friend’s romance with a deep sigh. “Sometimes God allows us to get to the lowest point in our lives and then He pulls us up. Praise the Lord for happy endings.”

  “Yes, praise Jesus for joy.” Talise lifted her hands in the air. “Besides his mom and Cameron, you were about the only one who had faith in Ace. My roommate was ready to strangle him, my daddy wanted to shoot him in the leg, and my sister wanted to have a one-on-one prayer meeting with him.”

  “I remember.” Just then, Lauren made a sucking sound with her lips. Gabriele glanced down and smiled at the sleeping infant. “She’s so beautiful.”

  Talise beamed. “Yep, Mr. Jamieson and I did good.”

  “Yes, you two did. Oh, and I can’t believe you really did aim that bouquet at your mother-in-law. It landed right in her hands.”

  “I know. How amazing was that? I saw a few of the guys checking Sandra out too.” She squinted. “But maybe I should have thrown it to you. That might have been even more interesting. I noticed you had an entourage snooping behind you, including my cousin-in-law.”

  “Oh, no, we are not going there,” Gabrielle warned. “Back to your mother-in-law, Sandra is beautiful and graceful. I’m surprised she’s never been married. She is to be commended for rearing her sons single-handedly. Wow.”

  “I know, but you taught me that God doesn’t have a limit on blessings. I have so much respect for her. Without even knowing if I was carrying Ace’s child, she reached out to me. Then, when that minister from her church was interested in me, she kept her peace. I don’t know if I could have done that. What a Christian role model.” Talise became quiet for a moment and then perked up. “Now, I’ve got to get you hitched.”

  “Ha! Get in line. You, my parents, and my brothers … but God has the best track record. I’m waiting for His candidate before I tie the knot.”

  Gabrielle hoped that would put an end to Talise’s scheming for the moment. In an attempt to further divert her friend’s attention, she took an interest in checking out the colorful nursery. Bright cartoon murals against soft pink walls accented the white juvenile furniture. But the pile of stuffed animals filling up an entire corner seemed like overkill for one child.

  As much as she wanted to dismiss her interest in Cameron, the subject of finding the right man continued to gnaw away at Gabrielle. Having an opportunity to share her desires with her close friend, she couldn’t resist expressing her thoughts. So Gabrielle picked the subject back up, “Besides being a man who’s willing to submit to God, he has to be romantic.”

  “If Cameron is anything like Ace, then you’ve got a winner in that area.”

  “I don’t need a word from the Lord to know your arrogant cousin-in-law is not the one for me,” Gabrielle pushed back.

  “Why not?” Talise pouted. “Cameron is fine, he’s highly educated—”

  “And arrogant. His education credentials were practically the second thing that spilled out of his mouth. Like all those degrees impress me. My parents have a few plaques of mine hanging on their walls too, but that shouldn’t be the centerpiece of a conversation. Humph.”

  Gabrielle gently played with the baby’s fingers. “Where some women want a man with a high-paying job, I want a man who knows Jesus. Unfortunately, it seems like that pool of available candidates is shrinking.” She sighed deeply.

  “I know.” Talise shrugged. “But I still say that Cameron might be a good candidate. I’ve heard the Jamiesons have been working on him for years, and I’ve learned firsthand how persuasive they can be. He happens to be the last holdout. What you call arrogant, I call confident. He’s a good guy and he loves family. Besides, he has a good job,” Talise defended before she summed up his biggest dilemma. “As his oldest brother puts it, Cameron has too much worldly sense to understand the simplicity of God’s plan of salvation.”

  Gabrielle interjected, “The Bible says, ‘For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s sight.’” She felt genuine pity for the man.

  Talise grinned. “I miss how you whip out those Scriptures. Okay, tell me where that one is located.”

  “Not only read your Bible, Talise, study it. That’s 1 Corinthians 3:19.” Gabrielle adjusted the baby in her arms. Pushing back, she caused the rocking chair to sway. “The bottom line with any man is—looks fade and companies go out of business—but God’s Word never changes. He wants to save us from our self-righteous selves. That sounds like a simple formula that even a double-, triple-, or quadruple-degreed man could understand.”

  As a nursery rhyme played gently in the background, they sat quietly, lost in their own thoughts. A few minutes later, Ace tapped on the door before opening it. “Mrs. Jamieson, do you want me to take over babysitting duties while you and Gabrielle have lunch?”

  Talise shook her head and whispered, “She’s asleep. Plus, Gabrielle’s brother is coming to get her.”

  “I can still hold her. I’m on a conference call the rest of the afternoon, so I have to get my time in when I can,” he whispered back. Stepping farther in the room, he brushed a kiss in Talise’s hair. Gabrielle stood and handed over Lauren to him.

  Gabrielle smiled as she watched Ace gently cradle his daughter in his arms and sit in the rocker. The women quietly left the room. Exhaling, Gabrielle patted her chest. “I see why you love that man. But you might want to tell him that since he’s the father, he doesn’t get babysitting pay for watching his own child.”

  They laughed.

  “The same God who blessed you with him—” Gabrielle tilted her head toward the door—“has a godly man for me too.”

  “Amen to that, sister.”

  The doorbell rang. Talise hurried to answer it before it disturbed Lauren. She opened it and stepped back. “Hey, Cameron.” She glanced over her shoulder at Gabrielle, who rolled her eyes.

  Talise accepted a hug from Cameron before asking, “Aren’t you flying out later?”

  “Yep.” He walked in the house, standing larger than life. The tux was gone, but his rugged handsomeness remained even in an oxford shirt and jeans. His eyes landed on Gabrielle and sparkled.

  “I came to claim lunch with Gabrielle before I leave.”

  Before Talise could close the door, Gabrielle’s brother cleared the doorway. Gabrielle softened her scream and raced for his arms. “Drexel, look at you!” She hugged him.

  After one more squeeze, she made the introductions. “Talise, this is my big brother, Judge Drexel Dupree,” she said proudly.

  “Don’t mind her.” He extended his hand to Talise.

  “And this is her cousin, Cameron.”

  Drexel eyed him before offering a handshake. “I was right behind,” he said with a nod. “Sorry, man, you’ll have to take a rain check on lunch with my sister. You have to make reservations early with her.”

  “Noted.” Cameron shook his hand. Then, stuffing both hands in his pockets, he said casually, “But since I’m flying out, I hope you don’t mind if I invite myself along.”

  Gabrielle and Talise gasped at his nerve. Evidently, his family had no problem with self-confidence.

  “I do mind,” Drexel said with finality. “Let’s go, sis.”

  Gabrielle nodded and grabbed her jacket and purse from the hall closet. “Ready. Oh, Cameron, since I won’t see you again before you take off, have a safe trip back home. And again, sorry about that pepper spray.”

  “Pepper spray?” Drexel nostrils flared. He kept his eyes trained on Cameron as he questioned her. “What did he do that you needed to defend yourself?”

  Before Cameron could open his mouth, Gabrielle saved him the trouble. “He was my rescuer who happened to get in the line of fire. We were at the reception and a drunkard became persistent with wanting me to dance with him.”

  Drexel nodded his thanks to Cameron, who obviously seemed to have developed an attitude. Men and their hormones. Gabrielle sighed.

  “Let me add a footnote to that story,” Cameron interjected. “Jamieson men don’t
assault women, we care for them.”

  With a spur of the moment thought, Gabrielle decided she’d better check on his neck one last time. Walking behind Cameron, she stood on her toes and examined it with a light touch of the area.

  “There. Your skin is as perfect as before,” she concluded, as Cameron covered her hand and guided her around to face him. For them, it was a déjà vu moment, this time with her brother and Talise as their audience. Gabrielle blushed from embarrassment.

  His piercing eyes sucked her into his trance, as he whispered, “What time does your flight leave tomorrow?”

  “Two in the afternoon, it was the only nonstop I could get.”

  “Good thing I just changed my flight,” Gabrielle thought she heard Cameron say, as she walked out the door with Drexel.

  Chapter Five

  You changed your flight?” Ace asked, appearing from nowhere. Confusion registered on his face.

  Cameron cursed under his breath as he pivoted on his heel. “Yep.”

  It was enough that Talise and Drexel had witnessed his portrayal of seduction. He didn’t need Ace in the mix.

  As the two men made their way into the living room, Ace asked, “And when did you do this?” He eyed his cousin suspiciously, waiting for an answer. Ace had tried to convince Cameron to stay a while longer. Folding his arms, he seemed prepared to listen to whatever reason his cousin wanted to give. This one could be the truth or a lie, considering Cameron had given one excuse after another for why he had to get back to Boston that afternoon.

  Whipping out his iPhone, Cameron pulled up the link to the airline. “I’m doing it right now.”

  Ace smirked, then barked out a laugh. Talise slapped him on the arm and hurried back to the nursery to check on Lauren. As Cameron snarled, his cousin laughed harder until he dropped on a nearby chair.

  Ignoring him, Cameron completed his transaction. “There. Tomorrow afternoon at two … and it’s a nonstop.”

  “I’m sure that wasn’t cheap. You know I’m aware of those last-minute flights to see my wife and child.”


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