Winning Hand (Poker Loser Book 3)

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Winning Hand (Poker Loser Book 3) Page 14

by Golden Angel

  As excited as she'd been about getting married, Allison was really starting to wish that they could just get the day over with. She was a bride and she wanted to see her groom dammit. Other than the rehearsal dinner last night she hadn't seen Todd in almost 48 hours, and she didn't count the rehearsal dinner as quality time. They'd had fun but they'd always been surrounded by their family and the wedding party. Not exactly conducive to quality time together. The whole not seeing the groom before the wedding was getting real old, real fast.

  Still, she tried to quell her impatience as the photographer arrived and took pictures of her, followed by pictures of her and her bridesmaids and then her and her parents. Her father looked quite impressive in his tux, his eyes already looking suspiciously pink. The dark purple dress her mother was wearing made her look younger than she was, and she glowed with happiness almost as much as Allison did. The bridesmaids were each in the dresses that they had picked out. Allison had chosen a dark red color and then allowed them the run of the store, as long as they picked a dress in that color that was floor length. They'd all ended up in different styles that suited each of the admirably. Diana was wearing a silver satin sash, the 'accent' color for the wedding and a way to mark her out as the Maid of Honor.

  Allison's bouquet was a stunning array of white lilies and red roses, studded with small gems that made it seem like it was glittering. The bridesmaids were all carrying white roses, also studded with the gems.

  After the pictures the women were relegated back to the bridal dressing room while the men arrived to get their pictures done. They'd wanted to get as many pictures done as possible before the ceremony, without Todd and her seeing each other, so that they wouldn't keep the guests waiting too long between the ceremony and reception. Of course they were having a cocktail hour, but they really didn't want that to go longer than an hour at the most.

  Of course, once the pictures were over there wasn't much to do but sit around and wait for the ceremony. It was agony, knowing that Todd was somewhere in the building, having his picture taken, and not being able to see him. Fortunately Tess had brought snacks for them while they were waiting, figuring that they might be hungry, and they gathered around the table to talk and gossip, helping the time to pass a little faster.

  When it was time to go downstairs, Tess gave her a kiss on the cheek and then flitted off to go see her son, Allison's mother hugged her tightly before heading down with her father - he was going to wait for Allison down there he said. She was pretty sure that he just wanted to make sure her mother was going to be okay - she seemed constantly on the verge of tears today. Happy tears, but still. Allison's heart pounded as the rest of the bridesmaids headed downstairs, each giving her a hug on the way, and she and Diana were the last one left.

  "I can't believe it's finally here," said Diana.

  Allison laughed. "You're telling me! This has been the longest day ever."

  "Well that too," Diana said, giggling. "You've been the very epitome of patience though."

  "Only because I don't have another choice," Allison said with a heartfelt groan. "May I recommend an early morning wedding?"

  The wedding coordinator poked her head into the room. “We’re ready for you now ladies. He’s at the alter.”

  "So much trouble just to make sure I can't see my groom," Allison muttered as she moved towards the door.

  "You were the one to insist on that," Diana reminded her.

  "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

  As much as Allison had changed, she'd found that she was a pretty traditional person during the wedding planning process. Fortunately so was Todd. They had opted not to do a "First Look," as tempting as it was, because they both liked the idea of her walking down the aisle and seeing each other for the first time. For the same reason, they hadn't spent last night together. Allison had spent it at her parents’ house with Diana to help keep her distracted. The idea of waking up in bed with Todd on the wedding day just seemed somehow wrong for her. While she was sure that plenty of other people enjoyed it, she wanted today to be different from other days. And waking up without Todd next to her was definitely different.

  But she hadn’t realized how frustrating it would be as well.

  They arrived outside the hall where Allison's father was waiting, the last bridesmaid and groomsman walking through the door - her friend Mary from work and her step-cousin Chad. Diana gave her a squeeze and then got into position, stepping forward when the wedding coordinator gave her the nod. As soon as Diana had stepped through, the coordinator closed the doors so that Allison and her father could get into position. He looked rather dashing in his tux, she thought, and was glad that her mother had insisted he wear one rather than a black suit, which he thought he’d be more comfortable in.

  She curled her hand over her father's elbow, her heart pounding as she stared at the doors in front of her.

  "I'm very proud of you," her father said, just barely loud enough for her to hear. "I don't think I say that often enough."

  Blinking through the tears forming in her eyes, Allison looked up at him, feeling like she might actually fall apart. "Thank you Daddy."

  "I love you."

  "I love you too."

  "Are you ready?"

  Emotion surged and her throat closed up. She couldn't find the words to speak so she just nodded. They both looked at the wedding coordinator who gave Allison an encouraging smile and knocked lightly on the door. Immediately her helpers swung them open.

  The room was filled with people who all turned and stood, blocking most of her view, but at the very end of the aisle she could see him. Her vision seemed to surge and she took in a deep breath, knowing that this next step was going to be the first one into the next part of her life. The white runner shone against the dark red of the carpet, clearer than any yellow brick road. As her father tugged her forward, she was barely aware of anything but the man standing ahead of her, waiting for her to come to him and pledge to be his forever.


  "Well, Mrs. Allison Rinald? What do you think?" Todd asked as he maneuvered her around the dance floor. The lessons that her mother had insisted on had been a complete waste, Allison decided. Todd was moving great, but even wearing a long skirt to the lessons hadn't prepared Allison to dance in a wedding dress. Between the layers and the hint of train that even bustling her dress couldn't completely get rid of, she wasn't moving at all like she was supposed to.

  "I think we should have had a morning wedding."

  Laughing, Todd twirled her around and she did her best not to trip. The one good thing about her wedding dress was that people probably weren't aware that she was missing her steps, because there was no way they could see her feet. As long as she didn't trip, no one would know anything at all was amiss. Hopefully.

  "I missed you too, Princess," he said as he pulled her in tightly to him, the cheers and catcalls from around the dance floor melding into general noise. Despite the fact that they were at the center of attention, it was the most private moment they'd had in three days. And Allison was relishing it.

  It was a good thing she did too, because after their first dance together they didn't have another private moment for the rest of the reception. After leaving the ceremony, Allison so overcome with happiness that she’d accidently left Diana standing there holding her bouquet rather than taking it back from her, she and Todd had only had time for one, long private moment of staring into each other’s eyes before their bridal party was joining them. Followed swiftly by the rest of their guests. And of course everyone wanted to say congratulations.

  It had taken the wedding coordinator’s professional acumen to get them to the first area where they’d be taking pictures. One could argue that they had time for a few private words while the photographer was taking pictures of just the two of them, but they also had a photographer and an audience. The entire situation was just absurd and it sent them into random fits of giggles, which were probably making for some wonderful
wedding photos. Allison hoped. And then the wedding coordinator had hustled them into place to enter the reception.

  The first dance was followed by much needed sustenance, speeches in between the salad and entrée courses, which they had to scarf down so that they could walk around and greet all of the guests. Once they had done they did make it back out onto the dance floor, but it was very crowded and everyone wanted a turn dancing with the bride and groom. Even when they did manage to come together they were surrounded by people who were watching them - and this time from a few inches away rather than at the edge of the dance floor.

  But that didn't dim Allison's happiness at all. The blissful energy seemed to overflow from her and Todd and leak out across the room, infecting everyone. There wasn't a single person there that didn't have a smile on their face, and to Allison's shock even her mother and father joined the crowded dance floor, even after the music changed over from big band to more current offerings. Her dad obviously had no idea how to dance to modern music, but he seemed to be enjoying himself trying, and she was even happier that she'd insisted on the wedding being only friends and family. She didn't think he would have ever cracked his usual stodgy veneer if any important acquaintances had been invited. Since his boss was also on the dance floor, however, that seemed to give the few employees that were invited free reign.

  Grinning, Allison turned back to Todd, tipping her head back for a kiss. They couldn't truly indulge, in the middle of the dance floor, but it was better than nothing.


  Todd pressed her up against the wall, almost the moment they got into their hotel room.

  "Finally," he said, letting out all of his breath as he pressed his lips against hers. They'd ended up running by the time they reached the hallway that their room was in, giggling madly like little kids as they escaped the mass of people that had wanted to give them one last hug or word of congratulations. How was it possible that people didn’t realize newlyweds would want to escape to their wedding night? Every second of waiting had seemed like an eternity.

  It felt like his lips were devouring hers, a needy intensity that was somehow more intimate and meaningful than any other kiss they'd ever shared. His hands were tight on her hips, drawing her against him, her thighs parted just enough to cradle him in her softness. Allison steadied herself on his shoulders, moaning as his lips left hers and began to move down the sensitive skin of her neck, salty and sweet from dancing. With half-hooded eyes her head turned and her eyes widened.

  "Todd look!"

  She broke away from his embrace, ignoring his dismayed groan, and darted into the room. At some point during the evening she'd noticed that Diana had disappeared, but she hadn't realized that her friend had come here. At least she assumed this was Diana although she wouldn’t be surprise if others had been involved too. The honeymoon suite was in two parts; they were in the main room and in the back left corner was the entrance to the bedroom. The main room had a couch along the right wall, a loveseat at a right angle to the couch and facing her, with a coffee table set in front of them, across from which was a table with a large television. The coffee table had been decorated with electronic candles, which were flickering just like real ones, and a silver bucket with champagne, two glasses to drink from and a small plate of chocolate covered strawberries. There was also a vase holding a single red rose in the center.

  "Oooooh, it's so romantic!" she gushed, stopping just shy of the coffee table and looking it over. Tears sparked in her eyes again. Normally she wasn't quite this emotional but it seemed like everything was setting her off today. It was a wonder that she hadn't sobbed through the ceremony, although she'd sniffled enough that Diana had surreptitiously passed her a tissue sometime in the middle of it.

  "Yes it is," Todd said as he wrapped his arms around her from behind, his lips immediately going to her neck and sucking, using his teeth to good effect. He obviously had his own agenda to pursue and it did not include anything on the coffee table.

  "Todd," she half-protested, half-moaned, her hands covering his wrists as he pulled her flush against him. Despite the layers of her A-line skirt and crinoline, she could still feel his erection pressing into her ass. "We should drink the champagne... have a strawberry… Someone went to all the trouble to set this up…" She wasn’t really resisting though, she just liked the idea of him convincing her around to his way of thinking. Taking control of the situation. And she had no doubt that he was going to do just that.

  "You have no idea how hard it has been to keep my hands off of you all night," he murmured, pulling her around and holding her hips tightly as he began kissing over her collarbone. Her hands rested on his shoulders and she wasn't sure if she was pulling him into her or pushing him away. "Seeing you in this white dress, looking so pure and innocent... all I could think about were all the depraved, perverted things I wanted to do to you while you were wearing it."

  Allison gasped as he pushed the neckline of her dress down, folding it almost inside out. The heart shaped neckline was helpful there, although her strap pulled on her shoulder as he basically lifted her breast out of the dress. She wasn't wearing a bra because the dress had one built in, and right now she was even more thankful for that. Expertly, Todd did the same with her other breast as his mouth pulled at her nipple, his other hand splayed over her lower back and holding her in place as she arched backwards, thrusting her breast further into his mouth.

  "Are you sure you don't want me to take it off?" she asked, panting a little bit as he switched his attentions to her other breast, lavishing both of her nipples with all of his pent-up sexual energy. The champagne and strawberries could wait; Todd's sensual need was too intoxicating to deny, he was feasting upon her breasts like a starving man and her knees were feeling weaker by the second.

  "Definitely not," he growled, hooking his arm around her waist and pulling her over to the side of the loveseat, where he whirled her around and bent her over the wide arm. Allison made a little "oof" noise as she found her upper body dropping down unexpectedly, her hard nipples rubbing against the nubby fabric of the cushion, her breasts feeling high and tight from being pushed out of her dress in the manner that they were. Cool air wrapped around her legs as he lifted her skirts upwards. "I've been waiting to do this all night."

  "I could take off the crinoline at least," she said, trying to wriggle her way upwards, but Todd just tipped the skirts over her head and pushed her back down, making a dark little cave that she was caught in. He let out a laugh and she grinned, knowing that he must be seeing her special panties for the day; they were white with a little ruffle on each of the leg openings and they said "Bride" across the butt in silver.

  "No, I don't want you to take anything off," he said, running his fingers up the backs of her thighs and making her shiver. "I want you just like this... all dressed up in your pretty white dress, ready for me to take you and corrupt you." The dark eroticism in his voice, the eagerness, brought Allison back to the beginning of their encounters, when Todd had 'blackmailed' her into fulfilling her most secret fantasies. He'd taken the sweet little society girl that she'd always been and let her loose, pushed her beyond the lines that she'd always lived in and bringing her to wild pleasures beyond her imagination.

  Now she could just imagine how she looked, bent over the armrest of a love-seat, unseen except for her legs and turned up butt cheeks, a fantasy of visual innocence about to be debauched. Just imagining it made her feel hot all over.

  She moaned as Todd began to pull down her panties, his mouth following them down, tracing patterns on her skin with his tongue and lingering on her most sensitive spots - the crease between her buttocks and thigh, the ticklish inner edge behind her knees, and then back up again to tease her pouting lips. With a little whimper she spread her legs wider for him, inviting him to taste her, and she trembled with satisfaction as his tongue delved in. Hands kneaded her thighs, pushing them further apart, and then moved up to her bottom, squeezing her tender cheeks hard.
As he built her pleasure with his mouth, his fingers became rougher, adding an edge to their passion.

  When he pulled away she whimpered and wagged her hips, her fingers clutching at the skirts of her dress around her head, hating that she couldn't see him and yet loving the visual that was in her mind. Enjoying the blindness, the anticipation.

  Something cool and slick pressed against her asshole and she moaned as his fingers pushed in, stretching and lubricating her heated passed.

  “Where did you get lube from?” she asked, her voice only slightly muffled by the layers of fabric. She had the wild image of him pledging his wedding vows with lube in his suit pocket.

  Todd just chuckled, twisting his fingers inside of her and making her whimper. “It’s our wedding night Princess, you don’t think I’d be prepared for anything?”

  The first time they'd had sex, he'd taken her anal virginity. There was something so decadently forbidden, so depraved about taking his cock in her ass, she wasn’t surprised that he wanted to defile her innocent appearance. Even having his fingers penetrating her there while she bent over the loveseat in her virginal white dress was shockingly exciting. It added an edge that she hadn’t felt since the first few times he’d taken her that way.

  He only took a minute or two to stretch her before his fingers pulled away and Allison moaned at the loss, her butt cheeks clenching and releasing enticingly. The hot, hard head of his cock prodded at her entrance and then began to press in, pushing her much farther open than his fingers had. She groaned at the intrusion and panted, trying to relax her muscles to accommodate his thick girth. Practice had helped, and after a moment his broad head popped through the ring of muscle, both of them moaning with the sensation. Todd's fingers dug into her hips as he began to press forward, the burning shaft digging deeper into her most intimate of entrances.

  Knowing that he couldn't see more than the curve of her bottom, bisected by his cock as it pillaged her tight hole, and the layers of crinoline skirts, made Allison even more excited. She drew her hands down to begin pinching at her nipples, pulling and tugging on the tender buds as she gasped and writhed, feeling Todd's cock questing deeper inside of her. The thick shaft seemed to radiate heat as it continued its burning exploration, rubbing against her insides as he made small thrusting motions, helping himself to stretch her further.


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