Wings of the Morning (Kensington Chronicles)

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Wings of the Morning (Kensington Chronicles) Page 10

by Lori Wick

  herself understood

  "I'm not ashamed of who I am or where I've been, Dars, but

  I don't fit into the world outside of a ship. I don't know how to

  hold my fork or cup, and I'm so nervous and uncomfortable

  that I end up dropping things and spilling water in my lap."


  'You're exaggerating, Smokey; those things aren't going

  to happen."

  "They already have," Smokey told him with tears in her

  eyes. Darsey's heart melted. She didn't cry easily, and those

  tears made him see how much she hurt over this.

  When she had explained why she wanted to stop at China

  Island, Darsey had looked at her as though she'd taken leave of

  her senses. Even that morning as he had loaded a small table,

  two chairs, and a china tea set aboard the rowboat, he'd

  thought it was too fantastic to be real.

  Then they had gone ashore and found a secluded area, set

  things up according to Smokey's wishes, and she'd handed

  him a book on etiquette. That was two hours ago, and until he

  saw those tears pooling in her eyes, Darsey had begun to think

  it was all rather silly.

  Without so much as a sigh of resignation, Darsey opened

  the book and began to read again. He would have loved to

  hand this job over to someone who was better qualified, but

  he was all Smokey had If they had to sit there for a week, he

  would see her through this.

  Once on the island, Dallas found a shallow pool and took a

  quick dip to wash the salt from his pants and hair. The water

  was cool and refreshing, and he started on a tour of the island

  after he'd bathed.

  There appeared to be more birds than other wildlife, but

  he did spot a few snakes and lizards amid the fronds and

  leaves of bushes and trees. He was making his way through a

  rather dense section of bushes when he came across Darsey

  and Smokey.

  Thinking he was imagining the sight of his captain and her

  first mate having tea on the island, Dallas inspected them for

  the space of several heartbeats. They were all too real. He


  watched as Darsey read, lowered the book, and then read

  some more. He continued to watch as Smokey picked up a

  teacup, working to balance it carefully with just two fingers.

  Realization of what she was doing dawned just before he was


  Smokey knew the moment she saw Dallas that he had

  been watching for some time. Her face flamed in humiliation,

  but her embarrassment did nothing to temper the sternness

  of her tone.

  "Get back to the ship, Dallas." Smokey's voice was like a

  lash, and Dallas immediately moved to do as he was bid.

  He'd only taken two steps, however, when an overwhelming

  feeling of tenderness for his captain overrode his good

  sense. He stopped and turned back.

  "I gave you an order, sailor." Smokey was livid, and her

  voice told Dallas as much. Still he did not obey.

  "I know you did, Captain." Dallas' voice was quiet and

  respectful as he took careful steps toward the table. "However,

  I'd like to show my appreciation for your helping me by

  returning the favor. With no offense intended, I think I can be

  of more assistance than Darsey."

  Darsey came out of his chair so fast that he tipped it over

  backward. He righted it quickly, and even though Smokey was

  glaring at him with fire in her eyes, he turned to Dallas.

  "Take my seat, Dallas." The older man's voice was filled

  with relief. In truth, insult was the farthest thing from his

  mind "I'm ready for a break, so go ahead and sit here and read

  for Smokey."

  As Dallas collapsed his tall frame into the chair Darsey

  had vacated, shame washed over Smokey so quickly that she

  had trouble breathing. Never had she been so mortified. She

  turned frantic eyes to Darsey, but he was headed through the

  trees without a backward glance.

  "Now," Dallas' voice was as calm and collected as if this

  were an everyday occurrence for him. "I believe you were

  working on tea service."



  Dallas began to read. Smokey kept her eyes on the table,

  her face still aflame. She would have given anything at that moment to be able to walk away, but something detained her.

  For some moments she only half-listened to the book. Then

  Dallas spoke her name, his voice tender and compassionate.

  "Okay, Smokey, pick up the teapot with your right hand."

  Smokey moved to obey him without ever looking in his direction.

  "Put the fingers of your left hand over the lid and pour us

  some tea. Oh, now, that won't do at all!" Dallas suddenly said,

  and Smokey looked up in surprise, wondering what she'd

  done wrong.

  "Darsey didn't even take time to put water in this. Here,"

  he handed her the book, "you read that first page yourself

  while I fill this."

  Smokey watched him walk away and then glanced at the

  trees overhead The sun was headed high into the sky, and the

  day was growing warm. Smokey looked at the book in her

  hand and for a moment forgot about the heat. On the opposite

  page was a lovely ink sketch. The picture showed a beautiful

  parlor where three ladies were seated, one of whom was

  pouring tea. Smokey scrutinized the picture, studying it with

  intense longing.

  So consumed by the picture and the words of the chapter,

  Smokey reached without thought to remove her knit cap.

  Dallas came through the trees from the pond and stopped

  dead at the sight of Smokey with her hair down her back.

  It fell to her waist in black waves, and he continued to

  gawk as she unconsciously ran her fingers through the mass

  and gently rubbed her head. Dallas got ahold of himself just

  before she glanced up to see him.

  "All right," Dallas said as he worked at not staring at

  Smokey He placed the teapot back on the table and resumed

  his seat. "Now, try it again."

  In the last moments, Smokey had become completely

  relaxed. All humiliation over Dallas' presence deserted her,

  as with studied concentration she lifted the teapot and filled

  glasses to the three-quarter mark, just as the book

  jcted Her hand never wavered, and when she put the pot

  i, she gave Dallas a huge smile. Dallas couldn't stop

  self from laughing. Smokey joined him before asking him

  read on.

  u In the next hour Dallas read while Smokey set the table,

  served from a standing position and drank her "tea" without

  spilling a drop. Dallas thought she might go on forever, but his

  stomach suddenly growled very loudly.

  "I didn't take time for breakfast," he said with a sheepish


  Smokey frowned "I didn't either, now that you mention it.

  I guess we had better head back."

  They were gathering the tea set to return it to the box

  when Smokey realized she couldn't find her cap. She searched

  around a bit, but stopped on Dallas1 words.

  "Why do you need it?"

  "Because I don't w
ant to cut my hair."

  "Why would you have to do either; I mean cut it or cover


  "The wind, Dallas," Smokey explained patiently. "I can't

  let it hang down while on the Aramis. It blinds me."

  "Here," Dallas stepped toward her, "turn around a minute."

  Smokey did as he directed without question, but she stiffened

  when she felt his hands on her hair. When they were

  both working on her ship, it was easy to remember their

  positions; she was the captain and he was pan of her crew. But

  in Maine or here on the island, she was a woman and he was a

  man, and Smokey found herself unable to remember anything.

  Dallas was feeling the same way at the moment and was

  tremendously relieved that Smokey's back was to him, allowing

  him to hide his expression. He efficiently braided the

  length of her hair, amazed at how soft and thick it was, and

  tied the end with a thin leather strip he wore about his wrist.


  "There" he said proudly when the work was done Smokey's]

  hand went to her nape as she turned to face him.l

  Until that moment, she had given no thought to his bare

  chest or the dark stubble on his cheeks, but he suddenly became

  more male than she had ever noticed The breadth of his

  shoulders and the muscles in his arms, along with the way his

  gold ring hung sparkling from his ear, were so distracting that

  Smokey could only gaze hopelessly into his crystal-blue eyes.

  "Your hair is beautiful." Smokey heard Dallas' voice,

  although he sounded a long way off. "It seems a shame to

  cover it." Smokey made no reply, but continued to look at

  Dallas, her heart in her eyes.

  "Smokey," Dallas' voice had turned hoarse. "If you don't

  stop staring at me like that, I'm going to kiss you."

  Smokey unconsciously raised her face, and Dallas lowered

  his. Darsey had come upon them, but had discreetly

  moved away this time in order to give them privacy. Dallas'

  lips were just a breath away from Smokey's when a bird

  suddenly flew from the trees and startled them both. The interruption broke the spell.

  Smokey, her heart still madly pounding in her chest, spoke

  to Dallas, but her eyes never left the ground

  "It's time to get back to the ship. I'm sure Darsey is nearby.

  He can help you take the table and chairs back to the boat. I'll

  see you on board"

  Dallas watched her walk away, knowing he had no choice

  but to obey. Within moments she had gone from a very warm,

  embraceable woman to the businesslike /vnt*t~ ***-- *'-

  ,v ,

  vw, .1. uiun i uiange me way he felt inside--

  like a man who had been offered a lovely gift, only to have it

  snatched away a moment before he could grasp it.

  Smokey had been right about Darsey; he appeared just

  moments later. Dallas was thankful for his help as well as his

  silence. He needed that time to pray. He was still praying when

  the Aramis set sail less than an hour later.



  That evening when all was quiet on the ship, Darsey found

  ^ alone at the railing. The moon was a crescent in the

  , but there was still enough light for the first mate to see his

  jtaln's face.

  "Are you all right?" Darsey asked without preamble,

  lokey nodded, turning to look at her friend and confidant.

  "I think so," she told him. "I was afraid for a few moments

  the island."

  "Of Dallas?" Darsey's voice held legitimate concern.

  "No," Smokey reassured him. "I think my fear stems from

  Rhe intensity of my feelings. By the time I gained my cabin, frustration had set in. There's nothing I can do about the way I


  Darsey had no argument for that. They were both professionals

  and rightfully believed this was not the time or place

  to pursue a romance. Smokey reassured Darsey that she was

  going to be fine and talked of other things before going down

  to bed. Upon her departure, Darsey went on watch.

  When the older man was finally alone, he let his mind drift

  to the youngest crewman. As quiet as Dallas had been when

  they had left the island earlier, Darsey was quite certain that

  he understood the situation as well. Darsey found his respect

  growing for Dallas every day.


  with the ship headed toward London, the next days

  passed in an uneventful fashion, and neither Dallas nor

  Smokey could have said exactly why. Maybe it was because

  they forced their minds away from the incident on the island,

  or maybe it was the amount of praying they both did when

  apart from the rest of the crew.

  Only when Smokey was alone in her cabin and Dallas lay

  in his bunk did they allow their minds to drift back to the near

  kiss and the way they felt. On the heels of their thoughts, they

  turned to God

  Smokey begged God to help her forget Dallas, sure that he

  could never be serious about her. Dallas, on the other hand,

  prayed for patience where Smokey was concerned, knowing

  she did not recognize his feelings for her as yet. He also

  prayed for a gentle way of telling Kathleen that he was falling

  for another woman.

  Women like Smokey were a complete mystery to women

  like Kathleen. Kathleen never read a newspaper or cared to

  talk about anything beyond the latest dress pattern she had

  seen or who was getting married next and how pretty the

  bride's dress would be. It wasn't that Kathleen was slow, it was

  |ust that her world was so small.

  Dallas clearly remembered the first time he'd tried to talk

  b'ber about the ships he dreamed of building. "Oh, Dallas,"

  : had laughingly said. "I'm just a woman, and a woman can't

  stand those kinds of things."

  Dallas had had to bite his tongue to keep from telling

  ithleen that Jenny knew all about ships, or to ask her what

  a woman had to do with anything. Kathleen changed

  : subject soon after that, however, and Dallas still regretted

  Jthat he hadn't questioned her when he'd had the chance.

  Worrying about his relationship with Kathleen when they

  were miles from home was not going to change a thing. Dallas

  determined to speak with her as soon as he returned He had

  no guarantees that he and Smokey had a future, but he couldn't

  go on seeing a woman whose company paled so dramatically

  in the light of his captain's.


  When they docked in London, Dallas listened while Darsey

  put some men on watch. The older man then turned to Dallas

  and invited him to clean up and go with them ashore.

  They'd come in and delivered a load of coffee and taken

  on half a holdful of wool. He hadn't seen much of Smokey

  since they'd docked, but she now appeared, hair brushed

  smooth and in a fresh braid that hung down her back, and

  wearing a different, brighter-colored overtunic than she usually


  Smokey and Darsey stood on the deck and talked while

  the officers readied themselves, all turning up freshly shaved

  and clothed just 15 minutes l
ater. Darsey led the procession

  off the ship, Smokey following behind him. Consumed with

  great curiosity, Dallas brought up the rear. That this was

  routine for each of them was more than clear, until he saw

  where they were headed

  Darsey walked calmly into one of the roughest parts of the



  docks, to a waterfront tavern that was so hidden, Dallas would

  have missed it had he been alone.

  Clancy's Place was painted on the door in faded, chipped

  letters. Dallas watched as Darsey opened the door and held it

  for Smokey to enter. If Dallas hadn't already been captivated

  with this woman, he would have been stunned at the events of

  the next moments. As it was, he was more than a little surprised

  at the spaciousness of the tavern and his captain's

  welcome once she stepped in.

  As if someone had blown a whistle, the place grew very

  still. Heads turned, and drinks and cards were placed on the

  table with an almost reverent quiet. Smokey began to make

  her way through the crowd As she passed each table, the

  occupants stood. Dallas listened in fascination to the words


  "Hello, Timmy," Smokey spoke to a man who looked well

  over 100.

  "Hello, Cap'n. How's business?"

  "Smooth. How's Betsy?"

  "Fine, she asks about you."

  "Give her my love."

  And on it went. She had a word for nearly everyone in the

  room. As they neared the bar, she spoke to one man who

  hadn't stood

  "Hello, Hector."

  Hector only grunted.

  "Well," she spoke wryly, "you grunt as well as you always

  have, so I guess that means you're doing well."

  That said, she used two fingers and flicked the cap from

  his head Dallas listened as the room erupted with laugher,

  and watched a grudging smile cross Hector's face even though

  he never stood or even looked at her.

  Finally they were at the bar. A man who was nearly as wide

  as the wall behind him stood opposite them, his grin as

  toothless as that of a baby's.

  "Is the back room open tonight, Bart?" Smokey asked with

  an innocent smile.


  "Well-l-I," the heavy man said with a twinkle in his eye.

  tell you, Smoke, there was a great group of nuns just in

  and wantin' my back room. I didn't know if you was

  ling, you see," he shrugged at this point, and Smokey hid a

  lile. "So I had to turn them away. I'm sure I lost a great deal


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