The Highland Captive

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The Highland Captive Page 9

by Johanna Maas

  Lizbeth felt a sigh of relief and a growing regard in her heart for the Highlander before her. She recognized he was truly respected. It was not just because he was the chieftain's eldest son. He was valued because he understood his people, truly cared for his brothers and treated each conflict with the same care regardless of its seemed significance.

  Blake had shown a great wisdom on the field today, proving to her once again he was a man who not only possessed a true kindness within his heart, he had an absolute goodness in his soul. And this made him quite worthy. With a thorough warmth in her heart, Lizbeth recognized this Highland warrior as being so very worthy.


  Unbeknownst to Lizbeth, her most recent way of life that she had taken great comfort in was all going to change and very soon. It had been during the evening meal of her very special and yet secret day as she sat at her appointed place at the end of the table, with Cait to her immediate left. She had been eating, conversing with no one at the time and simply reveling in the feeling and her thoughts of her eighteenth birthday.

  Cait's brother Lucas who was seated just on the other side of his sister, leaned into her and said with true grief upon his voice. The words that he spoke were just loud enough for Lizbeth to overhear.

  "Dearest sister, I am forever saddened your day is soon to be upon us. You will be truly missed."

  Lizbeth stopped instantly, her mouth still partially filled with food as a dread spread through her heart. This could surely only mean one thing. She swallowed as the meat within her mouth moved uncomfortably down her throat as a dread began to overtake her.

  She turned slightly as she saw the considerable pain cross the woman's face, the kind creature who had become much like a sister to her and surely a true friend. But as quickly as the emotions washed clearly over her face they were gone, as she smiled resolutely and raised her chin for she understood of her duty.

  Lizbeth asked meekly, "Cait? You are pledged?"

  Cait looked forlornly at the one she now called friend, sitting next to her as she drew a deep breath and said with a new resolution.

  "Yes, I am and have been these several month's past. I am to be wed at the beginning of next month to the eldest son of a great Scottish laird who lives several leagues away and to the south of us. I have heard tell that it is a good family, a strong clan. I should be well cared for."

  Lizbeth could only stare at her as a selfish misery grew within for her own fate and Cait's. She clearly understood this would change everything and the loneliness of her past threatened once again. As Lizbeth thought of her intended, she could only hope her new husband was kind to her and the family a loving one as was the Campbell clan. Lizbeth felt a certain pain and fear for what if her new home was like that of the Macnab? No love or kindness would ever exist there.

  Lizbeth asked timidly, "Have you met your intended?"

  Cait looked down to her hands as the lay upon her lap as she shook her head slightly. "'Tis not a matter, for the banns have been read and the pledges long since made. I will see him soon enough." She looked up at Lizbeth, her weak attempt at a brave smile. "My father, brothers and I will travel there in a fortnight."

  A sudden and sure sadness consumed Lizbeth for the life she had come to know and the sister she had grown to love. She realized with devastation it was all going to be taken from her and way before she would ever be ready. Lizbeth sighed heavily, feeling a void in her heart for the loss she was surely to have and very soon to know.


  The missive from his contact within the Macnab's holding arrived as Blake sat alone in the great hall late one evening. With anxious hands, he unfolded the sealed parchment and read its contents.

  'Great anger within the house not only for the invasion of the keep, but for the stolen lass. It is unknown who came to plunder and spies are out aplenty, looking for any trace of her. Caution is necessary.'

  Blake breathed heavily as a slight smile crossed his lips for his raid was even more successful than he ever could have dreamed possible or ever could have planned. His eyes drifted to the stairs leading to the family chambers above as a vision of his beautiful captive warmed his heart and a smile spread across his face for his great fortune.


  It was the eve before the Campbell family was to depart for the wedding as Lizbeth sat in the great hall before the large hearth with Cait and her two brothers. The Campbell family was to set out in the morn at sunrise and a sadness hung between them. No one spoke for they were all lost in their own thoughts of the impending change to their household.

  It was Lizbeth who finally inquired, wanting to understand more of the family Cait was to call her own.

  "How far do you travel?" It was asked of no one in particular, just a general question hanging in the air between them. It was Blake who chose to answer her inquiry.

  "Their lands are just three day's ride from here. We will leave at first light and should arrive by the end of the third day."

  Knowing it was a great distance and unsure of the clans who lay between the Campbell's and her new family, Lizbeth asked, "Will you have to travel anywhere near the Macnab?"

  Blake looked at her knowingly, a sadness within his chest as he said, "No, my lady, we will not have to travel by their lands. We will be able to skirt them completely for the Stewart's keep is further south and west and the Macnab, while south, it is more east."

  Lizbeth froze, her breath catching in her throat as her emotions raged unchecked within. She sat very still as she attempted to calm herself for she did not wish for them to see her startled state. For Cait was to marry a Stewart and the Stewarts where her own family. She closed her eyes as she attempted to control her raging heart while she concentrated on breathing slowly in and out.

  Blake stood and moved from before the hearth and began to walk away from the group to a table in the corner of the chamber. He took a large parchment within his hands and moved back to Lizbeth's side as he presented it to her. It was a large drawing and a map of the clans of the Scottish Highlands.

  "Here is where the Campbell lands are located." He moved his finger straight down and slightly to the left and continued, "And here, the Stewart." He next moved his finger only a short distance but across and directly to the right. "And this, is the Macnab."

  Lizbeth looked long and hard at the drawings and calculated the distances based on their trek from Macnab to Campbell lands. She then realized it was much less than half the distance from her Stewart home to the place she had lived for these last seven years. Only a short distance and most likely much less than a day's ride. A harsh pain descended upon her heart for the knowledge of this fact and a confusion now grew heavily within her mind. For why had her family never come for her?

  Lizbeth said nothing as she continued to study the map, making vast attempts at controlling her raging heart as its beat intensified at the news that nearly overwhelmed her. She began formulating the questions she knew she must ask, to be sure of their fate and to understand the entirety of it.

  Lizbeth looked down at her hands, attempting indifference as she spoke. She did not raise her eyes as she inquired for she was certain they would have told all.

  "And the eldest Stewart to whom you are to be wed. What is his name?"

  It was Cait who spoke, standing now quietly behind Lizbeth's chair, joining them in conversation.

  "Macay is what he is called."

  At the mention of her dear brother's name, a complete happiness washed through her for the fate of both he and for Cait. First and foremost, she understood now he was alive and her family must still be strong, or so Blake had indicated. Now she knew she could delight in the fact this was surely to please Cait as they were both truly good people.

  But there was now so much more she had to consider. She must figure out how she was to follow them back to her family. She now knew without a doubt this was to be her fate. Lizbeth could not ask to accompany them nor tell them of who she was, for she still was
unsure of the clans and their ties and had to consider the safety of her family. She understood completely it was her duty to remain silent until she could see them herself. This was an obligation she took most seriously.

  She sat quietly for moments longer as she considered her options and devised a plan. She knew now she could not stay behind in the Campbell holdings and it was her time to venture home. Her heart skipped a beat for the place she had called home. The place she had dreamed of for these last many years, for it was now truly within her reach. She realized it was her destiny to return.

  Lizbeth stood suddenly, a pained look upon her face as she spoke.

  "Dear Cait, I must say my farewells tonight, for I am afraid I will pain you too much in the morning with my sad goodbyes."

  Cait opened her arms as Lizbeth moved near. The two women embraced warmly as the brothers watched sadly, for it was obvious these two had formed a tight bond. It was clear each would miss the other, dearly.

  Lizbeth pulled back slightly as she said with more conviction than Cait had ever heard in her small voice, "Be brave, Cait, for things will be alright with your new life. I can feel it and know it in my heart. Please trust all will be well."

  Lizbeth looked deeply into Cait's eyes, attempting to deliver all of her assuredness to her as she silently attempted to allude to the fact she should not worry. But Lizbeth said no more and could say no more. She turned and retired quickly up to her room with her new fate lying blissfully upon her heart.


  The early fall day dawned cool and Lizbeth was already astride her horse and hidden well within the slight woods on the southern side of the Campbell's lands. She was looking intently into the distance as she watched and waited patiently for the party to appear. She held her cloak tightly around her body in an attempt to stay warm and blend in with her surroundings and most importantly remain undetected.

  Once she had retired the previous evening and after saying her goodbyes to Cait, she moved to her room to make plans for her own departure. She would bring very little with her for she knew she would need to travel light and ensure she could keep up with the Campbell family. Her plan was quite simple. She would move at a safe distance behind them, trailing them all the way to the Stewart's lands. She knew within her heart she had both the will and the strength to do so and had recognized she had changed and grown much since she had arrived.

  Lizbeth thought of her own family as an excitement grew within, knowing she had to see for herself they were alive and well. But she also knew she must fulfill her duty and keep her family protected by not disclosing to anyone who she was or from what clan she came. Once she arrived and was within the walls of the Stewart lands, her plan was to remain hidden while she appraised their situation for she did not wish to explain her presence until she was assured of her family's wellbeing.

  The time slowly went by as Lizbeth sat silently waiting for the small party to appear. She had a nervousness about her for the anticipated journey to begin. She watched patiently and intently and finally saw slight movement on the far horizon, noting a group of riders were now moving slowly down the dirt trail. With a slight concern, she realized her journey would perhaps be a bit more difficult than she had first anticipated. Cait was not upon a horse of her own as what Lizbeth had assumed, but she sat behind Lucas. With a sigh and a new resignation, she lifted her chin, knowing she had but one choice and that was to follow. She told herself yet again that she had no doubt it was her destiny to return home.

  When the small party of seven riders rode off into the far horizon and neared the next rise, Lizbeth moved forward slowly and cautiously. She needed to ensure they neither moved too quickly ahead nor spied her in their wake. For long hours she rode, moving when they moved and stopping when they stopped as she forever sought out the safety of the trees.

  After their midday respite, Lizbeth sat waiting for the party to move forward as she laid her hand on her side. Slowly she felt of the hardened sheath that lay within the folds of her skirt. She said a quick prayer for forgiveness for she had taken it without their permission and from the wall in the Campbell's great chamber. She sadly conceded her transgression for it was one of the pieces of ancient weaponry displayed proudly upon their wall. While she knew she was not overly skilled with this blade, it provided a sense of comfort nevertheless.

  The first day's travel was a long one and Lizbeth was relieved when the night was upon them. She watched as the clan before her dismounted within a small cropping of trees and she moved closer knowing the darkness would effectively hide her from the small party. She dismounted from her horse and wrapped her cloak near as she sat upon the ground. As she gazed about the gloomy shadows surrounding her, a small fear began to threaten. Never before had she been alone and definitely never in the dark. Each unknown noise she heard frightened and startled her and the land around her seemed to be filled with them.

  Lizbeth tentatively leaned up against a great oak as she had seen the warrior do that first night they traveled from the Macnab. She attempted to catch a bit of sleep but she soon found her heartbeat would not calm. It only continued to race desperately within her breast and left her wide awake. Her fears of the unknown and that of the great boar plagued her mind relentlessly and caused her great distress.

  For long and lonely hours, Lizbeth listened into the night as she gazed into the shadowy darkness while feeling a fear upon her heart. With the panic about her, she never was able to succumb to her weariness. When the morning finally dawned, she realized she had not slept and could feel the exhaustion already upon her body. She sighed heavily for she understood this second day of travel could now prove to be rather difficult.

  As the day progressed, she found herself falling further and further behind the group ahead, for the soreness of the saddle and the weariness of her bones was felt heavily upon her. When the group before her stopped to rest their horses, she did not have a very long reprieve since she needed that time to carefully shorten the distance between them. It was only her strong will and the fear of finding herself lost in the hills of the Highlands that kept her moving forward.

  When the family stopped at the end of the second day in near darkness, Lizbeth once again moved somewhat closer to their camp for the evening. Within minutes she had securely tied her horse to a tree and was upon the ground and fast asleep, not caring about the darkness nor of any sounds surrounding her. She was finally able to embrace the fatigue that consumed her and allowed her body some much needed rest.

  She was in a deep slumber, dreaming of her warrior's magnificent chest and his strong arms as they wrapped lovingly and protectively around her. She felt his long and wild hair as it fell around them and smelled the pure maleness of his scent as it completely assailed her senses. Within his embrace, she dreamed she could hear the slight breath of him and feel his gentle heartbeat beneath her ear. A genuine warmth he provided surrounded her being and she felt a sense of contentedness as she never had in the past as he drew her ever so near. A slight sigh escaped her as the pleasantness of his hard and protective body surrounded her.

  Her dream continued as she felt the brushing of his lips upon hers. He moved gently over her as a warmth began to build within while her pulse continued to quicken. He moved further over her, his weight pressing her slightly into the ground as his large hands stroked her body. She felt his touch upon her arms, her back and upon her breast as the fiery sensations continued to build within her and her body came most notably alive. He deepened the kiss ever so slightly as he moved his tongue within her mouth, tantalizingly enticing her with new and heady sensations.

  A moan escaped from the back of her throat as she reached forward with her own hands and felt the warmth and the hardened muscles below her fingertips. As her passions continued to rise, she conceded the feelings he evoked in her were unlike anything she had ever experienced. She could feel his powerful body shifting slightly and the excitement driven by her light touch.

  She felt a coolne
ss upon her knee as her skirt was slightly lifted all the while feeling his hand resting enticingly upon her leg. He moved it upwards as he made slow and leisurely circles upon her skin. The movement of his hand caused her breath to quicken further. Higher and higher it went until it touched her in that secret place, causing her breath to catch in her throat and her world to spiral with its pleasures.

  She became immediately awake and aware this was not a dream when she heard him moan loudly as their passions continued to flourish. She opened her eyes in fear for this was truly a reality. When she shook her head slightly to focus clearly, she was surprised for the dawn was just beginning to break.

  Lizbeth attempted to sit up quickly and struggled in her fear as she threw the arm of the man aside. While she attempted to rise, her breath came heavily as she moved from beneath him. As the fear grew in her breast, she grabbed for the knife buried deep within the folds of her gown and drew it as she turned quickly on her foe.

  Blake looked back into her fearful face, his eyebrow slightly raised while his chest was rising and falling quickly for the passion they had shared. She could only stare back at him with a staggered look as she stayed crouched and perched to fight. When she realized to whom she had lifted her blade, she stood quickly as a sure blush covered her cheeks. She closed her eyes saying a silent prayer she was safe, but a bit fearful of the emotions coursing throughout her trembling body.

  "And what, my lady, would you be doing with that?" With his eyes he had indicated the blade that was still visible within her hand.

  Lizbeth blushed further as she hastily replaced the weapon in the folds of her skirt, hoping he did not recognize it as one she had taken from his hearth.


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