The Immortal Queen Tsubame: Awakening

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The Immortal Queen Tsubame: Awakening Page 13

by H. D. Strozier

  MaLeila shook her head, to which Marcel laughed while folding the last dish cloth and putting it over the sink. He made his way over to where MaLeila was sitting on the couch.

  “Enough of talking about all that though. There’s still one hunger I’m still eager to ease,” he said as he sat in front of her, lips pressing kisses down her neck and to her collar bone on one side before Marcel shifted to give the same treatment down the opposite side of her neck. He lingered near her collar bone, kissing, sucking, while his hands lifted the hem of her off shoulder knit shirt, heavy enough to keep her warm in the cool mornings as winter transitioned into spring but light enough that she was cool enough during the warm afternoons and evenings.

  “I was thinking,” Marcel muttered into her neck, “that we could pick up where we left off before our vacation was interrupted.”

  MaLeila remembered exactly where they left off on their vacation, but instead of arousing her, it caused her to tense up, to grab Marcel’s wrists and stop him from lifting the hem of her shirt. Without any more prompting, Marcel let go of her shirt and leaned back to look at her, eyebrows furrowed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  MaLeila paused, looking for a reason to stop, something that would force her to send Marcel away while she slept on the couch by herself. But despite all Bastet’s warnings, her brother’s objections that she was dating at all, and Devdan’s mixed cues, she couldn’t find anything that was wrong, nothing that she cared about anyway. The only thing that did matter was that Marcel was here, that he wanted her, that he was here not because anyone sent him, that he stayed not because anyone forced him to or because there was any magic chaining him to her, but because he wanted to. And after finding out that the two people she thought she could trust to be there regardless of anything were only there because they had to and that it was very possible they wouldn’t be if they weren’t forced to, Marcel’s desire to be with her without coercion comforted her.

  There was still the matter of the fact that he worked for the council and that even though she doubted it, the fact that he could possibly be looking for a way to leech off her magic, and the fact that she didn’t know much about his family or his connections beyond the fact that he had a sister, but she had intimately lived with and put her life in the hands of two people for six years and didn’t know the true dynamics of their relationship until three days ago. Even if Marcel had secrets, so what? Everyone did. And for once, fuck what everyone else thought. This was her choice, unguided and not manipulated by anyone else.

  Finally MaLeila shook her head and said, “Nothing.”

  “Are you sure?”

  MaLeila let go of his wrists and took off her knit, throwing it on the floor next to them.

  “I’m fine,” she said and leaned forward to press her slightly parted lips against his, pulling away and then kissing them again. She continued to press timid open mouthed kisses against his lips until Marcel pushed her to lean on the back of the couch and kissed the bare skin above the cups of her bra before reaching back up to kiss her lips again.

  While one hand reached behind her head and pressed their lips closer together, the other caressed her stomach and found its way to her inner thigh. Even through her jeans, MaLeila could feel his fingers as though they were touching bare skin. The pulsing between her legs began and her heart raced as Marcel’s hand caressed and massaged her inner thighs without touching her pelvic region. His hand moved back up to the waist of her jeans where it fiddled with the button for a while before finally undoing it. Then he slowly unzipped the zipper. He broke their kiss, moving his other hand from behind her head to the waist of her jeans and without breaking eye contact with her he pulled the waist down and lifted her hips slightly off the couch to pull her jeans down over her butt. When she didn’t protest or break eye contact with him, he slid them the rest of the way down her legs. He left them next to her discarded sweater and stared at her for a moment in her black bra with a pink bow and pink hipster panties, undergarments that were a middle ground between innocent and girlish and experienced and womanly.

  After visually drinking the sight of her, Marcel took off his shirt and threw it on the floor before proceeding to press kisses down her body, all over her chest, her stomach, her thighs, and then back up again. Every kiss felt like he was kissing and touching every piece of her skin at the exact same time. And though he carefully avoided the ache growing between her legs especially when he was kissing her thighs, every time he kissed her body she felt like his lips or hands were pressing there without trying to relieve it. Finally, once he was kissing her lips again, she hooked a finger in his pants, right behind the buckle of his belt and pulled him on top of her, guiding him as she repositioned herself so that she was lying down flat on the couch with him hovering above her. She pressed his chest flat against hers and even though her bra still obscured complete skin to skin contact, his body heat against her sent chills down her spine, causing her to arch into him and her aching sex, still covered by her panties, to meet the hardness in his pants. Just the brief touching caused MaLeila to lose her breath and pull away from their kiss and without thinking she moved her hands to grab his ass and keep him attached to her.

  Marcel grabbed her ear lobe between his lips, let go, and whispered, “There’s more room in my bed.”

  MaLeila couldn’t bring herself to stop and think about the implications of his comments, to contemplate what going to his bed meant. And even if she could, there was nothing that could have convinced her not to nod her head and tell him to take them there. All that mattered was what he had done to her last time he had her on a bed and the promise that there was more. It made the aching worse and made MaLeila acutely aware of wetness pooling in her panties.

  He stood up off the couch, helped her up, pressed her to him and kissed her, tongue slipping between her lips and thrusting back and forth. The motion sent tingles through MaLeila’s body and her legs began to wobble as they threatened to give out on her. There was no doubt he could carry her to his room if he wanted to at this point, but instead, he pulled away from her. MaLeila moaned in protest, trying to bring them together again, but Marcel stepped away from her a grin on his face, blue eyes clouded and darkened by lust yet alight with mischief all the same as he turned away from her and went to his room.

  “Coming?” he called once he had disappeared into the room.

  MaLeila had every intention to once she was sure she could walk without stumbling and falling, and by the mischievousness that was seeping through his lust clouded aura, Marcel was aware of her problem. Eventually she made her way to Marcel’s room, where she found him waiting for her in only his boxer briefs and the gold chain with his family crest. Her eyes went to his erection and suddenly, MaLeila was nervous when only moments before she hadn’t been.

  Sensing her nervousness, Marcel moved to stand directly in front of her and forced her to look up at him.

  “I had almost forgotten you’d never done this before.”

  MaLeila flushed, more than she already was from their encounter so far. “Was it obvious?”

  “Yes,” Marcel said with a laugh. Then he added, “We can wait if you want. It doesn’t have to be this fast.”

  “No, I…” MaLeila shook her head. “I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure?” he whispered, even though no one else was around.

  MaLeila nodded, to which Marcel responded by putting his hand in her hair, tilting her head back and kissing her, at which points all nervousness left her as she was once again overwhelmed by the sensations of his body against hers.

  He lifted her off the ground and led them to his bed. He sat her on the edge of it before unhooking her bra with practiced ease and removing it from her body. MaLeila pulled herself back on the bed some and leaned on her elbows and carefully watched as he slipped his hands under her hips and hooked his fingers in the waist of her panties, already sticky with her arousal, and slid the garment down her legs. When they fell on the floor, Marcel
urged her to lie all the way back and then his lips covered her right nipple. Like last the last time he did this, the action sent sensations through her entire body, specifically sending a jolt to the tight ache between her legs, feeling as though he was physically touching her where she so desperately wanted—needed him to. She threw her head back and put her hand in his hair, holding his head there to encourage him further.

  When she felt his finger stroke her from the opening of her vagina and then up to her clit, she gasped and a whimpering moan escaped her at the loss of contact. The loss of contact wasn’t for long though. She felt a finger touch her opening again and then slide into her. She arched towards him again, not able to find enough breath to moan, only to gasp as another finger joined to thrust inside her while his thumb rubbed her clit.

  He lifted his mouth off her breast but the sensations didn’t leave, not with him continuing to thrust his fingers inside her, periodically stopping to rub circles on her clit with his thumb before continuing. Even with her eyes squeezed shut, MaLeila could feel his gaze on her, sense his smugness as he watched her writhe under him, toes curling and uncurling as each thrust of his finger and massaging of her clit caused the ache to build and get tighter.

  She arched toward Marcel one last time before the tight ache reached its peak, her toes curling and uncurling as she felt the tightness release, her body going stiff and them limp as every nerve in her body reacted and tingled with her orgasm.

  MaLeila inhaled and exhaled deeply and slowly, finally opening her eyes to see Marcel still leaning over her, his fingers still inside her.

  “Fuck,” MaLeila muttered.

  Marcel kissed her on the lips once and whispered, “Was that nice?”

  MaLeila couldn’t even bring herself to be embarrassed by his teasing. She couldn’t even come up with a response. Instead, she wrapped her arms around him and tried to urge him to close the gap between them so their skin was touching, but Marcel didn’t let her.

  He kissed her again and muttered, “Hold on.”

  Then he crawled off the bed and stood in front of her. With a little feeling back in her arms, MaLeila propped herself up on her elbows and watched as Marcel removed his briefs. She could still only take slow deep breaths at the moment, but her mouth fell open as she saw his erection for the first time. She tilted her head to the left and then to the right to get different angles on it as she visually inspected his erection. MaLeila had never seen one before, not in real life anyway. Nina had once roped her into looking at some sexy NSFW photos at her house once a couple of years ago, so she’d seen a few pictures, but an erection in real life looked so much bigger than it did on a computer screen.

  Marcel got back on the bed and settled between her legs. MaLeila sat up, hand reaching out to touch him in curiosity, but nervousness stopped her.

  “It’s okay. You can touch it,” Marcel urged. When she still didn’t cover the rest of the distance between her hand and his erection, her grabbed her wrist and guided her hand until it was touching him.

  She tapped her fingers against it first, before gripping it with her entire hand. She froze when Marcel groaned and started to retreat her hand until he reached out with his right hand and said, “Want to put this on for me?”

  MaLeila looked at the item in his hand, body growing hotter when she saw it was a condom. When she heard him laugh at her embarrassment, she carefully snatched the condom out his hand, pinched the tip, and slid it onto him. Sex-ed had at least been good for that if nothing else.

  She lay back on the bed again and Marcel hovered over her, one hand on the left side of her head while he used his left hand to guide himself toward her opening. She tensed up when she felt it poking at her, causing Marcel to lean down and tell her to relax before he pressed his lips against hers. As he did so, she felt his erection sliding into her. It didn’t hurt like Nina had once told her. If anything, once he was fully inside her it felt uncomfortable, like an awkward stretch.

  Marcel looked at her, watching for discomfort, and seeing none, he began to thrust back and forth inside her, hips slapping against hers, her breast bouncing up and down with the motions. Even through her discomfort, MaLeila felt keenly aware of her body as he thrust in and out of her, like he was touching her entire body everywhere at once without touching her. And then his lips were touching her, kissing her neck, her shoulders, her face, everywhere he could get his lips to reach. Not only could she feel him, she smell him, his scent exacerbated even through the musty scent of sweat and sex; she could taste him, even though her mouth wasn’t on him. As she began to moan, whimper his name and urge him on, his thrust became faster, more aggressive and he began to pulse inside her. He sat up on his knees, grabbed her hips tightly and lifted them slightly off the bed. His thrust were deeper and the angle changed so that every time he went back in her, he brushed against her clit. After only doing this twice, MaLeila gripped onto the comforter as her body stiffened and her second release of the night came. Something about being joined with him, filled with him, made it all the more intense though and she trembled with the spasms of her core. It was during these spasms that caused MaLeila’s body to go more and more limp until she couldn’t make her fingers curls anymore, that Marcel tensed above her and disjointedly breathed her name as he found his release.

  After a few more halfhearted thrusts, her hips fell from Marcel’s slackened grip on him, and she landed softly on the bed, his now soft penis slipping out of her. It wasn’t until a few moments later when MaLeila opened her eyes that she realized she had closed them at all to begin with.

  He was staring at her and if MaLeila had to describe the expression she would say he looked reverent and in awe, like she was a goddess to be worshipped. She felt heat rise to her cheeks and she looked away from him. Her behavior caused Marcel to chuckle as he leaned his body over her and looked her directly in the face.

  “A little late to be shy now, isn’t it?” he asked, hand caressing the outside of her left ass cheek and thigh.

  “Stop teasing me,” MaLeila tried to snap playfully, but instead whined.

  “Can’t help it. You make it so easy,” Marcel replied with a shrug. Then he said, “God. You’re so beautiful.”

  MaLeila doubted it. As she was beginning to come down from her high, the sweatiness and stickiness that she hadn’t cared about before made her feel messy and no doubt her hair was a puffy, tangled mess, and there was a tease of the soreness she would no doubt feel in the morning. Still, this afterglow and the warmth that still lingered felt good. And for the first time in a while, she didn’t care what consequences, good or bad lay ahead.


  It was another presence that woke MaLeila up for the second time that morning. The first time she had awakened, it was to try to go take a shower. Marcel had felt her shifting though and wouldn’t let her leave, claiming that she wasn’t allowed to get out of bed, nor was she allowed to put on any clothes at which point her proceeded to have sex with her again. That was a couple of hours ago, according to the digital clock on the nightstand next to the bed.

  MaLeila sat up to see a woman with black hair and dark eyes wearing an A-line skirt and a blouse that was only buttoned up halfway and untucked from her skirt. She was leaning in the doorway of the room, taking a puff of her cigarette.

  When she took the cigarette out her mouth and blew out the smoke, the woman said, “Well damn I was hoping to get here and talk some sense into my brother and maybe scare you out of dating him before he fucked you. And I was only a night too late.”

  MaLeila heard Marcel groan next to her.

  “I just talked to you yesterday. You didn’t say you’d be here this soon.”

  “I said I be here sometime within the week. I just didn’t know if it would be sooner or later. Turned out to be sooner.”

  “Whatever, Katinika,” Marcel groaned as he rolled over to look at his sister. “I wish you would have called me.”

  “So you could have known how long you had to fuck yo
ur new girlfriend and adjust accordingly?” the woman asked. And then said, “Aren’t you going to introduce me?”

  “Would it be better to wait until we’re both not naked in bed?” Marcel asked bluntly, his question mirroring MaLeila’s thoughts and sentiments.

  “Nope,” the woman said as she came into the room and sat in a chair in the corner of the room. “Now get to it.”

  Marcel sighed and grumbled, “MaLeila, this is my sister, Katinika, but everyone calls her Nika. Nika, this is MaLeila.”

  “Nice to meet you,” MaLeila said slowly.

  “Don’t bother with pleasantries,” Nika said,” Because honestly I haven’t determined whether or not it was nice to meet you yet.”

  “Don’t be so mean to her, Nika,” Marcel muttered from where he was now lying back down with his face in the pillow.

  “Relax. I won’t treat her any differently than I treat anyone else.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m worried about,” Marcel replied. “Now go away. We’ll be out later.”

  “No time,” Nika replied. “Anya is on her way here.”

  “Anya from the council,” Marcel said sitting back up to look at his sister.


  MaLeila resisted the urge to groan. Of all the council members, Anya had to be the one she hated the most. Compared to the other council members, she was young, younger than Bastet, and one of only three active female member on the council. Yet in most ways, she was worse than the other members in her elitist, classist, and even racist views, which surprised MaLeila when she realized the woman had them because the “Dominican Republican” born woman was probably only a shade lighter than MaLeila when it came down to it. MaLeila had a harder time dealing with Anya than she had dealing with the other older and mostly male council members.

  “I’ll just go then,” MaLeila said.

  “No. Stay. It concerns you too,” Nika said and then added, “If I were you, I’d call your guardians over here too.”


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