Escaping Love

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Escaping Love Page 10

by Debra Smith

  “All right, it’s time for you to look.”

  Her sudden intake of breath had him grinning like an idiot. Her silence worried him so he gazed up at the vibrant display of the starry heavens. Billions of stars shined brighter than any number of precious gems. They each seemed to sparkle with defined brilliance. In the middle of nowhere, with no lights to obstruct the view, the night sky became awe-inspiring.

  Her hand found his, and he gave her a gentle squeeze. She was speechless.

  Score one for the cowboy.

  Chapter Twelve

  Alex’s eyes burned with unshed tears. She didn’t know why she was crying, but she guessed it had a lot to do with the surprisingly sweet gestures from the male beside her. He just kept surprising her with well…surprises. The good ones, not the ones you had to pretend to like to spare someone’s feelings.

  She bit her lip, trying her best to control her crazy emotions. At one minute she felt helpless when it came to her situation and the next she felt as if she were a kite being blown about by a soft breeze with Clint as her anchor.

  Lame, she knew, but it was the best way she could describe her feelings. She clasped his hand. The silence kept dragging on between them while she grasped for something to say.

  “I just don’t have the words.”

  “Yeah, leaves you kind of speechless. Huh, darlin’?”

  “Yes, it does.”

  “Well just wait a minute. The best is yet to come.”

  She snorted. “Is that some sort of sexual innuendo?”

  “Naw, just look. It’s starting.”

  “Shooting stars—” Awe and wonder heavy in her voice. “I’ve never seen one before.”

  “Pick any one you want and make a wish.”

  She tried to track all the little pieces streaking in fiery brilliance across the night sky. They seemed so close she was tempted to lift her hand to see if she could catch one. Wishes were for children and naive women, but at that moment she didn’t give a crap. She picked the brightest one, squeezed her eyes shut, and wished with all of her heart.

  Everything she wanted played like an old black-and-white movie through her mind. Her, Clint, two kids—a boy and girl, heck even Old Gus was there with them. Their kids were playing in front of the guest cabin where she first made love to Clint. Her heart ached with the severity of her wish. She coveted it like something precious, and despite her plan she would keep the memory with her always, tucked safe in the most secret part of her heart.

  “What did you wish for?”


  Alex cupped his cheek and brushed her mouth over his, taking her time to taste the sweetness of his lips. His faint stubble tickled her chin while she continued. She wanted to show him how she felt through her actions. To make him realize how much all of their time together meant. Even though they had spent less than a week together it felt like the beautiful beginning of a lifetime.

  Her free hand pressed against his ridged stomach heading south. He groaned against her mouth, emboldening her. She gripped his heated flesh, massaging it through the denim of his jeans. His hips lifted from the bed of truck, increasing the pressure beneath her hand. Panting, she could no longer deny the desire to feel the hardness of his erection under her palm. Still kissing him, she struggled with the button of his pants. She smiled triumphantly when the tricky little thing finally gave way.

  She burrowed her hand under the fabric and sighed with erotic contentment. Pleased he wasn’t wearing underwear, she reveled in the feel of him. Silk over marble, the complexity made her want to purr. He neared perfection. The jeans hindered her movement, but she managed to stroke him from base to tip. Discovering a bit of moisture at the tip, she ran her thumb through it, spreading it around the head. How had something so large fit inside her? Her mouth watered with her need to taste him.

  She broke the kiss and cut a path of kisses and nips down his chest to her intended target. “I want to taste you.”

  He growled so fervently she could feel the vibrations everywhere she touched him.

  Crawling the remaining distance down his body, she used her hands to pull his pants down to his ankles. He helped a little, forcefully jerking his pants down when she struggled. His boots blocked his total freedom.

  She didn’t care because her target had been exposed. Straddling his legs, she pinned him down with her weight. She couldn’t see much but not having the visual heightened everything. Despite the chilly night, heat radiated from his body. She circled his base with her hand but couldn’t quite circle the entire length. His cock pulsed under her hand, and she began to properly investigate him. Cupping his heavy sac with her free hand, she gently rolled it, eliciting a hiss of pleasure.

  The powerful high from her control over such a primal male made her head spin. Increasing the pressure, she brought her mouth closer and blew a stream of warm air against the still-moistened tip.

  “Alexandria, I want to be inside you,” he moaned her name like a plea for salvation.

  “No, this is just for you.”

  All too happy to finally taste him, she encased him in her mouth, going as far down as she could and using her free hand to cover the rest of his cock. Then in a symbiotic movement she sucked him from the base to the top, following with her hand.


  His breathing became more intense and his balls tightened under her fingers.

  She repeated the move, ending with a swirl of her tongue. She could tell he was close. The scent of his sexual arousal made cream pool between her legs. Her pussy throbbed with the need to be filled, her inner muscles clenching and unclenching, but this was for him not her.

  His penis jumped beneath her grip so she changed tactic, not wanting him to come too soon. She licked the sensitive flesh on the underside, paying special attention to the place just below the crown. She diverted her ministrations back to his sac and began to massage him.

  His hips bucked while he moaned. She tried to be unselfish, but she wanted his semen inside her, marking her from the inside out. She circled his cock with her mouth and rooted herself, pushing him deep enough she could feel him at the back of her throat. Then she swallowed and repeated the process.

  His hands fell to her scalp, leaving a slight burn as he directed her. She loved the way her fucked her mouth so out of control. It made her feel desired and sexy, as if she was the only one that could take him to the brink.

  The first pulse of his seed spilled into her mouth, and she drank down the heady and salty liquid, taking every single drop he had to offer.

  His hands left her head and hooked her under the arms, lifting her to his face, then he kissed her, drilling his tongue into her mouth. She loved the way he was so comfortable with his own flavor.

  He separated from her and pressed his forehead to hers. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She moved to the side while he readjusted his pants. When he reached for her she rested her head against his chest, listening to the calming rhythm of his heart.

  He covered her with a blanket he must have placed in the back of the truck before they left the garage. Her body ached but at the same time she’d never been so relaxed, so happy.

  “Little Cat?”


  “I haven’t been able to get a hold of Gryph or Jenny. I’m worried something has happened to them.”

  “I’m sure everything is fine. Things have a way of working out.”

  He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and pulled her closer.

  “I hope you’re right. I can’t bear the thought of anything happening to you.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll kill anyone that dares harm you. I protect what’s mine.”

  The threat in his voice held a deadly promise that both sent chills to her lady parts and made her heart swoon. She didn’t know if he was aware of how much his words implied, but she knew she loved him. She bit her cheek to keep from telling him. It wo
uld be a mistake. She knew it. No matter what she had hoped for in the beginning, things had changed because now she had something she wanted.

  She tried to calm her heart, but it rebelled. Acid pumped through her veins when she thought about what she had to do. Anything she needed to go through would be worth it, because the precious thing blossoming between her and Clint needed to be protected. He’d understand—he had to. She couldn’t risk him, Jesse, or Clara being hurt. She had twenty-four hours, which equaled one day of hope.


  Contentment washed over Clint with Alex sleeping in his arms. He’d planned the evening, and it had ended better than he could have guessed. Feminine snores made his heart expand behind his ribs.

  His Little Cat was all tuckered out. He’d made wish on the stars too, but he wasn’t going to tell anyone in case the off chance it would come true. Hell, he’d been wishing on stars since Clara had read about it from a book when he was seven. He’d always wished for his family to come and find him. He wished that they would show up and tell him all the reasons they had to leave him behind and that they were sorry but they loved him and wanted him to come home more than anything in the world. But those were the dreams of a child.

  As an adult he had one thing to say. Fuck ’em. Clara was a better mother than anyone could ever hope for, and he had a family. The band of misfits he grew up with became his brothers, and Jesse, even though she was human, couldn’t be a truer sister. So he had everything he ever wished for, just not the way he had wished for it. He told Clara he wanted Alex as his mate, and he did. But each hour that passed without hearing anything from his Alpha made him as nervous as a chicken in a fox den.

  He’d taken the oath of Hospitality, and he’d be damned if he didn’t follow through with it. He took a deep breath, drawing Alex’s scent into his lungs. It did the trick, and he started to think more clearly.

  They were safe here. Only one person knew where they were and the bear would never give him up. Clay grew up with him on the ranch, and they were adopted brothers not just packmates. Even though the grumpy bastard hadn’t returned any of his calls when he tried to check on the bar, he wasn’t too worried. If his second home wasn’t exactly like he’d left it then hell’s fury would come to visit in the form of a pissed-off wolf. Clay’s bear form may be huge but he had nothing on Clint’s speed.

  His Little Cat started to shiver. He hated to admit it but he’d better get her home and tuck her into bed. She had chores to do in the morning and so did he. Gently rubbing her back, he attempted to wake her.

  “Alex, babe, we need to get heading back.”

  She braced her head on her chin and looked at him with sleepy, hooded eyes.

  Dear Lord, there went his dick—hard and ready for a party.

  “What time is it?”

  “Not sure. Near as I can figure it’s close to midnight. We’ve got an early morning darlin’. We better get a move on.”


  She rubbed her nose as though something was tickling her. It was one of the cutest damn things he’d ever seen.

  “Here, I’ll help you into Rose, and we can get on our way.”

  She yawned, and he thought he heard her mumble something but he couldn’t make it out. He maneuvered to the end of the truck bed and stood waiting for her to make her move. She did, too slowly for his taste. So he scooped her up in his arms and placed her in the cab of his truck.

  Quickly putting the sleeping bag away he engaged the tailgate and hopped in, taking the blanket with him.

  “Here, I thought you might want this. It will take a little bit for Rose to warm up, and I don’t want you getting cold.”

  She smiled sleepily at him as he tucked her in beside him. She burrowed like a little rabbit seeking refuge and began to purr. God, he loved it when she did that.

  He’d probably catch all kinds of grief from Gryph for admitting it, but he didn’t give two shits.

  He parked Rose back in her safe home and helped a sleepy feline to bed, more specifically his bed. She didn’t protest, which he liked a lot. It wouldn’t have mattered anyway because her sleeping beside him was one thing that he wouldn’t budge on.

  He set his alarm to make sure he would wake before the rooster crowed. He stripped out of his clothes and slid in beside her. God, it just felt right. He spooned her, marveling at how her body molded perfectly to his. He let out a contented sigh, but couldn’t sleep. He wanted to keep her he just didn’t have a clue how. He needed to talk to her father and see if he would let him place a bid on her.

  Inwardly cursing himself for even thinking the term, he cringed. But if her old man wouldn’t see reason then he’d have to play by his rules. He’d been saving most of his life and had a sizable amount of money stacked away for a rainy day. He’d do it tomorrow.

  Feeling a whole lot better about the next couple days, he decided to strip his Little Cat naked and ready her for a midnight roll in the hay.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Alex swatted at the noisy box buzzing in her ear. She risked a glance but wasn’t greeted by the sunlight. She squinted at the numbers on the clock and almost died. At a quarter to five, she felt anything less than human.

  Clint’s scent surrounded her, making her feel all cozy and giving her another reason to stay in bed. He surprised her many a time during the night with frisky business. Her body hummed with residual pleasure.

  She started to drift off again, but the devil’s plaything started buzzing again. Groaning, she struggled to lift her body to a sitting position. Her eyelids felt like sandpaper and her arms seemed to contain cement instead of flesh.

  Realizing she had a job to do, she managed to stand and pull on her clothes from last night. Clint had folded them and placed them neatly on the bench at the foot of the bed. His on the other hand were scattered across the floor without a care in the world.

  “Clint? Are you up?” she whispered.

  He rolled over and pulled the covers over his head.

  She rolled her eyes. Typical male behavior. The morning’s chores rested on her slender but capable shoulders. She shuffled her way to her room, took a quick shower, and dressed in some of her borrowed clothes. The sun had barely started to break through the night’s darkness. Despite her tiredness, she wouldn’t have traded last night for anything. It was magical.

  Today would be her last day on the ranch. Clint didn’t know it, but she had to go home. If she didn’t, there may be an uprising and innocent people could be hurt. At the thought of leaving him behind, her heart began to race. She tried taking deep, even breaths but no matter how much air she sucked into her lungs, she still felt as if she were suffocating.

  She stepped into her attached bath and splashed cold water on her face. She looked her reflection in the eye and said with as much conviction as she could rally,

  “You can do this, Santos. It’s the best for everyone.”

  It did the trick, and she started down a path with leaden feet. Each step broke more pieces off her heart, and each time her foot came to rest another piece fell off. It was like she was leaving her heart behind. She had to hurry. She’d made a promise to help out, and she would keep it. Gus needed his home cleaned, and the eggs needed gathering.

  She peeked in on Clint. Her lips twitched when she saw him snuggled up with his comforter. Tears pricked at her eyes so she shut the door, blocking the image from her view. She made her way through the house and out the back door. The wind snaked around her exposed limbs, chilling her to the bones. She ducked inside and grabbed a jacket. Every minute that passed, the day became brighter. It still wouldn’t have been enough for a normal person, but with her shifter vision is was easy. The air smelled crisp and fresh as if the world had yet to take its first breath. Silence filled the vast space of the sky, but she loved it. Every step of hers seemed to be placed with purpose.

  She found the henhouse and made quick work of gathering the eggs, placing the fragile ovals in the basket. She took them inside and pla
ced the basket on the kitchen counter then grabbed the pair of gloves she used yesterday. She made her way to Gus’s shed. Luna meowed at her.

  “Good morning, pretty girl.”

  The kitten started to purr as soon as Alex scratched her right above her tail. She began kneading the ground and twining herself around Alex’s legs.

  “I’d better get to work.” She grabbed the shovel, placed it in the wheel barrel, and wheeled it out to the outer gate. Gus was still locked up, but she decided to feed him that way he’d have something to do while she worked.

  Before she made it inside Clara’s voice drifted up behind her, causing her to jump.

  “Wow, Alex, ya sure are an early riser.”

  “And you are quiet. I didn’t even hear you walk up. I thought I would get an early start today. I still have to pooper scoop.”

  Clara grinned brightly. “Pooper scoop, huh? I don’t think I’ve heard it called that before. I like it.”

  Alex placed her hands on her hips and shrugged.

  “I like to keep things interesting.”

  “You know, I could tell that about you. You seem to have a hard time settling down. Must be a feline thing.”

  “Probably. Listen, I wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you. It’s been fun.”

  “Sounds like a goodbye if I’ve ever heard one.” Clara’s gaze looked her up and down with a curious eyebrow.

  “No, no it’s not like that. I just wanted to make sure you knew how much I appreciated being here.”

  “Don’t worry about it none. The way Clint smiles around you is payment enough.”

  Alex wouldn’t be surprised if she was the color of a tomato.

  “Er…well I’d better get back to work. I’ll see you at breakfast.”

  “See ya soon.”


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