Shifting Destinies: A Paranormal Interracial Story (HIdden Hills Shifters Book 3)

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Shifting Destinies: A Paranormal Interracial Story (HIdden Hills Shifters Book 3) Page 5

by Day, Vella

  “This I gotta hear.”

  “It has a sad ending.” Then he smiled. “We’d finished playing a game of hoops on a Saturday night, and a few of the older boys invited us to join them for a little party. They’d managed to snag two bottles of Jack Daniels. I know, I know. It was dumb, but we were only fifteen.”

  “I trust you got trashed?”

  “It was worse than that. They drove us out to the abandoned water tower on the northeast edge of town. They all took a few sips, but then they encouraged us to consume as much as we wanted.”

  The waiter delivered their drinks and asked what they wanted to eat. Emmaline went simple; spaghetti and meatballs. He opted for the veal marsala.

  “Go on.”

  “After we got stinking drunk, they dared us to climb the ladder to the top. Said they’d be right behind us.”

  She smiled then sipped her tea. “I’m guessing you charged on up, but the others didn’t follow.”

  “You guessed it.”

  Her lips lifted. “What happened?”

  “They drove off.” He shook his head. Good thing Dan Williams moved away right after high school or else Wade would have been tempted to punch the shit out of him—even now.

  Emmaline laughed and covered her mouth. “What did you do?” Her words came out muffled.

  “We thought about shifting, but we believed we could run faster as humans. If we hadn’t been drunk, that might have been true. We’d gotten about a mile down the road when a cop stopped us. Apparently, someone called it in. That someone just happened to be the forward on our basketball team.”

  “Hazing sucks. Bet your dad wasn’t pleased.”

  “You can say that again. Not only was I benched for the rest of the season, I spent my afternoons and weekends doing extra chores.”

  “I like your dad already.”

  “He’s a good man.”

  For the rest of the meal, they told stories of their lives growing up, and Wade began to see a woman who wasn’t given as much love as she gave. He hoped he could do something to change that, but it would take time.

  Once he paid the check, they left. The problem was that as they neared her house, the more his mind went into mating mode. He needed an intervention. If he didn’t receive some advice about how to be with her and not want to have her sexually all the time, he’d mess things up for sure.

  In her drive, he cut the engine, and she faced him. “How long are you in town?”

  For as long as you’re willing to see me. “Not sure. A few days at least.”

  Wade jumped out of his side and rushed over to hers. Hand in hand he walked her to the door. “Thanks for a great night. I’m glad I got to learn more about you.”

  “Ditto. You want to come in?”

  She had to be kidding. “I think you’ve had enough of me for one day. I’ll call you tomorrow.” He had planned to go in and talk some more, but he could tell he’d never be able to keep his hands off her if he did. Instead of the full-blown kiss he wanted to give her, he brushed his lips against hers. “Night, Emmaline.”

  He waited for her to go inside before heading home. He had no doubt it was going to be a long, sleepless night.

  Chapter Six

  Emmaline was more confused than ever. As soon as Wade pulled out of the drive, she plastered her back against the door—the same one where they’d made love. She didn’t know what had come over her when she’d practically thrown herself at him. At least, he hadn’t seemed to think less of her because of it and had even made her quite comfortable during dinner.

  She’d really enjoyed getting to know him. It had been nice to learn he’d been just a normal, happy kid, but that knowledge was dangerous, as it made her want him more. It would be best if she cut the cord sooner rather than later since nothing could come of this relationship. When he called tomorrow, she needed to be strong and tell him she couldn’t go out with him again. Wolves did not date bears, as they were beneath her kind—or so she’d been taught.

  Em headed into her room to get ready for bed. She donned her pajamas, and when she stepped into the bathroom to wash up, she spotted the pregnancy test on the counter. She still hadn’t had her period, and her stomach this morning had been queasy. At the time, she’d chalked it up to nerves, but now she feared something else might be going on.

  It was time to find out if she was pregnant or not. If she wasn’t, and this ill feeling didn’t go away, she’d stop over at Storm’s clinic to have some blood work done.

  Emmaline opened the package, read the directions to make sure she didn’t do it wrong, and peed on the stick. Then she waited. When the word pregnant appeared, she didn’t want to believe it despite the mounting evidence. She shook her head, knowing there had to be a mistake. Her stomach cramped, and her pulse raced.

  “It can’t be.”

  She must have bought a defective one. It was the only explanation. Since it wasn’t quite ten, the pharmacy would still be open.

  Back in her bedroom, she redressed, but when she reached the front door, realization dawned, and she stopped. The condom they’d used had been a gag gift. The damned thing probably wasn’t even meant to be used for protection. She’d been so stupid not to have asked. It was her fault she was pregnant.

  Her legs shook, and she barely made it to the kitchen table before collapsing onto the seat. Emmaline placed a hand on her stomach. Oh, my howling dogs. She’d gotten pregnant with a bear shifter no less. She couldn’t tell Wade. He’d either insist they marry or else he’d think nothing of it, saying he probably had a lot of little Blacks running around. Even if it would solve some of her problems, marrying him could never happen. She’d lose her family for sure. Her chest squeezed.

  She remembered him saying he might move here, and if he did, she’d never be able to keep her pregnancy from him. Wade would never believe that her baby was another man’s since she’d been by herself at Chey’s wedding, and it would only take a few well-placed questions to learn she didn’t date much.

  Sweat beaded on her forehead, and she’d never felt more alone in her life. She needed to talk with someone, but calling Tasha was out of the question. Her fiancée and Wade were best friends. Chey was off limits, too, since she wouldn’t be able to keep that kind of secret from Tasha either.

  Piper! She was a nurse, or at least she worked at the hospital. Though what she could do, Emmaline didn’t know. Piper was a human who couldn’t understand what this would do to Em’s family dynamics. Her mom and her sisters were the last people on earth she’d confide in, but they would find out—eventually.

  She didn’t want to think about what they’d say she should do. No matter what, she was going to have this baby. It better be a girl, though. Then, at least, the child would be a wolf. If she had a little boy, he’d be like his dad—a bear.

  Added to her trouble was that a child cost money—lots of it—and that was in short supply. Mr. Francolini paid well, but a paralegal’s salary could only rise so high.

  Even though she was full from dinner, she had the urge for something sweet. She rummaged through the refrigerator and found some chocolate ice cream. Perfect. Maybe if she gained a ton of weight, people would think she was merely fat instead of pregnant.

  * * *

  Luck was on Emmaline’s side the next day when Wade called. He said he had to help his dad today, so they couldn’t get together. Apparently, a water pipe had burst and he would be spending the entire day cleaning up the mess and waiting for the plumber to do his magic.

  Because she didn’t want to sit around and mope, Emmaline headed to the women’s shelter, hoping to take her mind off her situation. Once there, she stepped into the back office where Francis greeted her. “Need me to do anything today?” Em asked.

  Francis grinned. “You angling to get a job around here?”

  Emmaline laughed. “Just trying to keep busy.” And not think about Wade’s baby growing inside me.

  “I could use someone in the delivery room sorting packages. Y
ou okay with that?”

  She pushed aside the idea of another type of delivery room she’d be in early next year. Emmaline was happy just to be useful. “Totally. How’s Mahalia Drake doing?”

  “You’ll be happy to know she’s adjusting well.”

  Emmaline was relieved. “Her husband hasn’t tried to find her?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Great. I guess I’ll get to work.”

  Three women were working in the large staging area where people dropped off their goods to be donated. Sorting through the useful from the trashy was a tedious job but once she started chatting with the others, time flew by. After a few hours, though, her body began to ache from bending and lifting. When her stomach complained from lack of food, she decided to call it a day. There were a few items that she needed to transcribe for Mr. Francolini tomorrow, anyway, and it wouldn’t hurt to get them done in the leisure of her home.

  On her way back, she stopped at the store to pick up some items she’d been craving. Now she understood where those had come from. After purchasing another gallon of chocolate ice cream along with some chips she headed home to do her work.

  * * *

  As much as Emmaline tried not to think about her condition, she couldn’t stop the chatter in her brain. Sleep had been sporadic that night, but Monday morning eventually arrived. Even though her boss would be at the doctors first thing, Em arrived promptly, not wanting any more time at home than necessary. No matter where she looked, she could picture Wade—naked, hard, enticing. Her body kept reacting to the image time and time again, and she wished she knew what she had to do to make this insanity stop.

  At first, the office was almost too quiet, but by nine thirty, the phone calls began. She had to explain to everyone that Mr. Francolini was out of the office but would be back soon. Here, she thought his client list had been dwindling.

  By ten thirty, she began to wonder what was taking him so long. From all accounts, Storm took his patients quickly and treated them efficiently. The answer was easy enough to find. Emmaline called his office.

  “Dr. Durant’s office. How may I help you?”

  “This is Mr. Francolini’s secretary, Emmaline Nettles. Can you tell me when he’ll be finished with the doctor?”

  “I’m sorry, honey. Your boss never showed up this morning. I was just about to call for him to reschedule.”

  “Are you sure he didn’t come in?”

  “I’m sure. I opened the office and haven’t left.”

  “Thank you. I will reschedule for him later.” Just as soon as I ask him what happened. Perplexed, Emmaline disconnected the call.

  Perhaps her boss had decided to stay home and work from there. It wouldn’t have been the first time he’d forgotten an appointment. In the past, when he planned to come into work late, he’d always called. Emmaline punched in his number and leaned back as the phone rang and rang. The voice message picked up saying he couldn’t come to the phone, so she left a message for him to call her back.

  Mr. Francolini had been a little absent-minded of late. Perhaps he was speaking with a client and had forgotten to tell her. Hopefully, he would be in later this afternoon, but she wasn’t sure how long she should wait. If he’d been in an accident or was stranded somewhere, she ought to call the hospital and see if he’d been admitted.

  Stop blowing this out of proportion. Jeez. Her hormones must be messing with her mind. She’d wait a bit longer before taking action. There was sure to be a simple explanation.

  Knowing that her stomach had a tendency to be upset after eating, she’d brought a rather bland lunch to eat in the office. She’d stayed busy the hour after lunch, but by two o’clock worry ate away at her. Something was wrong. Mr. Francolini never stayed out of the office this long.

  She knew where her boss lived, but she felt a little strange going over there by herself. The image of Wade flashed in her mind, and she wondered if he might be willing to go with her.

  Without giving it any more thought, she called him.

  “Emmaline? Something wrong?”

  She wished he wouldn’t jump to conclusions so easily. It didn’t matter that it was true. “Can I ask you a favor?”

  “Of course.”

  She explained about her boss being MIA. “Would you mind coming with me when I go to his house?” She wasn’t usually like this, but she was still reeling from her recent news.

  “Have you tried calling him?”

  “Yes. He had a doctor’s appointment this morning, but he never showed.”

  “I’ll be right there.” His serious tone almost scared her in its intensity.

  However, once she’d shared her disturbing news with Wade, Emmaline’s despair lessened. Just having someone to commiserate with had made her feel better. With the few minutes she had until he showed up, she searched her boss’s desk for a hint as to where he might have gone. His calendar—one that she’d filled out—showed the doctor’s appointment this morning and nothing else.

  On his desk sat several folders. She looked through them to see if perhaps he had a deposition hearing scheduled and had forgotten to tell her. Nothing popped out at her though. Just as she returned to her desk, Wade walked in, and a rush of lustful excitement, along with relief that he was there filled her.

  “Thanks for coming.” She stepped up to him and grabbed his arm. For some reason, he brought her needed comfort.

  “You have your boss’s address?”


  Emmaline was about to suggest she drive, but once they stepped outside and she found his truck parked in front, they took his. As soon as she slipped into the front seat, the memories flooded back. She remembered her panties hanging on the mirror, and remembered how she’d laughed, but there was no humor in her body right now.

  Wade put the address in his phone and had no trouble finding her boss’s place.

  As they neared his house, she spotted Mr. Francolini’s car in the drive and relaxed back against the seat. “Thank goodness he’s here.”

  Together they marched up to the front door, and she rang the bell. When no one answered, she peeked in the living room window but didn’t see him. Lights were on in the kitchen, so she knocked again. “Maybe he’s taking a nap or is on the phone in back,” she said.

  “I’ll go around to the side and check,” Wade offered. “Keep knocking. He might be getting dressed.”

  That made sense. Emmaline wanted to go with Wade, but it would be better if she tried to rouse her boss. A few seconds later, glass shattered, and her pulse soared. Emmaline dashed around the side to see what was happening. Just as she reached him, Wade was sticking his hand in through a windowed side door to get in. She ran up to him. “What are you doing?”

  “Emmaline, stay here. Please.”

  She didn’t want to, but from Wade’s tone, perhaps she should. Something bad must have happened or Wade wouldn’t have broken the glass. He disappeared inside and she paced. Her nerves jangled, and eventually she couldn’t just wait outside and do nothing. She entered and heard Wade down the hall. As soon as she spotted him leaning over Mr. Francolini on the floor, she froze. “Wade?” Her voice cracked.

  Wade turned, his face drawn, and shook his head. “I’m sorry.”

  Her stomach tumbled, and she shut her eyes, not wanting to see his prone body. “Is he dead?”

  “It appears so. I didn’t want you to see him like this.” Wade blocked her boss’s body, pulled out his phone, and pressed three buttons. “We need an ambulance at 147 Oregon Road.” He waited a beat before turning his back to her. He mumbled something into the phone that she couldn’t quite make out, mostly because the blood pounding in her ears blocked out everything.

  Hand over her heart, she stumbled to the door and leaned against it. It couldn’t be true that Mr. Francolini was dead. She inhaled and the smell of death finally permeated her sensitive nostrils. She wanted to vomit.

  Wade approached and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Let’s wait ou
tside for the ambulance.”

  Putting one foot in front of the other, Emmaline let Wade escort her around to the front. He placed her on one of the chairs and sat next to her. “I’m sorry.”

  “He said he wasn’t feeling well on Friday and had me make a doctor’s appointment. If only Storm had been able to see him sooner.”

  “Don’t do this to yourself,” Wade said.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. She really loved this man. He was like the father she’d never really had. “What am I supposed to do now?”

  Her baby’s well-being rushed to the forefront of her brain. She had no way to support both of them. Her parents had money, but she refused to ask them for any help. Not only that, when they found out whose baby she was having, they’d probably want nothing to do with her.

  Wade picked up her hand. “Does he have a wife?” She shook her head. “Do you know if he has any other relatives in town?”

  Emmaline’s thoughts were too scattered. Think. Think. “He has a daughter, but I’m not sure where she lives.”

  “Would anyone know?”

  Everything seemed fuzzy all of a sudden. “He spoke about a woman named Agnes, who was his friend. I think she lives in town. She might know.”

  Wade stilled. “Do you know Agnes’s last name?”


  Before he could make another suggestion, sirens sounded as the ambulance raced toward them. Wade stood to meet them while she remained on the porch. The paramedics slid out of the cab, spoke with Wade, and then headed around to the side door, while she remained on the porch to grieve. She couldn’t bear to see her boss so lifeless. He might not have been young, but he still had more years left.

  After what seemed like forever, the two paramedics finally rolled Mr. Francolini out on a gurney. As soon as they sped off, Wade returned to her side. “Are you going to be okay?”

  Not really. “Yes, but I need to go back to the office.”

  Wade pulled her to a stand and folded her in his arms. “Emmaline, no you don’t.”


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