Sallie List (river boat)
Sanders, Lt. Col. Addison H.
Sanderson, Col. William L.
Sanford, Lt. Col. William
Sanger, Maj. W. D.
Savannah, Tennessee
Saxe, Capt. Ed
Scarbrough, Sgt. John S.
Scarbrough, Pvt. Lemuel
Schaller, Col. Frank
Schmitz, Capt. Joseph
Schoepf, Col. Albin
Schwartz, Maj.—
Scott, Thomas
Scott, Gen. Winfield
Seals, Pvt. Joe
Searle, Lt. C. P.
Seay cotton field
Sedgewick, Col. Thomas D.
Semmes, Adm. Raphael
Seward, William
Shannon, Capt. Joseph
Shaver, Col. R. G., position on night of April 5, first contact, collapse of Prentiss’ line, the crossroads, “Hornet’s Nest,” disabled
Shaw, Col. William T.
Shepard, Pvt. Elijah
Sherman, John
Sherman, Gen. William T., Lexington, Kentucky, pre-war, favor’s Halleck, central Tennessee plan, discovers enemy forces at Corinth, ordered to meet up with Smith, professional soldier, arrives at Savannah, movement to Savannah, ordered to Eastport, interest in Pittsburg Landing, arrival at Pittsburg Landing, orders reconnaissance of Eastport, reconnaissance to Chickasaw, reports no enemy troops in the area, firefight on April 4, looking for prisoners, notified of Confederate presence on April 5, Union rumors of pending attack on April 5, still thinks Confederates at Corinth on April 5, night of April 5, bitter about the surprise, feelings toward Grant, action around Shiloh Church, moves to shore up the left flank, requests McClernand’s support, situation on left deteriorates, joins up with McClernand’s Division, shortage of ammunition, the crossroads, Union counterattack, “Hornet’s Nest,” Pittsburg Landing Line, a narrow escape, Sunday night, Grant’s failure to pursue the Confederates, rear-guard engagement, “criminal negligence,” Corinth, wounded, first contact
Shiloh Branch
Shiloh Church
Shiloh National Military Park
Shipwith, Pvt. Thomas
Shirk, Lt. James W.
Shoemaker, Col. Michael
Shorter, Col. Eli S.
Shoup, Maj. Francis A.
Shumway, Lt. Payson
Sigel, Gen. Franz
Silfversparre, Capt. Axel
Sims, Sgt. William
Smith, Maj. Albert
Smith, Col. Benjamin F.
Smith, Gen. Charles F., pre-war, Grant’s opinion of, subordinated to Grant, Fort Henry, Fort Henry could be captured, Fort Donelson, Battle of, 64-65; Halleck recommends, ordered to Corinth, ordered to meet up with Sherman, professional soldier, arrives at Savannah, movement to Savannah, orders Sherman to Eastport, interest in Pittsburg Landing, arrival at Pittsburg Landing, dispute over rank, injury affecting his ability to command, meeting to plan assault on Fort Donelson
Smith, Maj. Francis M.
Smith, Capt. Clifton H.
Smith, Col. John E.
Smith, Col. Marshall J.
Smith, Capt. Melancthon, and his battery
Smith, Gen. Morgan L.
Smith, Col. Preston
Smith, Col. Robert A.
Smith, Capt. Robert W.
Smith, Col. T. Kilby
Smith, Lt. T. R.
Smith, Col. William Sooy
Smyser, Lt. Jacob
Snake Creek Bridge
Snyder, Pvt. R. M.
Southerland, Capt. John
Southerland, Pvt. James
Southerland, Pvt. John C.
Southgate, Lt. Richard
Sowell Field
Spain Field
Speath, Lt. Charles
St. James, Lt. Col. Joseph
St. Louis, USS (gunboat)
Stanford, Capt. Thomas J.
Stanley, Col. Wright A.
Stanton, Benjamin
Stanton, Edwin M.
Stark, Maj. Henry
Statham, Col. Winfield S., Peach Orchard, Pittsburg Landing Line, Sunday night, Confederate last stand
Statton, Pvt. Charles
Steadman, Col. Samuel H.
Steele, Gen. Frederick
Stephens, Col. William H., and his brigade
Stevens, Capt. W. A.
Stevenson, Alabama
Stewart, Gen. Alexander P., position on night of April 5, action around Shiloh Church, the crossroads, “Hornet’s Nest,” Sunday night, Union counterattack
Stillwell, Pvt. Leander
Stockwell, Pvt. Elisha Jr.
Stone, Capt. George H., and his battery
Stone, Sgt. Maj. Thuron
Stone, Maj. William M.
Strahl, Lt. Col. Otho F.
Stuart, Col. David
Stumbaugh, Col. Frederick S.
Sturgess, Capt. Robert H.
Sullivan, Col. Peter J.
Sunken Road
Swain, Capt. Peter T.
Swan, Pvt. William
Sweeny, Col. Thomas W.
Swett, Capt. Charles, and his battery
Tappan, Col. James C.
Taylor, Pvt. B. F.
Taylor, Maj. Ezra
Taylor, Capt. Jesse
Taylor, Capt. John B.
Taylor, Col. William H. H.
Taylor, Gen. Zachary
Tecumseh (steamer)
Tennessee and Georgia Railway
Tennessee Military Units,1st Infantry Battalion, 2nd Infantry, 4th Infantry, 5th Infantry, 6th Infantry, 9th Infantry, 12th Infantry, 13th Infantry, 15th Infantry, 19th Infantry, 20th Infantry, 22nd Infantry, 23rd Infantry, 24th Infantry, 25th Infantry, 27th Infantry, 28th Infantry, 33rd Infantry, 35th Infantry, 44th Infantry, 45th Infantry, 47th Infantry, 52nd Infantry, 55th Infantry, 154th Infantry, Bankhead’s Battery, Crew’s I Battalion, Forrest’s Cavalry, McClung’s Battery, Miller’s Battery, Pillow’s Flying Artillery, Rutledge’s Tennessee Battery, Smith’s Battery, Tennessee Battalion
Tennessee River
Terrill, Capt. William R., and his battery
Terry, Capt. Lamkin S.
Texas Military Units, 2nd Infantry, 8th Cavalry, 9th Infantry, Terry’s Texas Rangers, Wharton’s Cavalry
Thayer, Col. John M.
Thayer, Syvanus
Thielemann, Capt. Christian
Thomas, Gen. George
Thompson, Col. Jacob
Thompson, Lt. Col. John B.
Thompson, Pvt. John C.
Thompson, Capt. Noah
Thompson, Capt. Phil B.
Thornton, Col. A. J.
Thornton, Col. John J.
Thrall, Lt. James
Thurber, Lt. Charles H., and his battery
Tickenor, Rev. Isaac
Tilghman Branch
Tilghman, Gen. Lloyd
Timony, Capt. James P.
Tindall, Col. Jacob T.
Tod, Governor David
Townsend, Capt. Edwin F.
Tozer, Lt. T. D. Trabue, Col. Robert T., Union counterattack, Union retreat, Sunday night, Confederate last stand, Union retreat
Tracey, Pvt. Samuel
Trembly, Pvt. Edward N.
Trigg, Capt. John T., and his battery
Trumbull, Senator Lyman
Tupper, Lt. Col. Ansel
Tuttle, Col. James M., and his brigade
Tyler, Lt. Col. Robert C.
Tyree, Capt. Joseph
Underwood, Capt. B. T.
United States Military Academy
United States Military Units; 2nd Cavalry, 4th Artillery, Battery H & M, 4th Cavalry, 5th Artillery, Battery H, 15th Infantry, 16th Infantry, 19th Infantry, Mendenhall’s Battery, Terrill’s Battery
Van Dorn, Gen. Earl
Van Horn, Lt. Col. Robert T.
Vaughn, Col. Alfred J. Jr.
Veal, Lafayette
Veatch, Col. James C., the crossroads, collapse of the Purdy Road line, Union counteratt
ack, “Hornet’s Nest,” Corinth
Venable, Lt. Col. Calvin D.
Vertner, Pvt. A. V.
Virginia-Tennessee Railroad
Voris, Pvt. A. C.
Waddell, Capt. Lloyd D.
Wagner, Col. George D., and his brigade
Walden, Capt. Madison M.
Walke, Cdr. Henry
Walker, Col. J. Knox, and his brigade
Walker, Lt. Col. Francis M.
Walker, William
Wall, Maj. William B.
Wallace, Gen. Lew, meeting to plan assault on Fort Donelson, army suffers overconfidence, opinion of C. F. Smith, Fort Donelson, Battle of, pre-war, arrival at Pittsburg Landing, strength returns before Shiloh, Grant’s concern, Grant’s order hold division in instant readiness, ordered to Pittsburg Landing, says army taken by surprise, sunken road, arrives on the field, might have routed the Confederate army, Sunday night, Union counterattack
Wallace, Maj. William
Wallace, Gen. William H. L., pre-war, assault on the Union left flank, moves to support McClernand, the crossroads, collapse of the Purdy Road line, “Hornet’s Nest,” Union retreat, wounding of, prisoner movement, Sunday night, Union counterattack, death of, found mortally wounded, losses, what-if?, mortally wounded
Warner, Maj. John
Waterhouse, Capt. Allen C., and his battery
Watts, Col. Thomas H.
Webster, Col. Joseph D.
Welhorn, Maj. W. J.
Welker, Capt. Frederick
West, Lt. James
Western Union Company
Wharton, Col. John A.
Wheat Field
Wheeler, Col. Joseph
Whitaker, Col. Walter C.
Whitall, Lt. J. D.
Whitfield, Maj. F. E.
Whittlesey, Col. Charles
Wicker’s Field
Wickham, Capt. W. L.
Wickliffe, Capt. Nathaniel
Wickliffe, Col. Charles
Wilder, Col. John T.
Wilkinson, Pvt. Micajah
Willard’s Battery
Williams, Capt. John
Williams, Col. Christopher H.
Williams, Col. Nelson G., and his brigade
Willich, Col. August
Wilson, Capt. Andrew N.
Wilson, Lt. N. B.
Wilson’s Creek, Missouri, Battle of
Winans, Col. Wesley
Wisconsin Military Units, 14th Infantry, 16th Infantry, 18th Infantry
Withers, Gen. Jones M., and his division, position on night of April 5, collapse of Prentiss’ line, assault on the Union left flank, “Hornet’s Nest,” Pittsburg Landing Line, gunboat shelling, attacks the Pittsburg Landing Line, Sunday night
Wolfe Field Wood, Col. David E., and his brigade
Wood, Pvt. Dick
Wood, Lt. Col. Enos P.
Wood, Lt. Col. Gustavus A.
Wood, Lt. Peter P., and his battery
Wood, Gen. Sterling A. M., position on night of April 5, first contact, action around Shiloh Church, collapse of Prentiss’ line, the crossroads, disabled
Wood, Gen. Thomas J.
Woods, Col. Charles R.
Woods, Col. Joseph J., and his brigade
Woodyard, Lt. Col. Humphrey W.
Worth, Gen. William J.
Worthington, Col. Thomas
Wright, Col. Crafts J.
Wright, Lt. Col. Marcus J.
Wyatt, Pvt. Jessie W.
Yandell, Dr. D. W.
Yates, Governor Richard
Yeatman, Pvt. W. E.
Zinken, Major Leon von
Zollicoffer, Gen. Felix K.
Shiloh and the Western Campaign of 1862 Page 52