Under a Tuscan Sky

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Under a Tuscan Sky Page 25

by Karen Aldous

  ‘Yes of course.’

  ‘And, if I do move to Italy, you know we must find someone to replace me here don’t you? That doesn’t mean we can’t visit each other at weekends and holidays. Flights are cheap nowadays.’ Olivia bit her lip. Wasn’t she getting rather carried away?

  Chiara smiled. ‘Yes. I suddenly feel like our roles are reversed. It was always me reassuring you.’

  ‘That’s exactly what I was thinking earlier.’ Olivia sat back on the couch. ‘I feel like I’ve now become the big sister.’ She rubbed her hands down her thighs to her knees. ‘I do feel like I’ve grown up somewhat these last few weeks. I believe I might have become an adult now. And I’m so glad I dumped Will.’

  ‘I know. I’m so happy for you; Alberto is gorgeous. And now I can tell you, Liam didn’t think you and Will would last. Just shows how much we really know one another, doesn’t it.’

  ‘Or ourselves.’ Olivia looked at her watch. She had another appointment soon. ‘I’d better get ready. Do you fancy a coffee after work?’

  ‘Tell you what, let’s go out tonight and have a celebratory meal and a drink. What do you think?’

  ‘Err yeah, but only if we can have tapas and don’t have to dress up. Not had tapas for, well about a month, and it would be nice to be me again.’

  Chiara gave her an inquisitive look before squeezing her arm. ‘A tapas and Prosecco night it is.’


  Olivia checked her phone again at five-thirty, after her last client had left the room. There was a missed call from Hugh. Fatigued from her first full day, she slumped in her chair and tapped his name.

  ‘Hi, Hugh, sorry, I was with a client.’

  ‘No worries. How are you?’

  ‘Fine. You?’

  ‘Yes, very good. Yeah, sorry I had to dash off on Monday. It’s been a strange week.’

  ‘Oh?’ Olivia said prompting an explanation.

  ‘Yes, well, when I was at Malcesine that day at the lake, I was offered a bridal chest. Claudia, my contact, had picked it up in a house in Lucca. Anyway, we’ve agreed a sale. I’ve just got to collect it. Anyway, I’ve been down to see something similar in Sorrento and, it turns out, the one I’ve bought was painted by the same renaissance painter. They match.’

  ‘Really, that’s exciting. Renaissance original presumably then. Worth a few bob.’

  ‘Yes, and I have an inkling it matches yours. It’s covered at the moment, of course, but we could look at getting it restored with the paintings. Anyway, there is a twist. I believe it was painted by an artist called Sofonisba Anguissola, who is a notable female artist from that era, which makes them extremely rare.’

  ‘Oh really! How fascinating.’

  ‘It is, isn’t it. Anyway, I’m going to pick the one up from Claudia, along with your panel ends if that’s OK, and get this guy in Sorrento to verify they’re the same artist. He’s an expert on this woman and he’s in Florence tomorrow. So I’m excited. It could get interesting. I got your message by the way. I’ve lined up a couple of people for Friday afternoon, eh, tomorrow. Is that OK?’

  ‘Fine, will you be going along with them, into the house?’

  ‘Yeah, so I collect the key from a lady at reception?’

  ‘Yes, please. Her name is Gabriella. I’ll let her know. Would you mind texting me their names too? Just as a security measure for …’

  ‘Christ, Liv. I’ll ask them to wear badges and leave off any jewellery to go through security, shall I?’

  Laughter gurgled from her throat. ‘You can’t be too careful. Any strangers hanging around and Gabriella will throw them off the complex.’

  ‘Tch, OK, can’t upset Gabriella. I’ll get their names.’

  ‘Thank you. How shall I pay for all of this?’ At once she realized she had phrased the question wrong.

  Hugh made a snort. ‘How do you want to pay?’

  ‘Hugh St. James, that doesn’t merit an answer. I’m not going to bite.’

  ‘Well, just make sure you can pay the market rate with those demands. Unless, of course, Alberto is paying.’


  ‘OK, OK. Got it. Anyway, we can sort out the money when I see you. I’ll see that the guys get a fee for coming out.’

  ‘Thank you. Let me know how much I owe you. But, Hugh … I’m not sure when I’ll be out next.’

  The silence was palpable. Olivia was stunned by her own words. It seemed impossible she would never see him again.

  Chapter 35

  Rushing along to meet Chiara, Olivia almost lost her balance as she stepped off the pavement and across to Jose’s, their favourite tapas bar. Speaking to Hugh had already held her up, but then Alberto had rung whilst she was trying to put on her make-up. He was going to bombard her with links to all the possible wedding venues and would she have a look.

  Then her sister sent her a message asking which dates would most suit her for their visit; another message came from Signor Ricci, pressuring her for a response to the offers, which she urgently needed to speak to her mother about. Having a family, marriage, and property was all very wonderful, but where, she wondered, did you fit everything in?

  Chiara was sat at the bar when she arrived, looking uber cool and calm. Far more her usual self.

  ‘Here at last, sorry. I was going to text,’ she said raising herself on to the stool next to her friend.

  Chiara tapped her phone. ‘Oh, don’t worry, it’s seven minutes. Actually, about five, I was here two minutes early.’ She then lifted a bottle of Prosecco out of the wine cooler on the bar and holding a clean, empty champagne flute, began pouring the wine. ‘I couldn’t wait to get out of the flat, to be honest. Liam is rehearsing his lines for a new drama. Grrrh, I swear I’ll swing for him one day. Well I would if there was room. He paces that flat, and on that floor, you know that awful fake wood I’ve got, and with his trainers squeaking as he struts up and down, urgh – it drives me mad.’ She handed Olivia the wine. ‘Honestly, men are fine as long as you don’t live with them!’

  Watching Chiara’s expression, Olivia laughed. ‘Oh dear, he wouldn’t be getting his favourite dinner cooked then, if you were in tonight, I mean.’

  ‘Absolutely not. Oh, I shouldn’t moan. I love him to bits. It’s easier in the summer. He goes for a walk to the park or along the river, I don’t know, somewhere, anywhere I expect where he can escape the tuts and moans that pour from my mouth.’

  ‘Poor Liam.’

  Chiara lurched forward, her eyes glaring at her friend. ‘No not poor Liam. Liv, everything centres around him just lately, and he and his ego need to get a room, preferably in another town.’ Chiara shuddered. ‘OK, I’ll stop. I’ve had my rant. I tried it earlier and all he gave me was a blank stare. Oh, and what will he have for tea?’

  Just when she thought Chiara had calmed, she had another outburst. Something was niggling her friend. Olivia found Chiara and Liam entertaining as a couple. As an actor, Liam was a master at manipulating the conversation and teasing Chiara. He was adorable, even if a little annoying at times, like tonight.

  It was worrying to think she would be committing to Alberto and she didn’t know him that well. She had never lived with any of her boyfriends. Whether that was because she feared they would claim half her grandparents’ house, or simply because she hadn’t felt it was the right man, she wasn’t sure. She had never encouraged it.

  Chiara’s voice came to the fore. ‘Anyway, Paulo will let me know when he has a table.’

  ‘I’m looking forward to this. I hope they have their Iberico pork and croquettes; they’re amazing.’

  ‘Oh, Liam cooked them at home. Not the same, but very nice.’

  ‘He does like to cook, doesn’t he. I don’t know if …? No, I’ve never had a meal at his. Alberto has a great, state-of-the art kitchen.’

  ‘Well, that’s only great if it’s used, surely?’

  ‘Yes, true.’ Olivia recalled the only items she had con
sumed in his kitchen were a coffee from the espresso machine and a croissant from the fridge. Instantly, she thought about how Hugh would compare. Hugh was much more hands-on generally and she imagined he would fit domesticity so much more comfortably than Alberto. ‘Well, we can’t have it all. Liam seems to be doing well in his career. Another drama is this?’

  ‘Yes, sounds good. He has a key role. Though he won’t tell me anything at the moment – they’re all sworn to secrecy. But yes, dramas seem to be becoming more popular than films, aren’t they? If this pays, hopefully we can buy a house.’

  ‘Rent mine if I move to Italy. Mate’s rates. You may have annual visits from the rest of the family, but there’s plenty of room.’

  ‘Oh, Liv, now that would be a dream come true. I love your house.’

  Olivia witnessed her friend’s eyes brighten. It was certainly something she could consider doing for Chiara. She really didn’t understand at all why she had failed to see just how lucky she was. Everything she had ever needed had been provided for her. She had it all, and almost too much with Nonna’s farm, but it would be lovely to have her own apartment so she could have a bolthole and see her family. In reality, she was happy and comfortable.

  Chiara dreamed of having what she had, and marrying Alberto would provide more wealth. She clutched her chest. Wealth came in different forms. Alberto’s achievement in the car industry was outstanding. He and his company must have earned themselves so much respect but it didn’t change the fact that he would certainly expect her to commit to living in Italy and his possessiveness could get overbearing.

  ‘When you go out to these celebrity events and awards with Liam, do you get jealous?’

  ‘It’s there, but I have to trust him. His industry is chocka with beautiful actresses? Why?’

  ‘I love Alberto but I’m concerned he is too possessive. I don’t know if it is a one-off or if he’s likely to get worse.’

  ‘And that incident with your brother wasn’t congenial either.’

  ‘No. There’s so many questions in my head. His standards are really high too. His apartment is too immaculate; he spent a fortune on a few items of clothing. For example, if you had two thousand pounds in your pocket to spend, excluding houses or cars, what would you spend it on? A trip to a beauty salon, an outfit?’

  ‘Neither. I’d rather have a trip somewhere nice. Papa’s home in Italy, or Rome, Paris, New York, the Lake District. I’ve heard there’s some lovely walks up there.’

  ‘What about Liam?’

  ‘Liam? He would too. I think that’s what’s so appealing about him. He likes what I like and we don’t buy into all those media or celebrity pressures.’ Chiara took Olivia’s hand. ‘You are worried you’ve said yes to something you’re not sure about, aren’t you?’

  Taking another glug of the bubbling wine, Olivia blinked hard, screwing up her face. ‘Oh, it’s more than that.’ She held her forehead trying to align and get her thoughts into some sort of order. At the moment, they were like a large box of Lego, all the colours, shapes, and pieces mixed up needing to be organized and put into order before any sort of worthwhile structuring or building could take place. ‘Please don’t say anything. Not even to Liam.’

  Chiara gently tugged her hand. ‘Of course not.’

  ‘I feel so phoney. I think I might have got carried away. I think I have said yes, not because I didn’t mean it, but I don’t think I understood. They say love is blind, right?’ she said waiting for Chiara’s acknowledgement. ‘Well, I know I love Alberto; what we have is amazing, I mean, the sex, wanting to be with him, feeling special, feeling loved. They’re all there …’ her voice trailed off ‘… but, I don’t know if we are suited. I’m not sure I could be happy following his ethos or meeting his high expectations. I don’t like the fact he gets very angry when he is jealous or disagrees with me. What if he has trust issues and gets violent? I don’t know what to do. It’s strange. He is the first person to have swept me off my feet. Everything seems perfect, yet, I don’t know.’

  Chiara slowly lowered her head, pursing her lips, but kept her gaze on Olivia. ‘Phew, Liv, I don’t know him.’

  Her gaze was distracted by Paulo, however – the young Spanish barman. ‘We have a table for you. Would you like to go now?’

  ‘Yes, thank you,’ Chiara said, grabbing her coat and glass whilst Paulo picked up the ice bucket containing the wine.

  Olivia jumped from her chair. ‘You go, I’ll follow.’

  Once seated, Paulo gave them a menu each and positioned the ice bucket on one side of the small square table.

  Olivia topped up their glasses and continued with the conversation. ‘Where was I? Oh, yes, his possessiveness. I know, and just some of the things that I haven’t got around to thinking about until we started talking about Liam and what it means to live with a man. You know, I really need to think everything through. I’m feeling I have, or am, jumping in too quick. I don’t want Alberto and I just to be a statistic. It’s my whole future. I fell in love with Alberto, the beautiful, charismatic family man, a great lover who I actually felt I could have a family with. I’m not sure I’ve actually got to know him as well as …’ She paused.

  ‘What?’ Chiara leant forward, waiting. Then took a sip of her drink.

  ‘I’m not …’

  ‘Liv, what …’

  Paulo appeared. His legs wide and pen poised. ‘What can I get you, ladies?’

  ‘Have you got the Iberico pork still on here?’ Olivia asked.

  ‘Yes, of course.’

  ‘And the cheese and ham croquettes?’


  Chiara also put in her order and urgently tapped Olivia’s arm. ‘Liv, what? Tell me?’

  Olivia sipped her wine. ‘Hmm, I’m not sure he would make the best husband.’

  ‘Oh no, Liv? And you’ve agreed to be married.’

  ‘I can’t help it, but I keep comparing him to this guy Hugh, who I also met in Italy.

  ‘Blimey, Liv.’

  ‘I know, I know, it sounds dreadful, doesn’t it. It was a few days after I met Alberto, that we met. He came to view Nonna’s house, the villa. He wanted to buy it. Just the villa, that is, not the farm. Anyway, he’s since been helping me out with Nonna’s antique bridal chest and … well it’s a long story but he helped me find my family, even when I didn’t want to. The point is, I think I love him too, and what’s more, I believe he is my soul mate. I mean, I haven’t slept with him or anything, but we have kissed. That alone was unbelievable.’

  Chiara licked her lips. ‘Well, well, you have been on an adventure, haven’t you? So do you have any photos of this Hugh? I like to make a fair assessment.’

  ‘Oh, I forgot, I’ve been gathering photos. I’ll show you.’ Olivia picked her bag up from the floor and ruffled through it for her phone. ‘I didn’t even realize Bella took this. He’s good-looking, maybe a little more rugged, a bit slimmer, or should I say less chunky, but I think what I’m getting at is, we are so comfortable together. He is much more laid-back than Alberto, and I suppose I feel that I don’t have to watch who I speak to. I can be myself around him.’

  ‘Whoa, erm, what, you’ve just come to this conclusion?’

  Olivia made a long shrug, baring her teeth and spreading out her jaw. ‘It shows?’

  ‘I’d say. You don’t gush like that about any old friend.’

  ‘I feel awful.’

  ‘Well, it all happened so quick.’

  ‘I don’t know what to do.’ Olivia opened the photographs on her phone and handed it to Chiara, pointing to each and introducing them.

  Chiara oohed and aahed. ‘Oh, you can see the likeness – how amazing. Alberto is certainly dapper. She reached the last two photos. ‘And, is this Hugh? Wow, the way you are looking at one another.’

  ‘Oh my God, you saw that straight away. That’s Hugh.’

  Chiara flicked back to a previous photo and pulled the image wider with her finge
rs. ‘So, who is Hugh with here?’

  ‘What do you mean? Where?’ Olivia jumped out of her chair and bent over the table beside Chiara to see the photo.

  ‘Here.’ Chiara pointed to a couple in the background to one of the photos a passer-by had taken.

  With a pant she clasped both hands and brought them to her mouth. It was Hugh. A punch impaled her stomach. He was walking out of, or looking at something on the forecourt of, the antique shop up in the backstreet of Malcesine, with some leggy blonde. ‘You’re right. It is him. Odd, I didn’t notice him there. Mind you, it isn’t a particularly good photo. It’s a bit blurred.’ She stared, the numbness pinching her body.

  ‘Take it.’ Chiara placed it on the table.

  ‘I don’t want to see it.’ Olivia flicked it away as though it was a dead mouse.

  Retrieving it, Chiara sat back down. ‘Liv, I think if you’re having doubts about Alberto, you should at least get to know him better. And if you are going to commit, or speak to this other guy … Do you know if he likes you? Does he care about you like Alberto does? Alberto must think a lot of you to ask you to marry him.’

  ‘Oh, God, it’s probably too late now. I really believe he cares about me. He followed me all the way to Lake Garda. He’s very protective, but in a good way. Whereas, Alberto, I’ve discovered, is protective in a possessive way, which I don’t think I could live with.’

  A frown crossed Chiara’s forehead. ‘No, I don’t blame you. Do you remember that Billie I dated? Temper or what?’

  ‘I do, yes, and just mentioning his name triggers terror. Alberto isn’t that bad, but what if he gets worse?’

  ‘That’s what I mean. You need to spend more time together before you dive into marriage.’

  ‘But, I might not have time. What if Hugh was serious about this woman and I haven’t told him how I feel? I will lose my chance, and my soul mate. Even if we don’t have a future, I think I should try. I believe we have something meaningful.’


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