Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel)

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Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel) Page 13

by Wiedmeier, Lisa

  His face was only inches from my ear as he spoke gently, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad. Don’t go.”

  I was too irritated; I just needed to clear my head. I needed to go for a walk, run, do something physical. I managed to push myself away again. This time, Callon relented, and I headed for the front door. I had no shoes on so I went to my room and slid them on. I had to leave for a little while; I would come back when I was calm. When I could focus more clearly and demand answers. I was having a difficult time coming to grips with this whole set of circumstances.

  Colt and Daniel were in the great room. I didn’t look at them when I entered, but I did as I left. They both glanced at me, and Callon trailed close behind. Colt was distressed, probably because I was. Turning my gaze away, I went for the front door with Callon’s footsteps following.

  I stopped briefly on the porch, realizing I didn’t know where I was going. In the next second it came to me. I would go where Daniel had taken me, to the meadow. It was calming, and that was just what I needed. I was fairly sure I could find my way again.

  Callon didn’t say a word as he followed a few steps behind. I allowed my mind to wander a little to the forest surrounding me. I liked it here; the ground didn’t have a lot of undergrowth like in other areas. I could walk fairly quickly without stumbling over some unforeseen object. The sunshine fell through the trees in specks, creating the sunshine smiles my mom loved.

  My dad had taught me to be aware of my surroundings in the forest. He had told me I needed to be aware of any hidden dangers. I missed him so much right now that my heart ached, and I sighed. Callon heard my sigh and stepped up alongside me. I didn’t glance his way. I continued until I thought I was fairly close to the meadow, but I wasn’t quite sure. I stopped in an opening between the trees and located the sun’s position. It seemed to be in the same spot as when Daniel took me, so I knew I had to be close.

  Trudging on, we made our way up a small hill. Once at the top, I knew I had found it. The small opening in the forest revealed the same lovely view. I had just come in at different angle. I stepped into the meadow, allowing the sun to fully absorb into my skin as I tilted my chin up. This was what I needed, the tranquility.

  I didn’t hear Callon’s footsteps any longer. He was waiting at the opening, I was sure of it, although I didn’t glance back. I walked forward, lingering as my outstretched hands caressed the grasses and wildflowers. My touch stirred the exquisite scent into the air as I focused on the creek before me. I paused at the water’s edge and sat on a boulder, carefully untying my boots and setting them to the side. I moved my feet into the icy-cold water, and a chill swept over me.

  My eyes followed the creek as it meandered into the forest. The water licked over a fallen tree and then made a slight descent into a pile of insignificant boulders. It disappeared from sight as it wound further and further into the trees. Standing, I stared for a long time, until my feet began to ache from the cold—the water was numbing them and my irritation.

  I glanced around and saw soft matted grass a few feet away. I took the few steps and lay on my back, legs crossed at my ankles and arms behind my head. Closing my eyes, I just listened to the sound of the water, birds chirping…and the rustling of someone sitting down next to me. Callon didn’t say a word; I only heard his rhythmic breathing. I didn’t need to open my eyes to know he was staring at me. I could sense it. I could see in my mind those mesmerizing hazel eyes. I didn’t need to be consumed by them.

  A warm breeze blew strands of hair across my face, tickling as they touched my lashes, causing them to flutter. I opened them into slits as I watched his fingers gently brush the hair aside. He was lying on his side with his hand propping his head up as his elbow rested on the ground. He was closer than I thought, and my heart started beating faster. I opened my eyes fully and stared back into his. I couldn’t stop myself. Those eyes seemed to peer deep into my innermost being. I could get lost in them, especially when the sun brought out the variations of brown, green, and amber. I had to look away, and get a hold of myself and quit acting so witless! If I didn’t, I wouldn’t remember why I was so mad. I wouldn’t remember I needed answers to my questions.

  “Cheyenne, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I don’t want you angry with me. I understand that you feel you’ve been deceived all these years. It was always for your own protection.”

  His words reminded me why I was so angry. I had been lied to for years, information purposely being withheld. But who decided it was for my protection? I couldn’t deny that sometimes I did need to be safeguarded, mostly from my own stupidity, like what happened with my Jeep. “Will you promise not to deceive me anymore? I really don’t like being kept in the dark.”

  Callon’s voice was smooth and sincere, “I will not deceive you, and I will tell you what I can. Will that work for now?”

  I was hastily coming to the conclusion that I wasn’t going to get a better offer. He said he wouldn’t deceive me, but he wouldn’t promise to tell me everything. I really didn’t see the difference.

  “Did you know what was in the pie?” I asked.

  “I suspected something, but I saw you eating and was more concerned about not hurting your feelings than my instincts.”

  He was concerned about my feelings? My mouth moved without my consent. “You looked irritated afterwards, when you were lying there, and then your irritation changed. It was as if you could have, you would have jumped up and...” I wasn’t able to finish my sentence.

  His face was just inches from mine. His upper body suddenly hovered over top of me. His lips brushed mine as they made their way to my ear where he tightly whispered, “I would have jumped up and pulled you into my arms to prevent you from leaving. I would have kissed you senseless and made you forget who you were and what you were about to do.” My stomach did a back flip, and my pulse increased tenfold.

  I was breathless in my quick response. “You’re a little full of yourself if you thought you could make me forget.” What was wrong with me? Why would I say something like that? This wasn’t me; I was just egging him on. I wanted him to kiss me that way. I wanted to feel his arms around me. I wanted to feel alive. Would he make me feel that way? Would it be different than Colt’s kiss?

  Callon said nothing more; only his warm breath on my neck remained. It was calm and steady. He knew what he was doing and was totally and completely in control of his emotions, while I was the one reacting emotionally. It wasn’t fair. He lingered a moment longer and then relaxed back to his previous position.

  I turned to see him grinning from ear to ear. He knew he could make me forget, and I knew it too. I didn’t smile; I averted my eyes and began the questions again, this time staying under control.

  “What do you know about the journal?”

  “Not much,” he confessed. “We had never seen it before you brought it back with you.”

  “But you knew about it?”


  “You’ve looked at it?”


  “Do you understand it?” I was curious.

  “No, but I do know that some of the writings are in Servak. We’re not sure about the symbols.”

  I would have to do more research on the journal. Somewhere there must be materials to help us. I just had to find them. Maybe it was in my house, in some of the books I had packed away. I hadn’t paid close attention; I was pretty numb at the time, just trying to put memories away.

  The idea of being Timeless was weighing heavily on my mind since he had first mentioned it. “So this whole Timeless thing, how does it work? Does it just suddenly appear on my twentieth birthday with balloons and sign in hand?” I asked sarcastically.

  He chuckled, “No, no balloons or signs and I said around the age of twenty.”

  “Okay, then how does it work?”

  “Well, it’s different for each of us.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That’s helpful.”

  “Each of us goes th
rough the change differently. For me, the weeks leading up to the transformation were riddled with physical pain.”

  “I see, and then afterwards you knew you had changed? Did you go and test your theory? Jump off a cliff or something?” Once again I was being cynical. If he was going to drive me crazy and not fully answer questions, then I was going to give it back to him. Two could play at this game. He didn’t answer, so I sat up and gave him a slight sneer. He waited calmly as moments passed and I grew angrier.

  “You have a little problem with your temper, don’t you?” he observed.

  Irritation began to flair its ugly head again. How in the world was he able to keep doing this to me? Twisting things around to get me flustered, bring out the worst in me? “I don’t have a temper around anyone else but you, He who must be obeyed!” I snapped back.

  He grinned, apparently amused with his new title. “That’s new. So I bring out the worst in you then?”

  I leaned in closer, only inches from his face, and he didn’t act surprised. He actually appeared to be enjoying it.

  I spoke through clenched teeth, “Only my temper!” My jaw was taut, and I was quickly losing all control. I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. Our eyes still locked, his amused and mine shooting imaginary flames. This was so unfair!

  He broke the silence, a smirk spreading. “I’ll take temper. It shows passion.”

  “Argh!” I rolled my eyes and fell back into the grass, exasperated. Dusk was approaching, and we needed to get back. I wasn’t sure I could find my way back in the dark. I was so completely confused—utterly and stupidly confused! How could he make my heart race like this one moment and then have me angry the next? He purposely whispered in my ear about kissing me, but didn’t. He was going to drive me crazy! Why did I want him? It made no sense—it was illogical. Colt would express his feelings to me openly; Callon used them to torture. This was just some stupid childish infatuation—it had to be.

  I sat up and pulled my boots and socks on, taking my time. Callon just patiently waited. He stood when I had finished and extended his hand. I looked up, hesitated, and then he unexpectedly reached down and pulled me up. He began to lead us out of the meadow, back to the cabin. He didn’t say a word; he hummed while I scowled. He was intent on making me insane, I was sure of it. I ran my thumb over my Servak ring, thinking about what I now knew it meant.

  Chapter 12

  It was dark by the time we neared the cabin. Colt was anxiously pacing inside. He immediately drew me into his arms. Warmth filled me. At least he wore his heart on his sleeve, not concealed beneath a layer of scales. He leaned back slightly and took my face in his fingers, tilting it up.

  “The swelling seems to have gone down.” He tenderly kissed my right eye and then my lip. “I think it looks perfect no matter what,” he whispered in my ear.

  I tightened my arms.

  “Thank you,” I said, meaning it.

  He smiled down at me, and I couldn’t help but smile back. Callon was standing off to the side with a stupid grin on his face. He knew he had gotten the better of me earlier and was gloating. I was just going to ignore him.

  “Are you hungry?” Colt asked with concern. “It’s been a while since you’ve eaten.”

  I hadn’t really thought about it, but my stomach understood perfectly as it answered with a growl.

  “I guess that means yes?” Colt chuckled.

  “Yes,” I laughed.

  Taking my hand in his, he led us to the kitchen. “Let’s get you something before you wilt away.”

  I leaned up against the counter and watched him dig up some lunchmeat and make me a sandwich. I gulped it down, plus drank two large glasses of water. I hadn’t realized how hungry or thirsty I was.

  After I finished, I went to the bedroom to deposit my shoes. I stopped in the bathroom on my way back. I glanced in the mirror. He was right; the swelling had improved, and rather quickly, I thought. I still had some scratches, but now the bruising was fading to green. Hopefully, I would be back to normal in a couple of days.

  I checked my teeth for any remaining food particles, and decided to brush anyhow. My hair wasn’t looking too bad, just a little windblown. I ran my fingers through it to remove some of the tangles.

  I returned to the great room. Colt was sitting there talking with Daniel and Callon. I reached my hand out; he took it as I pulled him from his seat. He tilted his head in curiosity, but followed. I led him out the front door and down the stairs, stepping carefully on the rough ground. He glanced up to where we were heading and scooped me up into his arms, catching me off guard. I squeaked, and he smiled. He took us to the swing under one of the large pine trees.

  It was a unique swing, mostly because it resembled a hammock. It would normally fit two people, but because of his size, it would only seat one. He cradled me in his arms as we sunk in together, and I curled up even further into his enormous chest. I moved my head so it was resting in the crook of his neck.

  I had missed him today. I missed Colt’s touch, his smell, and his love. It really wasn’t fair of me to ask for it. After all, I had wanted Callon to kiss me earlier, although that was just stupidity coming to the forefront. Callon was more evasive than a politician. Nothing there for me but frustration. Right?

  I was glad Colt couldn’t read my doubts as he swayed us back and forth. But sooner or later I’d have to discuss it with him. Not tonight, though. This was our night.

  “You’ve had a rough couple of days, haven’t you?” Colt observed tenderly.

  I sighed. “You could say that.”

  “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  I lifted my hand and caressed his cheek. “You’re doing it right now.” I leaned in closer and kissed the corner of his mouth. “Thank you.” I stared into his eyes as I waited for some sort of reaction.

  He gave a faint smile, and I nuzzled my head back into his neck once more. Why was it when I wanted him, he didn’t, and when I didn’t want him, he did? They say women are confusing, but I was beginning to think men were worse.

  His fingers began to play with my hair as it fell across my back. I was realizing how tired I was becoming. My eyelids were heavy, and every blink lasted longer. I didn’t remember falling asleep, but I did feel the sensation of him carrying me to bed.

  I woke to the coolness of the morning air drifting over my cheeks. The window was open, and it left a chill in the room. Colt was with me, his arm draped across my shoulder. I remained still, gazing at the wall and letting my thoughts flow freely. By now, a certain sense of routine had settled in, and I no longer felt so threatened by everything. I didn’t like how easily I’d succumbed, but fighting against my circumstances all the time was a waste of energy. I simply had to accept it.

  For now.

  There were more important things on my plate, the journal. I’d not stopped thumbing through it trying to decipher what the symbols meant, but always ended up with the same conclusion…it was still a mystery.

  I twisted under the covers, facing Colt. He looked so peaceful in sleep. He had a softer face than Callon, and his blonde locks brightened his sun-kissed skin. If perfection could be found, it was in his lips…full and very kissable. I smiled inwardly. He’d only really kissed me once, but it was enough for me to know I liked it.

  My eyes traced down his neck, and then his shoulder and arms. They were strong, and it was something I was getting very used to. Too used to.

  I glanced away for a moment, and closed my eyes. I was still uncertain as to whether I could trust him. But he’d built his foundations well. How could I forget all those moments we’d shared, those times when I’d cried into his shoulder and he’d taken my hurt away? No matter how much his betrayal still stung inside, it was obvious I needed him.

  I stared back at him, my heart torn. I wanted to reach out and touch him, feel the texture of his skin beneath my fingertips, but I held back. I couldn’t give in to my desires too easily. Besides, he looked so innocent asleep.

  I attempted to slide out from under him without disturbing him, but as I turned away his arm caught in the covers, and he rolled over on top of me.

  Ugh! I hadn’t realized how much he weighed. I struggled to push him off; I’d have had better luck lifting the Jeep. I tried to slip through his arm and chest, but that didn’t work either. I had no other option but to wake him.

  “Colt, you’re crushing me.” He moved, but it wasn’t to push himself off. He was laughing. He’d been awake. “You’re such a jerk! Now get off me! I can’t breathe!”

  He rose, hovering above me and then kissed me on the head before he jumped from the bed. He was still chuckling. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

  I took a deep breath to refill my lungs with oxygen and tried to scowl (my lip still wasn’t back to normal yet). I left the room, only to realize I’d forgotten to grab clothes. I turned back. Colt had his arm extended, my clothes in hand.

  “Forget something?” He arched a brow.

  I rolled my eyes and took the clothes from his hand as I entered the bathroom. I looked at what he handed me. A pair of jeans and a blue blouse. Nothing out of the ordinary.

  Except the funny thing was, I didn’t remember packing this pair of jeans. If I hadn’t packed them, then someone must have gone into my house after I left and picked them up. My eyes widened. Colt must have known we would be together before I returned home. He had planned this all along!

  I had no choice but to let it go for the moment. I had been angry enough lately; it wasn’t going to change the situation. I would, however, question him about it.

  I looked in the mirror. My face was almost back to normal. I seemed to be healing faster than I would have thought. When I finished in the bathroom, the hall was empty.

  I went to the great room to find Colt sitting on the sofa, waiting. He was alone. I stopped in front of him, and he flashed a toothy grin.

  “So do you like my jeans?” I twirled around so he could get a look.


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