Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel)

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Cheyenne (A Timeless Series Novel) Page 17

by Wiedmeier, Lisa

  “Colt,” I snapped. “Don’t try to distract me. You know what happened!”

  “Well, you’re distracting me.” A sly grin was spreading across his lips. “Your legs, your steel blue eyes, and the way your hair falls off your shoulder…”

  “Colt!” I said in annoyance.

  “You’re right; he’s right,” Callon said calmly.

  I flipped my head in his direction. “Excuse me?” I raised my brows. Since when was I ever right?

  “You’re right, Cheyenne. Your incidents tend to come in threes. When you first came, you had your headache, then you made an escape and we had to bring you back, and third you assaulted your Jeep. All three happened close together. I haven’t paid attention before, but now that you’ve brought it to my attention, I can see it.

  “Colt’s also right. You are a distraction tonight…actually, most of the time. We have tried to be very careful around you, but apparently we haven’t done a good job. You are bright, and pay attention to things. You see more than I thought you would.”

  I was a distraction for him? I shook it off. I wasn’t crazy after all. I’d seen things, but I still wanted absolute confirmation.

  Callon continued, to my surprise. “Daniel can jump; at least, that’s what we call it. He can look ahead to where he wants to go, and his body jumps there. He can only go as far as he can see. He can only jump with one person at a time; it’s a nice gift to have in a tight spot.”


  “All three of us can communicate telepathically to each other. We don’t read minds; we just carry on conversations in our heads, although with you, it would be most helpful to know what’s going on up in your mind.

  “Colt does have extraordinary strength, even for being Timeless. And I can see things most humans or Timeless cannot. I’m also fairly quick.”

  I relaxed slightly at the admission, and Colt released my hands so I could sit upright. His fingers remained on my knees, and he was still leaning forward. They all seemed a little edgy now. It was almost if they thought I would bolt. Colt’s fingers firmed slightly.

  I returned my gaze to Callon, and the questions rolled out. “Do all Timeless have powers?”


  “Did my adoptive parents have powers?”


  “Did my birth parents have powers?”


  “What were they?”

  “Your father could move objects and control some of the elements, and your mother had the ability to persuade people to do things she wanted.”

  “Will I have powers?” I wanted to know.

  “We don’t know,” Callon admitted.

  “So it’s not hereditary?” I said, not sure if I was disappointed.

  He sighed. “No.”

  “Do the Sarac have powers?”


  I pondered his replies. He wasn’t going to release any more information than needed. Marcus was Sarac…did he?

  “Does Marcus have powers?” I tensed before his answer.


  “More than one?”


  “Will you tell me what they are?”

  “Another time.”

  Ah, Mr. Evasive was back again. My jaw tightened. “There’s more to this, isn’t there?”


  My irritation was rising. “You’re not going to tell me are you?”

  “Correct.” His lips were straight, not an emotion showing on his face or eyes.

  “For my own protection, right?” I snapped out.


  My eyes narrowed into small slits. “You like to play these mind games, don’t you, Callon? What I’m trying to figure out is why. Just for sheer torture? You say it’s to protect me, but I think I need to know what I’m up against.” I paused, annoyance poised on my lips. “I’m not angry, but I’m determined. You don’t fight fair, so neither will I. I’ll get the answers, either from you or another source.” Without warning I leaned forward, grasped Colt’s face, and kissed him firmly. I stopped as suddenly as I’d begun and stood up. Colt blinked.

  I left three stunned men sitting on the couch as I departed. I had no explanation as to why I did what I did, but I wanted to kiss Colt. It was probably unwise.

  I went straight for the bathroom. Colt was right; my eyes were a steel blue tonight. I wondered if it was because I was irritated or determined. He had told me before my eyes would change color depending on my mood. I guess he was right.

  I entered my bedroom to find Colt waiting, leaning against the headboard. A very mischievous smile was perched over his lips. I had created a monster.

  “So,” he said casually, “I thought I was the one who was supposed to give you the birthday kiss, not the other way around.”

  I didn’t answer while I entered the closet to hang up my jacket and closed the door so I could change. He was still waiting for me to respond when I came out. I had no choice but to stand at the edge of the bed. He was sitting in the middle, essentially blocking both sides.

  “I was a little surprised—pleasantly surprised, I might add.” He patted the bed for me to sit, and I hesitantly complied. “So now you know our secret. Are you okay with it?” His tone grew serious.

  “I’d like to know more.”

  His long fingers touched my chin as he raised it up slightly. “In time you will learn more. I suggest you allow this to sink in first.” His devilish grin returned. In the next instant he yanked me into his arms, pinning me down. “I will, however, show you more right now…I haven’t given you a real birthday kiss yet.”

  “Colt!” I tried to protest, but it was pointless. His soft lips brushed over mine, and I lost all the willpower I’d had to stop him. His velvety softness caressed my lips slowly, purposefully, and I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. I wrestled my hand free and lifted it to his neck, pulling it through the hair at the nape of his neck and locking my fingers in the waves as he crushed me further into his massive chest. He used his tongue to part my lips, and my heart soared even more. My breaths became more labored as his remained level and calm.

  He broke away, and I tried to catch my breath. I opened my eyes to see the blue of his. “You’re not done yet,” I said in a low raspy voice and drew him back down as he grinned. He didn’t hesitate.

  I had behaved myself for so long. If I was the one who was going to break my rules, then I was going to break them good. I loved being in his arms. I also loved the fact he was so willing to stay with me at night. I didn’t like being without him—I didn’t feel alone anymore. He had succeeded in wearing me down over the last few months, but how could he not? His kiss slowed, and he hovered over my lips.

  “I love you, Cheyenne.” He hadn’t said those words in months, and I still didn’t know exactly how I felt in response. He was trying not to push me.

  “I know,” I replied faintly. He sighed and rolled off the bed as he lifted the covers and I slid under. I closed my eyes and turned on my side.

  “I’ll be in soon. Get some sleep.” I heard his heavy footsteps leave the room, and I drifted off to a peaceful, happy sleep.

  Chapter 15

  My riding lessons began immediately, but this time I didn’t ride alone. Colt and Callon took turns instructing me. They taught me to communicate with the horse by using my legs, seat, hands, and voice. My legs were the power while my hands were the guides.

  Of course, it was much easier said than done. I learned about tacking up, mounting, adjusting the tack if necessary, and properly dismounting. We rode bareback together, and they taught me how to place my legs so when I used the stirrups they would be effective. I had to sit up straight; if I leaned forward there was a greater chance I could fall off. My hands needed to follow the movement of the horse’s head while the reins rested in my hands like delicate flowers.

  I had to learn to absorb the movement of the horse by relaxing and allowing myself to move as one with the motion. I work
ed on the trot and canter, but they didn’t allow me to gallop yet. The fear of what took place with Sam was always at the back of my mind.

  I’d found out that they did in fact have powers, and I wondered if I would develop them. What would mine be? Would I have more than one? Were those all the powers they had or were some hidden?

  We rode daily, and eventually I was on my own. They were trying to teach me so much in a short amount of time. Sometimes it was overwhelming.

  I also learned not to react to Callon’s touch.

  Our packing trip neared. We were going to find Callon’s friend who could interpret the journal, and I needed to be fitted with the proper riding gear, boots particularly. They were planning to do this without me, but I protested. I didn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to leave the cabin, regardless of what had happened that night at Cline’s Bar and Grill.

  I managed to convince them that with Daniel’s power I would be safe. He would be able to whisk me away to safety if anything should arise, and after a lot of persistent badgering they finally agreed. Besides, no real dangers had presented themselves yet.

  The day was planned out; first we would stop at the farm store so we could purchase all the necessary gear. Second would be the grocery store for food, third would be the library. I was surprised at the last destination, but Callon saw the importance of examining the books I had located online. We knew it would be a long shot.

  I stood on the porch and waited to depart. I looked up into the cloudless sky; it was going to be a gorgeous day.

  Two hands grasped my waist from behind, and I released a small scream.


  I turned and smacked his arm as he stepped away, chuckling. “One day I’ll pay you back for all your jokes, you know,” I threatened. I was trying to act annoyed, but nothing could annoy me today. I was going into town.

  A wicked grin spread over his face, and a twinkle in his eye told me he wasn’t done tormenting me yet. “You’d have to catch me first,” he said.

  “Oh, you just wait…one day.” He suddenly appeared next to me again and made me jump. Since I knew about their powers now, they made no effort to hide them.

  He laughed and kissed my cheek. “I look forward to it.” He disappeared again, and all I could do was shake my head.

  “Ready?” Colt said as he approached. He was unusually subdued today.

  “Yup,” I replied cheerfully.

  I climbed into the front seat. Colt’s arm rested on the seat back, and Callon began our drive. Daniel gently tugged at my hair, and I turned around as we began to chat.

  I was excited, and Daniel seemed happy too. Callon and Colt were quiet, too quiet for even Callon. Colt’s fingers took hold of mine, and he began playing with my rings. I’d catch the two exchanging glances from time to time; they were having a deep conversation in their heads. I ignored them and continued talking with Daniel.

  The farm store wasn’t crowded, and we made our purchases with speed. Daniel became a little less chatty as he focused on his job—keeping me safe. He was within arm’s reach at all times. And I tried to remain alert as well.

  We stopped at the grocery store, and it was no different. They knew what I needed, so I let them choose for the most part. To my surprise, I was able to convince them I needed to stop for a coffee. A cool treat would hit the spot and make my day, and it’d been way too long since I’d had one. Daniel and I went in, and I purchased drinks for them as well. I knew they said they didn’t want any, but I didn’t want to drink alone. I got them iced lattes while I ordered my favorite iced blended drink with extra caramel on top of the whipped cream. When we arrived back at the truck, and I distributed them, Colt began to chuckle.


  “You love your caramel, don’t you?” he teased.

  “Yeah.” I wasn’t sure what he thought was so funny.

  “Do you want me to hold the lid while you lick it?”

  I lowered my head and took a drink, my cheeks burning. I couldn’t believe he knew about that!

  “Maybe,” I replied sheepishly. Soon the truck erupted in laughter. “Just drive to the library please.”

  “You make me laugh, Cheyenne,” he said as his warm fingers touched my neck in a caress.

  “Glad I’m providing you with enough entertainment.”

  “Plenty,” Daniel chimed in. “I haven’t had this much fun in years.”

  I shook my head. We couldn’t get to the library soon enough.

  “You do realize I’m not exactly sure where the books are located, don’t you? They had them listed in several different locations when I checked online,” I said while we pulled into the library, which was located at the edge of town backing up to the woods.

  “I know,” Callon replied. “You just need to move as fast as you can.”

  All three accompanied me inside as we began our search. I was able to find a couple of the books relatively easily and made copies of what was needed from the ones we couldn’t check out. My eyes scanned the sheets as Callon gave me a cold stare to hurry up. I sighed. The two more important books were proving difficult to find. It was growing late; the library would close in five minutes. I followed them downstairs to check out a few additional books. They were becoming uneasy. Daniel’s fingers latched on to my elbow.

  “We need to go,” Callon said. I nodded, but then remembered. My copies were still upstairs.

  “Callon, I left some stuff upstairs. I’ll just be a minute.”

  He gave me a restless glance.

  “Leave it.”

  “But I really need them.” I pleaded. “The papers are…”


  I nodded.

  Colt and Daniel followed me upstairs. I found my missing papers and tossed them in my pack along with the books Callon had checked out.

  Daniel and Colt suddenly froze. They exchanged wary glances.

  “Daniel, go!” Colt snapped and Daniel disappeared.

  I blinked.

  “What’s going on?”

  Colt went for the windows and I followed.

  I found several new cars parked nearby…cars that weren’t there when we arrived and shouldn’t be there since the library was closing. Dusk was falling, if danger lurked it’d be difficult to see.

  “We need to go,” Colt said. He grabbed my arm, dragging us down the stairs and towards the back of the library.

  “Colt, what’s going on?”

  “Don’t leave my side.”

  A chill ran down my spine, and my breathing hitched. This was not a part of the plan!

  We broke through the rear doors to find three men waiting.

  Colt shoved me behind him. I pushed against the door to escape back into the library, but it was locked.


  “Stay behind me,” he ordered.

  I swung my pack on my shoulders. Who these men were didn’t matter at the moment, it was what they were after that concerned me more. Their eyes were all focused on me.

  In a moment everything changed as they dove towards Colt. I was suddenly slammed up against the doors, Colt’s body pinning me in place.

  A hand grasped my arm and began yanking as I let out a scream and kicked toward a shin. Colt shifted breaking their hold and groaned as his arms went out and he took the three men to the cement below.

  “Run!” he bellowed and I took off in a sprint towards the forest.

  “Over here!” Voices shouted and I looked back..

  It was the three men who hit on me at the bar. This couldn’t be good.

  They were moving dangerously close despite my running. My mind skimmed through the options. I had two choices. I could head into the woods or towards the truck. I glanced back again…the only real choice was to escape into the woods. I knew my way around well enough. I could hide—I was sure of it. I just needed to keep ahead of them. I didn’t have a choice now.

  Through the darkening forest, my gaze caught sight of something flickering at the e
dge of the trees. It seemed to be moving in random patterns, appearing and then disappearing quickly. It was like the reflection of sunlight on water. I was attempting to keep enough distance between the men and myself, but couldn’t help glimpsing at the lights. They were strangely familiar…

  I was restricted as to where I could enter the trees, as I didn’t want to get too close to the unknown lights, but it was as if they were beckoning to me. I was so caught up in them that I didn’t realize I had stopped running until someone grabbed my arm and twisted me around. I wasn’t even in the forest yet.

  My heart raced; as I searched behind them. My guardians were nowhere in sight. What had I done?

  The dark haired one spoke in an agitated tone.

  “Where you going, doll? Remember us? We didn’t get to have our fun because your boyfriends got in the way.” He paused to look at the other two. “They don’t seem to be here now, do they?”

  Yanking my arm free, I took a step back, still facing them. Shifting, I took a wider stance, lifting my arms to a blocking position, palms out ready to strike. My dad had shown me self-defense moves, but now I wished I’d paid closer attention.

  A slimy smile began to grow over his lips. “Oh, she is feisty!”

  This wasn’t going to be good. I searched one last time for my protectors—nothing. I was on my own; not even a person on the street in the distance to witness the assault. Fear gripped me, but somehow the adrenaline kicked in as the dark-haired man reached out for me. Taking one step forward, I thrust my hand, palm up and knuckles down, with all my strength at his nose. It made contact.

  I heard a crack, and my hand immediately started to throb with pain. He stumbled back a few steps, grasping his face as he bent over. The blood raced through my veins, pounding out the rhythm of my heart. I wasn’t going down easy. I would scratch, kick, and claw my way out.

  Going on the offense stunned the other two briefly, giving me enough time to swing my pack loaded with books at the man on my right. It smashed into the side of his jaw with enough force to send him staggering to the side. The third man looked on in shock, then anger registered in his eyes.


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