Misadventures of a Valedictorian

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Misadventures of a Valedictorian Page 15

by M. F. Wild

  My heart was racing now. I hadn’t heard from Reed since I got back from Hawaii. We’d shared a couple friendly texts, but I’d been totally focused on Eric again so our communications died out quickly upon my return. Is that why he thought I didn’t want him to contact me? I was so confused. I tapped out a reply.

  What do you mean? I haven’t heard from you since after the trip. I’m glad you reached out.

  I hit send and then hesitated over the keyboard, knowing that what I really wanted to say shouldn’t be said. Then again, he was four thousand miles away, and we’d likely never see each other again. What harm could it do to let him know a little bit of how I felt?

  I miss you.

  I sent the second message, intending to stuff my phone away and continue on my journey when Reed’s quick reply came back.

  I texted you last week after I talked to Megan. I’ve missed you too. You said you didn’t want me to contact you again. If you’re with him now, I understand.

  Frowning, I scrolled up through our previous messages, but all I could see were the texts we’d shared after I’d gotten home from Hawaii. Nothing from last week. Dread and embarrassment slid through my veins.

  I’m sorry. That wasn’t me.

  I stood frozen in place. I could ignore this. I could shut my phone off and go meet Eric, have an hour or so of incredible sex, and then return to my studies. But I was certain that someone had tampered with my phone, and I was pretty sure it had been Eric. Who else would have the motivation to lie to Reed? What if Reed hadn’t reached out to me again…ever? Fresh anger washed over me as I pivoted and made strides toward my dorm. As I did, I called Reed.

  The phone rang only once before he picked up, his deep, luscious voice greeting me on the other end.


  “Reed. I’m so sorry. I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t send that text.”

  He exhaled audibly. “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear that. I thought I’d made a mistake reaching out to you. I don’t want to upset you, but Megan made it sound like you were dealing with a lot right now and might want to talk.”

  I shook my head, silently cursing Megan for getting involved in my shit. That’s the thanks I got for giving her the full scoop, but I also knew deep down that she had my best interests in mind. She only wanted me to be happy.

  “She wasn’t wrong. It’s been an intense few months.” I was silent a beat before continuing. “I’ve thought a lot about our time together, Reed. It was really special. I don’t know if we’ll ever cross paths again, but—”

  “Clare, I bought tickets to come out there this weekend.”


  “Cole is going out to see Megan. They had a fun time, and I figured I could tag along and if you wanted to see me, we could talk. But ever since you sent that text, I wondered if I’d made the wrong call. I still want to see you, Clare.”

  Shit. The last thing I needed was a beautiful blond surfer hanging around my dorm room while Paul and Eric devised ways to kill him. Before I could search for an excuse to turn him down, he continued.

  “I don’t want to cause any drama in your life. Cole booked a room near Megan’s university. I could come and hang out there. But I don’t want to put any pressure on you.”

  God, he was being so perfect. I wanted to slap the shit out of Eric for being so deceitful. I should have let my anger settle. I should have talked to Eric and set the record straight, but a little voice in my head reminded me that we had two weeks left on this agreement, and under those terms, if I went to see Reed, I wasn’t breaking any rules.

  “I want you to come, Reed,” I said, and the truth of the words warmed my chest. “I miss you. I’d love to see you again.”

  * * *

  My cock was aching by the time I got to the frat house and scaled the stairs up to my room. The door was locked, and when I unlocked it, I found the room empty. Confused, I shot a concerned text to Clare. She’d had plenty of time to get here before me.

  Where are you?

  I paced around, waiting for her reply. Another minute I was going to retrace her steps from the field and check her dorm to make sure she was okay. The late fall nights were getting dark earlier. I shouldn’t have let her walk home on her own. Then she replied.

  I had to head back to my place. Professor dropped a last-minute assignment on us for next week. I’m sorry.

  “Damnit,” I muttered.

  She’d gotten me all worked up with those promises of her mouth, and she bailed? Oh well, I couldn’t get in the way of her academics. I knew she loved me, but I also knew she had to work hard to keep her scholarship.

  I couldn’t wait for school to be over, and I couldn’t wait for the lease to run out on this agreement. I wasn’t really worried about her hooking up with other people since we were around each other nonstop lately, but I couldn’t shake an uneasy feeling that her exclusivity wasn’t guaranteed yet. Fucking was fucking, but Paul had gotten close to her heart. And whatever she’d confided in her friend Megan had inspired this Reed guy to reemerge. Hopefully I’d closed that down, even if the guilt still nagged at me a bit. My selfish need to have her all to myself made me feel justified, even if I’d betrayed her trust by shutting him down.

  I dropped down onto the bed and stared at the pile of books I should have been peeling through. But my muscles were tired and I couldn’t keep my thoughts away from Clare. This arrangement had taken a toll on me this first term, but by some miracle I’d been able to keep my grades sufficiently above the line to qualify me to keep playing.

  When I was playing, it was easy to forget about Clare and immerse myself in the game. Homework was another story. She was everywhere—memories of her body, the sound of her sweet voice in my head. If I knew she was mine, really truly mine, committed to only me, maybe I could find a little bit of peace and actually get something out of college. Football was my dream, but those kinds of dreams didn’t last forever. I needed to fall back on something when my arm gave out one of these days.

  Still, I couldn’t bring myself to shift into study mode. I grabbed my phone. Seeing no more texts from Clare, I dialed my parents’ home number. My mom picked up, her kind voice saying my name like I was still a toddler running into the room to his momma.

  “Mom, I wanted to talk to you about Christmas break.”

  “What is it? Don’t tell me you’re taking some trip with your friends. We were looking forward to spending some time you with, especially since you took off after Thanksgiving.”

  I sighed. “I’m sorry about that, Mom. I want to stay at home and catch up with you guys. But I want to bring someone.”

  “The girl?” She couldn’t hide the intrigue in her voice.

  “Yeah. Clare’s dad isn’t really…supportive, I guess. She could stay there, but I’d rather have her stay with us and have real family time.”

  “She’s important to you,” she said, her tone kind.


  She had no idea.

  “Of course, she can stay, Eric. I’m just so…” I heard her swallow and suck in a tiny breath on the other end of the phone. “I’m so happy you found a girl. I never really warmed to Mandy. I never wanted to say anything, because you were having so much fun. I just want you to find someone who deserves you. Someone worth really investing in for the long-term.”

  “That’s Clare. She’s the only one I want, and I can’t see that ever changing right now. I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

  “I can’t wait to meet her either. Don’t you worry about a thing, sweetheart. We’ll make this holiday special for her.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  I hung up, grateful that I’d always had such a supportive family. Clare had always been so sheltered, so shell-shocked from her broken family. Was pushing her out into the world the way I had been a good idea? God knows it hadn’t always been easy to stomach, but I hoped if we ended up together, forever, that she could look back and know tha
t she’d experienced enough before I stole her away from everyone else.

  I fell back on the bed with a sigh. When I closed my eyes, thoughts of my beautiful girl flooded my mind. Every look, every little moan, knowing I’d been the first one to push past her virginity and deep into that warm little pussy. Fuck… I unfastened my jeans, fisted my cock, and stroked it with Clare’s name on my lips.

  * * *

  Friday night came, and I stared out the window as the bus took me toward Megan’s campus. My dorm would be a ghost town tonight because of the home game. No one would miss me, except Eric. I hadn’t missed a game all season, but I was still pissed and unsettled about what he’d done.

  I didn’t bother telling him I’d be spending the weekend with Megan until he texted me before the game. He hadn’t bothered telling me that Reed had reached out, and I decided he deserved a dose of his own medicine. When he didn’t reply, I figured he was mad, and likely put together that I might be seeing Reed.

  I didn’t regret upsetting him. Even when I thought this last infidelity might break us apart forever, I recognized a measure of strength in myself that hadn’t existed before. I loved Eric, but if we were to have a future, he couldn’t betray my trust like this again. Never again. I’d come too far and endured too much to let him puppeteer my life the way he had most of my sexual experiences.

  The bus stopped downtown, and after a quick exchange with Megan, I headed down the main street to the Indian restaurant where she, Cole, and Reed were getting dinner. My stomach fluttered with nerves, the good and bad kind. Nothing was simple about seeing Reed again after so long. Every move I made felt dangerous. I had no idea how he’d make me feel after all this time.

  As I entered the restaurant, the aroma of curries and garlic filled my nostrils. My stomach groaned, because I had been too nervous to eat all day. In a second, I spotted them at a table in the corner. Reed stood immediately, taking easy strides toward me. My breath caught. He was a Hawaiian beach god, transported as if by magic to this little college town. Tall, tanned, and ripped with lean muscle, he wore a striped blue and white collared shirt that hung past his waist over his jeans. His eyes were dark as he approached, hungry and warm and everything I’d remembered.

  In an instant, I was back on the island with him. Tangled in his sheets, coming over and over again as his gaze riveted with mine, like we were one—two people overwhelmed with the same incredible sensations. Had sex ever been like that?

  When he reached for me, I didn’t hesitate. I threw my arms around him and let him hold me hard against him, like we were two long-lost lovers. We were…

  “Clare,” he whispered against my ear, his strong arms keeping me firmly against him. “Goddamn, I missed you so much.”

  I nuzzled against his neck, and I swore to God he smelled like the ocean. Like sunshine and the waves that he could glide over like magic. “I missed you too.”

  I wasn’t sure how many minutes went by before we separated, but eventually we had enough sense to go back to Megan and Cole. Cole rose and gave me a hug, only after shooting a knowing grin to Reed.

  We spent the next hour catching up on life since our last meeting. Megan and I talked about college life. Cole was wrapping up his studies in Hawaii too, and Reed was still making a name for himself as a professional surfer, an occupation that had taken him around the world and earned him valuable sponsorships.

  I warmed with pride, as affected as I’d been before when I was this close to him. Reed Michaels had charisma. His charm, good looks, and easy nature radiated like rays off the tropical sun. I’d been drawn to him from the day he’d tossed his Frisbee my way on the beach. It was no wonder he’d taken up residence in my thoughts since then. He was a dream.

  I was lost in my thoughts when Cole picked up the check, and Reed caught my hand under the table. Again, his heat seemed to envelop me, seeping under my skin, burning me down to my core, where simply being in his presence made me pulse with desire. We headed out and paused outside the restaurant.

  “Well, I guess Reed and I should head back to the hotel.” Cole slapped his hands together and then rubbed them together, shooting a tentative look between Reed and Megan.

  Megan smirked. “It’s still early, Cole. I could show you around campus.”

  Cole nodded, and Reed glanced over at me. “Megan’s right. The night is young. Want to hang out downtown with me a bit?”

  If the invitation wasn’t so heavy with expectation, I may have laughed out loud at our very friendly and covert negotiations of sleeping arrangements. Without a doubt, I wanted more of Reed’s time. But if I ended up in his room, I’d end up in his bed too. I was angry with Eric, but I wasn’t completely sure I wanted to cross that line with Reed again.

  I shot Megan a look that I hoped was more confident than I felt. “Sure, that sounds like a good plan. I guess we’ll see you guys later.”

  After a brief goodbye, Megan and Cole were headed down the street toward campus, already hand in hand. Whatever went down with Reed tonight, I was confident my best friend would enjoy a reunion with her own Hawaiian hookup.

  I startled slightly when Reed slid his warm hand into mine again and tugged me gently toward him. “Come on. Let’s get you some ice cream.”

  I smiled, happy once again to be with him, and flooded with relief that we weren’t headed right to bed.

  * * *

  I was sore and miserable. I’d played like shit. We won by a single point in the fourth quarter, thanks to the Hail Mary I’d thrown and Travis’s ability to find it and take it into the end zone. My teammates were supportive, but their reassurances were weak, and I could see the disappointment in their eyes. Then Coach removed all doubt by tearing me a new one. He was right. My head wasn’t in the game. I’d been somewhere else the whole goddamn night.

  I’d texted Clare before the game, hoping we could meet up after and she could make good on the little fantasy she’d painted earlier in the week. But she was spending the weekend with Megan and seeing some friends. I didn’t have to ask why. I nearly broke my phone, but thought better of it, since it would be my only lifeline to her while she was gone.

  She’d blown off the game, and me…for someone who I thought I’d effectively banned from her life forever. The violent jealousy hadn’t done me any favors on the field, though. I was too emotional to play well and make smart decisions.

  Chances were high that she’d have her last hurrah with Reed, but what had she told Megan? Did he have a piece of her heart that she just couldn’t deny? Did she love him?

  I barreled my fist into a nearby locker when I thought about that possibility. I was a fucking loser. Too stupid to keep the best thing that had ever happened to me.

  “Hey, is everything okay?” A pretty brunette dressed in her cheer uniform peeked around the door of the empty locker room.

  I shook my head, ignoring her. “I’m fine. Go away.”

  But she didn’t leave. She came closer, not saying a word. Before I could say anything more, she was on her knees, unfastening my belt and rubbing me suggestively through my jeans.

  “What are you doing?”

  She gazed up at me through her thick brown lashes and brought a finger to her lips. “Shhh.”

  I was still tense, but she kept moving, unzipping my pants and pulling my semi-hard cock out of my boxer briefs. I closed my eyes. I was so fucking wound up. So fucking angry and hurt. Why the hell couldn’t she be Clare right now? I needed her. I needed her warmth, her touch, her lips…

  “Ahhh,” I gasped when the girl’s lips came around my cock. She’d taken me down to the back of her throat immediately, probably trying to impress me enough to date her after I blew my load.

  “I’m not looking for a girlfriend, you know.”

  She pulled off my cock for a second and stared up at me. “I don’t really give a shit, Eric. You had a rough game, and I just want to suck you off. I’m not asking for anything else.”

  I nodded. She made a compelling argument under
the current circumstances. “Then put my cock back in your mouth, sweetheart.”

  She smirked and went to work, slickening my cock with her spit and swirling her tongue around my length as far as she could go once I was fully hard. I was aroused, but it wasn’t enough. This girl was pretty, but she just wasn’t doing it for me. At this rate, her jaw would give out before I would come.

  “Let me see your tits.”

  Without a moment’s hesitation or unlatching her mouth, she lifted her V-neck sweater up and pushed her bra down her waist, revealing her naked chest. Her tits were big, double Ds for sure. She pinched her big, light brown nipples until they hardened. Nice set, but they weren’t Clare’s perky pair, with nipples poking out like little strawberries ripe to be picked. With my mouth and teeth.

  I let my head fall back against the locker, giving up on the visuals this girl was giving me. I just focused on the feeling, matching up her decent oral skills with the vision of my beautiful Clare. The arousal that had prickled and gotten me to this point began to grow, tightening my balls and sending the orgasm rushing down my spine. I was going to come. In my mind, Clare opened her mouth the way she had for Tyler last week. The girl’s mouth sucked and stroked me, faster and firmer, and then I came hard…in Clare. In her mouth, my hot release coating her velvety tongue.

  Eyes closed to stay with my half-fantasy, I groaned and shuddered, spilling everything I had into the willing mouth below. Clare…Clare. I wanted to say her name so badly.

  I opened my eyes at the sound of the door opening. Travis came in, showered and dressed.

  “Whoa, you okay?” His eyes went wide at the position I was in.

  I nodded and put my cock back in my pants, where I probably should have kept it. I felt better, but I also felt a hell of a lot worse.

  The brunette stayed on her knees. She gazed up at me and then to Travis.


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