Savior Part 3: Legion of The Godhand (The Savior Series)

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Savior Part 3: Legion of The Godhand (The Savior Series) Page 8

by Bradley, A. King

  In order to become a Knight of Eden, young Anokian cadets must endure a year’s long process known as The Ascension— a process which encompasses a vast array of grueling trials, many of which often prove to be fatal. It was at these trials that I was once again reunited with the mysterious girl whom I had met the night before my father took the First Crown. She and her twin sister had both set out to become Knights in order to reclaim the nobility that they were robbed of when The Righteous defeated their father, and once I too joined their class of cadets it would seem as though fate had finally brought us back together.

  I thought she would be angry at me, but instead, she completely ignored me for days and when I finally worked up the courage to speak to her she acted as though she had no memory of who I was. Still, I persisted, and after a few weeks her cold shoulder finally began to thaw. She introduced herself as Lemore and I learned that her twin sister’s name was Lenore.

  Lemore would later reveal that she had repressed nearly an entire month of her memory due to the death of her father, and even though she had also repressed our initial meeting as well as the fact that I was the son of her father’s killer, I decided to be honest with her because I didn’t want a secret like that hanging over our heads forever. Her sister was understandably furious and wanted me out of their lives for good but Lemore was much more forgiving than her twin, and she ultimately decided that their father’s fate was likely the will of the Goddess.

  I asked her to marry me soon after that and I told her that if she accepted, I was prepared to completely abandon my father’s plans. Lemore, however, desired the exact opposite. She said that she would not stand in the way of my destiny and she challenged me to not only complete my Ascension and become a Knight but to do so in less time than it took her to do the same. Only then would she agree to marry me.

  Once a cadet completes their Ascension, he or she is given an appellation that reflects upon the manner in which they undertook and ultimately passed their trials. Due to the added motivation of Lemore’s conditions I was able to complete my trials in less time and with more vigor than ever before seen. At the end of my trials I was no longer Darius, Son of Solomon, The Righteous. I was now Darius, The Greater and I had no one but her to thank for it.

  Lemore and her twin sister Lenore also went on to conquer their trials and ascend to Knighthood. Lemore became known as The Supernal, as her connection to the spiritual realm became so strong that she learned to accomplish feats so wondrous that many began to doubt if she was even mortal. Her sister was also gifted in that regard but her infatuation with the dark arts caused her to use those gifts to warp the minds of those around her, conjuring their worst nightmares into monstrous visions of terror and thereby earning her the appellation of Lenore, The Infernal.

  After passing The Supernal’s challenge with flying colors I wanted nothing more than to move forward with our wedding as soon as possible— but alas, it would seem as though our union was not as destined as fate had led us to believe. I would have traded anything for a chance to travel back in time in order to correct the mistakes that I had made. Maybe then we’d still be together.

  Perhaps then she wouldn’t have grown to hate me, I thought as I gazed out into the ocean of stars outside our shuttle once again and waited for The Pillar of Eden to appear in the distance.

  I HUNG MY HEAD IN SHAME AS MY MIND CONTINUED TO linger in the past even as the massive Pillar of Eden finally came into view. Though we were still a considerable distance away, The Pillar was already clearly visible due to its gargantuan size. It was a gigantic sphere of planet-sized proportions and it was orbited by thousands of much smaller peripheral components that gave it the appearance of an immensely massive atom. In terms of volume, the craft was about the size of the earth’s moon, but due to the density of the Anokian-Steel of which it was made, The Pillar was almost as massive as the earth itself.

  The Righteous walked over and stood next to me at the starboard window as our comparatively microscopic shuttle sped closer to our titanic mothership then finally turned toward one of the thousands of loading bays is we prepared to dock. As I glanced over to my father I could tell by the look in his weary eyes that he missed The Pillar dearly. Before we were captured by the greys, The Pillar of Eden was not only the principle craft in the Anokian fleet but for many nights it had served as a second home for The Righteous and me.

  Long before my father ascended to the Four Thrones, The Pillar had already been established as an absolute wonder throughout the galaxy as well as the physical embodiment of Anokian supremacy. Even The Righteous claimed to not know the true origins of our world-destroying spacecraft, however, Anokian legend would have us believe that the plans to build the otherworldly spacecraft were given to the Ancient Anokians from across the veil of our reality as a means to summon the Goddess into the physical realm. I knew not of the validity of such claims; however, they did seem to have some credence in that even the Equillians, in all their technological glory, had not yet designed a vessel as complex and powerful as The Pillar of Eden. Their massive, destroyer-class dreadnaughts were regarded as some of the most fearsome spacecrafts in all the known universe, however, even they paled in comparison to The Pillar. Many of the disc-shaped Equillian dreadnaughts were as large as the American state of Texas, but The Pillar was so massive that its gravitational pull alone could disrupt the earth’s tides were it to venture too closely to the human planet’s orbit.

  But it was not sheer size alone that separated The Pillar from the rest of the galaxy’s spacecrafts. The entire craft was powered by a single particle of unknown origins that emitted an energy that was, by most accounts, strikingly similar to holy energies of our Goddess— strikingly similar to the same holy fire that burned within my own soul. In a way this made me feel almost akin to the ship, as if we were both merely constructs of the Goddess, made real in order to further the collective causes of Her and my father. Whatever the case, I too was delighted to lay eyes upon that wondrous ship once again, and as I gazed upon the saddened look within my father’s eyes I wanted nothing more than to finally see them reunited.

  “Your presence is requested on the bridge,” someone suddenly called out from behind us as The Righteous and I continued to gaze out of the panoramic window.

  The Anokian pilot of our shuttle now stood behind us in the entrance of the starboard observatory, and he immediately took a small step backward as I whipped around and shot him an icy glare.

  “Until such time as I am defeated and my father is bested in combat, you will show him the respect that he is due— or else be struck down where you stand, worm!” I growled to the cowering pilot as The Righteous stood silently beside me.

  “Forgive me, Sir, for I meant you no disrespect!” the pilot pleaded as he continued to cower and avert his eyes from my fiery gaze. My bright blue eyes glowed with fury as I crossed my arms across my chest and watched him fall to his knees and grovel before us. At six-foot-five-inches I was a bit short for an Anokian male but even though the pilot was nearly five inches taller than me he knew better than to test my might. Several decades had passed since the Knights had taken direct orders from The Righteous and because of this I had no doubt that The Godhand had poisoned their perspectives regarding my father’s right to rule— but we were back now and as far as I was concerned the rest of them would have to either fall in line like the pilot or they would all be destroyed.

  “Speak quickly, soldier,” The Righteous ordered as he motioned for the pilot to rise to his feet.

  “I— I humbly request that you accompany me to the bridge, my Lord. There is someone who wishes to converse with you,” the pilot replied as he rose to his feet while continuing to bow his head.

  “Very well. Lead the way,” The Righteous said dismissively as he gestured for the pilot to exit the room.

  The pilot nodded once more then turned and exited the room without another word. The Righteous and I followed him through the shuttle and down the long corridor that led
to one of the many entrances of The Pillar of Eden. I took a deep breath as I once again thought of The Supernal as the entrance to our mothership drew near.

  Why don’t you make up your mind? I thought bitterly as I silently wondered why fate kept bringing us together only to inevitably tear us apart. Despite the sweltering sensation of doom that festered in the pit of my stomach there was still a small part of me that was eager to see her again— a small part of me that hoped that despite having no reason to do so, she would have somehow found it within herself to forgive me. I knew my hopes would likely be unfounded, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t get her out of my mind— which was exactly what The Godhand was counting on.

  In addition to his astronomical physical advantages Cyrus, The Godhand also possessed a mind that was just as cunning as my father’s. Though I hated to admit it, it was starting to feel as though he had already defeated me without even having to throw a single punch. He had used his devious wit to conjure a seemingly perfect scheme that would no doubt serve as an effective means of controlling me. My gut feeling told me that he would ultimately make me choose between my father and The Supernal. Under normal circumstances I would never consider the idea of betraying The Righteous, but unfortunately the situation was far from normal. As much as I wanted to believe that I would protect my father at all costs, the truth was, I was no longer certain if that was the case. If it came down to making a choice between the two of them, I wasn’t exactly sure what I would do.



  TWENTY ARMED KNIGHTS OF EDEN STOOD AT ATTENTION near the entrance when my father and I entered the bridge a few steps behind our shuttle pilot. The Knights were all clad from head to toe in jet-black Anokian-Steel battle armor and they all wore flowing red cloaks of varying lengths around their shoulders. My father and I were still wearing our robes but despite our lack of combat gear we were still more than prepared to fight if it came to that.

  The Pillar of Eden’s bridge was a spacious room that was lined with crystalline walls that provided a spectacular view of the cosmic wonders that surrounded our ship. The walls were also lined with several complex terminals and monitors that were currently being manned by a team of Anokian officers and techs. Near the center of the room stood a raised platform that held the Captain’s chair as well as a large holographic map of the galaxy, which slowly rotated in midair.

  I dismissed our shuttle pilot then ordered him to clear the room. And as I turned my attention back to the Knights of Eden who stood before us I was pleasantly surprised to see them fold their right arms across their chests in order to salute my father.

  “Where is she, Lieutenant?” I asked the tall squad leader who stood closest to us as the last of the techs and officers left the bridge.

  “I assume you’re referring to The Supernal, and if that is indeed the case, I regret to inform you that the Knight Commander will not be joining us,” the Lieutenant replied.

  “But it was she who summoned us. What do you mean she’s not coming?” I demanded as my blood began to boil.

  “With all due respect, Sir, I would have assumed that you would have recognized what this is by now,” the squad leader replied with an odd tone in his voice.

  “Excuse me?!” I said raising an eyebrow in bewilderment as I glared at him.

  “You were brought here under the orders of Cyrus, The Godhand, Sir. The Supernal was merely the messenger. The Godhand would like to make this transition happen as smoothly as possible.”

  “Is that right?” I asked sarcastically. “So, tell me Lieutenant, how exactly does your Lord Commander expect this transition to occur?”

  “The Godhand does not wish to break the Covenant with The Goddess, therefore he is prepared to issue a formal challenge for the Right Hand as well as the Crown, so long as you agree to immediately concede defeat once the challenges are authenticated. In exchange for your cooperation The Godhand has agreed to guarantee safe passage aboard The Pillar.”

  “You listen to me, you pathetic worm,” I growled. “This is my father’s ship and I’ll be damned if I—”

  “Silence, Darius,” The Righteous ordered as he placed his left hand on my right shoulder.

  I was seeing red as I glared at the Lieutenant and it was obvious that I was still furious beyond measure, but I somehow found the strength to bury my rage and instead of attacking I simply stepped aside and allowed my father to take control of the conversation.

  “I appreciate the Lord Commander’s desire to avoid conflict in this matter but surely he must know that an attempt to extort his way to the Crown is no less of a violation of the Covenant,” The Righteous offered as he stepped towards the Lieutenant.

  “That would have been a matter for the senate to resolve, Sir, but as I recall, you dissolved them,” the Lieutenant scoffed.

  “You had best mind your tone, or else, Lieutenant,” I growled.

  “Or else what, Sir? Would you like for me to shake within my boots now, Darius?” he mocked, prompting the crowd of Knights behind him to chuckle and clamor.

  “Were it not for my father’s presence you would be nothing more than a pile of ashes right now, worm! And the same goes for your squadron as well!” I roared as my mother’s holy energy suddenly ignited within my eyes. The entire squad of Knights quickly backed away as my eyes burned even brighter, but luckily for them The Righteous successfully ordered me to calm myself once again with no more than a single look.

  “You can tell the Lord Commander that his offer has been declined. I am, however, prepared to issue a counteroffer,” The Righteous finally responded as The Lieutenant and his squad regained their composure.

  “Such as?” the Lieutenant asked as he momentarily glanced over to me.

  “If The Godhand seeks to pursue the Crown then he should do so in the same manner that he has done before— but know that I will not tolerate this weakness,” The Righteous said emphatically as he threw open his ivory robe and produced a silvery long sword that he turned downward and held before him like a cane.

  A deafening silence befell the room as the squadron of Knights all focused their dismayed gazes on my father’s legendary sword. The Fifth Blade was an enchanted long sword that was forged using fragments of the swords of each of the four Anokian Emperors whom The Righteous had defeated in order to unify the Four Crowns. It had been blessed by the Goddess herself, and from the looks upon the faces of the bewildered Knights that now beset us, I could tell that they had not anticipated it still being within my father’s possession. We noticed that a small fragment of the sword was missing after it was recovered from Area 51 but besides that one imperfection the Blade was still as grand as the day it was forged.

  “If The Godhand covets the Crown then he is welcome to challenge The Greater once again— but there shall be no surrender,” The Righteous continued as the Lieutenant glanced nervously at The Fifth Blade.

  “Unfortunately, Sir, that is not a viable option. I’ve been given orders to detain you both should you fail to adhere to the Lord Commander’s demands,” The Lieutenant replied.

  “Are you out of your mind, Lieutenant?!” I demanded as the fire in my chest exploded into a furious inferno.

  “I once was. Once I was so out of my mind that I was crazy enough to follow a man who ultimately led us to ruin!” the Lieutenant complained as he cut his eyes to The Righteous. “I do not fear that sword, my Lord, and I am not afraid to say that I now follow The Godhand. As far as our Legion is concerned your removal from power is merely a formality.”

  “You breathe treason with every foul word, traitor!” I growled, ignoring a stern glance from my father.

  “Treason… politics… what’s the difference? Face it, Son of Eden, your right to rule has long expired! Most of the younger Knights here don’t even remember you!” the Lieutenant snapped.

  “Well then allow me to reintroduce myself!” I growled as my mother’s holy energy ignited within my eyes once again
. “I am Darius, The Greater— Son of Eden and Right Hand to your High King, Solomon, The Righteous. You will acknowledge my father’s right to rule this instant or I swear I will smite you all where you stand!” I continued as my mother’s holy fire ignited around my hands and spread up my forearms.

  “And there we find the legacy of Darius, The Greater,” an enchantingly feminine voice suddenly rang out from behind me. My raging heartbeat came to a screeching halt and the hairs on the back of my neck instantly stood on edge as I recognized the voice. The room fell silent once again and the brilliant blue fire around my hands flickered away into nothing as I stood there, frozen by the shock of hearing her voice for the first time in over sixty years.

  “Willing to destroy his own people in order to protect the rights of a deranged old man,” The Supernal continued as she glared at me from the doorway. She was not dressed in combat armor, unlike the Knights that stood before us. Instead she wore a green and white gown along with a white, hooded cloak that covered most of her waves upon waves of dark brown, curly hair.

  “Mind your tongue when you speak of my father, Lemore,” I said without actually turning to face her. I had meant for the sentence to sound much more threatening but it ultimately came out sounding like more of a plea.

  “Or what, Darius? Will you smite me too? Are you willing to destroy me as well in order to protect your right to rule?” The Supernal asked as she stepped towards me so gracefully that she almost seemed to glide.

  “I have not yet asserted my right to rule, I only mean to protect my father’s,” I responded as I finally turned to face her. My heart pounded with anticipation as I turned and gazed into her luminous hazel eyes, and I tried to maintain my composure but, despite my best efforts, I was suddenly bombarded by every ounce of love that I had ever felt for her.

  “And that is precisely the problem. It is as I said, after all these years, you are still no less willing to continue to destroy your own people by allowing them to be ruled by a weak King!” she hissed as I struggled to regain my composure.


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