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Axon's Lust (Cosmic Warriors Book 2)

Page 3

by Ruby Winter

  “We speak many languages,” the Captain explained vaguely. “My name is Captain Weko, and this is Lieutenant Axon Voan,” he continued, introducing ourselves.

  “It is nice to meet you. As I have already said, I am called David. This is my colleague, Jennifer Rose” David replied, waving his hand towards the female with a smile. “Ms. Rose is the one who deciphered your message. She was also the one who sent you our response,” he added, and she nodded her head politely.

  “It is an honor to meet you both,” she greeted.

  So I was right. She must be quite intelligent to have figured out our communication patterns so fast. She was becoming more intriguing by the minute.

  “We do not wish to waste your time. We have a message for your leaders. Are we able to meet and speak with them right now?” the Captain asked.

  “Yes, absolutely,” David replied, nodding his head vigorously. “If you will come with us, we will take you to a meeting with our President,” he said.

  We followed him to the small hut they had emerged out of, and watched as he stopped in front of a pair of thick metal doors.

  “Just so you know what is going on, we are going to step inside this door,” David explained, pointing towards the doors in front of us. “This is actually a contraption called an ‘elevator’. It takes us from one floor to the other inside of this building. We will be going down to another floor, walk into a room where we will meet…” David explained.

  He was talking to us so very slowly, as if he was talking to a small child. I tried not to laugh. They had no idea we knew everything about Earth and humanity already. We knew the names of every object or contraption they used. We’ve been studying them and mating with their females for many years now.

  “We will go with you. Please lead the way,” the Captain said, and David nervously let us inside the elevator. Soon we arrived at the meeting room, where there was a large projection on the wall, and several men standing around the room, all of them wearing suits. They greeted each of us as David continued his explanation.

  “On the screen over there is our leader, the President. He oversees and leads this city, as well as our country,” he said.

  The Captain turned to the screen.

  “Leader of Earth, my name is Captain Weko. We have come to bring you a very important message. We come in peace and mean you no harm. Our only mission is to deliver this message to you, and then we will leave your planet so we can go back to our own world.” The Captain explained.

  “Captain Weko, it is my honor to meet you,” the President greeted. “I am pleasantly surprised at your proficiency in our language. I must apologize for not being there in person, as safety boundaries would not allow it, plus we are located very far from the city you are currently in. This is quite a momentous occasion, and we wanted to meet as soon as possible, as I am sure it is for you, as well. Please continue with your message. We are all excited to cooperate with you.”

  “Thank you, President,” the Captain said. “We come from a planet far from here called ‘Harpo.’ We call our race the ‘Revians’. All is peaceful among us, but we do have an enemy, and that enemy is known as the ‘Compiers,’” the Captain continued.

  “The Compiers are creatures not like us. They are brutal and savage. We do not like to have quarrels with their species, but unfortunately, that has been the way of things for a long time,” the Captain finished.

  “So, there is another life form besides yours in outer space?” the President clarified, his eyes wide with awe. “That is most illuminating. But allow me to ask, Captain Weko, what does your long-standing feud have to do with humankind?” he asked.

  “We have learned that the Compiers plan to visit Earth,” the Captain answered, his expression turning grim. “And unlike us, they do not mean to meet you in peaceful and civilized terms.”

  There was a commotion in the room as everyone understood what the Captain meant. I looked over at the human female, Jennifer, remembering her name. She was the only female in the room, and she appeared so focused on what was happening. While everyone was chattering amongst themselves over the captain’s news, she was the only one who stayed quiet, her head bent low as she observed everything. I admired that.

  “Please, can everyone please settle down?” the President said, looking a little irate as he swept his eyes around the room. The room grew quiet, and the President nodded towards Captain Weko. “Please, continue on with your message, Captain.”

  “Thank you, President,” Captain Weko replied. “As I have told you earlier, our enemy, the Compiers, are planning to visit Earth. We do not know what type of visit they intend to make, but our experience with them has led us to believe it will be a hostile visit. Therefore, our leaders have decided it was our duty to warn you here on Earth ahead of time,” the Captain continued.

  “You see, President, we have known of your existence for quite some time. We know and admire your planet as well as its inhabitants. We do not wish harm to come to you. Therefore, we found it necessary to make this visit and warn you of an impending threat.”

  “I understand, Captain. Tell me, to the best of your knowledge, do you consider the Compiers visit to be what we call an invasion?” the President asked. Captain Weko shook his head.

  “I cannot answer that, President, nor do my leaders have enough information. However, my Lieutenant here, Lt. Axon Voan and I are willing to cooperate with you and the humans to tell you as much information we know about the Compiers, so that when they do arrive, you are better prepared. They have similar technology with ours, so we can tell you what we know.” The Captain outlined.

  The President sighed and closed his eyes as if he was suddenly hit with exhaustion. He was quiet for a moment before he addressed us again.

  “What you bring us is heavy news, Captain,” the President finally said. “We shall need time to convene and discuss amongst the other leaders of Earth. We are very grateful to you for warning us about them. It was not only dangerous because you face your own enemy, but because you could have been met with hostility by us,” the President said.

  “It was our duty to come and deliver this message to you face to face so that you may see we come in peace,” the Captain replied.

  “How long do you think we have before this visit from the Compiers?”

  “We did not see any sign of them on our way here, but that would only give approximately a few days between us and them. We landed in this particular city because we have reason to believe it is where they would enter Earth based on its population,” the Captain explained.

  “That is very good to know. We will issue an order to evacuate the city and all densely populated areas, just to be safe,” the President said.

  “That is a wise decision, President,” the Captain said, nodding his head in approval.

  “Captain, we need to discuss the Compiers and how to prepare. Can we meet again tomorrow to gather all the information we need to protect ourselves?” The President asked.

  “Yes, we accept that request. You may contact us through the same communication patterns as deciphered by your person here,” the Captain said, pointing at the female and startling her. “Jennifer Rose, I think her name was. We will be waiting for your message.”

  I saw Jennifer flinch a bit.

  “Good. We will stay in contact. Thank you once again, Captain Weko. David, please escort the Captain and his Lieutenant back to their ship.”

  “Yes, sir,” David said, squeaking a little. “Right this way, sirs.”

  As I followed David out of the meeting room, I turned my head back to look at Jennifer. She was staring directly at me, her blue eyes locked with mine. I could tell her breathing was growing rapidly, so I gave her a small grin.

  She quickly pulled her eyes away and looked at the floor.

  Something inside my gut told me I was going to be speaking with her again very soon.

  Chapter 3

  Jennifer Rose

  This. Was. Incredible.

  I still couldn’t believe aliens had landed on Earth.

  They didn’t look like those long, lanky green creatures with large eyes and oval-shaped heads you always hear about or anything from a Steven Spielberg movie. On the contrary, they had many similarities to regular men from Earth, albeit with several distinctions.

  First of all, they were extremely tall. They towered over us, perhaps seven or even eight feet in height. Their skin was a soft lavender color, but from a diagonal line down into their trousers, their skin bloomed into a darker shade of purple. And yet, the texture of their skin looked no different than ours.

  Their eyes were a different story, especially the one who kept staring at me throughout the meeting.

  Lt. Axon Voan’s eyes were vibrant yellow, and so bright they were almost glowing. He had a vertical black pupil running down the middle of his yellow irises, so they looked like cat’s eyes. His hair was silver and went down to his jawline. Both aliens had extremely toned bodies, but Axon looked fitter and more dangerous compared to his Captain. Their trousers seemed to be made of latex, and it left very little to my imagination. They had an especially large belt wrapped around their hips, reminding me of a tool belt with all sorts of hardware on it.

  Other than my initial trepidation of associating with extra-terrestrials, there was something about the lieutenant that made me feel uneasy. I didn’t know what it was, but every time he looked at me, I felt like he could see right through my clothes. I wondered if he actually could.

  I felt hot all over my body with each of his glances, and although I felt fear at first, I would’ve never expected to be turned on by one of them.

  Instantly I felt ashamed.

  After the aliens met with the President via a live conference video call, I caught Lt. Axon Voan staring at me again while he walked out. He gave me a dashing grin, and I felt my breathing go from stable to panting. I felt so embarrassed, and immediately pulled my eyes away before the effects of his smile became too obvious.

  As much as I tried to keep myself busy with work, especially with the course of everything here on Earth in the balance, I couldn’t shake the alien lieutenant’s image from my mind.

  “Turn up the television! The President is about to order the evacuation,” David yelled at us as he came out of his office, and everyone walked over to the projection.

  We were watching live coverage when suddenly the city outside grew loud. The sound of car horns began to fill the air, and I moved towards the window to take a look. Something was happening. The city was turning into chaos. I was so thankful to be high up in this building under security, but I also remembered something.


  I quickly moved towards my desk, making sure to check that everyone had their eyes glued to the screens before quietly grabbing my purse and entering the ladies’ room. Since I was the only woman here, there was a low chance of me getting caught or interrupted. I locked the door and then turned on my phone, wincing as the screen lit up listing a few missed calls and text messages from my best friend. I quickly dialed her number and moved to the far wall away from the door.

  She picked up on the first ring.

  “Jennifer?” Lisa said on the other line.

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “Oh my God!” I’ve been trying to get ahold of you!” Lisa cried. “Can you believe this? This is insane. Hurry, come to my place so we can evacuate together,” she said.

  “I’m sorry, Lisa, but I can’t. I have to stay here,” I told her. “You should go, though. Go as far and as fast as you can go. Leave without me,” I ordered.

  “What?!” she shrieked, loud enough I had to pull my phone away from my ear to relax my eardrums. “What do you mean you have to stay here? Don’t be insane! Get over here, NOW. You absolutely cannot stay! The President ordered a mandatory evacuation! Do you know what that means?!” she cried out.


  “It means EVERYBODY HAS TO DO IT!” she yelled. “Jesus, Jennifer, aren’t you even scared? There are freaking aliens out there!” she said in a panic. I sighed at her.

  “Yes, I know what mandatory means, Lisa. But I have to stay because of my job. Don’t worry, we have security,” I said, reassuring her.

  “But--,” I cut her off.

  “Lisa. Please,” I begged her. “I can’t go. We’re all a part of this, and they need me here. I just called to tell you I’m alright. Now do exactly as I tell you to do.”

  “Don’t go through the city. You already live on the outskirts of town, so keep going away and just get out of here. In about 20 minutes, there’s going to be so much traffic, you won’t be able to get away. Pack your necessities and everything you think is important and don’t turn back,” I instructed her.

  She was silent for a few moments before sighing in resignation.

  “Crap. I hate it when you’re right,” she said, grudgingly. “Okay, I’m leaving. Everyone else is still glued to the news watching the President’s speech. I do live on the outskirts. I mean, I’m so close I could just walk out of the city. I have my car…,” she prattled off, her voice turning into a murmur as she enumerated everything she needed to do. “Okay, I’m going to pack up some clothes, food, and water, and then I’ll get on the road,” she finally said.

  “Yes, go.”

  “Are you sure you’re going to be alright staying here?” she asked, concerned. “I’m so worried about you.”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. I love you, and I’ll contact you after all of this is over,” I told her.

  “You better,” she threatened. “I’ll be going to my parents’ lake house. You remember where it is, right?”

  “Yes, Lisa. I remember. Now go. Be careful. Goodbye,” I hung up the phone, feeling a lump forming in my throat.

  Steady yourself, Jennifer. It’s not like you’re never going to see her again.

  I turned my phone off and put it back in my purse before walking towards the sink. I splashed some water on my face and freshened up a bit. I should make myself feel clean and comfortable as possible since there was no way of knowing how long this day was going to be. I doubt they were going to let us go home tonight, either.

  I walked out of the ladies’ room just as the President was finishing up his speech. There was a lot of talk about being tolerant of the alien spacecraft, and assuring everyone they didn’t impose a threat. He mentioned the evacuation was necessary because of the aliens warning of another extraterrestrial race posing a threat.

  He wanted the people to see the Revians as friends so there wouldn’t be any hostile acts committed towards them. Finally, the President promised he would address everyone again after a few hours before concluding his speech.

  I turned towards my boss as I put my purse back in my desk drawer.

  “What are we going to do now, David?” I asked.

  “We are on hold and waiting for orders on what to do next.” he answered.

  “We’re still on lockdown?” I asked. “Are we going to stay the night here?”

  He looked at me with wide eyes as if it just hit him. There was a lot to be done if we’re going to keep this amount of people overnight.

  “Roger!” he shouted at his assistant. Roger ran over to him.

  “Yes, David?” he asked.

  “Come with me to my office. I’m going to give you keys to the stockroom where we keep kitchen supplies. We’re going to need as many microwaveable meals as we can to feed everyone for dinner. We’re also going to need snacks and water, so take someone with you to help you,” he ordered, rattling off his demands like a drill sergeant. I was starting to feel sorry for the man.

  “Yes, sir,” Roger said, before scampering off.

  David looked at me next and said, “I don’t know when they’ll let us go back to our homes, but you’re welcome to sleep on the couch in my office.”

  “Where will you sleep?” I asked him.

/>   “I’ll sleep on the floor with the rest of the guys,” he insisted. He placed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently, his eyes turning serious. “You’re the key to everything. I can’t have you tossing and turning on the floor all night. I need you at your best tomorrow.” I grimaced at how he was making me sound like such a vital person in the operation.

  “But, David, I really don’t want to impose…,” I tried to protest but he shook his head.

  “You’re taking the couch and that’s an order,” he said sternly, leaving no room for argument. “Now get back to work. We know other aliens are coming, so we need to be paying attention to pick up anything from them.” I nodded in agreement.

  “Good idea,” I said.

  I sat down at my desk and began to look at the patterns of data once more. I was happy to be doing anything to distract me from thinking about Lt. Voan grinning at me.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about him.

  The next day, after washing up in the ladies’ room, it was time to get to work again. The President requested another meeting with Captain Weko and Lt. Voan, so it was up to me to send them a message.

  I had to admit, I really enjoyed being an important part of the process, and I was appreciative of David offering me his couch, as I was able to get a good night’s sleep considering the circumstances.

  It was time for David and me to meet Captain Weko and Lt. Voan on the roof once more. My stomach was in knots as I prepared to see the aliens again, mostly because I was nervous about seeing the lieutenant. I was feeling a hint of embarrassment knowing I was going to face him without makeup, or even a good hair brushing.

  I should be more like Lisa, I thought to myself. She always carried a big purse with a makeup kit, hairbrush, hair products, toothbrush, and even a change of underwear.

  Normally I just carried a small purse filled with the essentials—wallet, keys, and phone. They were the only things I usually needed, anyway.

  I sighed heavily. Oh, how I envied Lisa’s big bag of tricks today.

  When David and I emerged on the roof, I noticed how eerily quiet the city was. It was completely evacuated overnight except our agency and another across town. There was a large military presence patrolling the streets now, and I even spotted a tank or two parked at intersections.


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