by D. J. Manly



  BY: D. J. Manly

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Eternal Souls III – Wanton Renegade

  Copyright © 2007 D. J. Manly

  ISBN: 1-55410-775-X

  Cover art by Eiris Key

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by eXtasy Books

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  Ruby City was located on Planet C12, the richest planet in the Solar System. C12 was a small planet, surrounded by a hilly terrain filled with flowing streams.

  Internally guarded by the Sky Police, Ruby City was considered the most desirable place to live in the universe. Even the common labourer had a standard of living unsurpassed anywhere else.

  Sentra, a military outpost on the planet Caramel, named so for it’s caramel coloured sunsets, policed the borders of C12 from hostile invaders who would do just about anything to get to the Ruby Miracle Cooperation.

  People living in Ruby City were descendants of the original prospectors, who had come in the early twenty second century looking for ways to save the ailing environment on earth. What they found was far more valuable.

  Scientists among the pioneers discovered that the planet was covered with ruby coloured berries containing amazing properties. These properties could cure all manner of disease and expand the human life span to over two hundred years. As a result, decedents of those scientists would hold sway over the entire universe.

  People who lived in Ruby City were either employed by the Corporation, or worked in the service industry. Since most of the inhabitants were wealthy, residents were always trying to come up with new ways to entertain the easily bored citizens.

  One of those “bored” citizens was Tyler Rose; the nine-teen year old grandson of the president of Ruby Miracle. Tyler had no interest in the cooperation and was one of the few inhabitants who longed to leave Ruby City to explore other planets. Of course, that was out of the question.

  As the grandson of Jack Rose, the richest man in the universe, he was in constant danger of being kidnapped and held for ransom. Given that his father had been taken hostage when he was a small boy, his safety was of great concern.

  At one o’clock on a Saturday night, Tyler sat with his two friends, Ryan and Pete in the “Manbar.” Both Ryan and Pete’s parents worked as transporters. Escorted by Sky Police, they delivered the Ruby Miracle to other planets in the Galaxy.

  It was Tyler’s nineteenth birthday and so far, the evening had turned out to be a total disappointment. “Let’s ditch this place,” Tyler announced suddenly as he stood up to his full five eleven height and stretched like a young leopard.

  Several pairs of eyes turned his way, most of them men he’d already had — what Ryan jokingly called his ‘flavour of the week.’

  With his curly dark hair softly framing his boyish face, Tyler Rose was quite stunning to look at. He had large sherry brown eyes and the face of an angel. He was slender and well toned, with a body he loved to show off to distraction.

  Tonight, he wore his famous tiger striped pants made from a special material which enhanced his curvaceous buttocks and amply endowed manhood. He topped that off with a see-through tank top in the popular nude color that was all the rage, and made sure his nipples stood out by rouging them.

  Only men who were looking for action dressed like that, and Tyler was always looking for action. Problem was, anything worth having had been had. With a population of only five thousand people, the pickings were getting mighty slim.

  Ryan was on his feet. He told Tyler that since there there wasn’t much kicking around, he was hoping that Tyler would throw a bone his way tonight. He was dying to run his hands all over Tyler’s cute little ass.

  Tyler took one last look around the bar. A naked man with his cock bound, danced in the corner.

  He’d had most of the dancers, including that one. They looked good, but most of them were so damn passive. He was looking for the man who could dominate him, who could make him get on his knees. He had yet to meet him.

  The bar was quite crowded. Men sat around drinking. Some moved their groins together on the dance floor. Most were intoxicated on Ruby Liqueur, nicknamed ‘rub.’ It was a harmless, flat tasting beverage that made you horny.

  “You didn’t drink enough Rub,” Pete said, reluctantly following Tyler and Ryan out of the bar. “I want to stay and take a crack at that cock bound dancer in the corner.” Tyler glanced over at Pete, whose waist length blond hair flowed down his back in a giant braid. “I didn’t drink any Rub tonight, Pete. I’d rather smoke some ID.”

  Pete gasped as they made their way to Tyler’s sky mobile.

  “Hey,” Ryan pocked him, “where in hell you get that? I thought the sky police confiscated it all.”

  “Not all of it,” Tyler smirked, pulling a tubular shaped object out of his pants. “Don’t forget, I have friends in the transport business. They have this shit on other planets. Anyone can get it, for a price.” ID was a powdery substance which made you horny as hell.

  Pete laughed out loud.

  The sky was filled with stars tonight. There were two purple moons on the horizon. “Going to be a great day tomorrow,” Ryan announced, anxiously looking over at Tyler as he played with the ID. “Come on, let’s taste it,” he pleaded, as they all crawled into the vehicle.

  “Yea, Tyler,” Pete insisted, reaching over to nudge his shoulder. “Let’s end your birthday with a bang.”

  Tyler gave them both a slow smile. “Alright boys, but not here,” he said.

  “Back in your room?” Ryan eyed him, licking his lips. “Umm. Looks like we’re going to get some tonight.”

  Tyler regarded them both. A little fun with these guys couldn’t hurt. He’d done it before. If he smoked a little ID, he’d get off. Both were fairly good looking. Ryan had a huge cock which was one of the qualities in a man he greatly admired. Pete did sensational things with his tongue. Between the two of them, his birthday could be quite memorable.

  When Tyler didn’t reply, Pete said, “So, are we going back to your room, or not?”

  “On one condition,” Tyler told him, turning around to look at Ryan.

  “Tease,” Ryan groaned. “What?”

  ”You do exactly what I want,” he announced.

  Pete leaned over and put his tongue in Tyler’s ear. “I know what you want, baby.”

  Tyler laughed, slapping him away.

  “Alright,” Ryan said, tilting his dark head. “But it means I get to bite those luscious nipples of yours and play with your cock.”

  Tyler smiled, “Maybe. But, no touching until we get home.”

  “But you have to take me home later, Tyler,” Pete piped in. “I promised to help my Dad tomorrow at the warehouse.”

  “No problem,” Tyler said, turning on the computer and comman
ding the vehicle to take flight.

  “Looks like we’re going to do your birthday in style,” Ryan growled.

  “We’re going to do more than my birthday,” Tyler grinned, lifting off the ground. “Go at maximum speed,” he commanded. With one hand on the steer shaft and the other playing with the ID, they flew off in the night sky at a dizzying speed. Tyler had the most powerful flight vehicle available. He often drove it at maximum speed, speed only intended for hyper space, which was where he was forbidden to go.

  Pete and Ryan were shouting now, as they hurled past others at breakneck speed. “Yea, yea, baby…let’s rock this thing.”

  “Music on,” Tyler commanded. “Play ‘I want to suck you off,’ by Sex Craze.”

  They all sang along, as the Ruby Miracle Estate came into view. He would land this thing on the roof parking lot and sneak the two guys into his room on the seventh floor. It wouldn’t be the first time. He was going to have a great birthday after all. ID would ensure it.


  Bryce Donovan took off his helmet and strode into the Sky Police Headquarters, which was situated on the northern extreme of Ruby City. He was tired. He had just pulled a twenty four hour shift guarding the outlying regions of the city borders. There had been a lot of activity there lately, unwelcome activity.

  He had no idea what in fuck Jack Rose wanted with him. The voice on the phone told him it was high priority. It had been the very first time he had been this close to Ruby City.

  “I don’t take my orders from Jack Rose,” he had told the voice on the phone, in no mood to be given a summons tonight.

  “Come on, Donovan,” came the reply, “don’t be so cocky. It’s the big man himself who wants to see you, the reason you are the Commander at the Sentra Military Base. So if you want to keep your job, get that ass of yours in here.”

  Sentra was on Caramel, the planet where he’d been born and raised. Its sole purpose of existing was to keep Ruby City safe from invaders. He had come from a long line of military, and at the age of twenty-five, he had been promoted to high Commander. He was not used to being ordered about.

  So, the big man himself wanted to see him, Mr. Jack Rose. He didn’t think Jack Rose saw anyone.

  Standing there now in front of two female sky police officers who gawked at him curiously, Bryce issued them a frosty look.

  Bryce Donovan was used to getting attention. This damn uniform, which clad his broad six foot four frame entirely in leather, from his knee high black boots to his short leather jacket, was enough to earn him a second look. Couple that with the emblem ‘Sentra Military Commander,’ planted on the sleeve of his rather battered looking jacket, and people tended to sit up and notice when he walked into a room.

  Those black leather pants, plastered to his thighs and hugging his slim hips did nothing to hide the fact that he was generously endowed. And this wasn’t even to mention his face... which he’d been told was handsome, with its square jaw, presently covered with stubble, huge chocolate velvety eyes, shoulder length glossy black hair and a mouth, which lovers often said, begged to be kissed.

  He blinked at them now. This was not the time. “Are you going to just stand there staring at me, or take me wherever to hell it is that I’m supposed to go? I’m Commander Donovan, here to see God,” he sneered.

  “God?” one of them blinked.

  Bryce sighed. Not too swift, these two. “…a joke, ladies.”

  The other one opened her mouth to speak but just then a middle aged man entered the room. He wore the stripes of a superior officer. Running his gaze over him a little more deliberately than was polite, he barked at the other two, “Go back to work. I’ll take care of the Commander.”

  The two police officers busied themselves immediately behind the desk.

  “I’m Captain Smart,” he said, saluting. “It’s a pleasure, Commander.”

  “Well,” he drawled, omitting the salute, “I’m glad it’s a pleasure for you, because it’s a pain in the ass to me. I have been awake for twenty-four hours.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said briskly. “Please, follow me,” he bid, leading him down a long narrow passage way to a huge room that was furnished in leather and hard wood.

  “Must be the VIP room,” he muttered.

  He directed him to a seat.

  “I’ll stand, thanks,” he replied with a sigh, walking over to take a look at the night sky through the window which ran from the floor to the ceiling.

  He hesitated for a second, than smiled at him. “Nice to finally meet you, Commander,” he said, and then left the room. He lifted his helmet up and sat it on the window sill. He was still perplexed as to why he was being called to Ruby City. Even the military were forbidden to enter Ruby City unless there was a full fledged attack.

  “Commander Donovan,” a voice boomed suddenly.

  He turned now to see a man, definitely over a hundred years old, stride into the room. He was slightly built, with grey hair and shrewd dark eyes. He immediately went to take a seat at the desk, two robot-like bodyguards at his side.

  Bryce came to stand in front of the desk. “Mr. Rose,” he said. He had seen the man’s picture enough.

  “That’s right,” he nodded. “I will come straight to the point, Commander,” Rose said. “This is your lucky night.”

  “Really?” he met his gaze, placing his hands behind his back. It didn’t feel lucky. “And why is that?”

  “I’m going to offer you citizenship in Ruby City.”

  Bryce laughed harshly. “Now, why would I want to live in Ruby City?”

  He narrowed his dark eyes. “Everyone wants to live in Ruby City.”

  “I’m not everyone.” He smiled tightly.

  Rose tilted his head. “I see. Well, it doesn’t matter. You are about to become a citizen of the most desirable place to live in the universe.”

  “I live on Caramel. I run the military that protects your planet from invaders.”

  “I’m aware of that. I’ve read your record.” He inclined his head. “Impressive.”

  Bryce waited.

  “Unfortunately, we have a few problems here on Ruby.”

  “No?” he mouthed, giving him a look of astonishment. “Not on the most desirable place to live in the universe?”

  Rose gave Bryce a faint smile. “You have an unusual kind of humour, Commander. I believe they call it dry wit.” He made a face.

  Bryce shifted his weight. Sleep. He needed to sleep.

  He looked up at him now. “I want you to run Sky Police.”

  “Sky police?” Bryce repeated. “I’m not a police officer. I’m a soldier.”

  “Our domestic problems have grown, Commander. We have a thriving illegal drug trade and…”

  “ID,” Bryce nodded.

  “Yes. I know you’ve confiscated some of it on route. I need you here. The problems are internal.”

  “Meaning that the importers live in Ruby City,” he said, stifling the urge to yawn. Hell, the military had been aware of that for years.

  Jack Rose nodded gravely.

  “I take it that I have no choice in the matter?” Bryce raised an eyebrow.

  Jack Rose looked perplexed. “I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want to live here. Generations of your family have protected C twelve. It’s time you were rewarded for your loyalty, Commander.”

  “Come on now, Mr. Rose,” Bryce coaxed softly, “that’s not what this is about.”

  “You’re right. It isn’t,” he said, coming out from behind his desk. His bodyguards stepped forward with him. “Of course I will make it worth your while. You will retain your rank, have full discretion to do as you see fit with the police force, and your lifestyle will be greatly embellished.”

  “Umm,” he nodded, “the utopia of Ruby City, vice for every taste.”

  Jack Rose cleared his throat. “And one more thing, Commander…I want you to keep a special eye on my grandson, Tyler. He’s a little…wild and I’m afr
aid he might be in with the wrong crowd.”

  Babysitting as well! Splendid.

  “The Sky Police Captain will fill you in.” “Captain Smart?” Bryce raised a dark eyebrow.

  “Yes. Get your things. You start tomorrow night.” He motioned to his body guards, and then before Bryce could say anything else, he quickly disappeared from the room.

  Bryce’s jaw tightened. He swore under his breath. Well, it looked like he was moving to Ruby City and he was going to take up babysitting to boot. Yahoo!


  Tyler lay back on the four-poster bed and lit the slender cigarette that he had taken out of the silver cylinder. He took a huge drag of the ID while Ryan and Pete looked on in anticipation. ID was a very special drug that produced a euphoric effect with just a few drags. It was also an aphrodisiac. But unlike Rub, it lasted for hours. It was illegal because it was highly addictive and could be lethal if administered in concentrated doses.

  Passing the cigarette into Ryan’s eager fingers, Tyler looked around his room and smiled. He had opened the windows but it wasn’t for the smell. The beauty of ID was that it was odourless.

  “Music on,” he said and a stream of his favourite tunes began to surround the soundproof room. His window faced the back of the house. The only ones who could possibly hear them were the people working night shift in the processing plant two miles away.

  Ryan was passing the cigarette to Pete now, and Tyler could tell that he was ready for action. There was a tent in his black satin pants which testified to the fact, a big tent.

  Tyler laughed as Pete took a few puffs, and handed him the ID. Tyler jumped up off the bed and snuffed it out, putting it back in its elegant silver holder.

  Ryan stretched out on the bed. He had taken off his shirt and was running his hand over his nipples. Pete was eyeing his groin.

  “Get naked,” Tyler said, pulling off his tank top.


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