by D. J. Manly

  Here we go again, Bryce thought, mentally rolling his eyes.

  Smart took a step towards him. “You must know that I want you.”

  Bryce met his gaze. “Captain, we’ve had this discussion before.”

  “No one has to know,” he began to undo the buttons on his uniform. “What with your new assignment, we may not get another chance.”

  Bryce held up a hand. “Okay, that’s enough.”

  He looked up at him with the smile like a panther. “Come on, Commander; don’t tell me you’re a virgin.”

  Bryce’s eyes widened.

  Smart removed his shirt, revealing a smooth taut torso with diamond hard nipples.

  Standing directly in front of him now, his gaze moved to the towel. “I want to see you naked,” he whispered, reaching around to release his long blond hair from its ponytail.

  The last time he had sex, was on Sentra, over three weeks ago. It had been with two other soldiers, and it had been hot. As tempting as it might be, under no circumstances was he going to have sex with Captain Smart. Every instinct in his body told him it would be a bad move.

  The Captain’s hands were on his chest and he was pushing him up against the wall. He reached for the towel. Bryce caught his hand. He realised that his breathing was a little laboured. He was beginning to get to him. He said, “No,” loud enough to startle him.

  Bryce released his hand. “We already had this discussion. Captain, I’m not going to sleep with you. And if you make this kind of advance to me again, I’ll have you up on report.”

  Smart stiffened, and then began to put his shirt back on. When he looked up at him, his eyes were dark with fury. “You know that everyone at work is calling you an ice god.”

  “Really?” he laughed. “That’s interesting.”

  “Maybe you’re not man enough for someone like me,” he spat.

  “Maybe not,” he replied. He folded his arms across his chest and waited.

  He met his gaze. “You will pay for this, Commander. I will make sure of it.”

  Bryce narrowed his dark eyes. “Are you threatening me, Captain?”

  “No,” he shook his head, trapping his hair into a ponytail again, “I’m promising you. I’m well connected.”

  “Really?” he lifted an eyebrow.

  “Jack Rose is my Godfather,” he told him.

  He took a breath. That wasn’t good.

  He issued him a smug smile. “When the timing’s right,” he told him, “I’ll not only get what I want, but I’ll have you on your knees.”

  He laughed. “It takes a lot to get me on my knees.”

  He marched out the door, slamming it behind him.

  Lovely, he thought. That was all he needed. He sighed and began to get dressed.


  Tyler had slept most of the afternoon, so when the evening arrived, he was ready to go. He called Ryan and Pete and told them to meet him at the Manbar.

  He took a shower, taking his time soaping himself. He put the discussion with his grandfather today out of his mind. Tonight, he didn’t want to think about anything but having fun.

  Once out of the shower, he called Ethan on his personal phone. “Ethan,” he said into the phone, “I need to talk to you. Can you please come to my room?”

  Ethan was there in seconds, looking like an anxious puppy.

  Tyler had slid into a pair of black second skin pants. He left two of the snaps undone.

  “Close the door, Ethan,” he said, running a hand through his damp curly hair.

  Ethan cleared his throat and closed the door.

  “Lock it,” Tyler said.

  He turned around and clicked the lock.

  “I’m having some problems putting on the rouge. I thought that maybe you could help me.”

  Ethan’s jaw dropped.

  He wasn’t a bad looking guy. He was slender and about five nine in height, and no more than thirty, with auburn hair and green eyes. He was no swinger though, dressed conservatively in a light blue Ruby Miracle pant suit.

  Tyler motioned to him.

  He came forward tentatively.

  Tyler handed him the container of rouge. “Here, put it on my nipples, will you?”

  Ethan dipped his finger in the pot. His hands were shaking.

  Tyler smiled at him. “I’ll lie on the bed. Will that help?”

  Ethan mumbled something, following Tyler to the bed.

  “Rub it in good,” he said as he got onto the bed.

  Ethan began to delicately dap on the rouge.

  Tyler tried not to laugh as he spread it well past the nipple onto his chest.

  “That’s very good, Ethan,” he cooed, closing his eyes. “Feels good. Do them both at the same time.”

  Ethan’s two thumbs began to massage his nipples. Tyler could hear his breathing coming fast and heavy.

  “You know, my grandfather is trying to keep me prisoner in here and if I go out tonight, he will know.”

  “That’s not right, Tyler.” He was practically moaning. He began to twist his nipples now, smudging the rouge as he did.

  Tyler licked his lips. “Nice,” he said to Ethan. “Keep it up. Twist them harder.”

  He began to roll each nipple between his finger and thumb, and then tug on them, pinching hard.

  “Ooh,” Tyler said, feeling his cock twitch. He looked up at Ethan, then down at his groin. “Do you want to play with it?” he whispered.

  Ethan’s eyes were glazed over. He continued to play with his now swollen nipples. “Yes, please.”

  “On one condition,” Tyler said, reaching down to undo another snap on his pants.

  “Anything,” he breathed. “Baby, you’re so hot.”

  Tyler smiled. “You must tell my grandfather that I am in my room tonight with a headache, and I’m not to be disturbed.”

  He nodded. “Alright.”

  Tyler undid the rest of the snaps and lifted out his sex, already semi-erect.

  “Beautiful,” Ethan breathed. “May I touch it?”

  “Oh, you’re going to do a hell of a lot more than just touch it,” Tyler told him. “Keep playing with my tits, and take my cock into your mouth.”

  Ethan pinched his nipples harder, causing Tyler to suck in some breath, then he lowered his mouth to his cock.

  “And Ethan,” Tyler breathed, placing his hands in his hair, “I want to feel the back of your throat, you understand?”

  He nodded, moving down further onto his sex.

  Tyler clutched his hair as Ethan continued to eat his sex. He closed his eyes. Bryce Donavan smiled back at him. Elusive bastard, he thought. He tried to put the image out of his mind, but it returned, this time, he was handcuffing him to the bed in that room.

  Tyler moaned, pushing Ethan’s hands away from his chest. “Bryce,” he cried out.

  Ethan tried to move away but Tyler held his head in place as he came. Ethan looked up at him now, his face content.

  Tyler caressed his hair, than sat up. “Okay, now go and do as I asked you.”

  “Can we do this again?” Ethan asked him, standing up.

  “Maybe. Maybe next time, I’ll let you fuck me,” Tyler told him. “Now, go on,” he said, pushing him towards the door.

  * * * *

  The sky officer with him tonight was called Seth Murdock. He had only been on the force a few months. This was his first night out, and he was jittery.

  “I hope I can live up to your expectations, Commander,” he said, sliding into his seat in the patrol vehicle.

  Bryce cast him a look. He was a slim fellow with blond hair and blue eyes, and he had caught him checking out his package a few times when he thought he wasn’t looking. He had never gone so long before without having sex. If he hadn’t been on the force, he might have considered giving him a go after work.

  “You’ll do fine, Murdock. Just keep your eyes open and do as you’re told,” he heard himself saying. The military training kept him focussed, even when his body w
as demanding other things.

  “I will, Sir. I’ll obey your every command.”

  Now, there was a definite message in that. Bryce cleared his throat. “Tonight, we’re going to check out the clubs. I’m looking for this man,” Bryce pointed to a picture on the screen in front of him. “He’s a drug dealer. Do you know how to recognise ID?”

  “Ah, silver cylinder and ah, the butts leave a fine dust. But there is no smell.”

  “Right. Okay, we’ll go in. I’ll stake out the place, have a look around, and you check out the bathrooms and the backrooms.”

  “Yes, Sir,” he said, as Bryce lifted off the ground and flew toward the main drag of Ruby City.

  * * * *

  Tyler was slugging back some Rub as Pete and Ryan walked in. Ryan whistled as he saw Tyler standing there in his black second skin pants and bright red silk shirt which left holes where his nipples were.

  “Thank you kindly, Sir,” Tyler grinned, lifting a hand to Pete.

  Tyler looked around. Ethan had whetted his appetite for some hot action tonight. Too bad he didn’t see anything that interested him. He ordered some more rub, trying to concentrate on what Pete and Ryan were talking about.

  He scanned the room, pinching his nipples once in awhile discretely, so that they would stand out. The contact just made it worst. His hard-on was more than visible in his pants.

  “I’d love to wear those,” Pete was saying, indicating the pants. “I don’t have the body for it. It reveals everything.”

  “Yea,” Ryan said. “Turn around and let’s see that ass.”

  Tyler turned his back.

  Ryan stuck his fist in his mouth and bit it. “Baby,” he moaned. “Won’t you let me fuck that ass tonight?”

  “Maybe,” Tyler shrugged.

  Pete glanced down at his groin. “You’re hard as hell. I could take care of that for you.”

  “You guys,” Tyler said. “You don’t give me what I want.”

  “Like at that S and M place?” Ryan laughed. “You were too chicken to even go in there.”

  “I know, but I will.” Tyler met his gaze with determination.

  He turned around at the bar. Again he scanned the room. Two naked men were fuck-dancing on the stage. One of them had his cock inside the other and they were moving to the rhythm of the music. Boring.

  Then his heart began to pound in his chest. His hard cock stiffened even more. There in the corner of the room was Commander Donavan, dressed in his black leather pants and jacket. His shoulder length black hair was loose. He held his helmet in his hand.

  “What a hunk,” Pete was saying suddenly, having spotted Bryce across the room.

  Tyler pushed his back against the bar, making sure his hard on and his nipples stood out. He didn’t have to pinch them this time; they were almost as hard as his cock. “That’s Commander Donavan, the cop who took me hostage two weeks ago and handcuffed me to the bed.”

  Pete and Ryan gasped.

  “Really? Holy shit,” Pete cried. “You said he was hot. That guy is more than hot, he’s a raging inferno.”

  Ryan literally smacked his lips.

  “Well, calm yourself, because he’s mine,” Tyler said. “Excuse me, boys.” He grinned and walked over in the direction of the Commander.

  * * * *

  Bryce saw him coming. The pants he was wearing were the new kind which left nothing to the imagination. They clung to his ass, his thighs and the more than obvious need he had going on between his legs. The shirt was skin tight as well, sectioning off his nipples. His entire body was an invitation, and it was an enticing one.

  “Put your eyes back in your head, Commander,” Tyler told him playfully. “I’ve just come to say hello.”

  Bryce let his gaze linger on his groin. “It’s a substantial hello.”

  Tyler laughed. “Why thank you, soldier,” he met his gaze. “To what do we owe this dubious pleasure? Are you looking for me?”

  He cocked his head, his gaze lighting on his nipples. “No rouge tonight?”

  “It got dislodged,” he grinned.

  “Oh,” he replied, feeling the urge to reach out and run his tongue over one of them. He gave himself a mental shake.

  “If you like it, I can put some on. You can lick it off, any flavour you want,” he told him, running his gaze down the length of him.

  Bryce smiled tightly. “I’m working, but thanks anyway.”

  Just then another Sky officer approached. He was young, blond and definitely hot for the Commander. Tyler could see it in those clear blue eyes of his. “Working eh?” Tyler’s eyes accessed the newcomer.

  “Murdock,” Bryce ignored the innuendo. “This is Tyler Rose, Jack Rose’s grandson.”

  Murdock ran his gaze over him, than dismissed him. “Sir, I need you in the bathroom.”

  * * * *

  “In the bathroom?” Tyler mocked. “I could think of a far better place to need him in.”

  Bryce hid a smile. “If you’ll excuse me,” he said to Tyler, who nodded.

  He watched them walk towards the bathroom. Damn. He didn’t need any competition, especially some uppity sky patrolman. After a few minutes, they emerged, discussing something in the hallway. Tyler suddenly felt odd. His head spun a bit and he blinked towards the two men. “My love,” a voice said in his head, “we’re together again. It’s me. I can’t wait to hold you. It’s always been you, my eternal lover.”

  Tyler reached out for the back of the chair. Suddenly, Ryan and Pete were there to steady him. “You alright?” someone said.

  Tyler looked up to see Bryce Donavan standing in front of him. For a second he could have sworn that the Commander’s eyes blazed red. When he looked back at them they were brown again.

  Tyler placed a hand on his chest. “You’re my eternal love,” he whispered, then collapsed on the floor.

  When he opened his eyes, he was lying on a sofa in the back room of the Club.

  Ryan and Pete sat next to him.

  “Where’s Bryce?” he asked.

  Ryan gave him some water. “Who’s Bryce?”

  “The Commander?” Tyler clicked his tongue, pushing him back so that he could sit up.

  “He’s gone. He left. Why?”

  “How did I get in here?”

  “He carried you in here,” Pete smirked.

  “We’re connected.”

  “What?” Ryan asked, watching him cautiously as he stood up.

  “We are connected. We were lovers in a past life,” Tyler told him.

  Ryan laughed. “You wish.”

  “Are you sure you should be walking around, Tyler?” Pete asked.

  “Did you hear what I said? That’s why I’m so drawn to him.”

  “You’re drawn to him for the same reason any sane person with eyes would be drawn, he’s a gorgeous hunk of man,” Ryan told him.

  “No, it’s more than that. I can’t explain it,” Tyler shook his head. “Let’s go home, okay?”

  * * * *

  Seth Murdock observed the Commander curiously. Finally he said, “Are you alright, Sir?”

  Bryce considered the question. If he was to be honest, he would have said, no. Actually, he would have screamed NO at the top of his lungs. Instead, he said, “I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

  “Well frankly, Sir, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. What was it that Rose said to you before he passed out?”

  You are my eternal love. “I don’t know,” Bryce said impatiently. “It’s not important. What’s important is this guy,” he pointed to the picture on the screen.

  “He wasn’t in there. What’s his name anyway? You didn’t tell me?”

  Bryce gazed at him. “He goes by many. A lot of people know him by Modem.”


  “Yea. It makes sense if you think about it awhile.” You are my eternal love. Shit. Why in hell had he said that? And he had looked so weird.

  “Commander?” Seth said. “I don’t understand.”

’t matter. Let’s move on. We need to comb several other clubs before daylight.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  * * * *

  Tyler crawled into bed that night feeling as if he’d run a marathon. He was exhausted. He closed his eyes only to see those fierce red eyes blazing at him. “I love you, Joey,” a voice whispered. “Don’t be afraid.”

  “I’m not afraid,” he said in his head. “Who are you?”

  “You know…you know….” the voice returned, seeming very far away.

  Then he was lost in a fog.

  * * * *

  They found nothing, but then, Bryce had expected as much.

  Landing the craft on the parking space above Seth Murdock’s living quarters, he took off his helmet and rubbed his tired eyes.

  Seth looked over at him tentatively. “You wouldn’t want to come in for a drink, would you?”

  Bryce blinked at him through the murky light inside the vehicle. Sure, he would love to come inside…for a …drink… But he wasn’t going to. “I can’t. It’s late.” Seth looked disappointed, but he didn’t say so. “Well, we’ll find that Modem guy next time.”

  “Will we?” Bryce asked, raising an eyebrow quizzically.

  “Commander?” Seth narrowed his eyes.

  Bryce fell quiet. It had been a strange day. Not only had Tyler Rose’s comment thrown him for a loop, all his worst suspicions about the drug trade in Ruby City had been confirmed. There was a mole inside the Sky Police.

  “Go home, Murdock,” he told him. “I’ll see you later.”

  Seth nodded and crawled out of the machine. He raised a hand to him as Donavan lifted off into the predawn.


  Tyler was angry when he woke. His sleep had been greatly disturbed by these stupid dreams, dreams of Bryce Donovan. And worst, they didn’t make any sense. Last night, he was sure that he saw the Commander’s eyes glow red. And he knew he had blurted out something quite idiotic before he passed out. Shit. He’d never a met a man that had that effect on him before.


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