by D. J. Manly

  After he’d left the room, Tyler closed his eyes. Damn. How close they’d come. Damn this Modem guy. He had just put a serious damper on things, whoever he was.

  * * * *

  Bryce personally searched all the clients and the staff of the Club. He double checked all possible escape routes. Either this Modem guy was the invisible man or he had been right under their noses the whole time.

  Seth Murdock saddled up beside him suddenly, and asked him what he wanted to do with the people they had detained.

  “Take their names and contact info, then release them,” Bryce told him.

  “None of them matched the description, Sir,” he said, seeming to be in no hurry to proceed.

  “I didn’t expect them to.”

  “Well, the photo up on the screen at…” he began.

  Bryce gave him a look.

  “That’s not him, is it?”

  “No. Modem is a master of disguise. He never appears the same way more than once.”

  “You have been on this guys trail before,” Seth stated.

  Bryce nodded. “The military has a file on him as long as your arm. Most of it is bogus.”

  “Did he know we were coming tonight?”

  “Maybe,” Donovan narrowed his eyes. “Anyway, go on, let’s clean this up. Hitch a ride with someone else. I have some stuff to do.”

  “Yes, Sir,” Seth nodded and began to communicate the orders to the others.

  * * * *

  When the door opened, Tyler looked up expectantly from where he was sitting along side the wall.

  “Come on,” the Commander motioned to him with his hand.

  Tyler rose, eyeing the gun that hung off his hip. “You going to shoot me now?”

  “No, I’m not going to shoot you…yet,” he told him between clenched teeth.

  As they left the club, Bryce steered him outside by laying a hand on his shoulder, a hand meant to convey that he had no intention of letting him go.

  Tyler sighed as he crawled into the craft. He could only imagine what was going to happen now. Whatever it was, he probably wasn’t going to like it. “Are you going to tell my Grandfather about this?” he asked him.

  “About the drug dealing, or the kinky sex?” Bryce glanced over at him.

  “I’m not a drug dealer and you know it,” Tyler told him. “I would have been stupid to put those drugs there and how in hell could I have anyway, with my hands tied?”

  “Umm, you have a point.”

  “You’re not a very smart cop,” Tyler told him.

  “I’m not a cop, remember? I’m a soldier.”

  “Well, you’re not a very smart soldier,” Tyler threw at him.

  He chuckled.

  Tyler’s eyes widened. “You bastard. You just said that to…” He stopped. He was too frustrated to continue.

  The night sky was filled with stars. If he hadn’t of been so angry, he would have taken time to appreciate it.

  “I know you didn’t put those drugs there, Tyler,” Bryce told him, looking straight ahead. “But that man you were with tonight was Modem. And he left a very profitable amount of drugs with you. The question is why?”

  Tyler fell silent.

  “What did he look like?”

  “I told you, he had a mask on, like the one I was wearing.”

  “Right. So, how tall was he?”

  “Not tall, five ten maybe.”

  “Thin or…?”


  “What about his eyes? Did you notice what color his eyes were?”

  “It was dark in that room,” Tyler sighed. “I couldn’t say.”

  Bryce nodded.

  “You’re taking me home?” Tyler gasped as he saw the Ruby Mansion come into view.

  “More or less,” he said.

  “Are you going to tell my Grandfather where you found me tonight?” he probed.

  “Why?” Bryce looked at him and smiled. “You don’t want Grandpa to know you were at the At Your Mercy Club? Surely, he doesn’t think you’re a virgin?”

  “Always the comedian,” Tyler clicked his tongue. “No, Commander, I doubt he is naïve enough to think I’m still a virgin, but he doesn’t need to know the details.”

  Bryce laughed. “So, what were you doing there?”

  Tyler sighed. “You know the answer to that, don’t you? You guessed it the night you took me to that…” he stopped. “You’re taking me back there, aren’t you?”

  “Disappointed?” he asked softly.

  He sighed. “Grandfather’s idea again?”

  “Maybe. Anyway, I’ll tell him you were arrested for another traffic violation.”

  “Shit. There goes my vehicle. He told me he’d take it away the next time.”

  “Well, it’s either that or I tell him you were handcuffed to a…”

  “Never mind,” Tyler cut him off. “Tell him I was speeding.”

  They landed now. When they got out, his grandfather met them at the door. He gave Tyler a cool look of disapproval. “What is it this time, Commander Donovan?”

  Donovan paused for a minute, looking over at Tyler. Then he said, “Speeding again.”

  “That’s it,” his grandfather snapped. “No more vehicle until you can learn to use it responsibly.”

  Tyler nodded.

  “Do what you have to, and for as long as you have to,” he told Bryce. “I’ll make sure the place is stocked with provisions.”

  With that, he disappeared inside.

  Tyler scowled. “Sounds like he’s throwing me to your mercy.”

  “Tyler,” Bryce mocked. “Is there a hint in there somewhere?”

  Tyler suddenly realised the joke as Bryce pulled him inside. They walked down the long corridor to the hidden elevator. Soon they were back inside that room again. The wall slid back into place behind them.


  “Where is Donovan now?” he demanded, pacing the floor of his living space. He raised a hand and waved it twice in front of the television wall screen, turning it off.

  “I don’t know exactly,” the voice replied. “He’s with Tyler.”

  “Tyler? I thought that’s exactly what you didn’t want,” his voice sounded peeved.

  “Doesn’t matter. I made sure that Tyler won’t get any.”

  “When do we make our move?”

  “Patience, patience,” he cooed. “My, but you’ve got it bad. You really want in his pants, don’t you? I’ve seen him a few times, can’t say I blame you.”

  “Never mind. We had an agreement. What’s in those pants belongs to me.”

  “No worries. Donovan is too macho for me. I like them tender and submissive. I almost had what I wanted too. Next time, you give me more warning. I almost didn’t make it. I had to leave a profitable amount of merchandise with Tyler Rose.”

  “Tyler Rose? You mean you planted drugs on him?”

  He laughed. “Yes and it was worth it too. The Commander will be suspicious of his connection to me. He knows I was there tonight. That’s why I’m sure Tyler isn’t going to get any.”


  “Maybe. But remember what I said. You are supposed to warn me when the Commander is getting hot.”

  “I just found out what he was up to at the last minute. He didn’t advertise it like last time. He suspects a mole inside. He’s no fool.”

  “Beauty and brains,” he clucked, “lethal combination. No wonder Tyler is so desperate to have him.”

  “He’s mine,” he returned. “That little twit better keep his greedy hands off of him.”

  There was laughter. “Alright, you just sit tight. I’ll let you know when we move. We’ll both have everything we want real soon.”

  “You are going to give me some time before you…”

  “I promise you that you can live out every warped little fantasy before I put an end to the bothersome Commander Donovan.”

  He was about to say something else when the line went dead.


  Tyler watched Bryce from out of the corner of his eye. He hadn’t said a word for hours. Eventually Tyler had passed out on the bed. When he opened his eyes, he was still sitting in the very same place, staring off into space.

  Tyler sat up on the bed and yawned. “What time is it?”

  “Late,” he said.

  “I’m starved.”

  “There’s food in the fridge. Your grandfather sent over enough food for an army, pardon the pun.”

  “I guess he figures we’re going to be here for awhile.”


  Tyler got out of bed and went to rummage in the fridge. “There’s some good stuff in here. Do you want something?”

  “No,” he shook his head. “Maybe later.”

  “So, are you going to stay with me here around the clock?” Tyler asked him, sinking his teeth into a succulent roast chicken sandwich.

  He sighed and looked over at him. “No. Sometimes you’ll be on your own.”

  “Aren’t you afraid I’ll escape?” Tyler prompted, taking another bite of his sandwich.

  “Where are you going to go? This place is escape proof.”

  “Then handcuffing me the last time was completely unnecessary.”

  “I did that for my own protection, so I could sleep in peace.” His mouth twisted.

  Tyler laughed, taking a bottle of cold water out of the fridge. He came to sit on the bed now across from him. “A big strong soldier like you…afraid of me?” He stuck a finger in his chest for emphasis.

  He didn’t answer.

  “Were you afraid of me, or afraid of yourself?” Tyler scoffed.

  Bryce looked over at him. “Meaning?”

  “Meaning that you were afraid I’d seduce you,” Tyler said softly. The words floated on the air for a moment and then disappeared.

  There was no answer.

  “You feel this connection we have. I know you do.”

  Bryce watched Tyler drink down some of the water. It was true. He did feel it. Sometimes, it was strong, this force without any name, like earlier tonight in that club. Sometimes, it wasn’t so powerful, but it was always there.

  “Tonight, if you hadn’t of found those drugs, how far did you intend to take it?” Tyler studied him.

  “Well,” he stood up abruptly, “we’ll never know, will we? And now that you brought it up, did you recognize the voice of the man in that room?”

  Tyler put his empty bottle on the floor beside him and finished the last bit of his sandwich. He shook his head solemnly. “I told you, I have no idea who that was. He was scary, that’s all I know.”

  “It’s odd because the girl at the reception told me that they pair the client with a staff member. That guy was not a member of the staff.”

  “Then how did he get in there?” Tyler demanded.

  “I don’t know. He must have just walked in, put on the costume and…”

  “But was he there for me?”

  “I think so,” Bryce nodded.

  “But, why me?”

  “That’s what I’d like to know. You tell me.” Bryce came closer, placing his hands on his hips.

  Tyler glanced over him and swallowed. He had taken off the jacket. The form fitting navy blue tee-shirt he wore was tucked into tight black leather pants that hung low on his narrow hips. He let his gaze linger for a moment on the intriguing bulge between his muscular thighs, than moved back to his face. He was tired. It showed in his eyes. He wanted to help him, but he didn’t know how.

  “I…I…don’t know who in hell he was,” he stuttered.

  “Well, he knows you. Either you agreed to meet him in that room, or he sought you out.”

  Tyler stood up. “I didn’t agree to meet anyone there, Bryce.” He moved closer. “Christ, don’t you get it by now? It’s you I want.”

  Their eyes connected. Bryce felt himself moving irresistibly toward him. Voices whispered in his head. Promise me, Dino. Promise me we’ll be together. We will be immortal again. He stopped. He put out his hand. “No,” he said. “I have to keep my head. This is too important.”

  “You hear it, don’t you, my love?” Tyler reached up and took his hand, bringing it down to his side. He squeezed it. They were standing chest to chest.

  Bryce met his gaze.

  “Make love to me,” Tyler urged. “Finish what you started earlier.”

  “I can’t,” he shook his head firmly. “You are my prisoner. I don’t know what possessed me to…tonight…earlier, it wasn’t right. I…”

  “It was more than right,” Tyler moaned, pressing his forehead against his chest. “It was meant to be. You are my eternal love.”

  “Why do you say this to me?” Bryce asked, reaching up and stroking his hair, in spite of himself.

  Tyler raised his eyes to him. “I just know. I’ve dreamt of you. We were together before. You know it too.”

  He nodded slowly. “Yes,” he whispered.

  “Then it’s not wrong,” he told him.

  Releasing his hand, he walked over and picked up the handcuffs Bryce had placed on the table. He secured one on his left wrist, than crawled onto the bed. He lay down on his back and secured the other wrist to a post in the middle of the head board. He looked over at him. “You know what I want. You already told me you knew, that very night. You tormented me enough,” he smiled seductively. “I want to be yours. I belong to you. And all this time I’ve looked for the man who could do it, who could possess me completely. It’s you. Release me from this ache.”

  Bryce sucked in some breath. He slowly pulled his tee-shirt out of his pants and dragged it over his head.

  Tyler traced the shape of his perfectly carved pectorals, and mouth watering waves of his bronze rippling biceps.

  Bryce threw the shirt aside, lifting his face up to give him a wicked devilish smile.

  He reached down to pull off one boot, then the other before taking a few steps to the bed.

  “I’m hard as rock already,” Tyler murmured, looking down at his groin. “Look what you do to me.”

  “That’s nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you,” he drawled, looking down at the zipper on his leather pants.

  It was almost painful to watch the slow procession of that zipper as it slid over the length of his swelling organ. When finally it was down, his cock almost leapt out of the opening.

  “Now who’s happy to see who?” Tyler mocked with a grin.

  Bryce laughed softly.

  Tyler licked his lips, studying the delicious curve of his thick engorged cock. “You’re beautiful,” he breathed, watching as he pulled the pants the rest of the way down over his hips and stepped out of them.

  He stood there completely naked now, just beyond his reach.

  “Turn around,” Tyler said. “I have to see it. I’ve dreamt about it.”

  He shook his head. “All in good time. But you’re not in control, remember?” He lifted an eyebrow. “You’re mine. Your body is mine to play with as I choose.”

  Tyler moved his hips upward, his words causing his cock to throb.

  Bryce crawled onto the bed. “Now,” he whispered, “my wanton renegade, I get to find out exactly how much of a slut you are.”

  Bryce pulled the bottom of his shirt out of his pants, and then tore it up the middle. He pushed it aside.

  Tyler could hardly breathe.

  Straddling him, he ran his hands over his chest, than slowly began to play with one nipple. He tweaked it gently, his eyes boring down into his. “Proud of these, aren’t you?”

  “Do you like them?” Tyler gazed deeply into his eyes.

  “Umm, yes,” he murmured, leaning down to lick the one he was playing with. The other one was now being severely abused, pulled and pinched.

  Tyler’s hips thrust forward again. Bryce pushed them back down by rubbing his buttocks against his crotch.

  “Ah,” Tyler groaned.

  Bryce smiled. He moved downward and began to undo his pants.

  Lifting them over his hips and down to his knees, he pulled them all the way off and threw them aside. He wasn’t wearing any underwear.

  Bryce didn’t touch him for a minute. Instead he let his gaze linger on his erection. “You’re so hard, Tyler,” Bryce said softly, leaning down to lick one of his nipples again, then he brought his lips to his mouth and kissed him gently. He was in no hurry.

  “Yes,” Tyler groaned.

  One of his hands moved down his chest, making sure to brush across his sensitive nipples, the other squeezed and fondled his testicles, careful to avoid his aching sex.

  “Lift your knees,” he demanded. “Spread your legs wide.”

  Tyler lifted his knees and allowed his legs to fall open.

  Again he waited, tormenting him.

  “You have a beautiful ass,” he whispered, spreading his cheeks open with his fingers. While one hand gently slapped his cock back and forth, Tyler felt him insert a finger deep inside of him.

  Tyler thrashed, his head going back and forth. “Bryce,” he cried out.

  “Shush,” he said, reaching over for his discarded shirt, he put it into his mouth. “Sluts remain quiet. Wanton horny sluts like you,” he said.

  Tyler moaned as the finger went deeper still, moving around. Yes, yes, he was completely at his mercy. And he wanted more. He wanted it to go on and on. Sweet release. The tears came to his eyes, tears of joy.

  The finger turned and prodded, in and out of him. Slow, fast, faster. Tyler let out a silent cry, an earth shattering orgasm ringing through his body.

  Bryce moved up over his chest. He removed the shirt from his mouth, and let his cock move over his lips. Tyler opened his mouth. “Let me, let me…” he whispered.

  He drew it away, teasingly.

  “What do you want, slut? Say it,” he said.

  “I want to taste it,” Tyler pleaded. “God, you’re so beautiful. Let me, please.”

  He smiled, letting Tyler take his organ into his mouth. As Tyler moved his mouth over it, he felt the constraints above him pull. He was in heaven.

  Suddenly, Bryce pulled out. It appeared that he had other plans.

  When he went to undo the cuff, Tyler felt disappointment. But Bryce pulled him up off the bed and took him into the bathroom, giving his butt a firm slap as they went. There, he secured him roughly with the cuffs again. Turning him around so that his back was to him, he moved his hands over him from behind, twisting at his nipples, playing with his cock.


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