by D. J. Manly

  “But I bet you gave it try,” Tyler mocked.

  Seth sighed. “I did, yes. But, you can’t really blame me. You wanted him yourself.”

  “It was a bit more complicated than that.” Tyler cleared his throat. He closed his eyes for a second, remembering the huge military service they had for him. The only thing that kept him standing on his feet that day was knowing he still existed on The Planet of the Damned, even if he was probably Thor’s lover.

  Seth fell quiet.

  As Tyler followed him through the Sky Police Terminal, he remembered being brought here by Bryce. He could almost feel his hand on his shoulder as he steered him down the hall.

  The terminal was crowded with soldiers tonight. Since having been dispatched to Ruby City, the military was sharing the facility with the police.

  Commander Sam Carter met Tyler in the hallway in front of the office Bryce had once occupied. The name Bryce Donovan was still on the door.

  She gave Murdock a look of dismissal, and then ushered Tyler into the office and closed the door.

  Tyler looked at her, taking a chair. “What is it, Commander? I’m not that happy about being dragged over here at this time of night?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir, but as you know there have been seven murders in Ruby City in the last three weeks. Until now, we have kept the details under wraps. We don’t want to panic the population.”

  Tyler sucked in some air. “But now?”

  “Do you remember the discussion we had right after you returned from C-Forty Five?”

  “Yes?” Tyler leaned forward in his seat.

  “We spoke about…” she paused, “vampires.”

  “Yes,” Tyler scarcely dared breath.

  “Well, the bodies we have recovered seemed to have expired by…well, there has been a substantial loss of blood and…”

  “The blood has been sucked out of them?” Tyler raised an eyebrow.

  She nodded.

  Tyler sat back in the chair. He was feeling a mixture of fear and euphoria. It could only mean one thing. Thor had lied to him. Vampires could survive elsewhere.

  “Sir?” She gave him an inquiring look.

  Tyler stood up. “I want them captured, these vampires and brought to me. I don’t want you to hurt them.”

  “Sir, with all due respect, I don’t believe they are the vulnerable ones. I’m not sure we are dealing with living beings here. I’m not sure how you capture one, let alone kill one.”

  “I’ll talk with some of the scientists at Ruby. I’m sure they could come up with some answers for you.”

  “Well, please don’t wait too long. We believe that there is more than one. They could potentially depopulate the entire planet.” Although she wore her military face, Tyler could tell that she was tense.

  He walked to the door. Outside, he could see his three bodyguards. He opened the door and gave them a cocky smile. “Where have you guys been?” he mocked.

  He turned back to Carter. “Don’t let anything leak out about this right now. I’ll get back to you with the information tomorrow. Put extra patrols on at night. Institute a mandatory curfew…no one on the streets after dark until we get to the bottom of this.”

  “That will not please the proprietors of the bars and…” she began.

  “It’s my order,” Tyler replied. “Have the media announce that it is due to atmospheric conditions that Ruby scientists need to regulate. Put it into place for a week. We’ll extend it if we need to.”

  “Sir,” she said.

  “Goodbye, Commander,” he said and walked out to meet the guards.

  Finally in the safety of his bed, Tyler snuggled down into the pillow. “Dino…” he whispered. He hadn’t had sex with anyone since he’d been back here in Ruby City. He missed him so much. “Come to me,” he moaned. “I need you desperately.”

  * * * *

  Outside his window, in the deep dark night, he waited, his eyes blazing. “So you are desperate, are you?” he whispered, “me too, desperate for blood.”


  Tyler was moaning. He felt the blanket being removed from his naked body, felt the hot breath upon his cheek. Hands moved over the length of him, stroking his flesh, setting it on fire. He tried to open his eyes but he couldn’t. He attempted to sit up but it was as if he were pinned to the mattress.

  Lips massaged his chest, encircled his nipples, moved down to his sex and nibbled at it playfully. Then he felt fingers impale him, moving deep into the crevice of his anus. An orgasm shot through him, then another, his entire body going into spasm.

  “Bryce,” he whispered. “Oh yes, take me…take me…”

  “Not Bryce,” a voice floated to his ears, “Dino. He is Dino now.”

  He felt his body being turned over, than lifted into the air. Something sharp grazed his throat, like two needles. It began to pierce through him as a hard sex brushed his buttocks.

  He began to struggle, the pain in his throat intensifying.

  “I’m going to drain you dry. I came here for that, for the moment when I…”

  Suddenly, he felt himself falling. He landed with a thud on his mattress. Pushing himself up into a sitting position, he raised a hand to his neck. It came away sticky.

  Submerged in total darkness, he could only see shadows as they whirled around in front of his eyes with lightning speed. Throwing his legs over the bed, he reached over to switch on the light. The window was wide open, the sheer lace curtains flapping wildly in the breeze. The night stand and his chair were thrown half way across the room but the room was empty.

  He ran across the room to the mirror and examined his neck. Blood oozed around what looked like the beginning of two puncture wounds in his throat. He closed his eyes. Bryce. Bryce had come back here to kill him. But for some reason, he had changed his mind. Or someone had changed it for him. Why would Bryce want to hurt him? But then he had to remember, he wasn’t Bryce anymore. He was Dino and he was a vampire.

  * * * *

  The following night just after sundown, Dino sat atop of one of the tall buildings in the center of Ruby City and surveyed the scene. The Military and the Sky Police were out in full force, doing patrols every half hour. Early this morning, the neon signs had flashed the announcement of a temporary curfew. It was a smart move, but unfortunately redundant. The sudden rash of murders that had been visited on this fair city had ended. Thor and the others had been invited to leave Ruby City for greener pastures. He would do the same as soon as he took care of Tyler Rose.


  Dino jumped down to the pavement and walked out into the parking lot when he saw Seth Murdock land his police vehicle. When Seth saw him, he did a double take. For a minute, he couldn’t speak.

  “Hello, Murdock,” Dino said. Aside from the fact that his hair was now much longer and thicker, and his skin more radiant, he pretty well looked the same as he always had. He was even wearing the black leather pants and jacket.

  Murdock wrapped his arms around him and hugged him. It felt good. In fact, it felt more than good. It made him hungry. He could get away without killing anyone. He just had to drink a little here and there. It was time to drink.

  He hugged him back, then looking deep into his eyes, he said, “I’m just going to take a little bit. You won’t miss it. And you won’t remember a thing.”

  Murdock’s head went back.

  Umm, he thought, Murdock was a nice looking specimen. He ran his fingers along his throat. Since he was technically a free spirit…why not give Murdock what he’d always wanted from Donovan? Dino picked him up in his arms and skirted him in the back of his vehicle.

  Slowly he opened the shirt of his uniform and ran his tongue over his chest. He dipped his tongue over each nipple.

  Murdock’s body twitched some and then lay still.

  First, he’d take care of his thirst. Rearing back his head, he brought his mouth down on Seth’s throat, sinking his sharp teeth into the vein there. He drank deeply for a mi
nute or two, then pulled back. Sliding his tongue over the wounds, they instantly healed over.

  Now it was time to wake him up. “Seth,” he said, snapping his fingers. “Wake up, lover.”

  Seth opened his eyes. He looked up into his face with surprise, then noticed his shirt was spread open.

  “Do you want me?” He asked him softly, looking down into his eyes.

  Seth’s chest heaved suddenly. “Yes.”

  Dino smiled at him. The taste of his blood lingered in his mouth. He lowered his mouth again to his throat, kissing him there then bringing his lips down to his nipples again. He tasted each one, than reached for his pants. Undoing them, he lifted his hips and slid them down to his knees. His gaze ran over his sex.

  * * * *

  Seth looked up at him. Bryce Donovan - fondling his cock in back of his police vehicle –he would have never guessed it in a thousand years. But here he was, and he was even more stunning to look at than before. He reached out and caressed his skin, his hair. His hair was longer, so shiny, and his skin, so soft.

  And the things he was doing to him now with his hands and his mouth, his tongue. His entire body was on fire. And then suddenly, he was inside of him. It seemed as if he was being lifted off the seat. His long hard deep thrusts made his entire body ache for more. He cried out, as his body lost all control. It was being used as an instrument for his pleasure, and in return, it felt as if he were being fucked by three, four men at the same time. And it went on and on until he wasn’t there anymore.

  When he woke up, he was alone. He was dressed and sitting in the front seat of the vehicle. He had several messages from headquarters. “Where are you, Murdock?”

  Suddenly, he pressed on the screen. “Here. What is it?”

  “You won’t believe this but the Commander just walked in the door,” Carter said. “Donovan is back. He’s alright.”

  Seth started to laugh. He felt hysterical. It was true. He hadn’t dreamt it. Bryce Donovan had fucked the hell out of him in the back of his patrol vehicle.

  * * * *

  It took Dr. Talbot longer than he thought to research vampires for Tyler Rose. When he finally did give him the information, he looked doubtful. “It’s dated. They were thought to be extinct.”

  Tyler nodded. “I know. It’s alright. Anything will do.”

  When he phoned Carter the following morning, she took his call right away. When she answered, she was laughing.

  “What is it?” Tyler asked her.

  “Something incredible has happened, Mr. Rose. Our long lost Commander has come home.”

  Tyler gripped the phone. “Bryce?”

  “Yes. He walked in here last night, looking none the worse for wear. He managed to escape. And our vampire scare is over.”


  “Seems there were a few people living on The Planet of the Damned, like you said. Bryce said they were madmen who thought they were vampires. Apparently, he had an encounter with them on his way back here, and sent them on their way. They are someone else’s problem now. So, I guess you can call off the curfew.”

  “Really,” Tyler managed. “Where is the Commander now?”

  “He had to go home and sleep. He said he was really tired.”

  Tyler took a breath. It had been Bryce who had come to him last night. He had tried to kill him. He wondered why he was still alive.

  Tyler said a hasty goodbye and hung up.

  Tears stung his eyes. He hadn’t said anything to anyone about the break-in. Given the impenetrability of the mansion, he didn’t think anyone would believe him anyway. And of course there was another reason. If he had been Bryce…Dino…well…he didn’t want anyone to hurt him.

  Bryce had tried to kill him. Each time he told himself that, he felt actual pain. After racking his brain for the reason, he could only come to one conclusion. Those words Ethan had forced him to say, somehow they had penetrated. Bryce thought that he’d betrayed him. He had to find him. He had to tell him the truth.


  Since the first moment he had been summoned to Ruby City, he had been here to work. But, no more. Finally, he would get to savour the delights that abounded here.

  Earlier he had spoken to Carter who was disappointed to hear that he was not returning to the military. “I don’t even think you can do that, Bryce,” she said as they sat together in a little coffee shop in the center of Ruby City.

  “Well, I’ve paid my dues,” he said deeply. “Technically, I’m dead, remember?” He grinned. She’d never fully grasp the nuance of that joke!

  She shook her head. “I’m sure I can get you an honourable discharge, given that you are now legally a citizen of Ruby City. Jack Rose did give you the papers?”

  “He promised me,” Dino said softly. “I never saw anything in writing.”

  “Umm, I’d contact Tyler Rose and make sure that…”

  He gave her a harsh laugh.

  “I know it’s hard to believe but he is the supreme ruler,” Carter cautioned him.

  “I arrested his ass more than once. He’s the supreme idiot if you ask me.”

  “Bryce,” she looked around, “you can be thrown in prison for that.”

  “Yes, such a democracy we live in, the epitome of free speech and liberty. And you wonder why I don’t want to risk my ass to protect this place anymore?”

  And what a nice ass it is, Sam thought. Gorgeous was saying it lightly. And lately, well, there was something else…he was just so sexual…his hair, his eyes. Um. Damn, she should have accosted him back on Sentra. “Nevertheless,” she gave him a faint smile, “you do need him to give you the official documents.”

  Dino tightened his lips.

  “You know,” she said, “in his speech when he took over for the old man, Tyler Rose appeared as if he was going to loosen things up a bit.”

  “He’s loose alright,” he told her with a smirk, “but not in the way you might imagine.” He stood up now when she gave him a curious look. “Well, Sam, since I am just an ordinary citizen of this fair city tonight, I’m going to give it a taste.”

  She grinned. She would have loved to have given him a taste. “Have fun, and don’t forget what I said. If I’m going to give you an honourable discharge, you need those citizenship papers.”

  He issued her a polite smile. He didn’t want anything from Tyler Rose, anything at all.

  * * * *

  Sam was very surprised to see Tyler Rose walk into her office less than an hour later at the Sky Patrol Station. His three bodyguards hovered outside the door.

  “Mr Rose?” she said, looking up.

  “Tyler,” he said. “Please, I’ll be my grandfather soon enough.”

  “Tyler,” she nodded, noting his grey pinstriped pants and orange cable knit sweater. She’d heard talk of Tyler Rose’s seductive, almost indecent attire. Seems he’d really toned it down.

  Tyler handed her a miniature disk. “I know you said you weren’t worried about vampires anymore given the fact that…” he paused, clearing his throat, “well…given what Commander Donovan told you; but I thought you should have this information on file anyway.”

  “Well thank you, Tyler,” she said, taking the disk. “But you didn’t have to make a special trip down here just for that.”

  He nodded. “It was no trouble. May I ask you something about Commander Donovan?”

  She cocked her head to one side. “I think first of all you are going to have to stop calling him Commander Donovan.”

  Tyler narrowed his eyes. “Why?”

  “Unfortunately, he wants out.”

  Tyler wasn’t surprised. He opened his mouth to speak but she continued, ruffling through some papers. “Which reminds me, did you run across citizenship papers for Donovan in your grandfather’s files? I need them to complete the paperwork, in order to get him an honourable discharge. It’s the loophole, you understand. If he is still considered to be a citizen of Sentra, discharge is impossible before the age of one hundred.”<
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  Tyler nodded blankly. “I don’t remember seeing anything, but I’ll look around.”

  “Tyler,” Sam Carter met his gaze, “given Bryce’s military record, given the fact that he risked his neck repeatedly to keep this planet safe; I would think he is owed that.”

  “Of course,” Tyler agreed.

  “Those bureaucrats on Sentra are not going to let him go easily. He’s going to need you behind him.”

  “I’ll make sure you get the necessary documents,” Tyler told her.

  “Good,” she laughed, “because he’s really starting to shed that military image of his. When I saw him earlier, he said he was going out to taste the nightlife.”

  Tyler raised an eyebrow. He might not be Bryce anymore but he certainly had retained his sense of ironic humour. “Where did he go?” Tyler asked her.

  “Who knows?” She shrugged. “He’s doing the town, that’s all I know.”

  “I should find him, discuss…ah…the citizenship issue.”

  Sam raised an eyebrow. “He might not like that. Tyler, to be honest with you, he doesn’t seem to be your biggest fan.”

  Tyler pursed his lips. He was making it that obvious? “I see. That’s okay. Look, can you do me a favour?” He cast a look over his shoulder at the three men outside.

  “If I can,” she replied.

  “Is there a way I can get out of here without those clowns knowing about it?”

  “I suppose but…”

  “I won’t hold you responsible if something happens,” Tyler put up his hand. “I want you to tell them I have to stay here for a few hours. I’ll come back as soon as I can.”

  He waited until she stood up. Then she pointed to a door at the side of the room. “Go in there. It’s a bathroom with an escape route out the other side. Don’t be gone too long, Tyler.”

  He smiled at her. “One more thing, I need a vehicle. Can I borrow yours?”


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