Reaching for My Angel [The Royal Wolves 5] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Reaching for My Angel [The Royal Wolves 5] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 5

by Honor James

  “Honey, I’m two hundred years old,” he said matter-of-fact to her. “When you get that old, then we’ll talk about being ‘too old,’ until then.” He snorted at her and shook his head. “Besides, if you want to have time with me and want the change, you’ll be able to have children for a great many years, too many for me to accurately tell you about, I promise.”

  “Really?” Was it possible? She was pushing forty and her human body was at the end of its reproductive cycle. “I would like that, Ben, I want to be able to one day have kids, watch them grow up and have grandchildren and great-grandkids and so on. I want a family, one that is together in everything, loyal and helpful to each other.” She wanted a life with him.

  “Really.” He smiled at her. “The wolf keeps us young and in our prime even if it’s a mate that changes later in their human life. You’ll be able to have children for a good four, five, maybe six hundred years if you want. It all really depends on you,” he said, gently kissing her lightly. She was so uncertain about so much and it hurt him to see. He was trying to give her everything in little pieces so she’d be able to easily accept it all.

  She kissed him back, moving so that her legs were wrapped around him, relying on him to keep them from drowning. “I want that, Ben. I want forever or as close as I can get with you.”

  “A couple hundred years with me might just seem like forever, love,” he pointed out with a grin. “You have no idea of my bad habits, my faults, my deficiencies. But, on a positive note, my brothers will be more than willing to inform you of all of the above, in great, long-winded detail.”

  Evan laughed and shook her head. “Well I will make you take me traveling. We will find new lands to enjoy together and have fun with, that should keep me from being too bored with you, don’t you think?”

  “It better,” he growled at her nipping carefully at her chin. “But I’m thinking I can probably keep you entertained for a while before we go traveling. I’ll take you to England to meet one of our really distant cousins.” He frowned and thought for a moment. “Or maybe Scotland, depending where he is at the time. We’ll have to skip most of Europe, but we could do Spain, Norway, Russia or whatever it’s called when we go.” He rolled his eyes.

  She laughed and shook her head. “I have been from sea to sea, Ben, but that is all. I have always wanted to travel, which was why I drove a big rig with the ex-husband, but I have secretly always wanted to go overseas, to go vacationing across the world to see other things, to meet other people and learn new cultures.” She smiled at him and stroked her fingers over his cheek. “I love you, Benedek. I don’t think I will ever grow bored of you, sweetheart.”

  “You’d better not, I think I’d have to do something drastic if you did,” he told her with a serious expression. He knew he wasn’t exactly the most exciting of his brothers and it was his biggest worry that she would be bored with him. But he also knew that he couldn’t go too overboard or he’d exhaust them and their choices too early in the relationship. Pulling her closer he kissed her gently. “Do you want to keep swimming or would you rather laze in the sun for a while?” he asked her.

  “Ben, I don’t think I could tire or grow bored with you in a million lifetimes. I have a feeling that waking up with you each day is going to be more than enough for me.” She grinned and shivered. “Lazing about in the sun would be wonderful. Do you think it will be warm enough?” She wasn’t ready to leave the heat from his body. The lake was really and truly freezing and she was beginning to shake from it.

  “I know it will, honey, and besides”—he leaned back with a sigh—“your lips are turning blue. I really don’t want you getting imagined hypothermia in a dream, god only knows the adverse reaction your body might take from it,” he said and headed for the side with her still wrapped around him.

  She nodded as she shivered. “I feel cold even in my physical form. I really, really hate to be cold, Benedek, you should know that now. I have always arranged to be able to be over the road in the winter because I hate to be cold.” Because she had been made to sleep outside of the big rig more than once in the middle of winter in nothing but the clothes on her back.

  “Well, darling, I should probably mention this so you love me even more.” He grinned, boosting her up onto the sun-heated boulder. “Wolves put out greater body heat than any mere human since we burn calories much faster. The resulting additional heat will keep you nice and toasty even on the coldest of nights. Especially if we get me good and worked up ahead of time.” He wiggled his brows as he pulled himself up next to her.

  She grinned and nodded. “That’s a good thing, I can very much get used to having my own personal heater in you.” She was shivering and felt her physical body shifting closer to him even as her dream self did as well. “I will do all I can in order to make sure you are nicely worked up every single night of the rest of our lives, Ben.”

  “Promises, promises,” he teased with a grin as he cradled her close to him. Rubbing her back gently he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Women say they’re all up for keeping their man entertained and warm, then they claim headaches, back aches, other aches.” He pinched her bottom gently.

  “And other women have never had to live through hell in order to reach heaven,” she said with a smile. “I love you, Benedek, and you have no idea how much you are going to mean to me, how much you can mean to me.”

  “I want you to tell me, I think,” he said, softly nuzzling her cheek as he rolled over slightly. Sliding his leg up between her legs, he rubbed against her lightly. “I think I want you to show me often, too. I want you to show me all of the time,” he whispered against her lips with a smile.

  Her leg moved so that it circled his waist and she tugged him into her weeping pussy softly with a shuddered moan. “I will tell you often, always, I love you, Benedek, I will always love you.” She arched slightly and pulled him closer. “I want you in a way that I never believed possible.” She licked his lower lip before lightly biting it as he moved inside of her now. “Forever is not long enough, Benedek.”

  “We’ll just have to make do won’t we?” he asked, softly nibbling on her lip and moving across her cheek to her throat. Gently biting her, he changed the scene to a pillow bed of feathers as he began to move slowly inside of her as his mouth teased her flesh.

  “Oh goodness.” She whimpered and bared her neck to him, a sign of trust on her part, giving him that one part of her that could kill her if it was his desire. “Benedek.” She was rolling with him, both legs now wrapped around his hips, pulling and pushing him in time with his cock thrusting in and out of her pussy. “Feels so good,” she ground out.

  Chuckling, he nipped her upper breast. “It’s supposed to, love, otherwise one is just not doing it right.” Cupping her ass he rocked into her harder as he bit her breast gently.

  She shivered. “Do that again,” she begged. She never knew that something could feel so right, so perfect. “Then I have never done this right.” In that was more than he could want to know.

  “That’s because you didn’t have me, love,” he whispered lifting his head as he moved in and out of her tight pussy. “I admit it pisses me off you were married before me and it seriously angers me that he didn’t treat you like the goddess you are. But he’s out of the picture and we have one another finally, that’s all that matters, my love,” he said, kissing her gently before dropping his head and biting her breast again as he slammed his hips forward.

  She arched back and screamed softly as he slammed into her body over and over again. “Yes,” she whimpered and let her nails rake over his shoulders and back. “Again!” she begged in a sob. “Harder, feels so good.” It did, the roughness felt amazing to her.

  Unable to deny her, he did just as she asked, growling as he took her harder, his teeth scraping over her breasts as he went from one to the other. Sinking his teeth into her soft flesh, he was careful so that he didn’t hurt her too much.

  The bite did her in. She clutched at him an
d felt her body’s response as she tumbled into an orgasm that had her body bucking under him. “Benedek,” she whimpered in reality and in her dream.

  Shoving his cock balls-deep into her, Benedek growled deep in his chest as he came, shuddering against her body. For long moments he stayed taut before collapsing over her with a moan of pleasure.

  She held him close to her, the smell of flowers all around them as well as nature had her eyes closing happily and herself relaxing. “Love you,” was all she could get out past the panting and the complete and utter exhaustion she felt, but it was a good tired.

  Nuzzling her throat, he kissed the soft flesh near her ear gently before lightly nibbling over her skin. The resulting tremors and shivers made him smile as he teased her. “I love you, Evangeline, Angel mine,” he whispered to her gently.

  She smiled softly and held him close. “Love you, too.” She moved slightly and then said, “Sleepy though. I need to sleep, Ben, I’m sorry.” Even in her dream she was exhausted.

  “Don’t be sorry, honey.” He smiled. “We’ve been very active in and out of the dreams so far. You need your rest and, later when we wake, I’m taking you out for breakfast so we can talk and not have me jumping your bones again.”

  “Sounds good, Ben. I like waffles with powdered sugar on them.” She yawned against him and was soon sound asleep.

  * * * *

  Stretching in her bed, he grunted when his foot fell out into space. Lifting his head, he looked around. “Next time we’re doing this in my bed, at least then I won’t feel like I’m going to break it,” he muttered as she snuggled into him. Stroking her back lightly Ben kissed her hair. “You going to wake soon or should I think of ways to entice you awake, my love?” he asked not sure how far into sleep she still was.

  “I was hoping you would find ways to entice me from my sleep but this works.” She grinned as she cracked open her eyes and looked at him. “I never liked waking beside someone before, but I love this, waking beside you, Benedek. I don’t ever want to spend a night alone again. I want to wake up beside you for the rest of our lives.”

  “Done,” he said simply with a shrug at her look. “I’m your mate, love, I intend to never be anywhere but with you in our bed wherever it might be. Although”—he looked down at his hanging foot—“if it’s here we need a bigger bed, darling.”

  “I’m more than willing to be wherever you want to be, Ben.” Besides she had been looking to move anyway with the ex knowing where she lived. Yeah moving would be good. “I’m willing to move to where you live, to be where you want to take us, but before you think it’s something you are ‘forcing’ onto me, it’s not.” She touched his cheeks and then lips. “My ex-husband knows where I live. I had intended to move anyway so this is a good thing for me, to be with you.”

  “We’re moving you out today,” he said in a tight voice. “I don’t want you anywhere he can get to you easily another moment longer. I know it seems pushy and I apologize, but if I catch him sniffing around I’ll tear his throat out without blinking.” He knew it was harsh and blunt and that it could turn her from him, but he wasn’t going to hide his nature from her any more now then he would later.

  “Do you see me complaining?” she asked and shrugged. “I was going to move anyway, Ben, and believe me you aren’t the only one who could tear him to pieces, hence why I learned to shoot a gun.” Not that she had one, but she had learned to shoot one. “He terrifies me on a level I don’t think I could ever explain, Ben, so being far from here is good for me.”

  “Well then you’re definitely moving in with me and there are perks,” he told her hugging her close. “I have lots of land, mostly wooded, my brothers are all close by and I have, just as they do, a pack of wild wolves on the land as added security. They will kill anyone that is not introduced and noted as being family or friend.”

  She shrugged and then held him closer as she whispered against his ear. “The only perk that I care about is you. Benedek. Will I be able to fall asleep in your arms and wake in them the next morning? Will I get to share meals with you, discuss our hopes and dreams for the future? It’s nice to know I will be safe, but will I be happy?” Only he could make her happy, she hoped he would see that. She paused and then smiled. “Besides, we have a very cool perk.” When he looked at her she said, “I won the lottery. We have a number of perks with that, right?”

  “I’ll be there every night when you close your eyes and every morning when you open them. Any and every meal I can have with you I will, even if I have to drive miles to do it, Angel. But true happiness comes from you, honey,” he said looking down at her. “I can only give you my actions and my words and hope that all that and my love is enough. But, if it’s not, tell me, don’t bottle it up to fester within, I’m always around or available to talk with you, honey, always.” He thought about her words and then smiled. “Don’t worry about that. The money is yours, only yours. I don’t need or want your money, baby. Just you. Only you.”

  Shaking her head she grinned. “You silly man, do you not hear me?” She moved so that she could look into his eyes. “I love you, Benedek. Your actions and words are everything to me. Having you close to me is my heaven, Ben. You don’t shut me out, and your words go for you, too. If you can’t be happy with me, tell me. Don’t let it sour what could be so very good, please?”

  “Honey, I’m still in the glow stage of this and likely will be for the first hundred years. I’m just stunned and amazed and thrilled to have found you. I feared I’d never find you, my mate,” he told her quietly stroking a finger down her cheek. “Especially as my brothers all started to find theirs one by one.”

  “Well now you have me.” She smiled simply at him. “You have me forever now, Ben. All I ask is that you don’t shut me out. I won’t close you off and I just ask for the same from you, please?”

  “Promise,” he told her softly. “I may not be the most chatty of the family, but I will never refuse to talk with you, my lovely little mate.” Stroking his fingers through her hair gently, he kissed her nose. “I hate to be a pain, but I’m getting a cramp in my leg and I need to find the little boys’ room, too.”

  “Right, the bathroom is through that curtain there.” She hated doors in her bedroom so it was a series of curtains for her bathroom and closet. “I will just lay here and breathe and then I will come in so that we can shower before we head out to your place, sound good?”

  Looking to where she pointed he nodded and grinned. “I love the way that sounds.” Leaning in, he kissed her gently before rolling away and just barely kept from doing the potty prance into her bathroom. It wasn’t manly in the least so he strolled casually.

  She snickered as she watched his ass, so tightly puckered he could have turned coal into diamonds, and lay back, grinning ear to ear as she thought about just how perfect her life now was. She had an amazing man who loved her beyond anything and had a terrific life ahead of her. And it was going to be a very long one, too. Life was very good.

  With great relief Ben washed his hands and then, since he had a moment, looked around the space. There wasn’t much in the way of toiletries, just a few odds and ends. Picking up her hand cream he took a careful sniff and smiled when he noted the all-natural ingredients with just enough preservative to keep it from spoiling. Shifting he went to the shower and turning it on took a look at her shampoo and conditioner, again all natural scents and nothing in the least overpowering.

  She softly knocked on the door and, when he said it was clear to enter, she came in. Seeing him holding her shampoo, she blushed. “I don’t like strong smells. My nose has been broken enough times that strong scents hurt me to breathe in so I go for the all-natural products. Yes, I know it is more expensive but I’m happier in the long run with them.”

  His lips quirked up in a half grin. “As a wolf I’m all for that.” He chuckled softly putting it back. “Strong scents irritate our noses which, like a dog’s, are much more sensitive than a human’s. We have to be cautiou
s around perfumes as well since they can screw up our olfactory senses in a big way.” His smile got wider and he admitted, “That’s when I smelled you at the warehouse. I could scent your clear, sharp, and tropical scents and I knew that I had to find you. It was clean, clear. Nice. Just like you, baby.”

  “I can’t do perfumes at all. They burn too badly.” She shrugged and grinned. “So I guess that you and I really were made for each other, weren’t we, Ben?” She raised her hand and tested the water in the shower only a moment before she stepped into the curtained area. “Are you going to join me?”

  Grinning he slipped in behind her and tugged her close to hug her to him. “We were made for each other, honey,” he said softly. “We’re mates. It makes sense that we’d be suited very well.”

  Her hands moved over his arms, and she caressed him lightly as she grinned. “I think that you’re right, now however,”—she stepped from him and grabbed the soap—“now you need to wash my back so that we can get our shower out of the way and then we can pack up the barest of necessities for me and you can take me to my new home.”

  “We can pack up more than the barest of things, love,” he said softly. “We can take as much as you need for the next couple of days until we get back to clean everything up.” Taking the soap he began to wash her back gently. “I don’t want you to not have the things that give you comfort. Especially since you’re going to a place you’ve never been before. You should have anything you want.”

  “Oh I will pack what I need.” Her hands on the wall, she let her head fall down and sighed. “I was thinking of leaving the furnishings and dishes and everything, using the property as a rental place, what do you think?” Now that she had money she could put in the cash to get the house up to perfection and rent it out maybe to a small family, someone to bring laughter back to the old house.

  “If that’s what you’d like to do, honey, you don’t need me to approve your plan. It’s your house, Angel,” he said softly pressing a kiss to her shoulder before he settled on his knees to do her legs slowly. “But I think it’s a good plan. There are plenty of benefits to it, but you should make sure to do some research into being a landlord. There are a lot of rules and laws to being one.”


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