Desire Too Hot To Handle: The Bad Baker Boys: John's Story

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Desire Too Hot To Handle: The Bad Baker Boys: John's Story Page 10

by Tonya Brooks

  The feel of her hands on his body, her lush bottom twisting and gyrating in his lap and the hungry look in her eyes were killing him by degrees. John wanted her so damn much it was all he could do to keep his hands off of her. But he knew if he touched her they'd wind up tearing each other’s clothes off right there.

  Then she swung around, her back pressed to his chest, lifted his hands in hers and slid them slowly, sensuously down her body. Cyn slid off of his lap and onto her knees in the floor, her hands caressing his thighs through the well worn denim, the naughty smile on her lips taunting him with what was yet to come.

  Before he could haul her back to him, she stood and began dancing just out of reach, her hands caressing her own body as she watched him watching her. Cyn danced around behind his chair, slid her hands over his shoulders and down his chest to twirl her fingertips round his hard male nipples. She leaned down, nipped his earlobe and then sucked it into her mouth teasingly when he groaned in agony.

  Laughing wickedly, she danced back around in front of him and shook that hot little ass in his face. Swinging back around, she placed one leg on each side of his chair, and undulated her hips back and forth as she slowly lowered her bottom back into his lap again. Before he knew what the hell she was doing, Cyn swung both legs up, locked her ankles behind his neck, shimmied her upper body backward to the floor and then back up again.

  Swinging those supple legs back down, she fitted her pelvis to his, locked her arms around his shoulders and began to ride him like the wild woman that she was. Pushed beyond the limit of his endurance, John grasped her head in his hands and kissed her like a starving man.

  Cyn melted into the kiss, her fingers tangling in his hair as they quite literally forgot about the crowd and devoured each other. When the sounds of the clubs patrons shouting their encouragement filtered through the haze of desire, John wrenched his mouth free and stared into her passion clouded eyes.

  “Now they know why we won't share.” Cyn informed him with a knowing smile. “We're too damn hot for them to handle.” That said, she stood and danced her way to the bar.

  John just sat there watching her like a hungry wolf stalking its prey. No doubt about it. He'd found the only woman for him. And there was no way in hell he was gonna give her up.

  Chapter Ten

  Saturday, May 31

  "Holy effin' shit," Cyn breathed in shock as she looked around John's office.

  It looked like the aftermath of a hurricane. The pictures were either knocked off the wall or hanging at odd angles. A broken chair was wedged against the door, the lamp was in pieces on the floor, it's shade smashed flat. The end table was tilted on its side against the sofa whose cushions were hanging halfway off or gone astray. The desk chair was flipped over on its back and there were papers strewn across the floor with the missing sofa cushions.

  When John sat up in bed beside her, she squeaked out, "Did we do this?"

  "Yeah, darlin'," he admitted in amusement. After that lap dance they had both been so worked up that it was a wonder the walls were still standing. "We did."

  "How?" Cyn asked in dismay and simply could not fathom how they had made such a mess. Yeah, they'd fucked like bunnies, but this was insane.

  "You've got a little Tasmanian devil in ya," he grinned.

  Her mouth dropped open before she snapped it shut and glared at him. "I did not make this mess by myself, John Baker," she flatly denied.

  "Hey, you're the one who kept rolling us over so you could be on top," he reminded her with a wicked grin. "Shit got in the way."

  "Sweet lovin' Lord," Cyn moaned and fell back on the bed. She stared up at the ceiling, saw her bra hanging from the light fixture and moaned again. Yeah, that one was on her. She remembered throwing it and had no idea where it had landed. "I can't believe we destroyed your office."

  "Thank fuck we weren't behind the bar this time," he teased and loved the blush staining her cheeks. "The liquor bill could get expensive."

  Which brought to mind another little matter. "I, um, think we left our clothes in the club again."

  "Most of them," John agreed without an ounce of concern. "Your thong didn't survive." Not after he had ripped it off of her with his teeth.

  She gave him an evil look at the reminder. "That was my favorite set."

  "I'll replace it," he offered. Although he'd probably just do it again.

  "Only if you let me buy you a new lamp," she insisted.

  He laughed at that and asked, "So you can break it, too?"

  The evil eye was back. "Over your head maybe."

  "You're vicious this morning," John said with a wicked grin as he stretched his body over hers. "Bet I can improve your mood."

  "I'm not sure your office will survive it," she said doubtfully.

  "Not sure I will either," John said half seriously. "You rode me into the ground last night, darlin'."

  "You're the one who wanted a naked lap dance," Cyn pointed out. Now that shit had been hotter than hell. It would have been even better but the chair had broken under the strain and they'd wound up on the floor.

  “You didn’t complain.”

  “Do I look like a fool?”

  “Nope. You look beautiful. Sexy as hell, too,” he said with a devilish grin. John rose up on his knees with her in his arms and headed for the connecting bathroom. "A nice hot steam shower should work all the kinks out."

  The steam shower in his office bathroom was incredible. So were the dozens of shower heads that could be aimed at the most interesting places. "Shower sex is good," she readily agreed.


  Luke opened his front door, looked the other man over and thought he looked vaguely familiar though he was certain that they had never met. “Can I help you?”

  S.X. Grayson met the other mans gaze evenly and looked him over as if he were sizing him up for a full body cast. Or a body bag. “I’m looking for Easy.”

  Not what he wanted to hear. The guy was his size with black hair and silvery blue eyes that glinted with humor. He oozed confidence and sex appeal and there was no way in hell that Luke wanted him anywhere near his woman. His stance instinctively shifted to battle mode as his facial expression hardened. “And you would be?”

  “Getting impatient,” came the arrogant response as he arched a brow.

  “Who’s at the door, Sugah?” Easy called from the top of the stairs.

  When Luke stepped back to look up at her, the man brushed past him and entered the house uninvited. That action pissed him off, but not nearly as much as what happened next.

  “There’s my girl,” the man said as he flashed her a lethal smile and held his arms out.

  Sheer joy shone in her face as she recognized their visitor and bounded down the stairs. “Hello, Sexy!” Easy exclaimed in delight as she launched herself at him from the bottom step.

  Sexy caught her in mid air and hugged her tightly as he swung her around in a circle while she laughed in delight. Luke's warning growl prompted Easy to unwrap herself from around the other man and she quickly faced her fiancée to say, "Don't kill him, Sugah. This is my brother, Sexy."

  Luke's expression went from furious to dumbfounded in a flash as recognition dawned. Sexy Grayson was Easy's brother? Jesus freakin' God, the man was a world famous fashion designer and she'd never mentioned it. "Your brother is Sexy?" He asked in disbelief.

  "Hey, now. Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful," the other man quipped in amusement.

  Easy laughed in delight and hugged him again before stepping back and wrapping her arm around her fiancée's waist. "Sexy, this gorgeous hunk of man is Luke," she introduced proudly.

  The smile on his sister's face when she looked at the other man told Sexy all that he needed to know. Easy loved him. No doubt about it. Whether the SOB was worth it was yet to be determined. "Good to meet you, Luke," he said and extended his hand.

  Luke accepted the handshake as he sized the other man up again. This was no pretty boy model to be taken lightly. No, this
man was a force to be reckoned with. It was a case of like meeting like and both men seemed to come to that understanding at the same time. "Nice to meet you," he agreed.

  "So, where is it?" Easy asked and all but danced in anticipation. "I can't wait to see."

  "See what?" Luke queried.

  "Sexy designed my wedding gown," she crowed in excitement.

  Now he knew what she'd been up to. Thank God. Easy had been planning to surprise him with a gown that her brother, the friggin' fashion designer, had made for her. "That's great, Baby," he enthused. "Can't wait to see it on you."

  "Not until the wedding, you won't," she assured him and turned back to her brother to demand, "Where is it?"

  "I left it at Dizzy's to make sure it stayed a surprise," Sexy admitted.

  She whirled around and gave Luke a kiss before grabbing her brother's hand and dragging him out the door. "Bye, Sugah. Gotta go," Easy said as she pulled her brother down the steps toward his rental car.

  "What if it doesn't fit?" Sexy teased.

  "Then you'll fix it," she said confidently and gave his hand a squeeze. "I'm so glad you came, little brother."

  "Me, too, little mama. Me, too," he admitted and pulled her into his arms for another hug.

  Sexy was in the middle of preparing for a fashion show, but he'd made her wedding dress a priority and dropped everything to fly down for his sister's wedding. The Grayson siblings had to rely on each other for everything as kids, and as the oldest girl, Easy had mothered them all as best she could. There was nothing he wouldn't do for her. That included making sure the fiancée was the right man for her.

  "You're sure this is the one?" He asked once they were in the car.

  "Luke is the other half of my soul," she admitted truthfully. "Now that I've found him, I don't think I could live without him."

  "You know, E, lawyers are usually stodgy and boring as hell," he pointed out. "And you said this guy wants a career in politics. You sure he can handle your wild side?"

  Easy laughed until her sides ached, "Oh, yeah. He can more than handle it," she assured him. "Luke also belongs an outlaw motorcycle club. His road name is Wild Man."

  He laughed at the nonsense she was spewing. "Well, he'd have to be as wild as all that to handle you," Sexy teased. "You're trouble with a capitol T."

  Oh, she could not wait until tomorrow when her little brother figured out that she wasn't kidding. This was going to be priceless.


  The entire Baker family and their closest friends took over the VIP section for Luke and Easy's combined bachelor and bachelorette parties. John had given Cyn the night off so she could celebrate with the family. That was before he knew that Easy and Dizzy's brother would make an appearance. Or that as the only two people unattached, that Cyn and Sexy Grayson would be paired off.

  Didn't help matters a bit that the mofo was a famous designer. Hell, even John had heard of Sexy Fashions. Not only did the SOB design the shit, he modeled it as well. When a billboard went up downtown showing Sexy in nothing but a pair of briefs, with a woman's hand covering his junk, old lady Crandall damn near had a stroke in the middle of Lakeside Drive.

  But it was the look on Cyn's face when she met the man that had chapped his ass raw. It was the kind of look that said she'd be more than happy to model those damn Sexy shoes that she was batshit crazy over. Preferably in their designers bed. The look that Sexy had given her said that he was thinking the same goddamn thing.

  The first time she stepped onto the dance floor with the ass, John asked into the microphone, "Y'all ever wound up in bed with a woman that can wreck your house and rock your world?" The crowd shouted their approval of the idea. "This is for all those Tasmanian devils out there." Cyn stared at him with her lips parted in surprise as the other man slid his arms around her waist.

  John sang the song just to get a reaction out of her and it worked. She might be in another man's arms, but she was definitely thinking about him. When he got to, "I wanna rock some sheetrock, knock some pictures off the wall," her shoulders started shaking and Cyn was laughing so hard that she couldn't finish the dance.

  Watching the two of them laugh and talk all night had kept John's temper on a slow boil. Watching them dance together had been a true test of his endurance. All he'd wanted to do was jump off of the stage and pound the other man through the floor. The realization had shocked the hell out of him.

  John didn't know why he felt so possessive and territorial over Cyn, but he did. Maybe it was because she made him feel... Yeah. That was it. She made him feel. For the first time in years, he felt alive. He sure as hell didn't understand it, but when he was with her he felt like he was really living. And it felt damn good.

  Not that emo shit like that made any sense. More than likely it was because the sex was phenomenal. Whatever the reason, he was fed up with watching the other man flirt with the woman he wanted. It was time to let everyone know whose arms she'd be sleeping in tonight. Especially Cyn.

  He handed his guitar to Jason and told Ricky what to play. John slipped on the headset microphone and started walking to the VIP area. "Last song of the night, folks. Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I do," he said with a wicked smile as he headed to where his woman stood with her back to the stage.

  Cyn felt his arm go around her waist, and she was surprised when John led her onto the dance floor. He sang to her as he looked into her eyes and she melted into a puddle of goo at the promise she saw in his baby blues. The same promise that was in the words he sang. “Take off those heels, lay on my bed, Whisper dirty secrets while I’m pulling on your hair.”

  Shivers of desire tingled up and down her spine. The feel of his body moving against hers revved every pleasure point to the max. She sank both hands into his messy hair and began placing nibbling kisses along his neck. The evidence of his desire was pressed between them and a moan escaped her lips. God, she hadn’t thought it was possible to want this man more, but she did.

  The woman was making him crazy as hell. John grabbed a handful of hair, pulling her head back and lowered his lips a breath away from hers to promise, “I’m gon' ride, I’m gon' ride, I’m gon' ride, I’m, I’m gon' ride on you baby, on you lady, all night, all night, I’ma take care of your body, I’ll be gentle, don’t you scream, It’s getting hotter, make it softer, feel your chest on top of me.”

  One arm locked possessively around her waist, the other slid down to cover her firm ass and pull her even closer. Heat flared in her blue eyes sending his pulse rate into overdrive. “Yeah girl, we can go slow. Yeah, we can go slow,” he promised as his eyes devoured her. Tonight he was going to take his time and make love to every inch of her. Slow and easy. The bad boy smile became positively lethal.

  Up in the VIP section, Harley, Desi, Easy and Dizzy exchanged fist bumps. Their plan to use Sexy to make John jealous had obviously worked. The bad boy had sat out of songs before to dance with women, and there was nothing unusual about him dedicating a song to one. But he'd never done anything like this. They were ecstatic over the maneuver.

  When the song ended, Cyn attacked his mouth as if she were starved for him. John lifted her off the floor and she wrapped her legs around his lean hips. Without breaking the kiss, he carried her to the office as the crowd shouted their approval. Fortunately Alex had turned the mic off or they would have really gotten a show once the door closed behind them.

  His woman liked it hot, hard and fast, and what man wouldn’t appreciate that? But tonight John intended to slow things down and worship every inch of her smokin' hot body. Some things were so decadently delicious that they deserved to be savored. Cyn was one of those things. He was going to take her slow and easy and just a little bit dirty. Yeah, he was a guy. Sex had to be a little dirty.

  He stripped her bare, kissing and caressing every inch of flesh he uncovered until she trembled in his arms. Then he slipped those killer heels off, stretched her out face down on the bed and told her not to move. Starting at her ankles, he kissed, l
icked, suckled and gently bit his way up to her neck until she was moaning with need.

  Rolling her over, he captured her lips in a kiss as gentle and reverent as whatever crazy emo shit it was that she made him feel. Cyn tried to take control of the kiss, so he warned her again not to move and continued south. He lavished her breasts with attention, showed her how much he loved that goddamn belly button ring and hit every pleasure point down her right leg and back up her left.

  Cyn was nearly incoherent with need, panting and pleading, but John ignored her and continued to torment her body with more pleasure than she could bear. She was not a passive woman by nature, and she was an aggressive, demanding lover. This not being able to move shit was so not her thing and the man was driving her insane.

  When he parted her thighs she bucked her hips seeking some form of contact that would deliver her from this heavenly torture. Finally, finally, he lowered his head to her sensitized nub and... blew on it. She was dying and he fuckin' blew on it! Her hands fisted in the sheets and she heaped curses on his head for keeping her on a razors edge between agony and ecstasy.

  John merely pressed his lips against the bundle of nerves with a whisper light touch and then delivered one firm lick with his tongue. Just one. Sweet lovin' Lord, she couldn't take much more of this! Intending to take care of the issue herself, her hand slid down her body.

  John nipped her fingers in warning and pushed her hand away. "Uh, uh. I licked it. It's mine."

  Oh God! Her head dropped back on the pillow as Cyn demanded, "Then do something with it."

  "I am," he assured her.

  When the warmth of his tongue penetrated her quivering nether lips, she could have screamed in relief. But the frustrating man wasn’t providing any relief. She wasn’t sure what the hell he was doing because it felt like he was... holy effin' shit. He was kissing her. French kissing her.


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