The Hidden Alpha

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The Hidden Alpha Page 2

by Cara Wylde

  Amelia clenched her jaw. “So, what you’re saying is that I’m more of a last option for him. An afterthought.”

  “Make of it what you can. I just thought you should know. Clan Sylfur might be the most powerful and respected fox clan in the world, but that doesn’t mean they can treat shifter-brides like this. I don’t like it. I don’t like it one bit.”

  “I can handle it,” she whispered as Zoe came out of the office.

  “Oh, you’re here,” said the girl when she saw Amelia. “He’s ready for you.”

  “How did it go?”

  “Ugh… don’t ask.” Zoe scrunched her nose, then went past Amelia without as much as a “good luck”. Apparently, she just wanted to get out of there and put everything behind her.

  “Oh, wow. Now I’m nervous,” Amelia thought. She walked to the office door, stopped for a second do gather her thoughts, then opened the door in a swift motion, determined to show the man waiting behind it that she would not be intimidated. She closed the door, took a couple of steps, suddenly afraid she might trip on her high heels and make a fool of herself, then raised her eyes to meet the man who had had her Vulpes colleagues run for their lives. “Oh shit. I am intimidated.”

  Seth, Yako of Inari Roman Sylfur, was one panty-melting handsome piece of work. His dark, furrowed eyebrows were in strong contrast with his blond, almost white hair. His purple eyes, the trademark color of werefoxes, were rimmed with long, dark eyelashes and were currently studying Amelia shamelessly, lingering on her long legs, generous cleavage, and red lips. He was leaning against the desk, his arms crossed over his strong, bulky chest.

  Amelia straightened her back and decided she might as well check him out just as he was checking her out. He didn’t say anything for a long minute, and she refused to greet him first. It was quite obvious he was a cocky one. His full, yet frowny lips, sharp features and square jaw indicated he was a man of few words. He wore a plain black T-shirt and tight leather pants, messily tucked in tall, sturdy mountain boots. His style was right up her alley. But he was only a Beta. If she did come out of this interview alive and he bought her, she’d end up with his Alpha.

  “Amelia,” he finally said instead of a greeting. “Thank you for coming.”

  Amelia shuddered. His voice was thick and low. It reminded her… of someone, of something… Oh yes, it reminded her of Alan Rickman reading Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130. She smiled to herself. Yes, she could imagine the guy in front of her reciting the satirical sonnet while sporting a cynical smirk.

  “Thank you for changing your mind about me. I know I wasn’t your first choice. Not even your second, third, or thirtieth.”

  Seth’s only reaction was to make his left eyebrow disappear under his untamed fringe. “Exactly what I expected,” he thought. “Fuck, this is going to be hard.” He made sure Amelia couldn’t tell what was going through his mind. It was better to let her believe he didn’t actually want her there. He rounded the desk and sat down in the office chair, then motioned for her to take a seat in the smaller leather chair in front of him.

  Amelia complied, but kept her body straight and rigid. She couldn’t relax against the backrest.

  “Before we begin, I should tell you a couple of things about Clan Sylfur and explain my presence here.”

  “Clan Sylfur is the most powerful fox clan in the world, and it’s ruled by the main Inari Roman Sylfur, the only werefox known to have five tails. I assume you are his Yako.” Amelia had done her homework and she wanted Seth to be aware of it. Even though the guy’s attitude did make her stomach twist uncomfortably, she still wanted to make an impression. She squeezed her lips when he didn’t smile at her little intervention. He waited for her to finish, then continued as if she hadn’t said anything. Amelia’s heart sank.

  “I currently am the Yako of Roman Sylfur, but soon his place will be taken by his son and only heir, Blake Sylfur. It’s no secret: our main Inari is old and terribly ill. We are all getting ready for the leadership change, and that includes finding a suitable bride for our new Inari.”

  Amelia nodded. She figured it was better to speak only when asked. There was something about this man, something deeply unsettling, but at the same time intriguing. She had never been the submissive type. Still, Seth’s imposing presence overwhelmed her. He had an inexplicable way of rendering her silent and compliant.

  “As Blake can’t leave his father’s side, he entrusted me with the honor and responsibility of choosing his future bride.” He fumbled with the papers that covered half of the desk, stacking them neatly in one pile. “I have prepared some tests for you, but there’s nothing to be nervous about.” He handed her the first one.

  Amelia threw a glance over the first page and reached for a pen. She could do this. This was her comfort zone.

  “This is an easy one, I hope. Just a couple of questions about the werefoxes’ culture and traditions. As a Vulpes bride, you shouldn’t encounter any difficulties.”

  Amelia’s eyes were lost in his purple gaze for a second, then she adjusted her position by crossing her legs and moving closer to the desk. She would have very much preferred to be in her long, elegant trousers right about now. It was impossible for her to relax when she constantly had the impression that the short skirt revealed too much of her outer thighs. Oh, and Claudia and Delyse had been wrong this time. As far as she could tell, Seth wanted to keep things as professional as possible. She smoothed down her skirt, trying to pull the hem over her knee while reading the first question. “This is too easy,” she thought. Then Seth stood up and rounded the desk. Amelia’s hand froze on the pen. “You have to be kiddin’ me…” She could hear him pacing behind her, his boots hitting the wooden floor rhythmically. But that wasn’t the most distracting thing. She could almost feel his purple eyes travel down her back, to the length of her white, creamy legs, and the tiny feet hidden inside her high-heeled pumps. She couldn’t know if he was, indeed, checking her out, but she could almost bet on it. She bit her lip, squeezed the pen and forced her fingers to guide it on the paper.

  It took her twenty minutes to go through the entire test, and Amelia was quite proud of her timing. “I think I’m done.” She felt him get closer to peer over her shoulder, and she stiffened.


  He leaned over her to replace the test with a new one, and Amelia’s senses were suddenly attacked by his fresh, masculine scent. Incapable of helping it, she inhaled hungrily and almost moaned at how good it was. Yes, she could bury her face in that strong, delicious neck of his and live off his unique smell for ages. Who needed oxygen, anyway? Her nipples turned into small, hard pebbles, and she was glad she had picked the push-up bra, otherwise her arousal would have become obvious through Claudia’s stupid dress. Seth’s voice snapped her out of her haze.

  “This is more of a personality test. Please answer truthfully.”

  He took a step back and Amelia hated the empty space he left behind. On the plus side, she could focus again. This test was a bit more challenging, as she had to stop and consider the answers carefully. The questions were phrased in such a way that they forced her to make a clear distinction between who she thought she was and who she really was. After half an hour, she wasn’t sure if she had gotten everything right and she was tempted to go through the questions a second time. But there were no right answers, were there? She only had to be honest. On the other hand, there had to be right and wrong answers depending on what Seth, or Blake Sylfur, expected.

  “Are you ready for the next one?”

  Seth reached for the papers and Amelia sighed and let him take them away.

  “There are only two more, then you’re free to go.”

  He placed the next test in front of her and the back of his hand accidentally brushed her fingers. The feather-like touch sent a jolt through Amelia’s arm. Her heart started beating faster, and she squirmed in the leather chair when she felt her panties becoming damp. “Crap. What the hell is wrong with me?” But the realization that
her body was practically betraying her every time Seth entered her personal space didn’t help. Her pussy throbbed and released more sticky juices, and Amelia blushed up to the tips of her ears knowing that Seth’s fox senses would immediately alert him about her arousal.

  “This one pertains to the peace treaty and your position towards it,” Seth informed her.

  He seemed unfazed, and Amelia let out a breath of relief when he took a couple of steps back and resumed his relentless pacing. She hoped he was too busy reading her answers to pay attention to the way her wild pheromones had probably changed the scent of her skin. She went back to her test and her forehead wrinkled in concentration when she realized how much of a trap it was. The peace treaty between humans and shape-shifters had always been a delicate matter, especially for the shifter-brides, who were the ones who suffered the most. In exchange for a great education, amazing living conditions, and a respected social status, they had to come to terms with the idea that they were being sold as merchandise to the highest bidder. When a shape-shifter bought them and took them out of the boarding schools, the brides had to do more than accept a husband they had never chosen: they had to do their duty and offer said husband heirs. Because female shape-shifters couldn’t bear children, the future of the species was in the hands of human brides. Did that mean they had any say in the matter? No. Their fate had already been decided by the Council of the Six Factions: wolf-shifters, fox-shifters, dragon-shifters, bear-shifters, eagle-shifters, and humans.

  Amelia sighed and took a moment to consider her options. On one hand, that small, yet important clause in the peace treaty which said humans must provide brides for shape-shifters had given her a second chance when she was lost and alone. As an orphan, her life would have been a nightmare if it weren’t for Monique Delacroix and her fancy boarding school. On the other hand, being a shifter-bride meant giving up so many things: freedom, the ability to choose whom they wanted to marry, love… While women outside this system could enjoy these things freely, shifter-brides had to make the best of what their buyers offered them. That was why Amelia had always viewed these interviews as business and nothing more. She didn’t expect to fall in love with her buyer. All she could hope for was a smooth transaction, a decent life, and a husband who treated her well. Delyse and Claudia had told her to be more open, and for a moment she had entertained the thought that maybe she could still find love despite the rules she had to abide to. What a beautiful dream. This gorgeous man who was pacing the office and making her cream her panties had just brought her back to reality: if he chose her, she’d end up with Blake Sylfur. He’d never see her as a woman, but as the bride of his Inari. Blake Sylfur. A name. She suddenly decided it was better to screw this interview and make sure Seth chose someone else. It would be easier to never see him again, than to see him every day and not be allowed to touch him.

  Amelia answered all questions honestly, even when it was obvious her answers could get her into trouble. “Done. May I have the last one, please?”

  “Oh, you were fast…” Seth looked over her shoulder, his dark eyebrows rising slightly at the sight of her messy handwriting. This was weird. She had been extra careful on the first two tests. This woman was, indeed, interesting. He chased the thought away and handed her the last test. “This one is short. Only a couple of general questions about the other shifter factions. Nothing complicated.”

  “Why do you care about what I know or think about the other shifter factions?” She tried to ignore the intoxicating smell of his skin and the way his tall, godlike frame towered over her.

  “We werefoxes value loyalty and dedication above all. My Inari would appreciate a wife who is completely devoted to our faction.”

  “Does this mean I can’t have a good opinion about… say… dragon-shifters?”

  “That’s just silly. You can have whatever opinions you like about the other factions. However, we must know that in case of… well, anything… your loyalty is with us.”

  “What about wolf-shifters?” Amelia smiled to herself when Seth hesitated. Werewolves and werefoxes had a long history, and it wasn’t a pleasant one.

  “Same thing.”

  She did feel the tension in his voice. Going back to the papers in front of her, she contemplated blowing this last test intentionally. Insist on the wolf-shifters and Seth would be done with her in seconds. But, did she really want that? She sighed and decided she could be nothing but honest. It wasn’t about her personal opinion about the other shifter factions or the fox faction. It was about who was fair and treated humans with the respect they deserved. In the end, it was about her faction. In case of… anything, as Seth had put it, Amelia would side with those who were ready to protect the humans and the peace treaty that kept them all equal.


  Seth didn’t tell her she could leave the office. There was no point in that. He had already made up his mind. Perched up on the windowsill, he was reading her answers on the last test and stealing glances at her from the corner of his eye. Yes, she was perfect. He had known from the moment he had found her profile in the House Vulpes catalog. Amelia. Cute, heart-shaped face, warm brown eyes, and a body to die for, with nicely sized breasts, lovely waist, and full, voluptuous hips. He had known she was perfect for him and that was why he didn’t even want to attempt to interview her for Blake. His plan had been to find a good bride for his Inari, take her to Alaska, make sure everything was fine, then come back here and buy Amelia for himself. He would have bought her right now, but he was here on a mission. He couldn’t possibly leave Alma Venus with a bride for himself, and not even the promise of a good bride for Blake. His Inari came first.

  Unfortunately, none of the other Vulpes girls had proved to be what Blake needed. They had either lied in their tests, or they truly were so naïve as to think they could impress him by pledging their undying love and endless loyalty to the fox-shifter faction. Amelia was the only one who had given the right answers on the last test. Yes, she was so sexy that the beast inside him stirred every time his purple gaze fell on her long legs, but she was also intelligent and sincere. He could tell she had studied a lot, and not only the history and ancient texts of the fox-shifters, but also the other four shifter factions. This was a woman who was perfectly capable of making up her own mind after consulting the information out there. She couldn’t be easily influenced, and she was ready to stand up for what she believed was true and fair. At the same time, she understood the system imposed by the peace treaty and its importance to the world. Yes, this was a woman Blake could count on. And… this is where things got complicated. The second reason for which he hadn’t wanted to interview Amelia was that his intuition had told him she wouldn’t only be perfect for him, but also for his Inari.

  Seth read her last answer then closed the folder which contained all he had on her. He sighed and looked out the window at the cobblestone alley that stretched lazily to the main gate. July was such a lovely month in this place, where summer was summer, and not some hybrid between spring and fall. When he left Ekviknuna three days ago, it was raining heavily. He didn’t look forward to going back there, to the small town on the shore of the Kuskokwim River, where most of Clan Sylfur lived. However, he had to. And he was going to take Amelia with him. There was nothing he could do about it. She was simply perfect for Blake and what he had in mind. He and Roman’s son had been the best of friends since childhood and, honestly, he couldn’t wait for the moment when Blake would claim his rightful place and take over the clan. With a beautiful and wise woman like Amelia by his side, Blake could take over the world, not only rule Clan Sylfur with an iron fist and make the changes the fox-shifter faction needed so badly. If that meant he, Seth, had to give up the only woman who could be his soul mate, then so be it.

  “You’ve got the job.” He couldn’t look at her, so he kept his eyes trained on the iron gate.

  “Excuse me?” Amelia understood what he wanted to say, but she couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that he had
actually chosen to say it that way. The job. She’d gotten the job. She almost burst out in laughter at how ridiculous it sounded.

  “After careful consideration, I’ve decided it would be insane to think I could find someone better for Blake Sylfur. You’re it.” He finally turned to face her, praying she wouldn’t see the hurt in his eyes. “I’ll have to ask you to please pack your bags while I talk to Miss Delacroix and take care of the financial part.”

  Amelia’s eyes grew wide with surprise and slight confusion. Why was he in such a hurry? She could barely process the idea that she had just been chosen by a fox-shifter and was finally getting out of Alma Venus. Now that it was happening, she didn’t know how to react. Should she show enthusiasm? But, was she enthusiastic? Did she really want to move to Alaska?

  “The financial part…” she muttered. “What if… what if Miss Delacroix asks for too much?” What was she even saying? Why was she stalling?

  Seth smiled for the first time since she had entered the office. “Don’t worry about it. I won’t negotiate. Whatever price she asks for you, I am ready to pay it.”

  “I… I don’t think I’m that expensive, actually… I don’t know why I just said that.” She shook her head and forced down the lump in her throat. “You must think I’m rude. Please ignore me. I guess I’m a bit shocked. I didn’t expect this… Not after you deliberately avoided me until you ran out of… letters…” Her eyes went to the House Vulpes catalog. She couldn’t believe her profile would be taken out of it once the transaction was made. Four years of stress, interviews, and fox-shifters she had tried to impress. It was over. It was finally over.


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