Just One Night

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Just One Night Page 3

by James, Hazel St

  “Here,” her voice squeaking with fear, pushing against his chest, “right now?”

  “Oh yeah, right now. Turn around and put your hands on the seat of the bike.”

  Sara knew that they were far enough away from the main road that no one was going to just wander over to them, yet they were still out in the open. There were so many places that a voyeur could hide and observe Sara’s first taste of punishment.

  “I won’t repeat myself, Sara,” staring at her with those dark eyes, appraising her as if she was a juicy steak. Sara slowly turned around, placing her hands on the seat of his bike. Chris reached around from behind her, placing his hands on her thighs. He sharply pulled backwards so that her rear slammed into him. Sara realized that she was in a very compromising position. Her ass was held up in the air, vulnerable to a very, very angry man.

  Chris slid his hands under her coat, lifting it up to expose the skin on the small of her back. She flinched as the cold air reached her now bare flesh. Chris grabbed the top band of her yoga pants and pulled them down over her backside. Hearing the resounding slap on her left cheek before the pain even registered in her brain, she cried out more from shock than actual pain. Chris methodically rubbed across the spot as if to infuse heat back into where he struck. The next blow came on her right cheek, this time with more force. The sharp pain quickly ebbed away into a pleasurable sensation. That sensation was stoking a fire deep in her belly, one that she had never felt before. Sara could feel the moisture accumulating between her legs. As if Chris was reading her mind, he reached down letting his fingertips play in the nest of curls covering her sex. His deep chuckle hummed through her body, making her even hotter.

  “You are wet, little one,” drawing his fingers up to his lips and licking them like they were covered in the most delicious whipped cream. Leaning to her ear, his voice deep with her arousal, “Now thank your Dom for your punishment.”

  “Thank you, I guess,” Sara stammered back. Chris had reached over and was readjusting her yoga pants, smoothing the fabric back over her rear.

  “It’s thank you, I guess, Sir. You address me as Sir when we are playing,” waiting for Sara to respond as he smoothly straddled his motorcycle.

  “Yes, Sir,” Sara shot back to him. His chuckle was anything but hot this time. It was dark and dangerous.

  “The next time you say it, I don’t want it dripping with disdain, sweetheart,” holding his hand out for her to climb on the bike. Sara climbed on, giving him a peck on the cheek, whispering in his ear “Yes, Sir,” licking the edges. She could see his grin from her position behind him on the bike.

  “That’s better, baby, now let’s get you to a place where I can make you scream that instead of whisper.” The familiar predator mask had fallen over his face again. Sara slipped her thumbs through his belt loops as his words sank into her brain. He reached down, grabbed her hands and pulled them around his chest. She gripped her hands together tightly as he took off down the street. Glancing over her shoulder, Sara winced as a couple walked towards their parked car, right next to where she and Chris had been moments before. As the wind picked up, blowing her hair around her face, she wondered if they had seen Chris spank her butt cheeks.

  “Do you think they saw us?” she questioned when they reached the stop light.

  “Oh, I know they did,” smirking back at her. Mortified, Sara buried her head into Chris’ neck and found the she was comforted by the rich smell of his musky odor, enjoying leather and man. “Hold on tight, baby!” revving the bike’s engine and bolting them off into the night.

  Sara knew she was a goner before they even got to Chris’ loft.

  Chapter 5

  Pulling up in front of an old derelict building in the business district, Chris idled the bike down, cutting the engines. Sara could see a few shops down the street that had bars covering the windows and plenty of neon flashing lights. There was a woman leaning against a building with a way too short skirt on and a bright pink mink coat. The smell that enveloped her nose reminded her of something close to the meat locker plant back home.

  “Nice neighborhood,” Sara said with as much sarcasm as she could muster. Waiting for Chris to pounce on her for making a snotty remark, Sara felt his muscles tense under his jacket. Did I offend him? Chris took a deep, shuddering breath, and resumed the slow rise and fall of his chest. Slowly, Sara began tracing the hard muscled lines of his chest through his thermal shirt. She leaned her head forward, rested it on his shoulder and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.

  Sara could feel her anticipation for what she knew was going to be an extraordinary experience growing. She no longer had butterflies in her stomach – they were monster hummingbirds flying with breakneck speed. Sara didn’t know how much longer she could sit there, waiting for Chris to make a move.

  “Do you want to help me off this thing or am I just suppose to slide off the back until I hit the pavement?”

  Chris jumped as if he was startled, but still did not dismount from the bike. Sara propelled herself backwards as gracefully as she could, barely missed landing on her butt. Brushing the dust from her jacket, Sara walked forward to put herself in Chris’ sight line. His gaze was locked on something in the distance, continuing to balance the motorcycle between his legs. Pulling her lip between her teeth, Sara considered the notion that Chris would take off and leave her behind. His eyes had lost that predatory gleam, moving towards glassy and mostly remorseful. Placing her fingertips on his cheek, Sara casually ran them down and across his jaw line. His stubble tickled her fingertips, making a scratching noise that sent goosebumps across her skin.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  Jerking his head to look at Sara, Chris slumped his shoulders in defeat. “No, Sara, you didn’t. I just was thinking about this,” he motioned with his hands between the two of them. “I was wondering if I am really leading you into a lion’s den.” His voice was almost hoarse.

  “I’m a big girl, Chris. I think I can handle it. You haven’t done anything to me that I didn’t like so far. I really would like to keep going if that is ok……Sir.”

  Chris’ neck muscles flexed, setting his jaw forward. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, sweetheart. Don’t fucking say I didn’t warn you. You need to choose a safeword right now.” The mask had fallen back over his face and it was sexy as hell.

  “What do you mean, safeword? Can’t I just say ‘stop’ if I need to?”

  “You might scream stop without realizing it, and it may not be what you actually want to do. A safeword is a word that you would not typically say during sex. It means that you physically or emotionally can’t handle what is happening and everything stops. All of it. Once you have used your safeword, the scene ends. We are done.”

  Sara pondered the statement for a moment, watching as Chris flicked the kickstand on the bike. He threw his long, lean leg over his bike, grabbing Sara by the wrists, pulling her towards the sidewalk. They both stood in front of his building face to face, breathing heavily as if they had run a race. Sara could feel the adrenaline pumping through her body.

  “Do I need a safeword to stop you from hurting me?” Sara practically whispered to herself. She wasn’t even sure that he heard her.

  “No, Sara. I’m not a sadist. I don’t get off on inflicting pain on others. I am assuming that you are not extremely experienced and some of the things I plan on doing to you could possibly be overwhelming.” Grabbing her upper arms, Chris held her close, slowly grinding his sex into her belly, she could feel the hard length of his erection.

  “I fully intend to make you scream in a short time from now. The biggest thing that I need from you is your trust. I need you to know that I take your submission to me very seriously. I want to fulfill your every sexual desire, to have you completely let go and allow me to take you there.” He released her arms from his grip, reached around behind her and grabbed her ass with both hands. Pulling her forward so that her sex was pressed against his thigh, Sara felt
the throb between her legs. Releasing his hold, Sara started to slide down his thigh towards the ground. Her swollen clit tingled as it rubbed between the fabric of their clothes.

  “Oh, god.” Sara tried to stand, but her legs wobbled underneath her.

  Chris made his chest rumble as he laughed a quiet, deep, sexy laugh. “Oh god, Sir,” he reminded her. His gaze was still locked on the contact that their two bodies had made. Chris slowly raised his line of sight, looking at her through lust filled eyes. Swallowing the fear creeping up into her brain, Sara knew that he could sense her nervousness.

  Chris pulled her head close to his, slowly brushing his lips across hers. “You’ll always be safe with me, little one. Always.” Moving down, he trailed kisses on her neck and over her collarbone, making her shudder.

  “I think so,” she stuttered as she pulled back from his embrace.

  The smile that slowly stretched across Chris’ face was anything but comforting. “That is enough for me…for right now, little one. Now, your safeword is…” Chris asked as he made a motion with his hands for her to fill in the blank.

  “Assets, Sir.”

  Stepping forward, he slowly reached out, grabbing a handful of her coat. With a quick tug, he pulled their bodies close together. Chris grasped her chin in his hand, tilting it upwards. His gaze was narrowed in on her, those gray eyes reflecting the humor he found in her words.

  “Assets, huh?”

  “Yes, Sir. You know, assets minus liabilities equals owner’s equity?”

  “Well, it’s original for sure. Though I was hoping to study anatomy tonight, not accounting. Come on, lets get you upstairs before you lose your nerve.” Chris backed away from their embrace, holding his hand out.

  Sara looked down at his outstretched hand, trying to shut down her fear response. She wanted this, she needed this. No one needed to know that the way that Chris spoke to her was a huge turn-on. Chris was offering her a chance to step out of her safe zone. The desire for him was rising exponentially by the second.

  She finally grabbed his hand.

  “I’m ready, Sir.”

  Chapter 6

  Chris led Sara up the stairs to what she assumed was the first floor. Still holding on to her hand, he pushed the door opened, motioning for Sara to enter first. To the left of the entry was the kitchen, bare of the necessities. There was nothing on the counter tops, no coffee maker, toaster or blender. Even more self-evident was the absence of a single dirty dish. There was a large window on the south wall, bathing the entire room in dim moonlight. There was a table adjacent to the kitchen with two small folding chairs. A small couch sat flush against the south wall with an ornate metal table in front. To the north of the living room area was a large bed with wrought iron headboard and footboard. Intrigued by the bed, Sara began walking that direction. Chris leaned back against the kitchen counter, crossing his feet at the ankles and arms over his chest. Sara looked back to gauge his reaction, but the light was so muted, she couldn’t quite make out his expression.

  Reaching the sleeping quarters, Sara analyzed that the frame work of the bed. The design was very simple, with multiple loops and curves. A metallic piece of art, not like any headboard or footboard that she had seen before. There was no rhyme or reason to the way the design was laid out. Running her hands over the cool metal, Sara pondered its origins. It was definitely hand made by an artist.

  “I made the bed myself if you are wondering.” Creeping up behind her, Chris reached over, flipping on a soft reading light. “I am skilled with a blow torch and I needed a bed that could accommodate my lifestyle.”

  Placing his arms around her waist, he pulled her back until she molded into the curve of his body. A lifetime of timidness had been holding Sara back until this point. She had come so far tonight, was so aroused. All of Chris’ suggestive words had made her react and ripen with anticipation. She made a snap decision to let go of her inhibitions and see what “lifestyle” Chris was referring to. Sara ground her ass back into him, daring him to proceed. The hiss of air that escaped Chris’ lips sent a shiver through Sara’s body.

  Chris placed his hands on Sara’s arms, slowly spinning her around so that they were facing each other. Taking the time to fully appreciate his features, Sara took in the strong column of his throat, the taunt line of his jaw, the full shape of his luscious lips. Her tongue wet her lips, wishing she had the courage to lean forward and run her tongue across his jaw line. His eyes were full of promise as he stared down at her. She could tell from the way that he was clenching and unclenching his jaw that he was holding himself back. Taking a deep breath, Chris was trying to remain in control of his body.

  Sara started to reach upwards for a kiss. Without warning, Chris slammed his lips into hers, kissing her with so much force that she could taste the metallic tinge of blood in her mouth. He invaded her mouth with his tongue, sweeping from side to side. Chris was kissing her in the way that Sara had always dreamed of being kissed. He pulled back from their embrace, lust clouding his eyes. Wrapping his hands into her hair, he pulled down so that she was looking up at him. Bending towards her neck, she felt his tongue brush back and forth on her skin, sending goosebumps across her flesh. Shivering, she pulled away from his embrace, trying to regain her composure. Standing up to his full height, Chris crossed his arms over his chest, intimidating her with the serious look in his eyes.

  “I am in control of your body. You do not move unless I tell you to. Your body is mine to do with as I please.” Taking one step towards her, he uncrossed his arms, relaxing his stance. He grasped the bottom of her shirt, lifting it over her head. Panic set in when she tried to remember what she had put on for a bra that morning. She didn’t have to worry long as Chris’ hands grazed her nipples.

  “Very nice…white lace. Wholesome, just like you.” He moved his knuckles back and forth across her growing nipples. Reaching around behind her back, his deft hands undid the clasp to her bra in one flick of his wrist. He caressed her breasts gently with both hands. “These are mine to tease, taunt and taste. I will change the color of them from this light shade of pink, to a lovely deep dark red.”

  Chris moved his lips towards her chest, when Sara felt her fear grasp her mind again. Wanting to retreat to safety, Sara tried to back away from his embrace. She realized too late that she was pinned close against the bed frame, having no where to go.

  “You’re safe, little one, please, know that you can trust me to not hurt you.”

  The words were Sara’s undoing. She released the tension on her body; he was not going to hurt her. His very demeanor, his control and confidence, the cadence of his voice. She did feel safe and protected in his care.

  “I trust you, Sir. I’m s-s-sorry,” Sara stuttered as she leaned back into his body. Chris held on to Sara’s arms to steady her. Leaning in towards the upper curve of her breast, he continued as if she had not interrupted. Placing small kisses on a trail downward, Chris adored every inch of her flesh. Sara practically shot out of her skin as his lips made contact with her nipple. He grazed it with his teeth, biting down hard enough to make jolts of pain shoot down to her pussy. Then his lips and tongue would caress and soothe her nipple, easing the pain away. Sara let out the breath that she was holding as he continued the process on the other side. She could feel the moisture pooling in between her legs. Chris alternated the process with engulfing her entire areola in his mouth, pulling back until her nipple released with a loud plop. There was no rush, he was slow and sensual with his ministrations. Chris was worshiping her breasts one at a time.

  A need was awakening in Sara, more than a desire for intercourse with a man. This man. This extremely hot man. This was more than just a quick screw to ease some tension. Sara was reeling from his dominance over her body, his possession of her was reducing her brain to mush. Unable to process the emotions that were flitting through her brain, Sara let go of her emotions. Ready to just feel, Sara let a breathy moan escape from her lips.

  Chris’ hands
were a flurry of activity as he kneaded and pulled on her aching nipples. Sara couldn’t help but arch her back from the sensations. Chris released the stronghold on her arms, caressing up and down instead.

  “Good girl.”

  He traced the curve of her breast with his finger, sending more sensations rippling down to her sex. “Your nipples are now almost the same color as your face when you flush. They look beautiful, Sara.” Sara felt the warmth of his words radiating across her skin and she gave him a sexy smile.

  “You need to finish undressing now and present yourself, Sara.” Chris walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a folding chair from the table, pulling it over towards the bed. Not sure what he meant, Sara remained standing in the same spot with her arms crossed over her chest.

  “Present myself?” Sara screwed her face up tightly when she realized that Chris had told her not to speak. Clenching her eyes together tightly, she waited for the retribution for disobeying. A few moments passed before Sara had the courage to peek out through her eyelashes. Chris stood there with his mouth tweaked up in a grin. He had removed his shirt, revealing his washboard abs and toned muscles plain as day even in the dim light of the loft. Drop dead sexy, quickly came to Sara’s mind as she stared at his features.

  “Present yourself means that you are to show me your beautiful body. Raise your arms behind your head, lace your fingers together and stick your breasts out for me to view, to inspect. You keep your legs shoulder width apart and eyes on the floor. You always, always present yourself completely naked.”

  Sara licked her lips and cleared her throat. Was she allowed to ask questions?

  “Sir, I don’t think…”

  “That’s right, little one. You don’t think. I take care of all that for you. Now do as you are told or it will be 10 swats on that glorious ass of yours. I have given you enough chances to be a good girl. I am going to soon assume that you are just being bratty to get a rise out of me.”


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