A Pirate's Revenge (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix)

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A Pirate's Revenge (Legends of the Soaring Phoenix) Page 24

by ML Guida

  “What is this?” a man called.

  “More black magic,” another accused.

  “’Tis the bloody witch.”

  William stared up at the angry sky. “’Tis not working. Get below deck. I’ll draw him off.”

  “We need to enhance the spell.”

  He frowned. “What? How?”

  She laid her wand on the deck and faced the doubt emanating from him. “Give me your palm.”

  “Why?” He glanced up at the darkening, spinning clouds. “Get to safety.”

  She cupped his face. “Listen to me.”

  “You promised me you’d be safe,” he said.

  “I will.” Mariah released his tense jaw. She held the athame in her hand and sliced her palm. Blood dripped onto the wood. “To save the ship, you must trust me. Now give me your hand.”


  William blinked, stunned by his brazen witch. “My God, what are you doing? Are you trying to kill yourself?”

  “No, I am not. Now put the candle down and give me your hand.” She scanned the sky above. “The demons are counting on you to give into your indecision.”

  Screams raged behind them. The crew fought for their lives, and the ship tossed back and forth. Waves bashed against the ship, determined to turn the Phoenix onto her side. Yet he and Mariah were not sliding all over the wet deck like the crew. Magic. He did not trust it. Would never trust it. But he trusted her.

  “S’il vous plaît.” Something in her sensual voice broke through William’s indecisiveness.

  He put the candle down. Why didn’t it tip over or slid around? Uneasiness crept up his spine. A white glow surrounded it, and the wax didn’t melt and the flame flickered.

  “We need to fan the flame,” Mariah said. “Only we can do this.” She stretched out her hand. “William.” She grabbed his wrist and sliced his palm with the dagger.

  “What the devil?”

  She lowered the dagger. “Now, kiss me.” She clasped his bleeding hand with hers. Tingles shot through his body. His heart pumped harder and blood slammed between his temples. He stumbled, and Mariah held onto him tight.

  “’Tis white magic. Do not panic. Kiss her.”

  William shook his head to clear his thoughts. He pulled her toward him. Her soft voice stirred more passion, unleashing feelings he’d long kept buried but couldn’t utter.

  Without hesitation, his other hand slipped behind her head, tangling into those unruly curls. Her lips parted, and he pulled her hard against his wet body. With his soaked clothes, he felt as if they were both naked. Her budded nipples crushed against him. With quick angry thrusts, he indulged in the sweetness of her mouth, taking what he wanted. He devoured her as if it were the last time he would taste her.

  Power surged through him, blood pumping wildly through his veins. He molded his body to hers, and she clung to him. His hair stood on end, and he swore any minute they would burst into tiny fragments. He wanted to keep kissing her. Her naked figure pressed against his clothed one sent him into a frenzy of desire. He’d never experienced anything so erotic. He wanted to thrust his cock into her hot core.

  Angry howls of pain reverberated around them. Not men. Demonic.

  The ship tossed back and forth. William stiffened and could not believe they did not bounce around the deck. ’Twasn’t right. If he truly cared about Mariah—Lord he did—he shouldn’t be risking her life in this war. He should drag her down to her cabin and force her to stay there, not indulge in her sweet taste.

  Mariah kissed him harder, and he met her fervor, ignoring his guilt. Greedy to explore her mouth, he flicked his tongue inside. Her essence filled him. He had never realized a kiss could be so powerful, so tender, so sensual. She trembled and ran her hand over his back, caressing him, igniting desire. He wanted her and only her. Unnamed feelings flooded through him, and he had the urge to tell her how he felt, but he pushed them back.


  William ignored Drakon and concentrated on kissing his sweet witch. Pleasure rushed over him, and he shook. Fierce power ignited between him and Mariah. Magic exploded between them. An orgasm gripped him, stronger than any he had experienced before and never from a simple kiss. He tore away from her dazzling lips and roared as a release surged through him. White light or perhaps ecstasy blinded him. Not letting go of his hand, Mariah cried out his name. The white light enveloping them burned brighter, and he couldn’t see.

  Someone spoke to him. The dragon? Blood thumping between his ears blocked out his voice. Mariah leaned her head on his chest, then kissed him. “We did it,” she whispered.

  The bright light faded, and the fogginess left his muddled brain. “Did what?”


  Cheers rang in William’s ears. He released her hand, and rather than an ugly welt, his palm was healed. He frowned. Darkness lifted, and the ship stopped rocking back and forth. The sun pierced through the clouds that slowly dissipated. Warmth filled him and he clasped her chin, his thumb caressing her cheek. What had the lass done to him?

  “You need to get dressed,” he said, his voice husky, afraid any minute he’d plunge his cock inside her dark feminine curls.

  She nodded. He laced up her soaked dress and admired her beautiful back. His desire only grew more dangerous as he brushed his fingers over her silky skin.

  A blood-curdling scream split through the celebration.

  “Over the starboard side!” Amadi hollered.

  The water parted; sprays of droplets burst into the air. Something propelled toward the Phoenix. Something was coming. Something evil. Something for Mariah.

  He shoved her behind him, intent to risk his life for her.

  She clasped his arms. “William, move.”


  “If I cannot see it, then I will not be able to stop it.”

  “Good, then you’ll be safe.”

  She pounded on his back. “William, I can help.”

  “Man the guns,” Kane yelled. “Damn it, Hannah, get below.”

  “I can help,” Hannah replied. Wind blowing her brown hair behind her shoulders, she braved the foe, her palms facing the onslaught of the squirting spray.

  The water churned, and a red mass pooled around in the ocean. Chilling laughter echoed all around them.

  “Fire the guns,” Kane ordered.

  Mariah slipped around William, and he seized her arm.

  “No,” she whispered. “William, release me. I need my wand.” She struggled and stomped on his foot.

  He winced but refused to allow his little witch to risk her life yet again.

  “Hannah,” she yelled. “Get away from the edge of the railing.”

  Hannah stepped away from the edge, but kept her shaking palms facing the splashing water. She seemed to be in a battle with what was beneath the surface.

  William gripped Mariah tighter. “What’s happening?”

  She tried to jerk away, but he refused to release her. He’d not fail to protect another woman he loved. Admit it. He loved this woman. Would die for her.

  “Lark— ’tis him,” she said. “I feel him. He is sending Palmer to seize Hannah.”

  William released her and allowed her to retrieve her wand. But he was ready to shove her behind him at the slightest indication of danger.

  She raised her wand. “Mother Isis, protect Hannah from the black magic.”

  White light flew out of the wand and shot into the spewing water. Water swirled around and sizzled. A water spout burst into the air as tall as the hull of the ship. Silver light chased a black form inside the tunnel of water. William couldn’t make it out, but it must have been Palmer. The spout slowed, but it was coming.

  William raced toward Hannah. “Hannah, get away from there. He’s coming.”

  “’Tis too strong.” Hannah dropped her hands and panted. She glanced over her shoulder. Her nose was bleeding, which meant her power was being drained. Not a good sign.

  “Hannah, get back!” Kane yelled
. He hurried toward her.

  She nodded, her face pale, and raced toward him, but she wasn’t fast enough.

  William reached for Hannah but Palmer rose out of the sprout. He snatched Hannah into the swirling tunnel.

  “I’ll kill you, Palmer!” Kane cried. With his dagger, he dove into the water and swam toward the spout.

  The water spout died, and Palmer lifted out of the water with Hannah thrown over his shoulder. He glided across the water on his feet.

  Hannah banged on Palmer’s back. “Kane, stay back. Save yourself.”

  William grimaced at the horror in her tone. She knew what waited for her on the Damsel. Torture. Pain. Death.

  “She’s ours, O’Brien. You’ll never see her alive,” Palmer jeered. A huge wave surged under Palmer and hurled him and Hannah toward the Fiery Damsel.

  “Nooooo!” Kane howled and swam toward them.

  Mariah clasped William’s arm. Tears glistened on her cheeks. “Je suis désolé, William. I tried. Lark’s magic, ’tis stronger than I imagined.”

  William wiped her tears away with his thumb. “We have to do this together. Stay here.”

  “Capt’n, come back,” Amadi yelled.

  Men crowded around the deck, calling for the captain. Angry waves rolled over Kane and he disappeared into the ocean.

  William stripped his wet clothing and stepped back. “Dragon, come forth.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Prickles swept over William, muscles rippled, limbs grew, and wings sprung out. The transformation came fast, faster than it ever had. He leaned back on his haunches and flapped his wings.

  “Your powers are stronger,” Mariah said.

  William tried to answer, but it came out as a gurgled growl.

  In the eagle’s nest, Amadi cupped his hands over his mouth. “Capt’n, come back.”

  “Ye eejit.” Sean pointed from the railing. “You can’t save her. She’s too far away.”

  More pleas came from the crew.

  Waves battered Kane as he swam toward the Fiery Damsel.

  William jumped into the air and soared to him. He dipped into the water and clutched Kane’s shoulders, lifting him out of the sea, but Kane struggled like a marlin, punching William in the gut. “No,” he said. “I’ve got to save her. She’s my life.”

  Afraid he’d drop his brother into the churning ocean, William dug his talons deeper and flew back to the ship. He dropped Kane onto the deck. “You fool.” Kane shook his fist.

  Ignoring him, William circled the Phoenix. Mariah waved her arm. “William take me with you. Only together can we save Hannah.”

  He swooped lower to pick her up, but Sharon’s dead eyes flashed in his mind, and he flew past. Below, Mariah raced toward Kane and grabbed him. She pointed at William. “Capitaine, order him back. He must take me with him. S’il vous plaît.”

  “Make repairs, Mallory,” Kane ordered.

  “Aye, aye, Capt’n,” he said.

  Rigging lines unwound, and tackles clanged against the mast. Cables loosened to pull the tangled sails off the water that weighted down the Phoenix. Men raced around the deck to prepare the splintered masts. Kane would make the crew work night and day to make repairs and then pursue Palmer. At least, William hoped he did. He didn’t have time to argue with Mariah or Kane about his plans, and his plans didn’t include putting his sweet witch in jeopardy. Hannah’s capture was proof of the peril looming ahead, and he couldn’t bear to lose Mariah.

  He left the Phoenix and flew in the direction of the Fiery Damsel. Only the deep blue sea stretched out for miles and miles. Damn it! Where was she?

  “Black magic is hiding the ship,” Drakon said.

  “Force Lark to reveal her.”

  “I can’t. I don’t have that kind of power, but I know someone who does.”


  “She’s part of us. We can’t hope to defeat our enemies without her.”

  “She’ll die.”

  “You left her alone. Vulnerable. Without us…”

  William roared, and fire burst out of his mouth. He spun around and flew back to the Phoenix, wary if ’twas the right thing to do. If Palmer kidnapped Mariah, he’d burn the bastard to a crisp.

  Ahead of the drifting Phoenix, water churned faster and faster until another water spout formed, pulling out the sea and spraying droplets into the air. Air sucked out of William’s lungs, and his heart sank. Fear rushed from his head to the points of his talons. He gulped down air, and hard pressure swelled in his chest as if his heart threatened to explode with hate. The bastard was not going to steal his witch.

  He hissed and plunged toward the funnel, but the funnel’s long form twisted back and forth, leading him on a merry dance. Every time he spit out flames, the funnel swerved and he missed.

  The Phoenix’s guns fired and recoiled. Cannonballs fell on either side of the rushing sprout.

  Once again, William could detect a black form within the watery funnel. As it shifted to the left, sunlight shone through the sprays of water, and he glimpsed strands of swirling red hair. Palmer. William gnashed his teeth and dove. Talons stretched out, he closed in on the shifting spray. Droplets of salt water stung his eyes and splashed onto his scales. He closed the distance between them, and smiled at the victory within his grasp.

  William exhaled fire into the swirling water, but the funnel suddenly sank into the ocean. Ready to yank out Palmer and tear into his flesh, he plunged into the sea. He swam around in circles, searching for Palmer. A school of bright colored fish swam by and a sea turtle hurried past him, but there was no sign of Palmer. Where the hell had he gone?

  He burst out of the sea, water sliding off his scales, and soared to the Phoenix.

  Water shot into the air behind the stern of the ship, and the blasted funnel emerged, twisting back and forth across the surface of the sea. Armed men braced themselves for what might burst forth. His foolish brave witch, Mariah, made her way through the crowd of angry pirates and faced the funnel with her wand and athame in hand.

  His sword and pistol drawn, Ronan forced Mariah behind him. Thank the Lord! As much as William hated it, he knew his rival would protect her with his life.

  William swooped into the swirling funnel, determined to snatch Palmer. Freezing air hit his face and rushed over his scales. He exhaled fire, but the dampness drenched the flame, changing it to black smoke. Blast it.

  The tip of his nails grazed red strands of hair, and William curled his talons to seize clumps of his fiery mane. But Palmer jerked away and jumped through a wall of water. Icicles formed on William’s wings, making them too heavy to move, and he dropped toward the bottom of the funnel like an anchor.

  “’Tis black magic. Get out while you still can.”

  With a burst of energy, William forced his brittle wings to flap, battle the swooshing water, and puncture through the funnel wall. Hot tingles swept over him, and he shrieked. Against his will, his body contorted, bones and muscles shortening, and he changed into a man. He slammed onto the deck, knocking men to the ground.

  Ignoring the grumbling of the men, he rolled to the side. Every muscle ached, and splinters dug into his flesh. He struggled to sit up, cursing. Strong hands lifted him off the deck. His legs shaky, he frowned. Palmer and Ronan faced each other, swords drawn.

  “Stay back,” Ronan cried. “Palmer’s mine.”

  Palmer smiled and lunged. Their swords clanged.

  Men crowded in front of William, and he could not find Mariah. Where was she?

  Palmer beat upon Ronan’s sword again and again. Sweat trickled down Ronan’s face, and he gripped the handle with both hands. Odd, as Ronan was an expert swordsman. He knew better than to hold a sword like a novice. He blocked Palmer’s thrusts, but he was on the defensive, and Palmer forced him against the bulkhead. Palmer held up his hand, and chills sliced down William’s back. Evil magic. He could feel it. The sword jerked out of Ronan’s hands, and his eyes widened.

  “Die, Ronan,” Palmer
said. He pricked the tip of the sword into Ronan’s throat, drawing blood.

  Mariah darted through the men. “No!” she cried and lifted her wand and athame. “Mother Isis, stop him.”

  The black handle on Palmer’s sword turned molten red, and he dropped it. “Bloody bitch.” He snagged her arm and shook her. “You’ll pay for that.”

  “Damn it!” William shoved men out of his way. His wobbly legs collapsed, and he fell onto the deck. Someone hauled him to his feet. He peered up into Amadi’s concerned face. Amadi opened his mouth to say something, but before he could utter a word, William seized the pistol tucked inside his belt.

  “What the hell?” Amadi growled.

  William fired. Smoke swirled around the barrel of the pistol. Palmer cried out and staggered. A splash of crimson stained the back of his shirt. To William’s relief, Mariah broke free of his grasp. William wanted to rush over and pull her into his arms, but his strength failed him. The pistol clattered onto the deck, and he fell onto his hands and knees, panting.

  “Mon Dieu, William.” Mariah rushed over and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Palmer pulled out his pistol and aimed it at Mariah. He brushed off men who tried to restrain him and marched toward them. He was a deadly shot.

  “Burn him.”

  Not sure if he could in human form, William exhaled, and a stream of fire blasted on Palmer’s right side. His clothes burst into flames. Palmer released an unearthly shriek of pain as he was nearly consumed in crackling flames. The stench of burning flesh and hair reeked. Palmer waved his arms and beat at his body as if to put out the fire, but the fire burned brighter, blackening his skin. He danced around the ship, a red and yellow blur, and men darted out of the way, shielding their eyes from the radiating heat. Palmer leaped and smashed into the bulkhead, landed with a thud on the deck.

  William turned his head at the black smoke and the smell of charred flesh rising from Palmer’s smoldering body. He hated Palmer but seeing a man burn alive by his will, even an evil vampire, violated his honor.


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