Heat (The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles Book 2)

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Heat (The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles Book 2) Page 10

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “Ignore her and keep talking, Lochlan.” Bryant turned his body as if to block me from Lochlan’s view. A few hours ago I would have used the opportunity to jump out of the car and run, but now I couldn’t. These men were the only hope I had of fighting the demon. That reality was a depressing one.

  “The possibilities are endless,” Lochlan continued.

  “What do we need to do?” Bryant had certainly changed his tune. “There’s no reason to wait.”

  “We must find a practitioner of magic strong enough to make the binding and create the anchor, but first we need to know if the bear will agree to our terms.”

  “He’ll agree,” Bryant was quick to respond. “He’s crazy about her. He’ll agree the second she says the word mate.”

  I wasn’t so sure. I hoped Ian would, but he’d be putting his pack in potential danger. Would that fear outweigh his desire for me? He barely knew me, and his pack was his life. I didn’t want to put him in that situation, but I didn’t really have a choice.

  “Mara? Are you ready to proceed with the plan?” There was understanding in Lochlan’s eyes, as if he knew what I was thinking.

  “I’m ready—I think.”

  “It’s normal to be nervous.” Lochlan smiled. “You can admit it.”

  “I have no problem admitting I’m nervous, but what does that change? Nothing. So what’s the point in even bringing it up?”

  “True enough.” Lochlan turned to Bryant. “Do you want to fly us both?”

  “Nope. No way. Not flying.” I shook my head and waved my hands.

  “Why not?” Bryant’s forehead furrowed. “I’m the one who does all the work.”

  “But I’m the one who is going to have to do the work after. We’re driving.” This was one point I refused to compromise on.

  “I thought you were in a rush to see your bear.” Bryant pointed at my face.

  I pushed his hand away. “Darn it.” I missed Ian like crazy and couldn’t wait to see him. I needed him.

  Bryant laughed. “I knew I’d get you with that.”

  “But we still have some things to discuss before we go.” Lochlan gestured for us to leave the car.

  I waited for Bryant to slide out before following.

  Bryant closed the door behind me. “Start discussing, daylight is burning.”

  “It’s night time.”

  “You know what I mean. Although for me it’s pretty much the opposite of most. I usually only fly at night, but out here I guess it doesn't matter.”

  “What do we need to discuss?” I got us back on track. Bryant wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to waste time. I wanted to see Ian, I wanted to save Netta, and I wanted to make sure I didn’t become the demon’s next victim. That was more than enough of a reason to want to rush.

  “First, you need to be made fully aware of the risks.” Lochlan looked at both of us as he spoke, and I assumed he would also be facing risks, although I had no idea what his role would be.

  “I could die, and by die I mean spend an eternity being tortured by that thing… yes. But that could happen no matter what I do.” I shivered. I preferred to face the demon head on, rather than having it surprise me. What form would it appear to me in? One of the weird parts of all of this was that I hadn’t seen what he looked like. That made it all so much more frightening.

  “Yes. And it could happen to anyone.” Lochlan locked eyes with mine. He was saying something more than his words said on the surface.

  “Even Ian. That’s what your saying, right?”

  “Yes.” Lochlan nodded. “But of course that could happen no matter what you do. But there are still other potential consequences.”

  “Like what?” I was afraid to know, but I needed to go in as prepared as possible.

  “The demon knows your power?”

  “He seemed to understand what I was.” Even if he didn’t outright say it.

  “It might mean he might try to recruit you.”

  I froze. “Recruit me?”

  “Sometimes demons will work with a Séancer. Of course I’ve never heard of a Morte-demon doing that, but with your extreme talent he may want you. He may lure you in with promises, some that may be false, but others that may be true.”

  I considered telling Lochlan what happened, but what if he didn’t react well? What if he decided to sacrifice me and not help? I needed to keep that part to myself. I’d said no, and I’d say no if asked again. That was the important part. “Ok. I’ll be careful.” My chest clenched. I hoped I was making the right decision.

  “Good. Then there’s one last thing we need to discuss.” Lochlan glanced all around as if making sure we weren’t being watched. Shouldn’t he have done that in the beginning?

  “Ok. What is it?” I closed my eyes. It was all becoming too much.

  “Who we use to do the binding.” Lochlan brought up something else I also had no information about.

  I didn’t know what a binding was, let alone someone who could it. “I don’t know any witches, so that’s between you two.”

  “I don’t hang out with the old magic types much, but I know people who do. The trick is doing this without attracting attention.” Bryant was serious now. He had two sides, and he’d switched to his more focused one.

  “Let me handle it,” Lochlan said. “You take Mara to Ian and then we’ll regroup.”

  “You’re not abandoning us?” I didn’t know Lochlan well, but I trusted him more than Bryant. Without him I wasn’t sure what I’d do.

  “No. He’ll be back. He knows what would happen to him if he doesn’t return.” Bryant glared at Lochlan.

  “This goes beyond your threats. This involves my duty to our world.” Lochlan returned the glare. “Rest assured I will be back.” He turned and walked away.

  “Looks like it’s just us.” Bryant winked.


  “You really need to expand your vocabulary.”

  “I’ll be sure to do that when we’re done fighting the demon.”

  “Oh, I hope that bear knows what he’s in for.” Bryant laughed.



  “Did you hear something?” I strained my ears.

  “Maybe?” Noah glanced around. “Should we shift?”

  “Let’s wait.” We could shift instantly, and depending on who it was, being in our human form could put us at an advantage.

  “Are you sure?” Noah eyed me warily. “Couldn’t that be dangerous?”

  “Just give me a second.” I felt something. I felt her. I knew it in every grain of my body that Mara was near.

  I walked down the porch steps slowly, positive that Mara wouldn’t be alone. Whatever reason Bryant took her, he wasn’t going to release her so easily. Now that the Pterons had made the level of danger crystal clear, I was more determined than ever to get her away from him. But I would do it the right way. I’d make sure she didn’t get hurt.

  “Is it her?” Noah asked following behind me.

  “Yes, and I’m the one dealing with the Pteron.” No one else was fighting my fight. Not even my brother.

  I strained my ears again and heard nothing. I knew they had to be somewhere. Maybe he was still flying. I scanned the sky. There were few trees on the ranch—nowhere for him to hide.

  “I know you’re out here.” I wasn’t going to wait around. If Bryant wanted something in exchange for Mara, I’d give it. I’d do anything to get her back.

  There was no response. “Show yourself!”

  And then I heard the most glorious sound ever. “Ian!” Mara called out my name from somewhere far off. It was a distant sound, but it might as well have been right in my ear for the effect it had on me.

  My heart nearly beat out of my chest as I ran in the direction I’d heard her voice. “Where are you? Show yourself, Bryant!” Maybe showing I knew his name would help. Maybe it wouldn’t. Either way I was going to find out.

  “Mara?” I switched tactics, calling her too.

  I hear
d the faint sound of flapping wings before Bryant landed several feet from me. He had Mara pinned in front of him, pressing her against him. I growled. He had no right to touch her.

  I motioned for Noah to go around to his other side.

  “Try to jump me and I’ll kill the girl. Got it?” Bryant’s voice was harsh, but I could have cared less about anything he was saying. Mara was here. She was back.

  “Let go of her.” I held back only out of fear of what he’d do to her.

  “Not so fast.” He tightened his hold on her. “We have some negotiations to discuss first.”

  “Let me go, Bryant.” She struggled against his arms. “This is ridiculous.”

  Watching her struggle made holding back nearly impossible. “There are no negotiations.” She looked fine physically, but I knew looks could be deceiving. “She is mine.”

  “She is no one’s yet, but yes she could be yours.” Bryant’s voice rode the fine line between playful and dangerous. I wouldn’t have cared if he didn’t have the most precious person in the world to me in his arms.

  “Stop it. This is about me. I’m not an object to belong to anyone.” She struggled against him again. “Let me go.”

  “Fine, but remember the deal.” He released her.

  She ran into my arms. I pulled her against me, soaking in the feel of her warm body in my arms. It was really her. Mara was back with me. Nothing else mattered in that moment. I had my Mara, and I was never going to let her go.

  “I’m here.” She lifted her head from my chest. “With you.”

  “You are.” I gently lifted her chin with my hand. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m not sure.” She put a hand on my chest. “And we have to talk.”

  “Ok. We can talk about anything.” I meant it. Losing her had made things even clearer. I needed her in my life, and I’d do anything to make that happen.

  “Bryant is going to suggest something that sounds crazy. It is crazy, but it’s also our only hope.” She held onto the sleeve of my shirt as if it were a lifeline.

  “Our only hope of what? I will protect you. My whole pack will.” There were advantages to being part of a pack and to being Alpha. I would never let her fall into harm’s way again.

  “This is a problem way bigger than Bryant or Willem, or any of that.” She held my shirt even tighter.

  “Bigger than that?” Was she serious? Had things gotten even worse?

  “Yes.” She nodded. “I unwittingly made contact with a demon. From what a far more experienced Séancer told me, the demon can find me anytime now, and I also have to save the women he killed.” Her words tumbled out all together.

  “Wait.” I put my hand on her shoulder. “Slow down. Start from the beginning.” I had to force myself to stay calm for her sake. All I wanted to do was bring her inside and hide her from whatever was upsetting her. I’d heard the word demon and killed. Whatever she had to say wasn’t going to be easy to swallow.

  “Why don’t we tell this story together?” Bryant walked toward us. “It will be easier that way.”

  Noah let out a low growl. I appreciated that he had my back while I was clearly distracted with Mara.

  “I think he might prefer to hear it from me,” Mara wisely suggested.

  “But you’re going to take too long.” He turned to me. “You see Mara and I hatched an idea, and we’re going to need some help to do it.”

  “Why would Mara have any idea involving you?” Was this some sort of Stockholm syndrome thing? Did she actually like the guy now?

  “It’s crazy, and I assure you I still hate him. After this momentary alliance I hope to never see him again.” Mara glared at Bryant. “But I connected with a Morte-Demon. It’s what I started to tell you.”

  Bryant chuckled. “That’s one way to speed things up.”

  “Connected with?” I wanted to make sure I was following. “How is that even possible?” Was she implying she’d used her abilities? I didn’t want to sound too interested. It wasn’t the reason I wanted her, and I wouldn’t let her think it was.

  “No need to play dumb, bear. We all know the truth.” Bryant smirked.

  “Bryant, I thought we had a deal.” Mara frowned. “Stop.”

  “Our deal said nothing about my being polite to him.” Bryant turned away from me slightly.

  “But there’s no reason you can’t be.” She put a hand on her hip.

  I tried to understand the dynamic between them. She wasn’t afraid of him. It was something else frightening her, and I really hoped it wasn’t an actual demon.

  “Fine.” Bryant forced a smile. “Ian, we all know she’s a Séancer. You know it so there’s no reason to pretend otherwise. Our plan involves her using her abilities only after becoming your mate, so you can calm down and let us speak.”

  My mate. Hearing those words made my heart rate accelerate. Mara leaned back into me, and I was positive she could feel the other reaction it set off.

  “Would you like to explain the rest, or shall I?” Bryant grinned.

  “Let me.” Mara turned so she was looking at me. “This demon has been murdering girls. I spoke with one, and it was awful. Horrible. I have to save her.”

  “And save herself. Don’t forget that part. Lochlan seemed convinced the demon would find you easily.” Bryant sounded almost happy about the idea. I hated him even more than I had before.

  “Lochlan?” Noah walked over. “That’s the Séancer Connor is looking for.”

  “He’s looking for Lochlan?” Mara turned to Noah. “And where is Connor anyway?”

  “He’s fine I’m sure.” Bryant let out a breath. “Keep talking.”

  “How is this demon going to find you?” That seemed like the first question to ask. “We can protect you. I promise.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” Bryant wagged a finger. “And I assure you that’s one you can’t keep unless you go along with our plan.”

  “Your plan involves the demon and murdered girls?” I asked uneasily.

  “Yes. Exactly that.” Bryant smiled.

  “It’s not as bad as you make it sound.” Mara frowned. “Ok, it is. It’s dangerous and like I said, crazy. But I have no choice.”

  “I will never think anything you say is crazy.” At least I wouldn’t voice those beliefs, and I’d try to stay open-minded.

  “Even when I say I talked to a demon and have agreed to a deal with Bryant so I can help the girls?” She watched me nervously.

  I wasn’t sure what to say. “It depends on the deal…”

  “I can’t do it without having a mate.” She looked down at the ground.

  I bristled. “And that mate is going to be—” If the name Bryant came out of her mouth I was going to lose it.

  “You, of course.” She peeked up at me. “You did ask me about that earlier.”

  Of course? Was she really that set on it? My heart swelled. “And I plan to ask you again and again until you agree.”

  She smiled. “It sounds insane—but feels less that way now, if that makes sense.”

  “I missed you so much.” I pressed my lips to hers in a far lighter kiss than I wanted to give. But we weren’t alone, and I couldn’t get distracted.

  “Then you’ll agree to this?” Her eyes met mine.

  “As long as I know you’re safe, yes, but, how does Bryant come in?” There were still some details I needed explained to me.

  “Your pack will have to agree to a binding, so he knows we hold up our end of the deal.” She looked down again.

  “What’s our end of the deal?” I gently lifted her chin so she’d look at me. She never had to be afraid to meet my eyes even though I assumed this was where things were going to take a turn I didn’t like.

  “We help bring the demon into his control.” She chewed on her bottom lips.

  “That’s beyond crazy.” Noah responded before I could. “Bryant is a sociopath. He doesn’t need a demon.”

  “A sociopath?” Bryant chortled. “I
wasn’t aware you knew me so well.”

  “We met some of your friends.” Noah locked his jaw.

  “My friends?” Bryant grinned. “I assume you mean my enemies?”

  “We needed information on you, and The Society was happy to help.” Noah glared at Bryant. “We know everything.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Bryant shifted his weight from foot to foot. “And most of what they said was probably true.”

  Mara groaned. “I was right about you. You really don’t care about how many people you hurt.”

  “No. I don’t.” Bryant shrugged. “I don’t pretend to. Unlike other people. Shouldn’t I be applauded for being so open and transparent?”

  “You’re an asshole.” Mara put a hand over her mouth. “And I just said that out loud.”

  Bryant smiled. “Good. You’re learning.”

  “I don’t see why we’d agree to put a demon under his control.” That sounded like the worst idea possible. Well, not as bad as her mating with him, but that wasn’t ever going to happen. “As Noah said, that’s crazy.”

  “The demon must be controlled.” Bryant’s playful expression disappeared. “I’ve offered to take over that duty.”

  “You’ve offered?” Noah narrowed his eyes. “So you can use it to work your evil plans?”

  “My plans aren’t evil.” He gritted his teeth.

  “Then what are they?” I asked.

  “In my own interest.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “That does not mean they’re evil.”

  “They go beyond that.” Noah shook his head.

  “Who cares?” Bryant turned his hand palm up. “I am the only one who can help stop a crazed demon from killing Mara. You’d think you would be showing me more respect and appreciation.”

  Mara turned back to look at me. “He’s promised not to use the demon to hurt anyone.”

  “And you trust him?” I searched her face to make sure she wasn’t trying to tell me something with her eyes.

  “I think so.” Mara eyed Bryant warily. “And to be honest we have no other choice.”

  “Come on, you could give that a little more oomph.” Bryant grinned.

  “You kidnapped me. Forgive me if I’m not one hundred percent trusting of you.” She folded her arms over her chest.


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