Heat (The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles Book 2)

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Heat (The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles Book 2) Page 12

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  I shook my head. “You said you didn’t.”

  “I know what I want. I want to be yours. It’s my decision.” Her eyes were wide and bright and echoed her words. I could feel the change in her, the way her soul opened up and called to my own.

  She wanted this. She wanted me. “You will be mine.” I bit down on her neck. She winced, but soon her face relaxed as the pleasure replaced the pain.

  “Ian,” she called out my name softly, as I continued to move inside her. It was the combination of sex and the bite that made it official—that pushed away the pain and made it pleasure. That made her mine.

  Our bodies moved together perfectly, in a natural rhythm I would never tire of. I licked the wound on her neck. Closing it up. I’d never have to bite her again—and I swore I’d never cause her an ounce of pain again.

  She held on to me, looking me straight in the eye as we both reached our releases.

  I stayed inside her long after, our bodies needing to extend the physical connection as long as possible. We were connecting in every possible way now. She was mine—completely mine. And I was hers. Mating went both ways. I belonged to her just as much as she belonged to me. I hadn’t expected to like that part so much—to know my heart, body, and mind all belonged to another, but that part thrilled me as much as having her for myself. I wanted to give her anything and everything she ever wanted. I would. But first I had to make sure this demon wasn’t an actual threat. There had to be a way to destroy it that didn’t involve putting her at risk—or trusting Bryant. I didn’t trust him for a second.

  “So. Ok. That just happened.” Mara gave me a coy smile.

  I brushed some hair away from her face. “Yes, quite a bit happened.”

  “I’m your mate now.” She ran her hand over the spot on her neck.

  “You are. And I’m your mate.” I wanted to make sure she understood that part too. This went both ways.

  “Yes you are.” She grazed her teeth over my shoulder. “All mine.”

  I laughed, enjoying this playful side and dreading the stressful one that was going to come soon.

  This should have been a time for celebration, a honeymoon of sorts, but instead we had to deal with a demon.

  “No ceremony where I get to wear a fancy dress?” She ran her fingers down my arm.

  “No need for one to formalize the mating, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have one later.” And we would. I would make her my wife in the human sense too.

  “I feel different.” She ran her lips over my skin.

  “Different how?” I hoped it was in a good way. It needed to be in a good way.

  “Stronger. I feel stronger than I ever have.” She wrapped her legs around mine. It felt so good. So natural.

  I grinned. “Good. It means you can feel my strength going to you.”

  “And look.” She unfolded her arms. “It completely healed me.”

  I ran a finger over the spot where the red lines had been. “They’re gone.”

  “It had to have been you. The mating did something.”

  “I’ve never heard of mating healing someone, but maybe that’s something special we have.” It definitely felt special. I was the luckiest man alive.

  “Special? Is it common for mates to have something special like that?”

  “Common?” I shook my head. “No. Possible? Yes.”

  “The fear is gone. It’s amazing.”

  “We’ll have to see if it happens every time we make love.”

  “Make love?” She cupped my cheek with her hand.

  “That is what we just did. That was way more than sex.” It had been the last time too, but this time was even more different. We’d mated. It was an experience I would never ever forget.

  She smiled. “It was. In more ways than one.”

  "Good point." I pulled her on top of me.

  "I wish we could stay here forever." She sighed.

  "So do I. More than you could imagine."

  "Oh I can imagine." She laughed. "Your body gives you away."

  There was no reason to hide my arousal from my mate. "I can't help it, love. You do this to me."

  "How does the strength and healing thing work?” She asked.

  "Wait." I paused. "Are you asking for the reason I think you are?" Did she wanted me again? She already knew I was ready for more of her.

  "The fear is fading; I think I could handle the demon if it was gone."

  "Is that the only reason you want to?" I never wanted anything we did to be out of fear.

  "No." A blush crept up her cheeks, and it was adorable. "I want to know what it's like now that I am your mate."

  "I'd like to know that too." I ran my lips over her neck. “I already know it’s going to be amazing, but I want to feel it.”

  "I forget this mating thing is new for you too."

  "Completely new." I gently grazed her skin with my teeth. "But I've heard stories."

  "Could the extra stuff be because I'm a Séancer?"

  "Yes. Absolutely." The extras were rare, but so was finding a Séancer to mate with. Mara was truly a gift in so many different ways.

  "Did you ever think you'd end up with someone like me?"

  "You mean a beautiful, amazing woman?" That was putting it mildly.

  She pushed my arm. "Come on, be serious."

  "I am being serious." I looked into her eyes. "You are more than I could have imagined."

  “But you never considered a Séancer? It’s that rare?” Her eyebrows furrowed.

  “Nowadays it is. A few generations ago maybe I would have thought it was possible.”

  “I really thought I was human.”

  “You’ve experienced a lot in the past few days.” I couldn’t begin to imagine what she was going through.

  “Isn’t it crazy how much has happened?”

  “Yes.” It was even a lot for me to believe, and I’d always known what I was. “But in some ways time has stood still since I met you.”

  “Very funny.” She pouted.

  “It’s true. My whole life changed—my mission, my needs.”

  “You’ve had a lot going on too.” She ran her hands down my back.

  “You mean with my brother?”

  “Yes.” Thinking about Jonovan immediately put me out of the mood, but that was probably a good thing despite how much I wanted her. We had a lot to do, and a lot to talk about. “I kind of showed up at a bad time.”

  “Or he died at a bad time. Or really it’s all related. I can’t really accept that it’s a coincidence.” Because nothing in life was truly a coincidence.

  “I’ll do anything I can to help.” She brushed her lips against mine. “But first we need to take care of this demon.”

  “This demon…” We needed to take control of it. “Did you still want that extra burst of strength to get rid of the fear?” It didn’t take long for my need to return.

  “Do you think we have time?”

  “We have time.” I had no idea how much time we had, but when it came to having Mara or not, we were going to find time.

  “Then what are you waiting for?”



  I could have stayed in bed forever. Being naked and wrapped in Ian’s arms was heaven. It was even better now. Any doubts I had about whether to mate with him were long gone, and I wanted to savor every second I could with him.

  I was warm and content lying in his arms, but that wasn’t going to last. It came as no surprise, but was still quite an annoyance, when a loud knock shook the door.

  “Are you two done yet?”

  I groaned. The sound of Bryant’s voice grated on me. Couldn’t he have let Noah do the talking?

  “We will be out when we’re ready.” Ian responded for us.

  “See, Mara. Even your bear answers. As I told you, it is what social norms dictate.”

  “Go away.” I closed my eyes, trying to give myself one last moment of contentment before reality set in.

ry, can’t do. We have a visitor.” Bryant didn’t sound sorry at all.

  “Who?” Ian shot up in bed.

  “Two visitors to be exact. Well, they aren’t here yet, but they will be shortly.”

  “Who?” Two sounded far more worrisome than one.

  “Lochlan, and he’s bringing someone to help.” Bryant sighed. “Come on already.”

  “A witch?” I asked. “He found one already?”

  “Of sorts. Remember it had to be someone who could use old magic.”

  “Yes.” I didn’t actually understand the difference between old and new magic.

  “Who is it?” Ian stood, revealing his naked body. I’d never get tired of looking at his muscular form. He handed me my clothes, and I started to dress.

  “That’s why I need you out here. I have a feeling she’s your kind.”

  “My kind?” I asked. Could Séancers do magic?

  “No. His kind.”

  “An Ursus?” Ian asked with surprise.

  “Yes. Maybe you can do the translation for us.”

  “Translation?” It was my turn to be surprised. “Would she speak another language?”

  “No. I assume he means get her more willing to help.” Ian took my hand.


  Ian looked me over. “Ok with me opening the door?”

  I shrugged. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Facing Bryant certainly wasn’t at the top of my to-do list.

  Ian opened the door.

  Bryant waited in the hallway. “Have fun?”

  “Don’t start.” I scowled. “You’ve already ruined my mood. Please don’t make it worse.”

  “What am I starting? I merely asked a question to be polite. Once again I must school you in basic social graces.”

  “Don’t talk to her that way.” Ian glared. “I understand for the time being we have to work with you, but I will not have you talking to my mate with such little respect.”

  “Your mate.” Bryant smiled. “How sweet. You’ve really gone and made it official.”

  “Why does everything have to be like this with you?” I sighed with exasperation.

  “Like what?” Bryant feigned innocence.

  “Argumentative. Can’t we be on the same side and get along for a few minutes?”

  “I thought you hated me. That you could never like me.”

  “That’s true. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be civil.”

  “Civil.” Bryant chuckled. “Interesting word. I can try.”

  “You will more than try,” Ian warned. “You’re a wanted man. One phone call, and you’re picked up.”

  “One phone call, and you have no one to watch your demon. Think before you threaten.” Bryant stepped toward us.

  “How far out are they?” Ian squeezed my hand and stepped into the doorway, forcing Bryant to step back. I passed by him without worrying. I wasn’t sure how much of my new confidence around Bryant came from my connection to Ian.

  “They’ll be here any minute. I gave you as much time as I could.” Bryant started down the small hallway.

  “How generous.” Even I couldn’t hold the sarcasm back.

  “Give us two minutes more.” Ian stopped in his tracks.

  “Fine. But don’t take too long. I’m not greeting this bear by myself.” Bryant walked out onto the porch.

  “We’re not slipping out the back.” That wasn’t going to help, and now that we were mated we didn’t need an alternative.

  “No. We can’t do that.” Ian agreed. “But I need to know how you feel about all this. Do you really want to go through with it? Or do you want me to find another way? One that doesn’t involve you going anywhere near the demon.”

  “That’s not possible.” Even if there were other Séancers with the ability, I didn’t know them, and we had no time to waste while we searched. Plus, I was the one who awoke the demon. It was my job to take care of things. “And even if it was, it would have to involve someone being put at risk.”

  “You care about others more than most people do.” Ian studied me.

  “I’m not sure that I do. It’s more a guilt thing.”

  “A guilt thing?” He asked.

  “I’ll hate myself if I don’t help others.”

  “You’d hate yourself because you failed to help… that’s not all that different.”

  “It means the motivation is selfish. The motivation matters.”

  “But ever stop to think you’d feel guilty because you know it’s the right thing to do—and you care? Hence the motivation is still good.”

  I smiled. “Are you my personal cheerleader?”

  “I’m just making sure you give yourself some credit.”

  “Thanks.” There were very few people in my life who ever worried about that.

  “But you’re sure? I’m not going to keep asking, but I wanted to make sure you had a chance to tell me if you’ve changed your mind. I won’t think differently of you. I never would.”

  “I’d tell you to stay away from this mess, but it’s too late for that. You’re stuck with me.” And as much as I didn’t like the idea of him putting himself at risk, I was glad I was no longer alone. We were in this together.

  “And I’m happy about that.” Ian smiled. “Very happy.”

  “This is going to be rough though.”

  “But I’ll be with you every step of the way.” Ian kissed my forehead. “Well, I can’t do the communication thing, but I’ll be anchoring you.”

  “Do you understand what anchoring means?”

  “I’m guessing I keep you tethered to our world so you don’t get stuck or lost.”

  “I’m picturing myself wearing a space suit.” Maybe I watched too many space movies, but I could see myself floating away in the darkness while a single cord kept me attached to the ship.

  He grinned. “I guess that’s the same idea.”

  “Are you coming?” Bryant called in.

  “Yes,” Ian answered before I could reply with something less pleasant.

  We walked out onto the porch at the same time Lochlan and a girl that couldn’t have been more than nineteen or so got out of a car.

  They walked over to the porch.

  The girl, whose long brown hair flew around her wildly, approached Bryant. “You look just like him.”

  “Like who?” Bryant asked. “And please don’t say my brother.”

  “That’s what I’m going to say. It’s uncanny. It’s the eyes maybe.” She reached out as if to touch his face but dropped her hand to the side. “Or maybe the nose. Or jawline. Or the hair. It’s everything I guess.”

  “You a friend of his?” Bryant glared at Lochlan. “Because if so, we don’t need your services.”

  “Stop, Bryant.” Lochlan replied calmly. “Isadora is willing to help and keep your brother out of it.”

  “What did Lochlan offer you?” Bryant watched her with suspicion. “Money? Fame?”

  “A chance to use skills I haven’t been able to use.” She put her hand in the pocket of her jeans. “I’m itching to use them.”

  “So you’re new to this. Great.” Bryant shook his head.

  “Hey.” Isadora put a hand on her hip. “If you could do this yourself, Lochlan wouldn’t have been searching. How many old magic users do you think there are anymore? Not to mention ones that would work with the likes of you.”

  “The likes of me?” Bryant put a hand to his chest. “You have got to be kidding.”

  “It’s true. I know all about you. My cousin fought against you up in Connecticut when you killed your own mother.”

  Bryant blanched. For the first time I saw him thrown off by something someone said.

  I got woozy. Killed his mother?

  “I did not kill her.” Bryant ground his teeth. “How dare you suggest that?”

  “Fine. You allowed it to happen. Everyone knows.”

  “I don’t care what everyone thinks they know.” His eyes darkened until they were nearly completely black.
br />   “We aren’t here to discuss any of that.” Lochlan threw Isadora a warning look I hope she heeded. “We are here to protect the world from a Morte-Demon. All other disputes can be cast aside.”

  “Isadora.” I walked toward her. “I’m Mara.”

  She smiled. “I’ve heard what you can do.”

  “Oh.” That hadn’t been the greeting I’d expected. “I guess that’s good.”

  “What was it like?” Isadora’s eyes widened. “I wish I could do that, but it’s not in my blood. I can only heal, bind, search, and anchor. I’m going to learn more though—I’m sure there’s a way I can combine old magic with the new.”

  “Let’s take this one step at a time.” Ian held out his hand. “I’m Ian.”

  “Pleasure to meet you.” She accepted his hand. “You have chosen a good mate.”

  “It wasn’t I who chose.” He smiled. “It was destined to be.”

  “You were recently in Norco. I saw you there.” Isadora studied his face.

  “Oh. I’m sorry I don’t remember meeting you.” Ian’s brow furrowed.

  “We didn’t meet formally.” Isadora’s face fell. “I wasn’t important enough to meet you, which is why I left. And why I was willing to take this opportunity.”

  “But you know what you’re doing, right?” That was the important part. It’s not that I didn’t care about her issues, but at the moment there were far more pressing things to worry about.

  “Yes. I have a strong grasp of old magic. Better than anyone on Norco, not that I’ll ever get credit for it.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Chin up, kid. You can get back at them one day.” Bryant seemed to have recovered from the mom comments.

  “Bryant,” I snapped. “Stop it. Not everyone wants to enact revenge.”

  “But isn’t that what you’re doing?” Isadora asked.

  “What do you mean?” I’d considered revenge on some level, but there were more important things to worry about first.

  “You want to get revenge on the demon?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “You’ve got it wrong.”

  “Then what is it?”

  “I want to save the girls he’s imprisoned.” I needed to. Someone had to.

  “Even if saving them still means death?”


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