Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery Page 10

by T. G. Hanson

  Wade walked off to the right and headed down the alley. The Sheriff, preoccupied with the body, didn't notice Wade removing something off the front basket of Meg's bike, that she always left leaning against the building, and putting it in his pocket.

  Wade, with his back turned, didn't notice the Sheriff pick up something small from the ground and put it in his shirt pocket. Neither of them noticed the man's wallet, lying open on the ground, just under the edge of the bushes, with a photo of Meg sticking out of it, a few feet away.


  Doc Manford had retreated inside the diner to call the coroner while the Sheriff was trying to decide how to handle everything. He couldn’t remember the last time there had been a murder in the small town. Not since he’d been Sheriff, that was for sure.

  “I'm not exactly sure what to do here Wade. It’s not like we have extra people to sit here and watch a body till Doc can get it taken care of and I need to speak with the folks inside.”

  Wade quickly volunteered, “No problem John, I'll stay here and watch over the scene while you talk to the folks in the diner. Lynn can help you out, she’s good with interviews. If you will though, ask Meg if she wouldn't mind bringing me a big glass of sweet tea. It's mighty hot out here tonight with no breeze in this alley.”

  John shook his head in agreement thinking Wade was right. “Sure, Lynn can help.” Walking back into the diner, John smiled and replied over his shoulder, “Will do my son and just keep on trying. One day she will see you for the good man you are.”

  As the Sheriff walked back inside the diner, Wade pulled the envelope out of his pocket that he had found taped to Meg's bike. He wouldn't have given it any thought except for the bulge in the envelope and the large I KNOW! written on the front. Should I open it or give it to the Sheriff? He didn't have to think long. Open it, now. If Meg is in danger I want to know.

  Carefully he pulled the flap away and looked inside. Pulling the piece of folded paper out he read, I know who you are, where you came from, and what you did! Tell me where the money is or you will wind up just like one of those crazy boxes you make!

  In the bottom of the envelope was a small clay human leg. It looked like something Meg might use in one of her murder scenes. What on earth is going on here and what could Meg have done?

  His first instinct was to protect Meg, but he was a cop. Withholding evidence was not something he was comfortable doing. Maybe I can hang on to this for a few days and see what happens, he thought. Whatever was going on here, it seemed that Meg might be involved somehow but he just couldn’t picture how or why.


  Hearing Meg call his name, he quickly put everything back in the envelope and shoved it back in his pocket. This was not something anyone needed to see just yet, especially Meg or the Sheriff. Wade adored Meg but he knew that she was hesitant about getting into a relationship right now and figured something in her past was the reason for it. He just figured he'd keep hanging around and eventually she would confide in him. He’d discussed his feelings with Lynn a few times but all she would say was, “Just be patient, she has her reasons. She’ll talk to you when she is ready.”

  “I hear we have a parched Deputy back here” Meg called.

  “Yup, that would be me sweets, over here.”

  Meg laughed, “So, today I'm “sweets” is it?”

  Over the past few months Wade had come up with these little pet names he used when speaking to her. She knew he was sweet on her, she just wasn’t sure it was a good idea for her to get involved with anyone right now. He was one of the good guys, but she just couldn't risk it. However, if the day ever came when she was truly free, she'd most certainly take Wade up on just about any offer he'd care to make.

  Meg purposely avoided looking in the direction of the dead body. As she handed Wade his glass of tea she glanced over to where the wallet had been. Good it's still there so they must not have seen it yet. “Here’s your tea.”

  “Thanks Megs. Are you feeling better now? You looked a might greenish earlier.”

  “I'm fine now Wade, it was just a shock at first. I mean it's not every day a girl has a body turn up behind her diner ya know.”

  “Yup I get it Megs. If it makes you feel any better, we've gotten all we need and the Doc should have the body removed soon. I'm waiting for the coroner now.”

  “So who is he, did you find out, like from his wallet or anything?”

  “Nothing so far. No ID on him that we could find.”

  A thought suddenly hit Meg, “Say Wade, could you do me a tiny favor if possible?”

  “What's that Megs?”

  “Well, I really don't like my bike back here now, under the circumstances and I don't want to get near, you know, the body. Do you think you might carry my bike up to the front for me? I can stay here, blocking the door to the diner, till you get back.”

  “Sure thing sweets, hold my tea and I'll be back in a flash. Is by the front door alright?”

  “That would be great” Meg said smiling.

  As soon as Wade turned the corner with her bike, she ran over, grabbed the wallet and hid it in her apron pocket. Oh, this is so bad. Now I've tampered with evidence. Turning to face the back door she heard Wade coming back outside.

  “All taken care of Megs. You should probably head on back inside now. You're looking a bit greenish again.”

  “Thanks again Wade, you're a keeper you know. Let me know if you need anything else, like food or more tea.”

  Quickly, before losing his nerve, he took hold of Megs hand. “Meg, you know you can always talk to me about anything. I make a great listener. All you have to do is yell and I'll be here for you.”

  “I appreciate that Wade, but I'm fine, truly I am.” Giving him a little peck on the cheek she walked back into the diner leaving him standing there with a huge smile on his face. One day, he thought . . . one day.

  As she walked away she couldn't stop the thoughts from running through her head. Oh, my gosh, what, if anything, does Wade know? Was he just being nice thinking she was still upset or was he fishing for something?


  Back in the diner the Sheriff had everyone in their seats and quiet as church mice. “Alright everyone could I please have your attention. It would seem that we have had a murder here in Mystic Pines.” Pausing long enough to let the words hit home and then letting everyone compose themselves, he continued. “The body in question seems to have no ID on him so I need to know if any of you have seen a stranger around town over the past few days.”

  He paused long enough to let the chatter die down. “If you think you might have any information, would you please get in a line by Lynn over there and just tell her what you know. I've got a couple matters to wrap up and then myself or Wade Hooper will want to speak to all of you before you leave here tonight.”

  Several in the crowd began to call out questions to the Sheriff but he held his hands up silencing them quickly. “If everyone will just remain calm and help in an orderly fashion this shouldn't take too long and we can all get back to our homes and try to get some sleep.”

  The Sheriff wasn't surprised at all to see that Nyla Hanson was one of the first to jump up and run over to Lynn. He was surprised however, that Helen Bells was just sitting there staring at the ground. Normally Nyla didn't take a step without Helen on her heels. Was it his imagination, or did she seem a little fidgety, he wondered. He decided that he should have a little chat with Miss Helen before she left the diner.

  The Sheriff headed out behind the diner with Doc following close behind.

  “Still no ID?” Doc asked.

  “Nope not a clue and no apparent reason other than maybe robbery, since we didn't find a wallet on the guy.”

  “Been near fifteen years since I've seen a murder victim” the old Doc told John. “Coroner is on his way. Y’all go on and do what you need to and I’ll stay out here till they arrive.”

  Doc watched the Sheriff and Wade head back into the diner. He didn
't envy them as this might turn out to be a bugger of a crime to solve.

  John tapped Wade on the shoulder as they walked back into the main room of the diner. “Wade, you take one half the room and I'll take the other. Let's just see what we can find out from everyone. If they don't know anything then just send them on their way. The ones that might know something, I'd like to talk to before they leave.”

  “Okay Sheriff.” Wade walked off to the opposite end of the counter and motioned for the first person he saw, to follow him.

  The Sheriff looked around for Daisy but she was nowhere to be seen. Walking back to the kitchen area and seeing Meg, he asked “You seen Daisy?”

  “Oh I think she might have left right before we served the food. She never stays late on these nights.?”

  “Thanks Megs” he replied, as he turned and walked back into the seating area. Did Daisy leave before or after the murder? he wondered. Heading straight for Helen to find out what she might have seen, he sat down beside her, lightly resting his hand on her shoulder. She jumped and looked up at him.

  “Calm down Helen it’s just me, John.”

  “Sorry Sheriff, all this just has me a bit upset is all.”

  “I know dear but we should be finished soon and then you can go home and get some rest. For now, though, can you tell me if you saw anything and why this has you so beside yourself. I’ve never seen you be so jumpy before.”

  Helen looked back down at the floor. “I don’t know nothing John, honest I don’t.”

  John had a funny feeling about Helen. For one she was jumpy and two, she wasn’t looking him in the eye when speaking to him.

  “Look here Helen, you are not in any trouble, we just need to know if you saw anything we might need to check out.”

  Helen glanced up at the Sheriff for just a second. “Well I did see Henry Means go outside not long before all the commotion. But that’s all I saw, honest.”

  “Do you remember about what time it was you saw Henry leave?”

  “Gosh, I have no idea but it wasn’t that long after we all got here I don’t think. So, can I go home now John, I’m not feeling very well” she asked.

  Standing John told her “Alright, you can go for now but we might want to talk to you some more later.”

  Nyla, who had just returned to the table informed John that she had been told to go on home. “Just let me know if I can be of help and I’ll be sure to let you know if I find out anything as well” she told John.

  “Now Nyla, this is an official investigation here. It’s not one of your little mysteries so you need to just let us do our jobs. You two head on home and be sure you lock your doors once you get inside.”

  Both women stood and walked to the door arm in arm with their heads together, whispering the entire way.


  The Sheriff walked over to Lynn who appeared to be writing notes on a legal pad of paper. “So Lynn, did you find out anything we might need to know?”

  “Not really John. Nyla Hanson said she saw a strange man eating at the diner but she just assumed he was a passer-through like we get sometimes. Janet, Myra and Sue also saw him as well. From their descriptions, it sounds like the victim.”

  “Did you talk to Helen Bells?”

  “No, I told Nyla to have her come talk to me but she never came over. Janet, Myra and Sue said they saw Helen walk outside at some point but she came back inside not long after. They did mention she was all red faced though, like she had been running and was out of breath.”

  The Sheriff sat in thought for a few moments then facing Lynn, but with his back to the rest of the room, he pulled a tiny object out of his pocket and showed it to Lynn.

  “You have any idea what this is Lynn?”

  “Oh sure, it's one of those clay body parts Meg uses in her crime scene miniatures. Where did you get it?”

  “I found this by the body out back Lynn. Now how do I explain this stranger having something Meg would be using in her miniature things?”

  “Wow” Lynn remarked. “What is going on here John? You surely don't think our Meg had anything to do with the murder, do you?”

  “I'm not sure of anything Lynn but it sure looks like I need to have a lengthy conversation with Meg. But I also want to know why Helen who sticks like glue to Nyla didn't come up and talk to you when Nyla did. I talked with her but she never mentioned going outside. She only mentioned that Henry Means was here and left at some point. You see him here?”

  “I don’t remember seeing him at all and nobody else mentioned it, but then most folks around here tend to just not see him, you know.”

  Wade joined the Sheriff and Lynn letting them know he had not found anything of importance from speaking with the rest of the group.

  “Nobody was seen leaving before or after the murder might have happened, except for Randy.” Glancing down at the object in John's hand, Wade drew in his breath then glanced up at John. “Where did you get that John? Looks like one of Meg’s mini figures.”

  “I know Wade, I found it out back lying on the ground by the body. Let's not jump to any conclusions about it just yet.”

  “I truly can't see Megs doing anything like this John.”

  “Me either, not Meg” replied Lynn.

  “I would tend to agree with both of you but then how do I explain this being found by the body?”

  “Maybe she dropped it outside, bringing the miniature inside tonight?” suggested Lynn.

  The Sheriff left Wade and Lynn looking at each other and walked to the middle of the room.

  “Folks we are going to send you all home now. Please don't attempt to go into the alley behind the diner. Just head right home and till we get some answers, you might think about locking up your houses for the next few days. Just to be on the safe side.”

  John couldn't figure out what Meg had to do with all this and his senses were telling him that Helen Bells knew something. Plus, he would need to speak to both Daisy and Henry to see if they saw anything. He rubbed his rough hands over his face. For now, he was tired and needed sleep so he could deal with all this in the morning. He also needed to speak with Meg for a few minutes.

  Looking around the room he spotted his wife sitting with Lynn. Walking over to the group he patted Wendy on the shoulder. “You’d better take the car and go on home dear. I’ll have Wade drop me off when we’re done here. Just be sure and lock up the house and send me a text once you’re inside.”

  Wendy smiled up at John then stood and gave him a hug. “Alright darlin, but try to not be too late. You look a bit tired.” Taking the keys from him Wendy said goodbye to everyone and walked out the door.


  Meg had been sitting at one end of the counter watching everything in silence. Her mind was half on what was going on while the other half was trying to figure out why this man had her photo. Where on earth did he get it? She hadn't looked at the image for long, but she didn't remember it being taken. She had been very careful since moving to town and was sure no one had taken her picture since she had arrived.

  You could see what looked like a bit of the diner in the background, but as far as she knew, nobody had ever taken her picture inside the diner. Looking up she noticed the Sheriff walking towards her.

  “Hey Meg. You look like you’re feeling better now.”

  “That was quite unexpected, sorry if I didn't handle it very well.”

  “You did fine. It’s not every day a person sees a body and everyone reacts differently. I am a bit curious though.”

  “What about Sheriff?”

  John held out the little miniature piece for Meg to see. “Do you by chance have any idea why this would have been on the victim?” John wanted to spring that question on her to see her reaction.

  Meg jumped up and ran over to the room box with the Sheriff following close behind. It’s the same kind that I’ve used in the room box. How did this guy get his hands on it? she thought, and then remembered how Chewy had woken her up last night. This
guy, whoever he was, must have broken into her house! But why? What is it he was after?

  Turning around, Meg looked him right in the eyes and replied, “Sheriff I have absolutely not one idea what is going on here, who that man is or how the mini hand was near him.” With that Meg turned and all but ran back through the bookstore to her office where she closed and locked the door.

  Well if that don't beat all the Sheriff thought rubbing his chin. He looked around, saw Lynn and called her over to him.

  “Lynn, I’m afraid I just upset Meg. She didn’t react so well to the mini body part when I sprung it on her. Would you please go check on her? She’s back in her office, I think.

  Also, please let her know she can close and go home. Wade and I are going out back to wait on the coroner and then will head on home. Just let her know that we might want to talk to her over the next few days. And you two stay away from the alley.”

  Lynn let the two men out the back door then turned the lock. She made sure the front door was locked, put up the closed sign and pulled the curtains shut. Walking to the counter she picked up the miniature scene, putting it back into the box Meg had left on the floor. Looking at the scene Meg felt a cold shiver go down her spine. This makes no sense. Why would the victim have any connection to Meg and how or why did he have the miniature piece?

  Meg was sitting at her desk when Lynn knocked on the door. “It’s me Meg. John says we can lock up and go home now. Are you ready to go or do you need help with anything?”

  Unlocking the door, Meg looked up at Lynn and made a choice at that very moment. She needed a friend she could count on and something told her Lynn was it.

  Grabbing a bottle of wine and two chilled glasses out of the mini fridge she kept in her office, she looked up at Lynn and motioned to a chair. “Have a seat and a drink, I've got a little story to tell you.” She then set the man’s wallet down on her desk in front of Lynn and placed the photo of herself on top.


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