Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery

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Murder At The Knife's Edge: A Mystic Pines Mystery Page 32

by T. G. Hanson

  She opened the front door and bent down to pick up her mail. Dropping everything on the side table by the couch, she kicked off her shoes and walked into the kitchen to fix a glass of wine. After tending too Chewy and washing her face, she pulled on her favorite PJ’s and curled up on the couch intending to read for an hour or so, before going to bed.

  Remembering the mail, she grabbed it off the table and began going through it finding a large manila envelope on the bottom of the pile. “What could this be?” she said out loud. It’s addressed to me but who could be sending me something marked Confidential, she wondered. Alright, I’ll bite, she thought and ripped the envelope open. Reaching inside, she pulled out what appeared to be a few color photos and a slip of paper. Looking at the photos that had fallen in her lap, with shaking hands she opened the folded sheet of paper.


  The words were printed in large block letters. She grabbed the photos and looked again. Both were pictures of herself. One at home with Chewy in the back yard, the other inside the diner talking with Wade. Meg picked up the phone and dialed Wade’s number.

  “It’s only been thirty minutes, you missing me already sweets?” he teased.

  Meg took a deep breath before beginning. “Wade, remember how I once mentioned there were things in my past. Things I wasn’t ready to share?”

  After a few minutes of silence Wade replied. “Yes Meg, believe me, I remember.”

  “Well, I thought maybe I had some more time and could let you in little by little but, somethings happened and I now know I need to tell you everything.”

  Meg could hear relief in Wade’s voice when he next spoke. “Meg, I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. Whatever these things are, there is no need for you to go through them by yourself. I care deeply for you and want to be there for you. That’s what I ‘ve been trying to make you see all along.”

  “I know Wade. But the thing is, my life just might be in danger and unfortunately, it now seems that being with me puts your life in danger as well.”

  That was all Wade needed to hear. Grabbing his truck keys, he walked out the door. “I’m on my way over there right now Meg. Sit tight hon.”

  Hearing a click and realizing that Wade had hung up, Meg began to pace the room while waiting for him to arrive. This was not going to be an easy conversation and Wade just might walk away from her when she told him everything.

  Looking at the photos again and thinking of Wade, she felt a surge of courage rise inside her. No, you don’t Steve. Not this time. I won’t be a victim and run away. Before, I had no real reason to fight but this time, I have a home, friends, and someone I care about deeply. I’ll not let you take that away. These things are worth fighting for.

  To be continued . . .


  First, I'd like to thank you for purchasing my book. I do hope you enjoy the adventure into Mystic Pines and that you'll return for more!

  If you would like further information about Mystic Pines, or its residents, please visit the blog:

  Meg Stinner - Owner, Knife’s Edge Diner and Who-Dun-It Bookstore.

  Lynn Foster - Runs front office at Sheriff’s station. Meg’s best friend.

  Wade Hooper - Mystic Pines Deputy. Meg’s new love interest.

  Sheriff John Briggs - Mystic Pines Sheriff. Married to Wendy.

  Wendy Briggs - Owner of the Little Potions Herb Shop.

  Nyla Hanson - Widow. Head of the Widows Watch Book Club.

  Helen Bells - Single. Member of the Widows Watch Book Club.

  Henry Means - Town recluse. Single. Lives next door to Nyla Hanson.

  Myra Dinks - Widow. Member of the Widows Watch Book Club.

  Daisy Wilkes - Works at the Who-Dun-It Bookstore.

  Randy Thorne - Cook at the Knife’s Edge Diner.

  Giles Manford - Town Doctor. Married to Eleanor.

  Kevin Manford - Town Mailman. Runs the Post Office.

  Bill & Sally Stanford - Owner of the Haunted Inn Motel.

  Rick Taylor - Owner of the Nail & Coffin Hardware.

  Charles Wadsworth - Owner of the Piggly Wiggly Grocery store.

  Sherry Winslow - Reporter for the Houston Chronicle newspaper

  Janet Porter - Widow. Member of the Widows Watch Book Club.

  Sue Watson - Widow. Member of the Widows Watch Book Club.


  Murder on Psycho Lane

  Book 2 – Mystic Pines Mystery Series

  by T.G. Hanson


  The old beat up minivan rolled into town, sounding as if it were on its last legs. Large puffs of blue smoke followed each backfire, as the vehicle slowed and started. The five passengers inside were so used to the noise that they no longer heard it, keeping their conversation going at a steady pace.

  A woman dressed in a very ornate Sorceress costume, leaned forward between the two front seats, and punched the driver on the arm. “Wayne, you just passed the road! I told you to turn right at the light.” The driver winced and glancing backwards, frowned at the woman. “Grace, chill ok, I’ll turn around up here at that diner.” Leaning back in her seat the woman continued with her directions. “You should go back to the light, turn left onto Psycho Road. It dead ends just after Psycho Lane and the house is on the corner. She said for us to park at the end of the road.”

  Just before reaching the alley, to turn the van around, Wayne glanced out the driver’s window towards the front door of the diner. A young girl had just walked out of the door. She stopped and stared at the van, then at him.

  A sinister smile slowly crept onto the young girl’s face. It’s him, it has to be. Hard to tell with that costume he’s wearing, but that’s the van all right. She stood and watched the van turn around, then turn left at the light, her smile growing more sinister by the moment. Tonight, is going to be great. I can hardly wait to see the look on both their faces.

  Walking down the sidewalk towards the light, the girl thought about tonight’s events and her part in it all. He thinks he has it all worked out, but I’m not going for it. This time I’ll be the one who comes out on top, when I blow his little plan to pieces. He’s going to get one heck of a surprise when those lights go out at the party!

  Turning into the Cloak and Dagger clothing shop, she walked to the back counter and called out, “Hey Brynn, I’m here to pick up my costume for tonight. You got it ready?”

  A short heavy set older woman had looked up when she heard the chime on the front door ring. “Hey there Missy. Sure do, it’s right here all set to go.” Reaching behind her she pulled a white garment bag off a rack. “Got the mask you wanted as well. It’s in the bottom of the bag.”

  Taking the bag from the woman, the young girl unzipped it and examined the costume inside. “It’s going to be perfect Brynn, thanks so much for going to the extra trouble getting me the mask.”

  “No problem, just remember, if you don’t get it returned in time, I’ll have to charge you extra,” the woman called out as the girl turned to leave the store.


  The van chugged down the street coming to a stop at the dead end. Climbing out of the van, the passengers turned, one by one and stared at the old house. One of the men, dressed as a skeleton, turned to the others asking, “Has she gone mad? This looks like the house out of the movie Psycho! Wouldn’t catch me living here, no way!”

  The Sorceress wove her arm through the skeleton’s and pulled him forward, towards the house. “No idea but it’s going to make a fantastic haunted house party.” Glancing behind her at the others she motioned for them to follow. “Come on guys, we have a lot to get set up before tonight and we ‘re running out of time - since Wayne got us lost on the way.”

  Wayne had stopped at the back of the van and was staring up to the single window on the top floor of the
house. Frankenstein’s bride walked over to Wayne and leaning into him, whispered in his ear, “It’s going to be perfect. Nobody will ever know we’ve even been here.” Opening the back doors to the van he snickered then began to pull equipment and props out, setting them on the ground.

  Handing the woman, a sound machine, he picked up another piece of equipment and they began to walk towards the front porch of the house. He nudged the woman’s arm while telling her, “We’ve got one hell of a prop for them don’t we.” Frankenstein’s Bride smiled and glanced upward. “Takes Halloween decorations to a whole new level doesn’t it sweetie.”

  Taking one more quick look at the upper floor of the house an evil grin crossed Wayne’s face. I wonder how long it will take them to find her? he thought.


  Teri Hanson currently resides in Texas with her husband John, two grown sons: John F. and Sean, as well as an adopted Yorkie-Terrier mix named Chewy. When she isn’t writing, you can find her working on her other hobby of creating miniatures. She also owns The Covered Chipboard where she sells patterns for her original miniature projects.

  One Last Thing

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