Four Princes: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Rothhaven Trilogy Book 1)

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Four Princes: A Reverse Harem Fantasy (The Rothhaven Trilogy Book 1) Page 2

by C. J. Pinard

  And that’s exactly what Angelique had done. She became Hecate’s attendant, jumping to her every whim dutifully for the past decade. During her servitude, she also became her apprentice, learning how to cast spells, create potions, and use enchanted objects. Angelique knew she would never be as powerful as a goddess, but she was now a formidable adversary to Gaylen. Especially with the wand Hecate had made for her. Although she couldn’t kill Gaylen with it, she could cast some pretty powerful spells that could make life very difficult for him.

  After scurrying around the castle in search of King Edward, Angelique overheard a conversation his sons were having in the north solar room.

  “Do you think that Father will be able to find Gaylen?” Prince Mathias asked.

  Griffin, who was playing chess with Alexander, shrugged. “I don’t know. From what I overheard, Gaylen has made himself scarce for the last few years.”

  “Why?” asked Mathias.

  “I don’t know. I’ve only met the wizard a couple of times,” he replied.

  “I’ve never met him at all,” Mathias said.

  “Nor have I,” said Zackary, who was sitting next to Alexander and looking bored.

  “Do you think it really was Angelique?” Mathias asked, scratching his cheek.

  “Yes,” said Alexander. “Unless there are other sorceresses stalking our castle.”

  “Was she an ugly old hag?” Zackary asked.

  Alexander shook his head. “I don’t think she looked any older than Mother. As far as being ugly, I couldn’t see her face; she was too far away.”

  “I bet if she’s beautiful, it’s because she bathes in the blood of virgins,” Zackary said with an impish grin.

  The other boys laughed.

  “Where do you get these things?” Griffin said, shaking his head with a smile.

  He shrugged. “I heard someone mention it, I guess.”

  “What do you think Gaylen will do to Angelique?” Alexander asked, looking up from the chessboard.

  “If she was banished and has returned, he’ll probably kill her,” Griffin replied.

  “Yes, and if he doesn’t, Father will probably hang her or chop her head off,” Mathias added, making a cutting motion along his neck with two fingers.

  Anger burned in Angelique’s stomach as the young princes went on about the different ways the king might end her life.

  Suddenly, Queen Lizbeth entered the room. “Time to get ready for bed, boys,” she said, walking over to the table.

  “Let me beat Alexander first,” Griffin said with a smirk. “It won’t be long.”

  “Fine. Finish the game and then it’s off to bed for you two.” She looked at her younger two sons. “Zackary and Mathias, let’s go. It’s getting late.”

  The younger boys groaned and protested.

  “No pouting,” she warned. “Or you’ll turn in even earlier tomorrow.”

  Zackary stood up. “Can’t we wait for Father to return?”

  “Yes!” said Mathias. “We want to know what’s going to happen to the witch.”

  Lizbeth’s lips tightened. “He won’t be home until late, I’m sure,” she replied wearily, a troubled look on her face. “You can find out in the morning.”

  “Did you ever meet her?” Alexander asked, staring up at his mother.

  Looking at him, she shook her head. “Remember, I didn’t grow up in Syracuse. I grew up in Darylsyle.”

  Darylsyle was across the Red Sea and ruled by King Stephen the Third. Angelique had learned that he was Lizbeth’s great uncle.

  “How did you and Father meet again?” Mathias asked.

  “We met at your father’s inauguration. When he was crowned king of Syracuse,” she replied with a wistful look on her face.

  “And it was love at first sight?” Mathias asked.

  Her cheeks turned rosy. Lizbeth absently touched the large emerald pendant hanging from her neck and smiled. “For me it was.”

  “I bet he fell madly in love with you too, Mother,” Zackary said. “You’re the most beautiful woman in all of Syracuse.”

  Chuckling, Lizbeth ruffled his hair and then leaned down and kissed his head. “You’re going to make a fine husband someday, my handsome boy.” She looked at her other sons. “You all are.”

  “I’m never getting married,” Zackary replied with a disgusted look on his face.

  “Sure you are. You’re going to marry Mariselle,” Griffin teased.

  “No, I am,” said Mathias, wagging his thumb at his chest. “Plus, she won’t expect me to kiss her. Yuck.”

  Griffin laughed. “One day, you’re going to feel a lot differently about kissing girls.”

  “And what do you know about that?” Queen Lizbeth asked her oldsest, her eyes twinkling.

  Griffin’s face turned serious. “Nothing… much. I just know that if it was so disgusting, you and Father wouldn’t still be doing it.”

  Jealousy burned in Angelique’s stomach at the very idea of Edward kissing Lizbeth. Just thinking about it made her nauseous, even after all this time. Damn Lizbeth for being so beautiful, with her pale blue eyes, light blonde hair, and perfect cheekbones. Unlike Angelique, everything about her screamed aristocrat, from the top of her perfectly coiffed hair to the expensive slippers peeking out of her jeweled, plum-colored velvet dress. Not to mention the opulent crown resting on her head and the numerous rings on her fingers. Queen Lizbeth obviously enjoyed the riches her husband lavished upon her, whereas Angelique would have given up all of the gold and jewels in the world for simply his love alone.

  Lizbeth smiled. “That’s because your father is very good at it.”

  All of the boys groaned.

  Lizbeth chuckled. “If you don’t want to hear any more about our love-life, then I suggest you get ready for bed.”

  “Fine,” Griffin said, staring down at the board with a victorious smile. “The game is over anyway. Checkmate, little brother.”

  Alexander sighed. “I don’t know why I even bother playing this stupid game. You always beat me,” he muttered, pushing away from the table.

  “Don’t be a poor sport,” Lizbeth chided. “Someday you’ll win. You just need to focus and practice more.”

  “It’s boring,” Alexander grumbled. “I didn’t even want to play in the first place. That’s really why I lost. If I thought it was worth my time, I would have done much better.”

  Lizbeth put her hand on his shoulder. “Son, it is worth your time. Learn as much as you can about the world around you, because you just never know… even something like this might just save your life one day.”

  “How could playing chess do that?” he asked scornfully.

  “It’s not always about the game itself, but the strategies involved,” she replied. She then looked at each of the boys “This world is unpredictable. I can almost guarantee that each of you will be backed into corner at least once in your lifetime. Know how to get out of it.”

  A maid hurried into the room and quickly bowed before rushing out, “The king is back, Your Majesty. He’s in the Great Hall.”

  Lizbeth’s face brightened. “Good.”

  “He requests that you all join him,” she added, wringing her hands and looking around at the children.

  Lizbeth’s eyebrows shot up. “Is there a problem?”

  “I’m not sure. The wizard is with him, though, and neither appear to be happy,” she replied, looking uneasy.

  Chapter 4

  Mariselle lay silently in bed, waiting for her father to check on her, as he did every night. Normally, she would be fast asleep at such an hour, but all she kept thinking about were her kittens out in the barn, and it made her anxious. As much as she wanted to go to them, however, she couldn’t sneak out until her father returned home.

  At one point, she dozed off. Fortunately, she heard his footsteps retreating from her bedside and woke up.

  Mariselle sat up and rubbed her eyes with her little fist. “Father?”

  Marcus turned around and
smiled. “I’m sorry I woke you, little one,” he whispered, stepping back over to her.

  “It’s okay. Did you find Gaylen?”

  “We did,” he replied, the lines on his forehead appearing much deeper than usual.

  Her eyes grew wide. “Where was he?”

  He scratched at the dark stubble on his chin and sat down on the edge of her bed. “Honestly, I’m not so sure. He pretty much found us.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Marcus explained that they’d been on their way toward Elder Woods, where Gaylen supposedly lived, when the wizard magically appeared in their path.

  “Was it just you and the king?” she asked, picturing the moment in her head. She’d never seen the wizard before, but imagined he had long silver hair and wore a flowing white robe.

  “No.” He smirked. “King Edward would have probably preferred going it alone, but we were accompanied by some of his very best knights.”

  “Why would he prefer that?” Mariselle asked, confused. “Isn’t he safer with his soldiers?”

  “Yes. Quite. But, the king is fearless and doesn’t always feel that he needs protection. I think he actually believes himself to be invincible, just like when he was a boy. It’s a very dangerous notion for a king to have.”

  Mariselle knew her father and King Edward had been close childhood friends, even though Marcus wasn’t of nobility. From what he’d told her, they’d met one day in the woods near the castle after Edward had snuck away from his nanny. Marcus and his older brother had been fishing in one of the streams when Edward ran into them. From that day forward, the two started playing together and became life-long friends.

  “What did Gaylen say about Angelique?”

  “That he would fix the problem and make sure she didn’t hurt anyone.”

  Mariselle relaxed. “Did you know her, Papa?”

  He stared off, deep in thought. “A little. She worked in the castle as a maid. I would have never guessed her to be a witch.”

  She chewed on the side of her lip. “So you never saw her perform any black magic?”

  “Not any kind of magic. Obviously, if she turned into a dragon, like Alexander mentioned, there was sorcery involved.”

  Mariselle nodded.

  “Now, it’s late and you need your sleep, lass,” Marcus said, standing up. He tucked the blanket around her and patted her hand affectionately. “And please… don’t worry about Angelique.”

  She smiled up at him. “Okay, Papa.”

  He kissed her again and left the bedroom.

  Mariselle waited for several minutes, giving her father time to turn in himself. When she thought it was safe, she grabbed her blanket and snuck out of the cottage. As she raced to the barn, Mariselle glanced up toward the stars, frightened of what might be flying above. By the time she made it inside with the animals, her heart was beating a mile a minute.

  “Smokey? Panther? Ebony? Frosty?” Mariselle whispered, calling the names she’d given the kittens earlier.

  Suddenly, they were at her feet, rubbing against her ankles and purring. Laughing, she leaned down and began petting them.

  “I told you I’d be back,” she said, smiling. “Come on, I’m tired.”

  Mariselle stood up straight and headed toward the back of the barn. She spread the blanket out on some clean straw and lay down on it. Immediately, the kittens started playing with her hair and nightgown. At first it amused her, but became old very quickly. Gently pushing them away, she wrapped the blanket around herself tightly, and closed her eyes.

  Chapter 5

  In her mouse form, Angelique followed everyone to the Great Hall, where King Edward, Princess Eva, and Gaylen were already conversing at the king’s table. Glancing around, she noticed there’d been quite a few changes in the main part of the castle since her time there. Where once the walls had been mostly flat and gold, they were now lined with wooden panels. Above the panels were intricate hand-painted murals, depicting the family history and numerous victories of the Rothhaven family. In one scene was an image of Gaylen casting a spell on a group of orcs. It was just another reason Edward would never take her word over the lies the wizard had spun about her. He’d been the family’s protector for generations, and they trusted him wholeheartedly.


  From what she’d learned from Hecate, Gaylen served nobody but Gaylen, and his loyalty to Edward was based on his own selfish needs. There was a reason he hadn’t wanted Angelique in the king’s life. Hecate thought it had something to do with Lizbeth, which made sense, since they were married soon after she’d been banished from the kingdom.

  Drawing closer, Angelique noticed that Gaylen too had changed. Where he used to have long, dark hair, it was now short and the color of snow. His face had also aged considerably, with more lines and wrinkles. She had no idea how old the mage was, but in mortal years, one might guess him to be in his seventies.

  King Edward and Gaylen stood up when they noticed Lizbeth and the others.

  “Your Majesty,” the wizard said, bowing his head.

  Queen Lizbeth stopped in front of them. “Good evening, Gaylen. It’s been a long time.”

  “Too long. Might I say you’re looking more beautiful than ever,” Gaylen replied, staring at her with his dark, beady eyes.

  “Thank you.” Lizbeth looked at the king. “I was just trying to get the boys off to bed when I heard you were back. So, what did you discover on your journey?”

  Angelique moved closer so she could get a better view of Edward. She noticed that where Gaylen had aged, the king looked as virile and handsome as ever. Just looking at him made her heart feel as if it were breaking all over again.

  “Gaylen has confirmed that Angelique has indeed returned to Syracuse and that we shouldn’t worry because he will handle her. In the meantime, he feels we should stay close together.”

  Handle me, Angelique scoffed. We’ll see about that.

  “Are we in danger?” Queen Lizbeth asked, her eyes wide.

  “I believe it is revenge which has brought her back to the kingdom,” Gaylen said. “That might include harming one if not all of you.”

  Alarmed, Lizbeth put a hand to her chest. “Why now, after all of these years?”

  Before the wizard could reply, Edward spoke. “Gaylen believes she was recently given a very powerful wand from Hecate.”

  “Who is Hecate?” Mathias asked.

  “The goddess of witchcraft,” Gaylen replied. He went to explain how he’d heard about Angelique serving her. “And now it seems she’s been relieved of her duties.”

  “This wand you speak of, can you actually stop her if she’s using it?” Lizbeth asked.

  Instead of answering, the wizard stiffened up and peered around the room. “Quickly! I need you all to step behind me,” he exclaimed, taking out his own wand.

  Staring at him in confusion, nobody moved.

  “I sense imminent danger. Get behind me, now!” Gaylen ordered.

  Everyone but Edward did as he asked.

  “Please, you, too, my King,” the wizard said in a less demanding voice.

  Still, Edward didn’t move. “What’s going on?”

  “I know you’re here, Angelique,” Gaylen said sternly, his eyes scanning the area. “Show yourself.”

  So much for taking him by surprise.

  The queen gasped. “She’s here?”

  The boys began to murmur amongst themselves and look around, alarmed.

  “Yes. But, not for long.” Gaylen began to wave his wand and mutter something under his breath.

  Angelique changed back to her human form and gripped her wand tightly. Everyone in the room, except for the wizard and the king, stared at her in horror.

  “Stop right there, Gaylen,” Angelique warned.

  He continued chanting a spell she knew just might send her away for good if she didn’t do something quickly.

  With her heart pounding madly in her chest, Angelique began one of her own, a short, handy little sp
ell that Hecate had taught her early on for protection. Within seconds, a bright light flashed out of her wand and Gaylen’s tongue stopped working. Eyes wide, he clutched his throat and tried to speak, but could only make strangled, wheezing noises.

  Furious, King Edward took a step toward her. “Enough! I command you to go back where you came from. You were banished indefinitely from Syracuse and are breaking the law by returning. Leave now, or I’ll make sure you spend your last dying breath in our dungeon.”

  “Same old Edward,” Angelique sneered, disgusted with herself for hating and loving him at the same time. “I see you’re still brainwashed by this cretin.” She cut her gaze to Galen, then back at her former lover. “How pathetic. You’re pathetic.”

  “My father is not pathetic!” Mathias cried, racing around his mother, his sword raised in the air. “You’re just an evil witch who is only powerful because… because she cheats with magic!”

  Angelique had to admit, she was both impressed and amused by the boy’s fearlessness. She imagined Edward was the same way as a child.

  “If it weren’t for your father, I wouldn’t have been forced into using magic,” she replied evenly as Edward grabbed his youngest son and took a protective stance in front of him.

  “You brought it upon yourself, Angelique.” He glanced at the wizard angrily. “Gaylen! Just don’t stand there, do something!” the king ordered, his jaw ticking.

  The wizard, still muted by her spell, raised his wand again and aimed it at Angelique. Before she could protect herself, a burning white light hit her in the chest. She flew backward, slamming against the wall so hard, it felt as if her spine had been crushed. She opened her mouth to chant another hex, but the wind had been knocked out of her, making it hard to breathe, let alone speak.

  “You… ridiculous… fool,” Gaylen said hoarsely as he moved toward Angelique. “Did you seriously think you had a chance against me?”

  Angelique’s head was spinning. The spells she’d been working on and the courage she’d had a few seconds before seemed all at once lost to her. Realizing she’d underestimated Gaylen’s powers against her own, she became frantic. Clutching her wand, she found her voice and chanted a spell that would send her away from the castle. At the same time, Gaylen spouted off one of his own. As she disappeared, Angelique felt as if her skin was on fire, and screamed in pain.


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