Celtics Rising: Birth of an Oracle

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Celtics Rising: Birth of an Oracle Page 10

by Leo Charles Taylor

  "We already know that they're looking for the location of the Oracle," Drake said, "and Camulas thinks you can help with that."

  "Look, idiots, I don't know who this Camulas is," James said snorting at the stupidity of the conversation. "And he can think I'm the Oracle all he wants. That doesn't make it true."

  The demons sat upright and appeared confused for a moment as James' words sank in. Something was wrong, and James didn't know what. At first he thought they were insulted by being called idiots, but that didn't sit right with him. Badir and Drake looked at each other and shared a knowing glance. Drake smiled and turned back to their table companion.

  "So the Oracle is a man, not a location as the Romans had at Delphi," he stated. "And Arinai believes that man is you. Now, that is very interesting."

  Damn, thought James, that was stupid. As he probed the demons' minds he could see it clearly. Badir had perched above the streets and learned of the ancients' search for an oracle. But keeping to the legends of the past, he and Drake had assumed it was a location, not a person.

  James thought about speaking, but he had already said something idiotic and didn't care to repeat the experience. The vampires before him scrutinized their table mate. They judged the man, and James could sense their confusion. They had never experienced someone like him, and it gave them pause. He began to believe that they wouldn't harm him. They didn't dare try, because they didn't know his strengths. For all they knew, he could kill them with a thought. Besides, they wanted the Oracle. They needed the Oracle. That much James could discern.

  James' mind began to tickle, and he turned his attention away from the men before him. He followed his tickle to a table across the way and a lone woman who appeared every bit engrossed in a book. She turned pages, took a bite of a scone, and kept her focus intently on the pages in front of her. She was very good and kept up her ruse even when she knew it was all for naught.

  "How did you do that?" asked Drake with confusion and curiosity.

  James turned his attention back to the man but didn't answer. Drake stared in silence for a moment before speaking again.

  "I have never seen anyone locate Alicia when she didn't desire it, present company included. It’s her strength: her ability to hide when others could only run or fight."

  Again, James remained quiet. He wanted to tell them all to ignore him, but he was unsure how well that would be received. If he could control them all, then he would just walk out of this coffee shop. If not, then he may be injured. In the end, he decided diplomacy was better than deception.

  "What exactly is it that you want from me?" he asked Drake without answering the questions posed by the vampire.

  Drake thought for a moment and then smiled as he replied. "To be honest, Oracle, at the moment we want nothing. I believe you have already given us what we came for. We know who you are and we now know what the ancients want with you. They wish to control the Oracle for themselves."

  James cursed himself again for his stupidity. "And if I'm not the Oracle?" he asked.

  Badir bared his teeth slowly, and James could see two long fangs begin to extend. Drake ignored his friend and gave his own reply by nodding over to the direction of Alicia. "Oh, I think you are. Even if you’re not, a being that can find someone that possesses her ability to hide would be a powerful ally."

  "I have no intention of being anyone's ally," James said. "I just wish to be left alone."

  "Good luck with that," Badir said sarcastically.

  James turned a steely gaze at the man. He knew he had to portray strength, and he attempted to do that with his demeanor and glare—these demons didn't know his powers, and it was best to keep it that way.

  Better to keep them wary than to give them confidence, he thought to himself.

  "I believe you’ll find that the upcoming battle will not allow you to keep to the sidelines." Drake said as he leaned back and relaxed his posture. "You’ll need to choose a side. Ultimately, Rome is the enemy, not us. We just wish to be kept in the know."

  "Think about it carefully, Oracle," a soft voice said to his side.

  James turned to the woman that now stood beside him; she had moved so quickly that he hadn’t noticed her approach. He was surprised by her proximity and equally surprised that he was able to maintain his composure; he was also grateful that he did. James nodded his understanding to the three of them, stood carefully, hoping not to appear clumsy, and left the cafe.

  He could feel their eyes and minds on him as he left, and he attempted to probe them for their thoughts. It was difficult. He could only get jumbled feelings. Distrust from Drake, curiosity from Alicia, and deception from Badir.

  "So that’s the Oracle," said Alicia. "A man. That’s interesting. Delphi was said to be a place, an entity with dozens of priests and priestesses who interpreted the will of the gods."

  "It’s of no matter," said Drake. "If he can be controlled and used, then we'll have an advantage over Rome."

  "Why do the ancients want him?"

  "They are small minded and petty. They want nothing but power," replied Badir.

  "Don’t be so stupid," Drake replied. "Arinai is many things, as is Camulas, but power hungry is not one of those things. If I had to guess, I would say they want to survive, and if we’re to battle with Rome, what better ally could one have than an oracle?"

  "If that’s the case, then we must have him. Better us than them."

  "Agreed, but I fear we didn't make a good showing tonight," Alicia said.

  "Who cares?" Badir asked. "We know who he is, and we'll make him help us."

  "We must be diplomatic about this," Drake replied. "If he is anything like the Oracle of Delphi, then no amount of force or threats will touch him; and like Delphi, he will enjoy a protection provided by all the beasts. It’s said that even Zeus didn't break that covenant."

  Badir didn't answer. He just glared at Drake and then grudgingly nodded his acceptance.

  Chapter 10

  James spent the next day thinking mostly of Vera and Arinai. The three demons he had met the night before were a concern, but with effort he was able to stifle his worries. Throughout the day, he filed reports, checked research results, and made sure they were as expected. His abilities as a problem solver had taken a turn for the better. While he had always been good, his mind now began to discern problems easier and the solutions just as easily.

  He adjusted experiments as needed and even changed one of them in mid-operation by modifying the underlying principles of the theorem being proved. After that, he took the time to take on another emailed request from a company in Spain. James had to laugh as he read the request and subsequent data over lunch. It took him twenty minutes to solve a fuel flow problem on a nozzle that he had never seen, and still he netted $25,000.

  Leaving his client for the day, he walked the mile or so to his apartment. He found himself engrossed in thought again as he ignored the rain and the passersby. He came to attention when he suddenly remembered the night before, when he had been surprised by the appearance of Badir and his associates. Fearful of a repeat, James attempted to cast his mind about and locate them.

  He felt them slightly; they were distant from him and in separate locations, resting and of no threat to him at the moment. While he concentrated on them, his mind was invaded by other sensations. He could feel the vast presence of the shadows about him, almost like a collective whole. He also felt his succubus—she was resting in a hotel and living a rather ordinary day as a human. Other beings came to mind: an incubus, a sprite, a lycan, and a selkie.

  James became wide-eyed as he thought about the last one. He could mentally picture the beast as it moved near the waterfront. It was an odd, seal-like creature, and he could sense how old it was, as well as how sad it had been these last few centuries. Now, it was happy and moving fast as it made its way through the water towards the pier and amongst the pylons. It played along the waterfront and mingled with the seals that it found there. James smiled as
he felt it move, not only through the Puget Sound, but through his thoughts and emotions.

  Casting his mind out farther, he searched specifically for Arinai but was unable to find her. He then tried to find her supposed companion, Camulas, but that search was equally fruitless.

  Where are you? he asked as he returned his mind and search to Arinai.

  No answer was forthcoming, so he took his time and played with the images of demons about him. Finally, he made his way home and was about to enter the lobby when he spied the object of his prior search. She was sitting contentedly on the leather couch of the lobby and appeared to be reading a book. Confused, James entered the building, eyeing her warily as he did. Arinai looked up, nodded to him, put her book away, and then joined him.

  "Oracle," she said in greeting.

  James put his hand up to warn her off as he nodded to the attendant. He didn't need to worry about being overheard; the attendant was happily nodding his head and singing to a tune, oblivious to the man and woman before him. Arinai smiled and shrugged her shoulders as if to say, who cares.

  James turned to her as they walked toward the elevator.

  "Badir gives his compliments," he said.

  Arinai's eyes turned to slits.

  "Oh, I doubt that," she said coldly. She then became curious. "How is it that you met him?"

  "He found me at a Starbucks last night: him, Drake, and Alicia. It wasn’t a pleasant experience."

  "I should imagine that it wasn’t. How did he find you?"

  "I believe he followed me. If they had waited for me to show up at a Starbucks they never would have found me; it would take a longer lifespan than they possess to search every one of those establishments in this city."

  Arinai nodded her head absentmindedly, and James was slightly upset that his perfectly good Starbucks joke was wasted. He shrugged it off.

  "They wanted to know why the ancients—you and Camulas—are so interested in me."

  Arinai turned at the name James provided. James pushed the button for the elevator and awaited her response.

  "Did you tell them?" she asked.

  "Camulas?" he asked in return with no intention of answering her question.

  The elevator arrived and they entered. The card was swiped, a button pushed, and the elevator moved.

  "Camulas is a god of war. He arose at the same time I did. He was the one that defeated Aries and ensured the fall of Rome."

  "Aries was a Greek god, and I thought you were an atheist."

  "Greek, Roman, they are the same pantheon. Much as we have the Keltoi, Celt, Druid, Norse, and many others. As far as being a god, call it what you will. Camulas is very old, he is a symbiote, and he is very good at war."

  "What does he want with me?"

  "Same as I do. He wants to see you prosper, and he wants to know the answers to our existence. Will we survive this war with Rome?"

  "Yes, Drake is also concerned with that. He wants me to take sides and help them. Although, I don’t recall you mentioning a war with Rome."

  They arrived at his floor and entered his apartment, each taking a seat in the living room.

  "Rome may be falling, but it’s not yet dead," she said, pulling her feet onto the couch and cuddling with a pillow. "They will fight our rising, and I'm sure Drake will want more than just you on his side. He probably does want to make certain that you'll help with the upcoming fight."

  "Are you so certain there will be a fight?"

  "Of that I have no doubt," she said with conviction. "You’ll see a side of Rome that’s only mentioned in legends, and they will come after you, and me, and everyone else. Have no doubt, Oracle, you’ll be forced to fight and to kill."

  James turned very serious.

  "I'm not exactly a fighter," he said. "I'm a thinker. I like to follow the philosophies of Plato in those matters."

  "You must be joking," Arinai said.

  He wasn’t, and she could see it. She didn't remove her smile and shook her head in amusement. "Our Oracle, bound by an oath to a citizen of our enemies. Perhaps the universe has an ironic sense of humor."

  James saw the irony but didn't share the levity. He was serious in his statement.

  "War or not, I will not participate."

  "You may have little choice in the matter. You may be forced to fight and to kill."

  "I will not kill," he said firmly.

  "Oh, and what will you do when Rome sends the Bishop, or perhaps the Angels of Death? These beasts will leave you little room to claim neutrality. What will you do when they hold a weapon upon you, leaving you no escape?"

  James shuddered at the thoughts and the images that came to mind. He had no reference for the names she provided, but each utterance provided an odd sense of knowledge; he someone knew of them and knew they might come. He still couldn’t see into Arinai's mind, but he felt her experiences; it was an odd sensation for him. The names of Raphael, Uriel, and Raguel came to his mind as she remembered them in her own, and the names conjured visions of winged beasts bent on pure destruction. Their eyes glowed and they swept forth among ancient man as they forced the will of their god.

  They're real? was the only question that came to his mind. Arinai smiled as she caught his thoughts.

  "What of the angel Michael?" he whispered. It was one of the few names he readily recalled.

  "Killed in the war by Camulas," she said. "But most of the others survive, even if they do so while in chains."


  Arinai chuckled wickedly.

  "They are the Angels of Death, and harbingers of doom. They brought much suffering to people, more so than they brought joy," she said. "Why do you think the church removed their references from the bible? It was an attempt to hide their existence when the Vatican had no further use for them. But I can assure you that they survive and may be released yet again. If they are released, they will not look kindly on you, and when you have a talon to your throat, not even my power will protect you."

  James thought about the images that her words conjured. He could see the gnarled and twisted hands of an archangel, and could almost feel the bony protrusion against his throat.

  An odd thought occurred to him, and he cocked his head as he considered it.

  "Arinai, what is your power?"

  She had refused to answer this question before, but James posed it again. He hoped that she might reveal more about herself.

  She smiled and chuckled slightly.

  "It’s not something that you would expect," she said.

  "Surprise me," he replied.

  Arinai thought for a moment, and her face lit up with an idea.

  "All right," she said, mirth coming to her expression. "Change your clothes into something casual and I'll show you. And grab some money. I think you'll owe me a dinner and a drink."

  James furrowed his brown in confusion but agreed to the idea nonetheless. It didn't take long for him to put on the appropriate attire, and soon they were on their way. The couple made their way to the lobby, and from there a taxi took them up to First Hill, past the hospitals, and into the bar scene. Arinai talked as if the driver didn't exist, and for as much attention as the man paid to the radio, he might as well not have.

  After leaving the taxi, they entered a bar, sat at a table, and ordered drinks and appetizers. The band was just beginning to play, and James had to roll his eyes.

  "It's a little loud," he said.

  "What?" she replied with a whimsical smile as she bobbed her head to the odd music and pretended not to hear him. James knew she had heard him but decided that if she couldn’t laugh at his Starbucks joke then he wouldn't laugh at her deaf joke.

  James snorted good-naturedly, shook his head, and watched her enjoy the loud music. She seemed thrilled. He wasn’t; the music was that bad. Eventually, the song ended, and he was grateful for the quick lull. Turning to Arinai, James quickly began to talk before the band continued; he didn't relish another loud assault on his ears. However, he was denied
his chance for conversation as Arinai took the lead.

  "Come on, let's dance," she said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the floor.

  "I don’t dance," he said but followed anyway; her grip was too tight for him to let go, and the only other option was to yank her back, possibly hurting her in the process.

  "You do tonight," she replied.

  The band began to play a quiet melody and the volume adjusted to a more suitable level for the room. James was pleased with the volume change. He found that it was a common phenomenon for bands to play too loud in order to cover their average abilities. Of course, bar owners didn't help the matter when they increased the volume so that the people in the rear of the bar could listen.

  As they reached the floor, Arinai turned to him and he took her in his arms.

  "I'm not a good dancer," he said.

  "Then let me teach you," she replied with a wry smile.

  The melody continued slowly and began to permeate the room. It rose in tempo, and the female singer started her chorus with an enchanting aria. James did a double take and had to look at the tattooed singer. Her hair was a variety of colors, and her ears had no less than six rings each. Still, the music was that of a lover's serenade, not the harsh punk from moments before, and James found himself staring at the lead vocalist.

  A hand reached up and pulled his face back to his partner. Arinai stared at him and their bodies began to move. James could feel her presence of mind as it invaded his own. It wasn’t a hostile intrusion. Rather, it was a guide. He could feel his feet move and his body went with it. His poor grip on his partner repositioned and tightened. She was now firmly in his arms and firmly in his power, and while he led the dance, she led his mind.

  They moved about the floor as the music rose to a lively beat and maintained its course. James felt powerful and confident. It was as if he could sit down to the piano and just play; at that moment, he could just dance. Arinai smiled and he smiled back, all the while their bodies moving with sensual unison. Her eyes sparkled, and James could feel her joy. It passed through him and enraptured him.


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