The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles

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The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles Page 1

by Andrew Wood

  The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind.

  Book Two : The Kothian Chronicles

  Copyright© Andrew G. Wood



  ISBN-10: 000000000

  All Rights Reserved.

  Other titles :

  The Chronicles of Elemental Magic

  Book One: Rise of the Darekians

  Book Two: Holding the Line

  Book Three: Prince of Magic

  The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

  Book One: A New Threat

  Book Two: The Zulani Empire

  The Sulbria Chronicles

  Return of the Phoenix

  The Kothian Chronicles

  The Elementalist

  Chapter 1.

  The first light of day was breaking through as King Oran stood outside the wagon housing his family. He rubbed his hands together and shuffled his feet nearer the fire as his breath misted before his eyes, before turning to see his Commander approach his position.

  After the events of the previous day, where Oran had all but been overthrown from power, there were big decisions to be made. Kothia was in a state of civil war, after the government had attempted to arrest Oran. However, thanks to his commander's quick thinking and the loyalty of his guard, he had been able to force an escape. As a result, camped out before him in the freezing cold conditions, were hundreds of soldiers and palace staff, all loyal to him.

  "How is everybody holding up?" Oran asked as his commander, Denny Porter, took up a position at his side.

  "Aside from the cold your Majesty, spirits are still high," the tall, well-built man replied.

  "I'd like to thank you Denny," Oran said placing his hands just a little nearer the flames of the fire. "For standing by me, and getting my family to safety."

  Denny merely shrugged, seeing it as part of his duty. As the highest ranked of all the Kings forces, he would lay down his own life if need be.

  After a short silence, his commander enquired the welfare of the young prince and princess. "Anden see's it all as a big adventure. Frena on the other hand spent half the night sobbing," Oran replied, looking saddened by the thought of his daughter's despair. Denny knew nothing he said would make any difference, so left it at that.

  There were several fires burning around the camp, with small groups of soldiers gathered about them for warmth. Oran knew all these men had given up so much in their support for him. He also knew things were not going to be getting any easier, with at least several days travel ahead of them, in temperatures that seemed to be dropping each day; he just hoped Ramon in Pitford had gotten his message to expect him.

  Breakfast was for the main part, just porridge, it was thick and bland, but at least it was warm. The young royals sat and ate theirs, and although they did not complain, it was clear neither was impressed. Quite how they would be after a week of eating the same, was anybody's guess. The only modicum of comfort the royals had, was the small covered wagon they were travelling in. However, despite the covering stopping the biting cold wind, it was still bitterly cold within. As a result, Princess Frena had spent the night huddled up to her mother, still uncertain as to what was going on.

  After breaking camp, the convoy slowly meandered its way southward, and the capital of Berxsley had long disappeared from view the previous day. The scouts had reported no troops having left the city in pursuit of them, although this did not mean the Commander had relaxed his guard. It was still possible for them to be attacked from another direction, should troops loyal to the government be located elsewhere in the country. Both Oran and Denny knew that it would be difficult knowing who to trust in the current times, both agreed they should show caution.

  There were nobles, such as his own brother that he knew he could be dependent upon, unfortunately, there were government officials, running towns he probably could not. The safest place for his family would be Pitford, once there, he hoped to start his campaign of retaking his country. Already his mind had been working overtime as to how he might achieve this, although taking it by force was not a way he wished to use; he had already given up his capital to avoid unnecessary fighting. The thought of his fellow countrymen at war with each other saddened him; however, if there was a way to achieve his goals without bloodshed, he had yet to think of it.

  The town of Albury was a few miles off, and Commander Porter asked Oran if he wished to bypass the place. The king had thought it safe enough to pass through, but to avoid any possible conflict asked that they give any large built up areas a wide berth. The only drawback meant having to leave the roads, and take the dozens of wagons cross-country.

  The sun had stayed low in the sky all morning, and despite being clearly visible above the thin cloud, it gave off little warmth. The temperatures had not gotten above freezing, which at least ensured the ground was firm, although a little bumpy. The group had stopped briefly at mid-day, as much to give the horses a rest as to feed themselves. With supplies having to last until they reached their southern destination, food was rationed accordingly.

  About an hour after they had resumed from their break, the returning scouts first reported the news they were being tracked. Although at this point, it appeared to be a small group of no more than a dozen men. This force appeared to be travelling about a mile or two parallel to their own position. Despite such a small number being no threat as a fighting unit, Oran and his commander pondered over taking action. If as the scouts suggested, they were being watched, then it must be for a reason. Just what that reason was, they were as yet, unsure.

  Commander Porter suggested sending out a small force of their own, to deal with the problem. Oran on the other hand, suggested they merely just keep an eye on those shadowing their movements. After all, just because they were tracking them, did not necessarily mean they were enemy; they could just as well be friendly.

  In Bosaria, Gorius was still wallowing in his own success; the king of Kothia had been forced out of his palace and sent fleeing. His inside man, who wore the ring that allowed Gorius to control his mind, had served his purpose well. However, since pushing the king out, the man was proving unpopular amongst the other Kothian government officials.

  After much consideration, Gorius had decided the man had served his purpose, and was no longer required. Utilising the man who controlled the flying creature known as the Eken, he had thought of a much better use for the ring. He would get the current wearer to remove it, and get the strange creature to pick it up. Once that was achieved, the Eken could carry the object to a new recipient, one that was positioned far to the south.

  Gorius had decided on a new plan of action, after his attempt at grabbing the young elementalist had been thwarted, he had gotten to thinking. If the Eken could carry the ring to the place where the Kothian magicians appeared to be congregated, he could control the mind of one. All he needed was the flying creature to make contact, and hope that person placed the ring on their finger, and if that just happened to be the elementalist in question, then so much better. Although, he deemed any other powerful magician would prove just as useful, he hoped to bag the main prize.

  It was not only the successes in Kothia that had lightened his mood, as his latest influx of magicians had proven to be the best so far. Not only had a pair of twins shown up, with the ability of stealth, but also more incredulous was an elderly woman who had fought alongside Galdor. The very man Gorius was trying to emulate, by seeking to conquer Bosaria's neighbouring countries.

  The twins were men in their twenties, and Gorius had been very impressed by their short demonstration.
Both could blend in to any background, and become all but invisible to the naked eye. Just as impressive was their ability to move so swiftly from place to place, as well as their skills with a dagger in hand. He concluded the two would make ideal assassins, and he was so impressed, he had already sent them with a list of targets for elimination.

  The elderly woman had come as a complete surprise, and he had not even known such people still existed. Apparently, this woman had been a key member of Galdor's magical force. Her ability to control an Aclat, had surpassed his greatest expectations. The large lizard like creatures, which were capable of flight, were extremely rare. With the body of a similar size to that of a horse, although shaped more like a giant bird, its grey-scaled skin was thick, and its talons long and sharp. However, its greatest talent was its ability to breathe fire, and the previous Bosarian leader had used these beasts to attack the Kothians in the last war, with devastating effect.

  With Gorius now having any ally in the old lady, with one of the beasts at her beckon call, he now had the ability to strike fear into his enemy. His raiding parties had already caused significant damage to the border areas in Kothia. Since learning that the Kothian King was slowly making his way south, having fled the capital Berxsley, he had subsequently sent them new orders; they were now to group up and intercept the fleeing monarch. Although he doubted his forces in the area would be sufficient to completely rout those with the Kothian king, he hoped there was enough to certainly inflict large casualties.

  Chapter 2.

  Maxim, his friend Zack and the old man Darion were finally ready to head off. They had spent a little time the previous day outside the grounds at Pitford, practicing teleporting further distances. Only when Ramon thought Zack able to manage the range that they would need to cover, did he allow them to leave.

  Ramon had plotted the most likely course the fleeing royal party would take, although, providing they could teleport into the vicinity, spotting such a large group should not be overly problematic. Despite the leader of the magicians wanting them to leave the day before, he did not want them going unprepared, and as such had decided to wait until now.

  Mikel, with Shadow at his side, Melia and a few others watched from the wall surrounding the town. With a small supply of food carried in their backpacks, the small rescue party was ready to head out into the wilderness. Darion was his usual brash self, cursing at every given opportunity, with Zack to the right and Maxim in the centre of the three, and with a flash of light, the trio were gone. Darion was ultimately the one in control, Maxim was only there as a mobile power source, and Zack so he could bring the royal family back to safety.

  Neither youngster had chance to look at their surroundings, as Darion took them further and further away from Pitford. No sooner were they jumping miles forward, before doing so again, as the old man wasted little time. Just as they thought progress was going well, they were forced to stop.

  "What the bloody hell is wrong with you boy," Darion snapped at Zack.

  "I am tiring," the young royal replied, struggling to stay on his feet.

  "You been using your own power haven't you? Bloody stupid fool, why do you think we are dragging this idiot around with us?" Darion scoffed referring to Maxim.

  The problem with Darion going so fast, meant Zack was struggling to find the link to Maxim. When they had practiced, he had been given time to ready himself before they had jumped.

  "Just give me a few minutes and I'll be fine," Zack replied, not really believing his own words.

  "If you think I'm standing out here in the freezing cold because of you, think again," Darion barked at him. "You... ginger boy, whatever your name is, link with him," he added.

  Maxim knew what he needed to do, although having Darion grumbling in your ear whilst trying to concentrate did not make it easy. He leant down to where Zack was crouching, and held his hands out. The young royal looked up at his friend and gave a smile as he felt Maxim's cold hands touch his own. Knowing that sending too much power to quickly to his friend was potentially dangerous, the young elementalist took great care in what he was doing.

  Darion waited impatiently whilst the two youngsters linked, and Zach could see the man grimacing at every second he was sat crouching down; fortunately, it did not take long for him to start feeling stronger. "That'll do!" Darion broke the link barging between them, "I'm freezing here, whilst you two are sat holding hands like a pair of lovers," The old man snapped again. "This time, drain his power not yours," He added.

  "Well if you did not go so fast...," Zack was saying as the three, all hand in hand, shot forward another couple of miles into the distance.

  After their second night of freezing temperatures, Oran was awoken by the sound of shouting. He looked out from the wagon he and his family had been using as their temporary home to see soldiers running about, and he could see the tall figure of his commander heading towards him. Knowing something was up, he quickly pulled on his cloak, and strapped his sword to his waist, before climbing down.

  No sooner had his feet touched the ground, before he heard the voice of Denny Porter telling him what was going on. A smaller force than their own was lining up just down the hillside. All mounted, but flying no flags, he did not know of their origins. Both men knew they had the superior numbers, as well as the higher ground, however, engaging the unknown force would still cause many casualties, something Oran had and still wanted to avoid.

  The decision was soon taken from him, as he could see the opposing soldiers heading his way and his own men were ordered to start forming lines, ready to engage. He climbed atop his own horse, and ensured a number of his Elite guard were kept back to defend his family, just in case. Commander Porter trotted along behind his line of archers, awaiting the enemy to ride into range.

  Darion paused before making the next jump forward as he spotted two large groups of soldiers, heading towards each other. Although they were still some distance apart, it was clear one was going to intercept the other. He could see the slightly larger group lined up in front a dozens of wagons, and flying the flags of Kothia. He turned to Maxim, "You know I said I would never show you how to use your power for destructive use?"

  Maxim nodded, as his eye caught what Darion had seen. "Well forget I said it," Darion continued. He then quickly explained to Maxim what he wanted him to do, "Just don't lose control...and we'll be fine." He explained how he wanted the youngster to conjure up a flame. Rather than keep it under control as a small flickering fire as he had been taught, Darion now wanted him to let it grow. "When it gets as big as your head, push it skywards, like this," he gestured with his hand. The old man demonstrated using his own smaller elemental skill, as he sent a small flickering flame arcing skywards, dropping down like a shooting star. After quickly instructing Maxim, and making sure the youngster knew what to do, they made another jump nearer.

  Before the lines of archers had time to release, there was a flickering light in front of them. "Bloody Hell," Oran uttered under his breath, noticing one of the men was his nephew. "Hold your fire!" the commander shouted, also noticing the familiar face. His archers lowered their bows, as the three men before them became two. Zack moved himself behind them, and reappeared beside the king. "Hello Uncle," he said with a smile, "Hope we are not too late," he added.

  Darion instructed Maxim on what he wanted him to do. "Just stay calm and try not to think of the consequences," he said before remembering the young redhead beside him had already killed two men. Oran and the rest of his group watched on in shock at what they witnessed next. After letting a ball of fire grow quickly in his hand, Maxim thrust it forward just as Darion had instructed him. The ball of flame looped up and smashed down just some twenty paces away from where they stood. Fire exploded up right before them, causing several of the soldiers behind to dive for cover.

  "You stupid blithering idiot," Darion shouted. "Push your hand out hard, and arc the fire skywards, or you'll bloody kill us instead of them," he snapped, sending his
own smaller ball of flame. "Here," the old man added, grabbing Maxim by the arm. "Send me a small flow, like you have been doing," he said in a much calmer tone.

  The enemy did not appear unfazed by the sudden burst of flame in front of the group they were attacking. The gap was now barely a couple of hundred yards, and closing.

  Maxim nodded, and concentrated to send that fine trickle of power as he had been taught. Darion then built up a much larger ball of flame than he would ever have been able to muster. "Like this," he said flinging his hand upwards. The ball of fire arced upwards and then down, right into the enemy soldiers. He felt Darion release the grip from his arm, and he tried again. The fire built quickly, and Maxim threw his hand forward and up as hard as he could. The flames shot up and down, striking near the back of the attackers. "That's it boy...that's it," Darion cheered almost too cheerfully. "Keep it going," he added.

  The sound of both men and horses that were caught up in the flames filled the air with deafening cries. This was quickly followed by the smell of burning flesh, as the stench of death drifted along the stiff morning breeze. Maxim kept sending the balls of fire out, as Darion teleported forward a little, having but a fraction of the same power as Maxim, the old man however, did know how to kill a man. With a wave of his hand, he sent men flying from their horses, before turning to find new targets. "Friends of yours I presume?" Oran mumbled not taking his eyes off the spectacle before him. He did not turn to look at Zack nodding.


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