The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles

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The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles Page 12

by Andrew Wood

  "I thought you said she was your niece," Mikel replied, finally reaching down to rub his shin.

  "She is...doesn't mean I trust her anymore than I do that fellow sitting in the corner," he replied pointing to some random inebriated man slumped back in his seat.

  Danton quickly intervened, "Okay Darion, you have made your point. Now please let us try to get along, we will be spending a lot of time together, let us do it without bickering every few minutes." Darion just grumbled under his breath as he often did when suitably admonished.

  The young girl soon returned with Thomas at her side, both carrying the groups evening meal. The tall innkeeper placed a large pot down in the middle of the table, "Serve yourselves as much as you like," he said removing the lid from the pot, to reveal a dark coloured stew. The girl then placed smaller bowls down on the table, and a pile of spoons. "I'll fetch some bread rolls," she said casting Mikel another wicked grin. He however did not fancy another kick under the table, and so tried not to notice.

  Zack ate silently, and aside from Melia checking he was all right on a couple of occasions, the rest of the group left him in peace. They all knew he was hurting, and it was also clear that he blamed himself for Maxim's abduction, even though they had already told him it was not. By the time the food was finished they were all well fed and suitably warm; so much so none of them actually felt like moving.

  Thomas came back over to them, "I have two rooms available, you are welcome to use them as you see fit," he said placing the two room keys down on the tabletop. They all looked at each other, clear they were unsure how to split the group up. Melia knew she was the problematic one, being the only female in the group. "I don't mind sharing with the lads," she said hoping it made things easier.

  "Do what you want lassie," Darion piped up, his attention on an old lady on the next table. "I'm going to take my chances with that fine looking creature over there."

  "Yuk! That's don't mean do don't you?" Mikel said realising what the old man meant.

  Darion just shrugged, "What? A man has needs," he said getting up from the table and heading over to the lady in question.

  With Darion seemingly out of the equation, Melia suggested she and Zack share a room, Danton and Mikel the other. Danton was just about to suggest it was not really suitable for a young lady of Melia's age to share a bedroom with a young man, when he realised it was better Zack, than Mikel. Having settled on their rooms, they decided to get an early night and leave Darion to pursuing the old lady. Mikel took one last look at the old couple, before cringing at the thought of what they might do later on, and heading up the wooden staircase.

  The rooms were clean but very simple. Zack placed his and Melia's belongings on the floor in one corner, before heading for the small washstand. There was a small fireplace, which kept the chill off the room, but he noticed only one bed. "Ahh..." he said noticing the problem. "You take the bed Melia, I'll make do on the floor by the fire," he said.

  Melia pulled a bit of a face. She had hoped for a double bed, and got one. Now she just needed to persuade Zack to join her in it. "Don't be silly," she said. "I think we are grown up enough to share Zack," she replied hoping it did not sound to condescending.

  The young royal looked at her, and shrugged. "If you don't mind," he replied. Melia immediately felt her heart racing, and hoped her face did not give away how she was feeling at that moment. Zack did not seem overly bothered about undressing in front of her, and she watched as he removed his shirt and vest to reveal a slim pale body. He was not particularly muscular, but she thought his body appeared well defined. She was a little disappointed when he pulled a long nightshirt over his head before removing his trousers, the shirt being sufficiently long enough to cover his decency.

  He turned to see her watching him, and she suddenly blushed. It was a good job Zack could not read her thoughts; she was surprised at herself, at just how lustful she was feeling at that moment. Realising she was stood there with her mouth gaping, she quickly started undressing, peering up occasionally just to check if Zack was watching her as she had him. She thought she caught him glancing once, but was not certain. She thought it best not to strip down completely naked, but did leave her nightdress open just enough that it revealed an ample amount of breast.

  She took a deep breath and slowly moved toward the bed. Zack was already under the covers, and turned to watch her. She cast him a smile, hoping she was reading the one he sent back as something more. The two small lights that illuminated the room were positioned either side of them. Melia put her lamp out as she climbed in, but Zack appeared happy to let his remain on.

  Once in bed she rolled over to face the young man, to see he was just staring at the ceiling. She thought how sad he looked in the flickering light, and her heart felt for him. She shuffled a little closer and placed a hand on his chest, which Zack enclosed with his own. "I was just wondering what Maxim was doing right now," he said softly.

  "I hope he is being treated well," she added moving just a little closer. Parts of her body now pressed just ever so slightly up against Zack's and she waited to see if he responded.

  He turned to look at her, and she looked into his big brown eyes looking so sad, and without thinking leaned forward to kiss him. Something inside of her, an urge, compelled her to do so, but Zack pulled back, and did not respond to her lips making contact with his. "I am sorry Melia...Please forgive me," he added getting upset.

  Although Melia was a little hurt at the rebuff, she cast a smile. "No I am sorry Zack, I shouldn't have done that," she replied softly, still keeping a hold of his hand and her body in contact with his. She moved her head a little and just placed it alongside his, and rested it on his shoulder. Zack leaned his own head down upon hers, and the two lay there in the dim light of the bedside lamp.

  Melia awoke, it was still night and the lamp on Zack's side of the bed had burnt out. She was still pressed up alongside the young man in bed with her, and she listened for a little while to his soft breathing. Despite not getting what she had hoped, she felt content and comfort in the fact he was beside her. The refusal of her kiss seemed not to matter so much, as she closed her eyes and fell back to sleep.

  Chapter 14.

  Shonna decided to visit Gorius in his study. It was quite apparent the King had not been pleased with her after she had cut short his demonstration the day before. She had decided it was time to tell Gorius what she knew of the Icenian people; not that it was much, but at least it might be enough to make the monarch doubt what he was trying to achieve. It was clear he was convinced he had absolute power of their prisoner, and to all intents and purposes, that did appear to be the case. Shonna however, still had doubts and just wanted Gorius to be more careful.

  It was early morning, and after a milder night, she hoped the weather was finally making a turn for the better. The corridors of the palace though were still a little chilly, and she was glad of the extra layers of clothing she had worn. Shonna was a worldly kind of person, and had lived many years by not being over confident that she was untouchable. Something she thought Gorius was being guilty of, although quite how to tell him, she was as yet unsure. The king did not even bother with guards along the corridor, not even outside his own rooms, and she realised the man she followed needed to wake up. Their nation was at war, and behaving as if their enemy posed no threat was foolish and likely to end poorly.

  She stopped outside his study door and after knocking, waited patiently to be asked inside. When eventually the shout came, she entered to see Gorius stood staring at the young prisoner. Was he beginning to have his own doubts? She thought. "Your Majesty," she said using the correct decorum, which in itself was uncommon for her.

  "What is it Shonna?" Gorius replied not bothering to turn and look at her.

  "I think we need to clear the air about yesterday," she added helping herself to a seat without being offered.

  She watched in silence as Gorius walked around the boy before him as
if he was trying to work something out. "I think he is ready to send out to the frontlines Shonna. I want you to take him on your Aclat," he declared, much to her surprise.

  "Gorius," she said in a sharp tone. It was clear to her that he needed to be told, if she had to be rude and abrupt then so be it.

  "I need you to reconsider. I am not certain the boy can be relied to do as you wish."

  There was a short silence as the Bosarian monarch walked over to where she sat. Shonna looked up, and although the staring down at her was meant as a show of power, she felt no fear. "You doubt my abilities?" he said trying to remain with an element of calm.

  Shonna shook her head, "Not at all Gorius," she said reverting to a much less formal level. "It is the boy I doubt...I don't think his mind is as yours as you think it is," she added getting straight to the point.

  She watched as Gorius stomped across the carpeted floor and back to the boy, who stood motionless as if part of the furniture. Turning his head sharply back toward Shonna his temper snapped, "You do doubt my powers," he hissed at her. "Anybody else Shonna and I would be giving you a demonstration," he added taking deep breath. The old woman had been nothing but loyal to him thus far, and he was unsure as to why she was suddenly questioning his word.

  Shonna waited patiently for Gorius to calm, before explaining her reasoning. She told him of her readings, and that she was certain Maxim was an Icenian, whom, so everything she had read told her, were almost impossible to have their minds controlled or read. She watched as her king comprehended what she had said, before speaking further, "I do not doubt your powers Gorius, what I am asking is that we perhaps do not rush sending the boy away. If I am right, he could turn against us and obliterate our entire army."

  There was another silence, as Gorius appeared to wander aimlessly in different directions. He stopped by the boy in question, "I cannot give up such a powerful weapon. With him leading our attacks, nothing the Kothians have would be able to stand against us," he said in a much calmer tone than a few minutes earlier. Shonna was beginning to think he was going to ignore her words, until he added, "However, I am not so foolish that I do not listen to advice when it is given."

  She cast him a smile, "Perhaps see how things develop with the lad. If he shows no signs of opposing your will then perhaps then we can make use of him. I just want you to be careful," she added softly. Gorius even afforded a smile back, before ordering their puppet to pour two drinks. Maxim listened to the order, and without thinking, found himself doing as was asked. It was when he was pouring the drinks he heard the two people in the room with him mention a word that meant something to him.

  Shonna and Gorius both sat and discussed the imminent attack on Pitford. "Our armies should be in position in another few days, a week at most; Damn armies move so bloody slowly," he grumbled. "They will take this town here," he added pointing to the map upon the tabletop. "Denley," he added, "After that they will wait for our allies from the mountains to make their move, before finally attacking the king and the magicians at Pitford. I hope our young friend has convinced you enough by then, because if we are to win we will need his powers." Maxim placed two glasses of wine down on the table, one in front of each person, before resuming his standing position away from the study desk. As he stood there, the word Pitford drifted on his mind. It meant something he was sure about that, but quite what he was not yet sure.

  In Denley, Zack waited alongside Melia as the barge that was to carry them across the lake drew up to the shoreline. Mikel was busying himself going around the horses quietly telling them that they were to go without any fuss, and more importantly, they were not to be afraid. He had once seen Maxim do this very same thing, although whether the beasts were actually taking note, or even understood what he was trying to tell them, only time would tell.

  Darion, never one to be rushed, was as usual the last to join them. "Good morning fellow companions," he said sounding far too cheerful for the person they all knew. Even Zack turned his head, thinking it somebody else.

  "Why are you so happy?" Mikel asked as he moved over to Darion's horse.

  "Don't know what you mean...Can't a man be happy with his lot in life," the old man replied still grinning.

  Mikel had a horrid thought, "You didn't...with that old woman did you?"

  Darion scoffed at the remark, "What a man and woman do together is no business of yours."

  "Ooh that is disgusting...I can feel my breakfast wanting to make a reappearance," Mikel added trying to get the image out of his mind.

  Melia looked over to Zack. Their night had not been as physically passionate as she had first hoped for. Instead, rather than feel let down, she found she had more feelings for the young royal beside her. The worrying thing for her was that Zack, as yet, had not really shown any sign of them being mutual. Yes, he had hugged her, and they had slept in each other's arms, but he had also backed away from her kiss. The young man beside her suddenly turned to see her starring at him, and cast a warming smile. Melia felt herself shudder and tingle all over; a thought crept into her mind, was this love she was feeling? Lustful thoughts were one thing; she had them over other boys. This however felt different, now she just needed to get Zack to feel the same way about her.

  The loading of the horses onto the flat-topped barge had gone surprisingly well. Whatever Mikel had done had apparently worked, and the creatures stood contently in a group as the boat moved slowly across the large lake. The craft was powered by six oarsmen who were positioned below deck, and steered by the Captain via a tiller at the back. Moving slowly through the calm waters, it would take them a good hour or more to cross to the other side.

  Mikel struggled to stifle a yawn, and covered his gaping mouth with his hand. "I did not sleep so well," he said to Melia who was stood close beside him and Zack. "I had to share a bed with Danton...very disturbing," he lowered the volume to a loud whisper. "I thought Shadow's fidgeting was bad," he added with a grin. "You guys were lucky, you had separate beds to sleep in," he added. Melia quickly turned to Zack; she was not sure whether he wanted anyone to know that they had shared a bed. True nothing had really happened, but she looked to him for confirmation anyway.

  As it happened, the young royal spoke first, "We did not have single beds either," he said quite calmly. "Melia and I shared also," he added, as Mikel's face suddenly looked a picture.

  "You two..." he said, "Together... in bed?" Mikel replied trying to comprehend.

  Zack nodded, and left it at that. If Mikel wanted to presume something had happened then so be it.

  "No way...You two? I thought you...," he said, clearly not comprehending the situation very well.

  Mikel watched Melia and Zack as they stood beside each other watching out over the water. The early sun cast a glistening light that reflected off the surface, giving it a sheen like appearance. The past day or two had seen the weather warming just a little, and it would appear this day was no exception. It was still cold, but he thought he detected a definite change in the air. The only problem with that of course, would mean some of the tracks they travelled would thaw and likely turn to mud. Another few weeks and he thought the first signs of spring would become visible.

  Melia placed her head on Zack's shoulder as the pair stood in silence. The young royal then placed an arm around her, clearly comfortable with the intimacy of the moment. Mikel walked over to Danton, nudging him slightly and nodding his head in their direction. "What do you think of that?" He asked.

  Danton turned to look, "I'm not sure...Surprised I think."

  "I did not think Zack know...interested," Mikel added not quite sure how to word it.

  "I know what you mean," Danton replied, "Just goes to show, you shouldn't judge people on their appearances."

  There was a silence as the pair just watched Zack and Melia for a little while, before Mikel asked, "You don't actually think they...did you?"

  Danton chuckled, "I do not know Mikel, nor do I wish to...Do I detect a h
int of jealousy?"

  Mikel suddenly straightened, "Me...Jealous...Pfft You must be joking," he replied, although clearly not entirely certain if he was or not.

  Danton kept his thoughts to himself; he was worried for both Zack and Melia. Was Zack using the young girl as a replacement for Maxim? It was clear she certainly had feelings for him, but this was the first time Zack had shown any interest in her. Danton decided he would have to have a discreet word with Melia, and forewarn her not to get to involved; he just hoped she had not already done so. Despite the two youngsters looking like a young couple in love, he was quite sure it was anything but.

  Darion stood chatting to the Captain of the barge, enquiring as to why he was going so slowly. The man did not take it as an insult; instead just chuckled, replying the old man was welcome to grab an oar if he wanted to help. Darion was in an upbeat mood and merely patted the Captain of the shoulder, "That ain't gonna happen," he said laughing to himself. The old man then wandered over to where Zack and Melia were stood, "You two okay?" he asked. Melia looked up to Zack before smiling at the old man, "Fine thank you Darion," she said quite surprised by his light mood.

  The call came to brace themselves, as the oars were pulled in and the craft drifted to the shore. Melia naturally grabbed onto Zack a little tighter as they felt the barge scrape to a standstill. Mikel and Danton had a hold of the horses, and once the boat had stopped they slowly walked them ashore. Danton walked back over to the captain and thanked him for his help, before passing over a small coin purse. "The agreed amount plus a little extra," the old magician said, before walking with an uncharacteristic spring in his step.


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