The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles

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The Elementalist : Battle of the Mind: The Kothian Chronicles Page 18

by Andrew Wood

  "Did the Elementalist create walls of fire and wipe out your entire company?" Shonna added to the questioning.

  The man dithered a little, "Well not exactly...I saw men being thrown from their horses by an old man with a wave of his hand...and another appear from nowhere releasing a massive wave of energy taking down dozens in one go."

  Gorius looked to Shonna for advice, "One sounds as if he may have some small elemental powers, I think the other perhaps has some arcanist ability," she said answering his unasked question. "So nothing like the power of the boy?" he asked to make sure he had understood. Shonna told Gorius that she doubted the man being described was, although from his description he was clearly very skilled in fighting with what powers he did have. Gorius' first thought was to punish the man before him, for lying and leaving his fellow men to die. He puffed out his cheeks, "Go back to the others," he finally decided, realising he needed every magician he had.

  After the man had gone the King of Bosaria turned once more to his trusted friend, "You think they were sent to rescue the boy?" he asked. Shonna did not even have to think of her answer, and replied the affirmative almost immediately.

  "Looks like they will have a wasted trip then," he added even managing a chuckle.

  "Yes but it also means they are likely to turn up here," Shonna added spoiling his moment of mirth. "I doubt their number is as great as your man made out, but they would still be dangerous."

  Gorius looked the old woman in the eye and almost looked as if he were pouting, as a child might do if told to stop doing something.

  After an awkward moment or two, the king finally placed his palms down on his desk and nodded, "So what do we do?"

  "Let it be known the boy has escaped our grasp. Spread the word to every village and town within a twenty-mile radius. With any luck, they will be following each other round in circles."

  Gorius pondered a moment before agreeing, before sending word for such messages to be sent.

  The number of soldiers and magicians at Pitford had declined considerably early that morning as Ramon had led a small army toward Denley. He knew as he rode that he was taking a massive risk, but one that if it paid off, could see them win a vital victory in this ever-growing conflict. Taking the cream of the soldiers and the very best magicians with him, he was leaving his home vulnerable. He knew from his visions that several large-scale battles were due, and that the outcome of each was hung in the balance. Foreseeing the fighting was simple enough, seeing who was the victor, not so.

  Ramon had found that his visions of after the fighting had given mixed results. There had been occasions when he had seen a most horrifying sight. In one particular future, he had returned to Pitford to find it burning, and the bodies of the young and old alike were strewn across the streets. However, he had also witnessed another possible outcome, when Pitford was celebrating a great victory, cheering a man whose face he could not see. Whatever or whoever he was had singlehandedly swung the tide of battle in their favour. With his visions so extreme in their outcomes, he could only surmise that their very existence would be decided in the next few days or so, and hung so precariously in the balance.

  Oran, King of Kothia remained at Pitford, and had tasked his most senior officer Denny Porter, to prepare the castle's defences. Some with magical abilities still remained, although many were very young and inexperienced. Ramon had seen fit to leave a few older members, the most senior of who was Katria. As a result, it was this elderly lady, who was now tasked with trying to make a coherent body of magicians capable of helping defend Pitford should the need arise.

  The youngest in her group was only twelve years old, and had only recently arrived at the castle. Katria did not worry for herself, she after all had seen many years, this poor boy so few. Even his magical abilities were still very much in their infancy, yet there could be a chance she may have to call upon him for help.

  Pitford did have its outer wall, and still had over a hundred guards and soldiers left to defend it. This number was swelled further still by volunteers from the citizens who were able to wield a sword or bow. No discrimination was shown, and as a result, both young and old, whether they were male or female were given as much training in the short time they may have.

  King Oran stood atop of the keep roof, braving the cold air looking out over the surrounding lands. The mountains in the near distance looked almost impassable, yet if all reports were to be believed it was from them the attack would come. He knew Ramon taking the majority of the soldiers and magicians to fight off the Bosarians heading for Denley was a massive gamble. If his old friend and ally failed to return in time, he would be left with but a makeshift force to defend the castle walls and the people who dwelled within them.

  As the sun sank lower in the sky, he thought how peaceful and beautiful the sight was. The snow covered peaks seemingly illuminating the ever-darkening evening sky. He turned to face the direction of Denley, and although he could not actually see the town, hoped with all his heart that Ramon would succeed. Oran knew the next few days would be pivotal to whether his rein would last more than the next few weeks. Failure in the upcoming battles would see his lands overrun, and Kothia fall. If he failed here, there would be no one else to make a stand.

  Thank you for reading.

  As always, you may contact me on [email protected], if you have any views you wish to share.

  Book 3 of The Kothian Chronicles will be with you early 2016.




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