NEBULAR Collection 4 - Second Reserve: Episodes 17 - 21

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NEBULAR Collection 4 - Second Reserve: Episodes 17 - 21 Page 9

by Thomas Rabenstein

»What do you want to know?« he asked her.

  Arkroid and Pi exchanged glances. They wondered what was bothering Ivanova.

  »We’re on route to a solar system we know as Delta Trianguli. It’s supposed to be another Retreat with people living on one of the planets. Something’s not right, and I’m feeling on edge,« she explained.

  »What are you after, Maya?« Vasina inquired.

  Ivanova’s eyes were fixed on Kuster~Laap as she replied, »If this is really another Retreat, wouldn’t there logically be a Genorantan tachyon portal there? Why are we using the Techno-Ferry if there’s a portal?«

  Kuster~Laap looked mutely into her eyes. She realized that he expected her to give herself the answer.

  Maya squinted.

  »There’s a portal, right? But … you weren’t able to link up, were you? Your arrival on Neptune was delayed because you couldn’t link up there either, until the Dualytes retuned the portal, or you’d have been here sooner,« she projected.

  Arkroid puckered his brows as he listened.

  Kuster~Laap turned completely around and leaned forward slightly before he replied, »I admire your deductive skills. You’re correct! There’s a portal in the second Retreat system, and you’re right in assuming that we cannot link up to it. That route is blocked.«

  Maya Ivanova leaned back in her seat and folded her hands before her face, touching her nose with her index fingers.

  »Something you didn’t expect must have happened in the other Retreat … or is there a plausible explanation why the portal can’t be reached?«

  Toiber Arkroid’s face became very serious as he also addressed the Chiropter.

  »If you know anything about enemy forces in that system, then I want to know about it … now!«

  Kuster~Laap was unimpressed; ignoring Arkroid’s question he went on.

  »It is highly unlikely that a Genorantan portal could malfunction!«

  »Could it be that this technology always works and the portal didn’t fail, but there‘s reason to believe we’ll encounter other problems?« she rebutted confidently.

  »What problems, Maya?« Pi asked.

  »It’s obvious, Pi. If everything has been okay in a system a lousy 35 lightyears away from us, then why haven’t we had any visitors? If we were supposed to build a large fleet of ships, then we wouldn’t the people in the Second Retreat have spaceships, too and the technology to contact us?«

  Silence prevailed for a couple of minutes until Nautilus interrupted.

  »Allow me to say something, Toiber,« the ship requested.

  »Go ahead, Nautilus,« encouraged Arkroid.

  »Besides an enemy influence, there is another possibility. Perhaps the Neo-Sapiens weren’t able to survive. That would explain why they never made contact.«

  »Neo-Sapiens?« Vasina asked, perplexed.

  »Neo-Sapiens is a term I created to describe Human populations who have been misplaced and resettled outside their usual habitat. It could well be that the people transferred to this solar system were simply unable to cope with conditions there, and died out.«

  Pi nodded.

  »That makes sense.«

  If Pi was expecting a response from Kuster~Laap he was disappointed. The Chiropter was either unwilling to speak, or just didn’t know.

  »Still, that doesn’t explain why the portal can’t be reached,« Pi continued.

  »We’ll find out soon enough!« Arkroid ended the discussion.

  Suddenly a heavy jolt went through the ship, throwing the team from their seats. Gravitational forces pinned Pi and the others to the floor. Immediately, Nautilus established absorption fields, cushioning each them from the effects of the ship’s quick course changes. The ship’s fast reaction had prevented injuries. Minutes later the cushioning fields disappeared again and everything went back to normal.

  »Damnit, what was that?« Arkroid cursed mutedly.

  »I’m analyzing, Toiber,« the ship replied calmly.

  »I just hope somebody made sure the fuel tanks were full before we left …,« Pi joked.

  As if in response to Pi’s joke, a tactical holo established itself in the center of the room. A mysterious greenish wave pattern, looking like the Northern Lights, filled space outside.

  »The Dimensional Shield’s re-activated!« Arkroid realized worriedly. »It probably happened as soon as we left the system on the tachyon track.«

  »Yes, Toiber,« Nautilus acknowledged. »The Globuster Matrix’s energy structure has changed. The shield envelops the entire solar system!«

  »What’s happening, Kuster~Laap?« Arkroid demanded.

  The Chiropter replied calmly, »It shouldn’t surprise you, Arkroid. The Conceptor had announced that he would re-establish the true purpose of the system shield. He has done so!«

  Pi was red-faced with excitement.

  »Does that mean the catastrophe is here? Are we too late?«

  Kuster~Laap raised both hands and spread his fingers.

  »You don’t understand!« he responded, trying to calm Pi and the team. »The dimensional field is only in a standby mode. It will fully activate only upon arrival of the shock wave. The shield can only stay active for a few seconds. There’s no reason to be alarmed. The Dimensional Base on Sedna can activate the Matrix instantly when it’s needed.

  »Tell that to the people who are looking up into the sky and seeing this green lightning over their heads!« Voit Masgur roared. It was the first time he had spoken since they had left Triton. »The people need to be told what’s happening, or there’ll be panic!«

  »You’re absolutely right, Voit,« Arkroid agreed, and he sent a mental command to the Techno-Ferry.

  »Done!« Nautilus replied seconds later. »By the way, these light emissions are similar to your Northern Lights, except that in this case, the sun’s particles are colliding with an energy shield. We will travel at sub-light until we’ve left the Matrix entirely.«

  People are wondering

  Shortly after the research cruiser Ryan had left Neptune orbit, most of the ship’s antennae were aligned toward the new phenomenon that enclosed the solar system. The received data were transmitted to Triton and forwarded to Earth via the new tachyon comm-link.

  Even before the light emissions of the Matrix glow had reached Earth, people would know what to expect. The news was broadcast through the all media centers and comm-stations. The comm-technology provided by the Techno-Ferry was revolutionary. Never before had information been transferred at such a speed.

  The Ryan’s measurements also revealed that the Matrix no longer isolated the solar system from the universe. Carrier signals and all sorts of electromagnetic communications were received, revealing that there were many different kinds of intelligent beings beyond the solar system. The Matrix did not interfere with comets and asteroids on their paths, but it was obviously present as the sun particle reaction indicated. As soon as the Matrix light emissions reached Earth, people looked at the night skies through telescopes and wondered …

  Nobody knew what the future held, now that it was possible that uninvited guests could reach Earth. The Union Fleet command staff was worried and began to prepare for such an event.

  Let’s go

  »No matter what happens next in the solar system with the reactivation of the Matrix, we need to focus on our mission,« Arkroid announced.

  »Events develop as predicted,« Kuster~Laap replied. »There are no alternatives to the Galactic Brotherhood’s plans.«

  Vasina smirked mockingly.

  »It doesn’t look to me like there’s much left of your glorious plans! Why didn’t you get all the galactic peoples involved years ago? The enemy has apparently devised its counter-plan so that even the Galactic Brotherhood’s name is tarnished. Remember? Dark Brotherhood?«

  »You are a Progonaut queen,« Kuster~Laap replied coolly. »Your people of all in the galaxy should know that a direct confrontation with the enemy only leads to the destruction of galactic cultures and civilizations!«

  »Can you tell us the exactly when this parasite galaxy will enter our universe?« Pi put in, trying to redirect the discussion.

  »The Genorantans and Creators have calculated a time window. That window is opening now,« Kuster~Laap explained.

  »In other words, you don’t know!« Vasina answered cynically, earning a scolding glance from Arkroid.

  »The Kokradians supplied us with invaluable information, but there is much that is left unknown. We don’t know if the transfer of the parasite galaxy occurs in a linear manner or if it speeds up or slows down in the last phases. We may have no time left or we might get a … breather, as you would say,« Kuster~Laap responded. »But it will happen! People are already fleeing Scutum-Crux – the spiral arm most directly threatened at the moment.«

  »Isn’t it a slow process? The parasite galaxy doesn’t transfer like this,« Voit Masgur snapped his fingers three times. »Does it?«

  »No,« Kuster~Laap confirmed. »The galaxies are separated not only by different dimensions but also possess different time constants, according to Genorantan accounts. The time constant of the parasite galaxy needs to be exactly the same as ours during transition.«

  »That’s interesting!« remarked Pi. »I assume that, in relation to our time constant, theirs is slower?«

  »What makes you think so?« asked Paafnas. He was worried about the well being of his own people on Pleunat.

  »Well … It isn’t the first time the rulers of the parasite galaxy have transferred their galaxy into our dimension … as in the Kokradians’ case; maybe even several times, as well as elsewhere, in other galaxies. If the event always takes a million years or more, I have problems believing that the enemy can repeat it so easily. A million years is a long time – a lot can change. Even the parasite galaxy changes over time,« Pi explained his theory. »Their time constant must be slower than ours for them to control the events leading to a transfer. A thousand years in their universe might be a million years in ours.«

  Kuster~Laap nodded, very like a Human.

  »Your thesis is sound,« he remarked. »but it is still pure speculation. We do not know enough about our attackers. Perhaps they’re immortals, and time is irrelevant to them.«

  »Well … it’s not like we know nothing about them …,« Vasina spoke up again, attracting everybody’s attention.

  »The attackers choose galaxies with highly developed societies and civilizations. They’re scouting for resources. Not ores, water or other raw materials, though … they’re looking for organic, intelligent matter! Beings they can control with their degenerated technology, like the Globusters. But implanting chips and devices seems only one way to turn sapient beings into slaves. There are beings in the universe – like us – who are resistant to the degenerated technology. That’s why the Brotherhood needs Humanity. People who are not only resistant, or immune, to their manipulations, but also capable of building a large fleet as a last line of defense.«

  »It doesn’t matter,« Arkroid interrupted the heated discussion. »There’s no rescue fleet and no guardian power. We don’t even know if the Dimensional Mirror will be up and running in time ...«

  »The Dualytes are working on it!« Kuster~Laap announced steadfastly.

  »Alright then,« Arkroid sighed. »There’s another question on my mind, though. What is the purpose of the Second Retreat?«

  Kuster~Laap turned his head toward Arkroid, ears flat on his head.

  »The Second Retreat was to be a refuge for important people and personalities,« he stated importantly. »People the Brotherhood and the galaxy need … scientists, researchers, philosophers. We’ll need them and their like after the shock waves subside, to deal with the catastrophe and its aftermath.«

  »Like Noah’s Ark?« Pi asked, surprised.

  Kuster~Laap didn’t understand.

  »When the time comes, selected groups of people will be brought to the Second Retreat to ride out the catastrophe!« Kuster~Laap claimed.

  »What about all the rest?« Pi raged, almost jumping out of his seat, gesturing with his arms. »There must be countless inhabited worlds out there!«

  Kuster~Laap remained silent.

  »Uh … forget it, Pi!« Maya Ivanova interjected bitterly. »You already know the answer!«

  A depressed silence hung over the command central until the Techno-Ferry announced, »We have passed through the shield. I’m ready for tachyon speed.«

  Arkroid wiped his right hand over his forehead and glanced at Kuster~Laap.

  »Okay, Nautilus, let’s go!«

  What’s a Christmas Tree

  »We were following the Techno-Ferry with our scanners, but – they’ve suddenly disappeared,« the scanner officer reported.

  »Entered the higher continuum,« Nok Daralamai suspected and signaled the watch officer to approach.

  »Remarkable technology,« she whispered. »Very well … put the command central crew on a shift schedule, 24 hours, three shifts. We need to keep a close watch on the outer ring!«

  Captain Hollinger nodded and set to work drafting the proposed duty roster changes.

  »It is really beautiful,« Staff Sergeant Jena Wilkins, a young intelligence specialist, remarked, pointing at the green colored waves in the Kuiper Belt region.

  »A deceitful and perhaps dangerous beauty,« Nok Daralamai warned. »If our information is correct, then we’re like a beacon, a fully lit Christmas Tree, for everyone out there to see. We have to be ready for unwanted visitors.«

  »What’s a Christmas Tree?« Wilkins asked.

  »Never seen one? It was an old tradition until the Union Government decided to ban tree cuttings for personal use. A Christmas Tree, usually a fir tree, was set up in people’s living rooms from December to January, decorated with colorful glass spheres, icing strips made of thin silver or golden metal bands, little figures and electric candles with a star or angel on the top of the tree. The people of the Christian belief system, celebrated the birth of their messiah, Jesus Christ, who was supposed to have been born on or around December 24. The tree and atmosphere projected warmth and belonging to the people. At Christmas, parents put presents under the tree for their children,« she explained to Wilkins. »You can find information about it in our base library.«

  Nok wanted to explain more, but she was suddenly sidetracked.

  The long range scanners showed several objects, probably coming from the Jupiter and Saturn bases.

  »The reinforcements Friedberg promised,« Nok announced. »Report back to me as soon as the ships arrive here. I want to brief the group commanders personally. We’ll maintain our current state of alert. The Ryan will assist us with their long range scanners, while the Blue Moon maintains orbit around Triton. If there is any hint of alien activity I need to know ASAP!«

  The OIC acknowledged Nok’s orders and promptly went to the comm-section.

  Nok Daralamai nodded, satisfied, and left the command central.

  Talking in riddles

  The flight through tachyon space was eventless, except that the outside observation screens and displays went blank. Arkroid seemed to notice a slightly higher than usual noise level inside the ship, but that could have also been just his imagination..

  »Are we on the way already?« he asked uncertainly, and caught a mocking grin from Vasina

  »You should know by now, Toiber,« she replied briefly.

  »We’re traveling on the center track and we are on target,« Nautilus reported. »ETA about 24 minutes.«

  Arkroid grimaced.

  »I’m sorry, Vasina, but I’m not so sure if I’ll ever get used to traveling faster than a light beam through space ...«

  »… there was a time when people on Earth believed that traveling faster than 50 kilometers in hour was impossible …,« Pi interjected, »… even dangerous to your life, if propelled by a steam engine. I don’t even want to think about it.«

  »What kind of crap is that, Pi?« Vasina used a Human term to show her disbelief.

  »I found that
in an old, printed history book,« Pi uttered defensively. »It doesn’t matter, because the fear of speed was quickly overcome and we tried it anyway! The same with faster-than-light speeds. After a while it‘ll become second nature to us!«

  »This trait is coded into your genes,« announced Kuster~Laap suddenly. »This was one of the reasons why you were chosen.«

  »What do you mean?« Maya Ivanova wanted to know.

  »To look over the fence, to say it in your words, discover unknown space and to explore the wonders of the cosmos … that’s in your nature. It is very unfortunate that especially these traits had been suppressed by manipulating the original Human substance.«

  Arkroid exchanged glances with Pi, who was frowning.

  »Listen, Kuster~Laap. It’s kind of depressing for us to know that somebody has experimented and manipulated our original gene pool. It’s is a very sensitive issue for us. I’d ask you to be a bit more perceptive about that.«

  Voit Masgur played nervously with his suit pockets. He seemed to feel the same as Arkroid.

  Kuster~Laap didn’t understand what Arkroid was trying to say.

  »I would be overjoyed if my people had such genetic conditioning, and we were in your place. We would be proud to be Protectors!«

  Maya Ivanova just wanted to reply harshly, but Arkroid’s quick hand movement stopped her.

  »You’ve told us about this before,« Arkroid replied. »How was this superior race of ours supposed to find out about its destiny? Was there supposed to be a voice whispering in their heads when they were born, telling them to build a galactic defense fleet?«

  Kuster~Laap became nervous, as his flattening ears indicated.

  »They would have known,« he said simply.

  Pi looked inquiringly at Arkroid and shrugged.

  »How? A mysterious envoy visiting them, or divine intuition?« Pi japed.

  »The Librarian, sometimes also called the Archivist, would have found you,« Kuster~Laap revealed.

  The Chiropter was talking in riddles as far as Arkroid was concerned, but before he could ask any more, the Techno-Ferry announced, » I’m leaving the center track and will maintain the lowest potential tachyon level until we reach our destination. I recommend that we return to the standard continuum at a safe distance from the system so that you can check it out.«


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