All In

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All In Page 16

by Greene, Brook

  “Okay well the boss is a ladies’ man,’ he stops and gauges my response to this information but it doesn’t surprise me in the least.

  “He has had his fare share of women Avery, but none he has taken up with so quick, ya know?”

  “No Beeker I don’t, I have only known him for little over a week and most of the time we spend arguing or him being mad.”

  “Okay well let me put it like this, if anyone else would have done what you did Monday morning he would not be fucking around with them now. Ya see?”

  I had thought he had cut me loose but he had been waiting on me to call and Leo doesn’t seem like to type to wait on anyone, ‘is there anything else I need to know about Leo, Beeker?”

  “Are you seriously trying to get me to girl talk?”

  “Yes I am and the next thing I am going to ask you is what is up with you and Kayla,’ I turn in my seat and look out the windshield, ‘you can thank your boss for keeping me from my girl and planting my ass with you so you will have to fill the space until I am off lockdown.”

  “Okay fine,’ he takes a deep breath, ‘Leo is a good man, took me under his wing when I was about twelve, I was getting’ into trouble and all. He caught me breaking into his shop and instead of pressing charges he told the judge I could work off my public service around the shop. I have been there ever since, and when I turned eighteen he supported me as a prospect.”

  “I see, he didn’t just beat the shit out of you?” I laugh because that seems more of what Leo would have done to a thief.

  “I was twelve Avery.” He replies flatly.

  Laughing, ‘okay now Kayla, she is a cutie Beek.”

  He looks out the front window and smiles, ‘yeah she is.”

  Nudging him with my elbow across the console, ‘so you like her, why don’t you ask her out?”

  He stays silent for a moment then glances over at me, ‘just cause.”

  “Just cause what, you are a young good looking guy Beeker,’ I direct my attention back out the front glass, ‘how can she say no to a face like yours?” My comment is answered with a laugh.

  “I don’t have time for a woman right now, besides I like the company of older women.” He gives me a devilish grin.

  Slapping his arm, ‘you better not let Leo hear you talking like that.” We both laugh but go silent as a black sedan passes us in a hurry as it stirs up dust behind it.

  “Beeker is that my Dad’s rental car?” I point as the car speeds by, turning in the seat to watch the car disappear out of sight.

  He jerks his head and then follows it in the rearview, ‘not sure, looked like it though.”

  Beeker and I exchange confused looks as he drives on not offering to turn around to catch it and see.

  The gates are slung open as Beeker pulls onto the lot he stops short of taking me around the back, ‘please Avery don’t say a word about what I told you?”

  Leo is waiting for Beeker to come to a stop as he opens my door and hauls me out into his embrace, ‘hey baby.” He buries his face in the crick of my neck.

  “Hey.” I wrap my arms around his waist and tuck my nose into his chest.

  He leans back, ‘everything okay?’ He asks as I eye Beeker walking around the hood of the vehicle with an interested look on his face.

  Nodding my head at him I redirect my attention to Leo, ‘sure I am just a little tired and my head is starting to hurt. The doc said I might have headaches for several days.” I was a little more concerned as to why my father had been here.

  “You want to go and lie down for awhile?” He nods towards the rooms in the clubhouse.

  “That would be great. Was my Dad here just a minute ago?” I swallow the fear and go all gusto.

  “Yeah he was here looking for you, told him you were gone with Piper,’ he takes me by the hand and leads me to the clubhouse and to his room, ‘here ya go babe.” He opens the door, ‘no one will bother you Beeker will keep everybody out.” I cross to the bed and sit on the side of it.

  “You lied to him?” I stop dead in my tracks.

  “Yeah I guess I did,’ he pauses for a moment gauging my reaction, ‘did you want me to tell him the whole truth?”

  Thinking the alternative through although I am guessing my father already knows all there is to know about Leo and me, rubbing it in his face isn’t going to make matters any better.

  “Strange, we were supposed to have lunch today. He said he would call and didn’t so if he was looking for me.” I drop off and leave it hanging in the air hoping that Leo would fill in the blanks but he doesn’t.

  “That is weird. You sure you’re good?” He cocks his eyebrow up at me.

  “I have just been to the doctor that shoved a metal instrument up my twat along with a q-tip that is a mile long, I am a little off.”

  Leo laughs, ‘I guess that would throw you a little. You need some pills?”

  Shaking my head gently, ‘no just a nap.”

  Leo kisses me on the head, ‘okay see you in a little while babe.” He leaves closing the door behind him at least this time I don’t hear the tumblers in the lock click. Leo had lied to my father and the ease he had done it with is concerning. Looking around the room I had been a prisoner in, on more than one occasion.

  I see my opportunity to get to know a little more about Leo Tucker, I cross to the door pulling it open to see that Beeker was busy in the bar area. I gently push the door closed finding much to my disappointment the lock on the inside had been disabled, convenient. Regardless I turn and start with his dresser pulling out every drawer and rummaging through the disheveled clothing. I find nothing there so I move on to the chest, coming up just as empty handed as I had with the dresser.

  I am now standing in front of his closet, I dive in full force going through all his jeans pockets then turning my attention to the boxes stacked up in the back to the far corner. Sitting crossed legged I pull the first one down riffling through them I find old pictures of him as a little boy with who I guessed was Eno fishing and working on old dirt bikes. I smile as I discard the grainy photos reaching for the next one in the stack.

  I go through them all and only have one left, pulling the lid up I find a gun and several magazines filled with bullets. Taking the gun out I turn it over in my hand looking at the side where I notice the numbers have been filled off. It is an illegal gun, untraceable the ones used when participating in illegal activity. Placing it all back the way I had found it I reemerge from the closet I quietly close the door behind me and turn to the bed.

  “Did you find what you were looking for Avery?” Leo is sitting on the bed, his elbows resting on his knees with his hands laced together.

  I fumble for words but find none so I stand still in the middle of the floor.

  “Fucking speak woman.” He is slowly pulling himself up from the mattress.

  “Uh I don’t know what I was looking for.” He has me backed up against the wall my arms pinned at my side.

  “Cause there isn’t anything to find, I told you I am trying.” His eyes are liquid onyx and his face is set with anger.

  “Leo-“ I start.

  “Avery just stop,’ he closes his eyes and leans his forehead into mine, ‘please stop trying to make me into the bad guy.”

  “I am not making you into anything, I just know what I found.” I cannot look into his eyes.

  He takes his hand free from mine and traces his finger over the curve of my left breast, ‘I want you.” His breathing has changed and become more labored. His eyes are hooded, ‘Avery I am not proud of some of the things I have done but I can’t go back and undo them, my only hope is redemption and I am still working it out. You made me a promise, there are things you are going to find out about me that are not pleasant,’ he pauses and takes a sharp breath, ‘but I am not that man now, I want to be different,’ he has released my other hand and taking my face in both hands, ‘for you. To say there is some fucked up shit going on in my life right now would be an understatement, but I am worki
ng on it.”

  I am left speechless and my mind is still having a hard time processing the information, he wants to be different, different for me.

  We stand silent for what seems like forever until a knock at the door brings us back, ‘Leo man its time.” It Is Roman.

  “Avery just please be patient with me?” His forehead is back on mine and his eyes are a now a soft pleading black.

  I nod, ‘I guess.”

  He kisses me and is gone out the door leaving me shell shocked still trying to sort his words. I stumble from the hall and out the door just in time to see Leo and the others riding their bikes out of the lot. Leo is in the lead followed by Dalton and Roman, than a gang of others.

  Piper bounces up beside me, ‘hey chick why the sick look?”

  “Leo caught me going through his things.” I stare blankly at the gate as two men pull it closed.

  “No shit! What did he do? I bet he went bat shit crazy.” Her eyes are delighted with curiosity.

  “No he didn’t.” I feel the knot of disappointment with myself wade up in the pit of my stomach. He trusts me and I went and broke it, looking for something I will never find. More and more I am proving to myself Leo is a good man, maybe one of these days I will actually believe it.

  “What did you find?” Piper’s over greedy look is enduring.

  “Nothing worth getting caught for,’ I answer flatly and lie to my best friend.

  “Oh bummer, he always seems so mysterious, really you didn’t find anything?” Her face has gone from being excited to more interested than I thought she should be.

  I shake my head denying her question, ‘no.” I lie because I don’t want to draw Piper into this mess, even though she is with Dalton what I found is between Leo and me.

  I turn and go back in to find Beeker drinking a beer at the bar, ‘they gone?”

  “Yeah,’ I duck behind the bar to grab one for myself and Piper.

  “Guess it is just us three tonight uh?” Beeker holds out his hand, ‘hand me another please.”

  So we three proceeded to get shit faced in the bar of a motorcycle clubhouse.



  “Has Avery ever mentioned a Zach?” Kent throws a manila folder down on the table in front of me.

  Reaching to open the folder and answer his question at the same time, ‘no why?” I look over and eye Roman, Dalton, Cowboy.

  “He seems to be the insider. He is the one Cain is using to get orders to the outside.” Kent slumps down into the chair across from me, ‘he is the one who allowed her to be assaulted too.”

  Leaning up I am teetering on the edge, I tamp down the anger by rubbing my eyes hard with the butt of my palms and let out a sigh, ‘okay so are we having him followed?”

  “It is hard man, we are already stretched. With Beek on Avery twenty four seven and Mathew doing all the running,” Cowboy sweeps his hand around to the rest of us, ‘and with all of us keeping up appearances it’s hard to know where he is all the time.” The room falls silent as we take in the information just dealt us.

  “I am thinking the only other option is we tell Avery, lay it all out on the table.” Roman chimes in. I shoot him a glance letting him know it is not gonna happen.

  “Of course you would because if she finds out I have been lying to her you will be there to swoop in and –“ I stand to confront an already standing Roman.

  Pushing against my chest with one hand Kent pushes Roman back with the other, trying to ease the strain, ‘you two having a cock fight over my daughter isn’t going to get us anywhere.” He turns to Roman, ‘are you still holding on to this?”

  Roman shakes his head, ‘she is just so much better than all of us.” He plants his hands on his hips, ‘and you know I am right.” His stair lands heavy on me.

  “Of course she is, but for some fucking reason she has deemed you guys worth it so we need to figure this shit out.” Kent throws a glance my way then over at Roman, ‘are we good with this?”

  “Ya boss.” I say as I take my seat again.

  “Ya I guess.” Roman agrees too and sits back down as well.

  “Okay well we need to find Heratio now, find out where the hell Zach is, and then pin down when they are going to move again. Let’s all go home and get a good night’s sleep and take this shit up tomorrow.”

  Before we can leave Cowboy drags the manila folder containing the information about Zach, across the table to rest in front of him. He flips it open and sends up a flurry of curses.

  Getting my attention, ‘what is it man?”

  He slams the cover closed and tosses it down the table, I stop it before it flies off the edge sending papers all over the floor.

  “He is my ex-wife’s little brother.” We all exchange glances and the statement brings us all back to the table, ‘ that is why she was the one who delivered the package to Mavis’ the other morning.” And the shit just keeps getting deeper and deeper.

  “Okay so go over this with me again, he is the younger brother, so where is the older brother?” Kent has started to examine the paper work more carefully this time.

  Taking his hat off, Cowboy ruffs his hair, ‘he left for the Marines, just like Zach, I thought he had been keeping his nose clean, but I guess a government check isn’t enough to keep you in beer and pussy. I haven’t seen him in years, neither one of them actually. I didn’t know the little fucker was back in town.”

  We all breath a collective sigh, not only had this just gotten deeper, but it just got a shit load harder for Cowboy.

  Kent leans up, ‘son, you know what this means?” He addresses Cowboy with his fatherly tone.

  “Yes sir I do.” His voice is low.

  “if this goes down we might have to end up putting her and both of her brothers away.”

  Holding his hands up on either side of him in surrender, ‘whatever works man, better for me in the long run anyway.”

  I lean my head down into my hands, ‘he was watching her the whole time.” I look up at my men surrounding the table.

  “Yes, but you didn’t know, what were you going to do go to work with her and break cover?” Dalton asks as he walks behind me slapping me on the back and then taking the vacant chair to my right.

  I look up into the concerned eyes of her father beating down onto me, ‘if you would have listen to me from the beginning Avery would not be in this situation and you would not have to be tap dancing around like a circus monkey.”

  I stand quickly and get in his face, ‘hell you didn’t even know she worked at the prison.”

  His face goes sullen, ‘I knew.” He drags a chair from under the table for himself, ‘I just thought it was an acceptable risk,’ he looks up at me with his face awash in regret, ‘with all the guards, I didn’t know she had befriended the currier. She was safe, well she was until you and your hard on came along.”

  “Wait you knew your daughter was working in the same prison as Cain and you did nothing?” Dalton had stood to my right waiting for me to do something.

  Kent not backing down from me, ‘like I said, she was fine until you.”

  Backing away from him I head for the door, ‘Yeah I guess I am the easier one to blame for all this.” I slam the door heading for a stiff drink and a smoke, I guess the blame for the events of the past week do fall squarely on my shoulders, good damn thing they are so big.



  I feel a tug at my ankle then around my waist as my jeans are peeled off of me. I feel as I am lifted up and my shirt dragged over my head. I mumble something, I don’t know what it was. I feel the snap of my bra on my back and then the cool sheets against my skin. Soft lips travel up my belly to my breast, the supple feel of a tongue rolls my budded nipple, giving each equal attention. I arch my back up feeling a strong arm snake around to hold me close. I feel another hand smoothing the skin of my inner thigh. A thumb makes a pass over my clit making me jump from the touch. The tongue leaves my breast to burn a trail down my stom
ach only stopping to circle my belly button then continue on to where the thumb had been.

  The gentle shove of my knees makes my legs fall apart as his tongue separates my folds and begins to stroke me coaxing my body to life. With each pass a tendril of pleasure is pulled making my hips roll up. My hands find their way into his thick black hair holding him in place. He gets faster as the tension builds and my legs wrap around his back. He is gripping my hips to the point of marking me. His groans vibrate the already sensitive skin under his mouth.

  And then there was nothing, the weight of his body was gone and the chill of my exposure tickling my skin, ‘Avery.” His hot breath on my ear and then the sharp thrust up into me makes me scream.

  His fingers intertwine with mine raising my arms above my head holding them there. I am stretched out and with each thrust my body jerks up. His lips nibble at my neck sending electricity through my veins curling my toes.

  “Oh god Leo.” I moan as my hips meet him each time he drives into me. I am breathless as he is deep in me and taking me to the edge with each thrust and then roll of his hips.

  “So fucking tight.” He groans as his pace has speed up. My legs are back around his waist again opening me up completely to him. With each plunge into me he pushes the breath out of my lungs, ‘now Avery.” He commands and like a finally tuned instrument my body unravels at the command. I claw at his back and my feet hold him in. With two more hard pumps his muscles go taunt.

  “Ahh shit?” His hisses as he fills me with his seed.

  He slumps down on me, he lets my hands go and I bring them down so my arms encircle his neck. His gentle lips touch my neck and then his teeth nip at the skin, rolling his body he takes me with him. He tucks me into his side as our breathing begins to resemble normal.

  My hand lays flat on his chest and I can feel his heart beating, ‘Avery I missed you.” Is all is said before we drift off to a sated sleep.


  I wake to aching in all the right places and hurting in others, I roll to see Leo is gone and I am in bed alone. I bury my face in his pillow closing my eyes replaying what happened last night. Squeezing my legs together to feel the ache of his presence, remembering the events and how good it felt to be loved on by Leo.


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