All In

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All In Page 18

by Greene, Brook

  Piper rushes the vehicle, ‘oh fucking hell you have to be kidding me.” She pulls me out of the passenger side seat and tugs me into a hug. I have yet to speak or show any sign of emotion until I see Piper and then the dam burst.

  Beeker and Dalton are talking quietly as Piper ushers me up the steps and into Dalton’s apartment. She takes me down a hall and into a room sitting me on the bed.

  “What the fuck happened Avery?” She has crossed her arms over her chest as she leans up against a dresser.

  Through the sobs I mumble, ‘I don’t know he told me he would be home around nine and when I woke up he was in the kitchen breaking shit. Then he said a bunch of stuff, mean things to me and Beeker.” I stop talking so I could wipe my nose. I look up at Piper, ‘I thought we were good ya know, he had said he missed me and-“ I break off my thoughts and don’t finish the sentence, what should I expect from him, nothing less than what he had been giving me.

  The door opens as Dalton walks in, ‘did he hurt her?’ he quizzes Piper.

  “No I don’t think so, what the fuck went down tonight Dalton?’ Piper stands and puts her hands on her hips.

  “Piper we will talk about it later.” He dismisses her question.

  Piper climbs into bed with me and starts to stroke my hair, ‘I just want to go home Piper.”

  “I know Avery, we will.” The light is turned out and we lay in the dark as Piper comforts me and I fall asleep.



  I blink as the thumping in my head makes it almost too difficult to open my eyes but I do and find myself lying on the couch fully clothed in what I was wearing last night on the stake out. Gingerly sitting up I run my hand through my very nappy hair taking in the quietness of my house. Surveying my surroundings, there is something missing, what is it? I find it hard to get my muffled brain to organize the crazy going on in my head, then it hits.

  I jump and run for the steps taking them two at a time up to our room, throwing the door open I am met with a sickening silence. I had done it again, sent her away and this time she had taken everything. I stagger to the bed where I slump down reaching up to drag her pillow down to me and cover my face with it taking in the smell of her shampoo.

  “What the fuck have I done?” I say out loud hoping someone somewhere can give me a rational explanation for the emptiness of my house. I lay there and try to fumble through the fog of memories from the night before. I remember taking shots with Cowboy at the strip club and completely neglected the reasons I was there. The blonde come in, oh God the blonde, she slid down on my lap and then there is nothing.

  I groan and roll over on my stomach and beat the bed with my fist, “fuck, fuck, fuck!” A knock at the door brings me out of my pity trip, ‘what?”

  Beeker steps through a now open door, ‘Hey man.” His face is blank of emotion.

  Turning I sit up and put my feet on the floor, ‘hey.’ Dragging in a labored breath, ‘what the fuck have I done?”

  “Um you were an asshole to her.” His voice is even but I can see he has the hint of anger in his eyes, ‘you have got to stop doing this shit to her man, you are going to run out of chances and I think this time maybe it for you.”

  Rubbing the scruff on my chin, ‘what did I say?” I really don’t want to know but the need to fix this weighs heavy on me. I have to have her here with me all the time, why I keep sending her away has to be some fucked up power trip going on in my head.

  Beeker painfully proceeds to tell me everything I had said and done to her when I had finally made it home last night, I had laid my hands on her, possibly hurting her. Taking it all in and listening to everything Beeker has to say I stand resolved to the fact where ever she is I am going to get her and make all this right again.

  “Where did you take her?”

  “I don’t think she is going to want to see you Leo, you were-,’ he pauses as he searches for the words to describe, ‘man the things you said.” He goes silent shaking his head looking down at the floor, ‘I took her to Dalton’s.”

  Walking over to the dresser I pull out a fresh tee throwing off the old one and pulling on the new one, ‘is she still there?”

  I nod, ‘good get your ass back to the shop,’ turning to him, ‘and don’t tell anyone where I am going.”

  I walk by the dresser and catch my reflection, I look like hell warmed over, the late night stake outs and the drinking are starting to take a toll on me. I think it is what I am putting Avery through more than anything. I would not be at all surprised if she never talks to me again, I deserve it.

  Deciding I need to take a shower before I go over and try to fix what I have done. Beeker told me the things I said cringing at the thought, I am very thankful I don’t remember saying them. I don’t think I could take the memory of the hurt I am sure her face was covered in.

  I had hoped the shower would help with the splitting headache I was carrying around but it didn’t so I go to the kitchen and take to pills with a glass of water. Leaving the kitchen I am shocked to see Beeker still in the house. I stop at the archway opening up into the living room. Not sure what to say I lean my shoulder against the door jam and just wait for him to say what he has on his mind.

  “Go ahead man tell me how big of a fucking jerk I am.” I finally break the silence.

  He stands but doesn’t offer to come any closer to me, ‘I am not going to say much but like I said earlier you are going to run out of chances with her,’ this time when he pauses he takes a step to me, ‘and I am afraid this might be the time. She is a great girl Leo and you are fucking up royally, you need to stop listening to Kent and make your own decisions about you and Avery. If you want to be with her, be with her and stay out of your own fucked up head too, because girls like Avery only come around once in a lifetime.”

  I don’t immediately respond I let his word soak in, ‘truer words have never been spoken,’ I crack a smile at him, ‘when did you get so wise about the opposite sex?”

  “I’m not, I have just been hanging out with her a lot the past couple of days and have gotten to know her. She really cares for you,’ this time he gives me a grin, ‘why I don’t know but she does. Go and fix it and if for some strange reason she takes you back don’t fuck up again or I will have to kick your ass.”

  Laughing deep only makes my head hurt more, ‘what ever little man, whatever.” Beeker follows me out to our bikes, ‘see you at the shop.” I say as I sling my leg over the seat and head down the driveway.



  The sun light streaming through the window heating the covers of the bed wakes me, ‘Piper?” I am alone, she must have gotten up and went to Dalton sometime after I fell asleep. I hear muted voices coming from the hall, I know one is Piper the other must be Dalton.

  I jump to my feet and go to the door leaning my ear into it so that I can hear better.

  “I don’t care Dalton, I don’t want him around her.” Piper’s muffled high pitch protest makes me cringe. My head is throbbing and my body aches.

  “He feels bad about what he did Piper, he just wants to apologize to her.” Dalton’s gruff voice cuts through Piper’s insistence.

  “I don’t give a shit, he should have thought about it before he went to the strip joint and got loaded. Is he still on the phone?”

  “No he is standing outside.”

  I rush to the window and see a very brooding Leo leaning against his Harley. His arms are crossed over his chest and his legs are crossed at the ankles. He sees me in the window but I don’t move. I want him to know I see him.

  I turn my head, ‘Piper, I don’t want to see him.” I shout hoping they hear me.

  The door opening tells me she did, ‘that shit is not gonna happen Avery so don’t worry.”

  I glance back out of the window and he is gone. I hear a loud knock at the living room door, ‘open the fuck up Dalton, I know she’s in there.”

  “Go the fuck away Leo!” Piper puts her two cents in.

/>   “Damnit Piper will you let me handle this,’ Dalton begs her, ‘Leo man she doesn’t want to see you. Let her cool off for a couple of days and then I will bring her down to the clubhouse.”

  I stand behind them both as they shout through the door, ‘Dalton man if you don’t open this fucking door and let me in.”

  “Your gonna do what, break it down?” Dalton chuckles and then Leo did. I jump as the door is kicked successfully breaking the locks and the frame free from the wall.

  “Son of a bitch, man.” Daltons surprised expression would be funny had it been a different situation, but for now I am face to face with a very pissed off Leo. His breathing is heavy and his eyes are crazy, his fists are balled at his sides as he eyes me.

  “Avery we need to talk.” He holds out his hand for me to take.

  Shaking my head, ‘fuck off Leo there is nothing you can say I want to hear, not anymore.” I turn and start back to the bed room before I get very far he has taking me by the wrist and spinning me around to face him.

  “Avery I am sorry.” His left eye is still bruised but the dark circles under them both tell a different story.

  “Dually noted, now let me go.” I jerk at my arm to try and free it to no avail.

  “Avery listen to me please?” I hear a tone to his voice I have never heard before giving me pause.

  “Let her go Leo.” I hear Piper in the back ground.

  Leo turns to Dalton, ‘can you remove her please?” He nods his head in Piper’s direction.

  “Piper stay out of it.” Dalton interjects.

  “Don’t you start thinking you can tell me what to do Dalton, she is my best friend and he is an asshole.” She is up in Dalton’s face screaming.

  I watch as the situation is quickly getting out of control, ‘will everybody please shut the hell up.” I hold up my hands in surrender, ‘let's take this outside Leo we don’t need to get these two into a fight.” I walk past Leo and head out the door.

  Leo takes a wade of money out of his pocket and throws a couple of bills on the table, ‘sorry about the door man but you should have just let me in.”

  “Ya I will know next time, thanks.” Dalton says flatly as he takes up the money.

  I stand at the top of the stairs waiting for Leo, he comes up behind and places his hand on the small of my back, ‘your language is terrible.” He leans in and whispers in my ear making chills run over my skin. I jerk free before I am putty in his hands.

  We reach his bike, ‘speak Leo before I change my mind and go back inside.”

  He takes me by the shoulders and turns me to face him, ‘so what kind of line of bullshit are you gonna feed me this morning?”

  “No bullshit, and watch your mouth.” He is seriously not chastising me right now.


  “Avery can you just shut up for a minute and let me talk.” He takes a step back and runs his fingers through his loose hair looking down at his feet as if he was collecting his thoughts and organizing what words he is going to say.

  “It is not getting any cooler out here Leo.” I cross my arms impatiently over my chest.

  “I fucked up last night and I know it, I don’t even remember half the shit I said,’ he looks up at the window of Dalton’s apartment to see a very pissed off Piper glaring down at him, ‘Beeker filled me in this morning. Like I said before, I have things going on in my life that are stressful, Avery I never wanted any of it to blow back on you. I am trying to fix it baby I promise.” He stops and draws in a breath looking up at me to gauge my reaction. I have nothing to offer him in the department, I have my emotions under control now and I have cried all that I am crying for him.

  “Well why you are wasting time standing here talking to me,’ I turn and head back to the steps, ‘go and fix it and get the hell away from me.” I leave him standing at his bike he makes no move to come after me.



  “Did I hurt her?” My voice is merely above a whisper.

  Dalton heaves a sigh before he answers, ‘no, at least not on the outside man. What the hell happened?”

  “Cowboy and I were tailing Zachass when he went into the strip club,’ I pause going back over the night’s events, ‘I had just gotten off the phone with Kent and needless to say it wasn’t pleasant.”

  “He still on about the whole you not being around Avery trip?”

  “It got pretty heated, anyway afterwards I drank way too much and did a bunch of shit I shouldn’t have.” I drag in a long deep breath and just wait for Dalton to talk but he doesn’t, he just stays quiet letting me fumble through the situation in my head. I fill him in on all the details Beeker had clued me into this morning.

  Finally after several moments of excruciating silence Dalton responds, ‘well man all I can say is, shit I am not sure what to say because boy when you step in it, you step thigh deep brother.”

  “Tell me something I don’t already know man.” I rub my hand through my hair and tug it hard, ‘fuck me, what have I done? Do me a favor and keep an eye on her please?”


  I spend what I consider a week in hell living with Piper and Dalton, Saturday afternoon they are getting ready to go to the clubhouse for a cookout, ‘Avery I really wished you would come with us. Leo has asked about you every day.’

  “So what now, you are his best friend?” I roll on the bed and watch her get ready.

  “No I just know sometimes when you get drunk and you are in a certain frame of mind it magnifies your mood and you say and do things you wouldn’t normally do,’ she quits brushing her hair and turns to me, ‘and he has been under a lot of stress lately.”

  “It doesn’t matter Piper nothing excuses the way he talked to me or why he keeps doing this.” I roll on my back and glance up at the ceiling then close my eyes. I have missed him terribly and the thought he had been asking about me gave me a slight thrill.

  “No it doesn’t, but he did come over as soon as he found out what he had done and apologized.” She went back to getting ready, ‘so why don’t you just come with us tonight and see how it goes. According to Dalton, Leo-“

  “Piper!” Dalton had joined us in the room. I have a hard time tearing my eyes away from him. His shirtless body was ripped, his loose fitting worn jeans hung low on his waist, ‘we are leaving in ten.” He looked at the both of us and gave Piper a brow beating look telling her to shut up and not finish her last thought. Walking back out the door I lean to the side so I can watch him saunter down the hall slinging his tee over his head covering his body up. Sitting back up, Piper is smiling at me, knowing I just ogled her man.

  “Come on Avery please?” She was batting her eyelashes at me.

  I want to go but know I shouldn’t, I want to see Leo and then I know we are a toxic pair, ‘okay give me a minute and let me get some clothes on.” I can’t believe once again I am running back to him.

  “Yeah!” She screams jumping up and down clapping her hands together.

  “Let’s go girls.” Dalton yells from the living room. I tug a brush through my hair and throw on a light summer dress and my new cowboy boots I had purchased on Wednesday in hopes some retail therapy would help me. Of course the only thing I thought of was, if Leo would like me in them.

  I emerge from my bedroom, ‘you look amazing Leo is going to bust something.” Piper chirps as she takes my arm and we all three walk out together with Dalton closing and locking the door behind us.

  “So not the reaction I am looking for Piper.” I look at her stopping dead in my tracks.

  “Oh you know what I mean.” She continues to tug at me, finally relenting, arm in arm we follow Dalton down the steps.

  “We can take the truck.” The hint of disappointment indicates he had intentions of taking his bike.

  “Baby, Avery and I can drive my car and follow you on your bike.” His face lights as he leans in and kissers her full on the lips.

  “You are fuckin awesome babe.” His arm snakes around her waist
and he hauls her back into him for another round of tongue wrestling.

  I clear my throat to let them know they are not alone, do you see what I mean by a week in lovers hell.

  “And don’t you ever forget it either.” She chimes as she swats his fine ass.

  I just shake my head and go to the passenger side of her car and climb in waiting for them to finish their PDA.

  “I am so glad you are going Avery, I want have to sit by myself tonight. Those other bitches hate me cause I got the grade a prime meat, other than Roman, Cowboy and Leo of course.”

  I laugh, ‘of course.” Dalton pulls out ahead of us and leads the way.

  “Damn that man is fine. Isn’t he Avery?” Her mouth is literally water as we follow a leather clad blue jean wearing bad ass biker boy on his Harley.

  “Yes Piper he is,” I reach over and playfully wipe at her mouth, ‘you got something right there.”

  “Don’t get mad or nothing,‘ she glances over at me, ‘but yours is the uber bad ass hottie babe too.” She grins again, ‘don’t say anything to Dalton bout that little comment though please”?

  “I want and yes I agree with you, Leo is a pain in my ass.” I close my eyes and bring up the pictures of him, his smile, the booming sound of his laugh, the way his voice is gravely when he first wakes up in the morning. The way his face looks while we are having sex and then the sated look afterwards, all good and way to fucking sexy.

  “I know you miss him Avery and I don’t blame you I would miss Dalton like crazy, but that’s okay cause we are going to fix this shit tonight and get you out of my hair.” She snickers as she reaches over and squeezes my leg, ‘I love you baby but I need the ability to scream during orgasm.”

  “I am more than happy to move home to our completely empty apartment.” I state flatly.

  “No you can’t Leo would kill Dalton with his bare hands and I think he is kind of addicted to breathing plus I am kind of addicted to certain appendages that belong to him.”


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