All In

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All In Page 20

by Greene, Brook

  He flashes me with a devilish grin, ‘I can think of a whole lot of things,’ he steps back holding my arms out to either side of me, ‘and the first thing is getting you out of this sexy as hell dress.” Sweeping me back up into his arms, he lifts me so I can wrap my legs around his waist. He walks me over to the now empty dresser setting my ass down onto the cold wood. His lips move over mine gently at first then the heat is ratcheted up to inferno levels as his tongue invades my mouth. Using my heels I dig them into his ass pushing him between my legs. My hands have long since entangled into his long hair as his hips are grinding into me. A knock at his door pulls us apart, I lay my hand on his heaving chest, as I struggle to get a hold of my own breathing.

  Another knock more urgent this time booms through the room, ‘What?” His stern tone rattles my core. Dalton opens the door at his own peril and he knows it but the look of panic on his face has Leo rushing over to him pulling me behind him.

  “Leo man you need to get out there now, Joy is outside kicking over the bikes.” Roman yells as he runs down the hall followed by a Leo and Piper and me.

  Throwing open the club door we are greeted to the sight of a high healed clad Joy kicking the shit out of Leo’s bike. Before Leo has a chance to react I am running at her full speed letting all the rage from our argument earlier take hold of me. I take her down with a shoulder tackle. Straddling her I begin to punch her in the face in rapid succession. She retaliates by taking two hand full's of my hair only accomplishing to piss me off more. I ram my thumbs into both of her eyes, ‘punch me but let my hair go bitch.” Unable to tolerate the pain in her eyes she releases my hair and lands a punch square on my nose.

  Jumping back Joy dives on top of me and we tussle for a little while longer before Dalton and Roman separates us. Leo runs over taking me from Roman, ‘get her the hell out of here man.” He nods his head over in Joy’s direction. He begins to dust me off, looking down my eyes fly wide in horror, I had forgotten I was wearing a dress.

  “Shit!” I exhale and hope I had not given away farm in my display of insane anger.

  “What, are you hurting somewhere or bleeding?” His hands and eyes are all over me looking for the reason for my sudden outburst.

  I shamefully lean over and tug at the bottom hem of the dress, ‘no not anything visible but my dignity is probably a little compromised.”

  His laugh is rich and warms my heart, ‘believe me if anyone out here had gotten a show I would have put a stop to the fight a lot sooner.” I look in the direction of the mob and then over to Joy who is a bit more out of sorts then me, I give myself internal snaps, I kicked her ass.

  Dalton and Roman escort her to her car as Cowboy holds open her door, but not before she spits in mine and Leo’s general direction, ‘classy bitch, real classy.” I struggle to get free from Leo’s iron hold.

  “Avery calm down.” Leo demands but still refuses to let me go, ‘come on babe lets go back in.” He turns with me still in his arms as I hear Joy heaving curses at Dalton, Cowboy and Roman while they place her in her car.

  “Your bike Leo, it's trashed.” I say as we reenter to all the eyes in the house on us. Leo nods and Beeker and another prospect go outside to assess the damage done.

  “Don’t worry about it baby, it's all fixable.” A smile splits his face, ‘you kicked ass, that was so fucking hot.” He leans down and kisses me.

  I laugh as the endorphins begin to wear off and my scalp is beginning to ache along with my nose. I reach to rub it, ‘it still hurt like a son of a bitch.”

  “Language, Avery.” He reprimands me for the curse.

  His deep belly laugh shakes his shoulders, ‘come on Avery, I think I owe you a beer.” We go through the congratulating crowd to the bar.

  The other three boys and Piper join us, ‘hey Rocky.” Roman says as he leans in and kisses the top of my head earning him a eat shit look from Leo.

  “Avery you were awesome, where did you learn to fight?” Dalton quips as pulls Piper in to his arms.

  I throw my hands into the air, ‘First fight I have ever been in my entire life.” I smile at him and take a drink of my beer.

  “You are a natural babe.” Leo squeezes me.

  I look up at him, ‘how many more of those am I going to have to get into?” I laugh.

  “After what just happened,’ Leo slings his head in the direction of the parking lot, ‘probably not too many.” His smile is ravaging and I am falling fast. I could plunge head first into the black abyss of his eyes without a fear of being saved from drowning. Doing my best to distract my heart I listen to the music being played. Finally a song comes over the stereo begging for a little bump and grind, taking up Leo’s hand I begin to take him out onto the dance floor. He pulls me back, ‘what are you doing?”

  Turning a devilish grin on him of my own this time, ‘I gotta dance baby.”

  He lets a little breath go, ‘lead the way sexy.” I grasp his big hand tighter in mine and take him to the middle of the crowd turning to him I place my hands on his over sized shoulders. Walking up close where there is nothing between us, I sweep my hips across his from one side and then the other, looking up at him to gauge his reaction. I feel as his strong hands grab me pulling us closer together if it was even possible, ‘more.” He commands

  Releasing his shoulders I slither my hands up my body ending them over my head twining them together I do a full body roll down him and then back up. He takes me by the hips and spins around me pulling my back to his hard front. We grind into each other to the beat of the erotic music. The barrier of our clothes is the only thing keeping us from fucking right here, right now.

  I pull my hands down and then trail them up my body to his exposed neck reaching his hair line I entangle my fingers pulling his head down into my neck. Arching my body back into his I rub my ass against him again garnering me a groan and a cautiously released breath. The hum coming from my body is blocking out everyone in the room but Leo and me, he belongs to me for the moment.

  I give my body a few more rolls before I feel his lips at my ear, ‘you need to stop this now.” He growls as his chest rumbles against my back. I smile and turn to him taking his face into my hands never stopping my body from moving, I go up on my toes and plant a light kiss on his lips and back away smiling.

  “Avery.” He grits out of his pursed mouth, ‘please.” His voice is strained like he his holding on by a thread.

  Going back up on my toes I try to make the playing field as even as possible but his height advantage is something I can’t compete with. I bring his face down to eye level with me, ‘please what, Leo?” I am tormenting him simply for the sheer joy of being able to.

  He leans in, taking my hips in his strong hands halting me from moving at all, ‘Please stop because I do not want to have to fuck you in front of all these people.”

  The beer and liquor are now talking for me, ‘is that a threat or a promise Mr. Tucker?”

  “Oh Ms. Delany I do not make idle threats,’ he tilts his head back over at the two vacant bar stools, ‘let’s have a seat for awhile.” I glance down and see briefly what I have done to him right before my body is thrust back into his front then I feel it on my ass. Tormenting him farther I give my rear a little shake, ‘Fuck Avery.” His sharp tone is all I need to know I have accomplished my one objective, payback is hell especially when it is handed out for public consumption.

  I let him lead us back to our original places as all his boys are exchanging looks bolstering my ego even more. I look at Piper and tip the beer Kayla had just left me, tilting it back draining it of half its contents before Leo jerks it from my hands, ‘Avery, enough.”

  Barely catching myself on the edge of the bar before I pitch backwards, ‘who says?”

  Leo slams the bottle down on the bar, ‘don’t give her another one Kayla.” He directs his attention to me, ‘I say.”

  “Oh big bad boy has said,” I stand bringing the attention of the whole party to us again, ‘everybody, he says
I have had enough to drink,’ I shoot a look over at Leo then back to my attentive crowd, ‘what do you guys say, have I had enough?”

  I get a collective “hell no!”

  Turning and slapping the bar, ‘you heard them Kayla, bring me something hard.”

  Leo stands pointing at Kayla, ‘I suggest you don’t.”

  Pushing on his shoulder, ‘wait a minute I just kicked the ass of a bitch I found naked in your bed and you are telling me I can’t drink anymore?” I stumble back thankfully Roman catches me just before I bust my ass.

  Leo takes me by the arms and pulls me into him, ‘let’s do this when you are sober and you haven’t pissed me off or turned me on so much?”

  Jerking my head back to look at him, I can’t help but laugh, ‘what?”

  “Avery, shit babe are you ready to go lay down, I am spent.” For the first time I take in his demeanor, his shoulders are slumped and his eyes are blood shot. All the fight leaves me and I nod at him accepting his offer. Running my hand through his hair, I smile and he does the same, ‘that feels good baby.”

  I run my hand a few more times before I am willing to break the contact. I sway on my feet again, he grabs me by my hips to steady me, ‘I think I am going to need a little help though.” I hold up my hand for him, instead of taking it he sweeps me up into a cradle hold, ‘you don’t need to carry me, I can walk, I think.”

  Completely ignoring my protest he lifts my body up, ‘Warp your arms around my neck baby,’ he waits for me to get settled in his arms then turns to the few stragglers left, ‘night boys, lock it down when you guys are finished.” He turns and saunters back down the hall to his room.

  He kicks the door closed behind us and in one quick move turns me in his arms to where my legs are wrapped around his waist and my back is against the door. His lips are at my ear, ‘shit Avery I love you in a dress, you should wear them more often but next time don’t wear any underwear and don’t get into a fight wearing it.” His tongue sweeps the skin under my ear and down to my collar bone. I hear the familiar snap and the thin piece a material and then it is dropped to the side, ‘there was point where your ass was in the air and I could see your thong."

  “I thought you said you didn’t see anything?” I grind my hips up and into him, ‘mm Leo that feels so fucking good.” He sets me down on my feet and drags my dress up over my head, leaning down sucking my nipple up into his mouth nipping it with his teeth. The action sends jolts of electricity through my veins.

  “No I said the others didn’t see anything, I got a full show.” His devilish laugh makes me smile.

  I help him with his shirt then he makes quick work of his jeans. His strong hands take my ass and hoist me back up around his waist, ‘hold on baby.” He groans in a low voice.

  He presses his mouth against mine as his quick thrust up into me makes me scream. He holds still for a moment as my body adjust to him, ‘shit Avery.” His lips have drifted down my cheek and have stopped at my bare shoulder.

  He begins to slowly move in and out of me, my arms are around his neck as I run my fingers through the back of his hair, ‘oh Leo.” I roll my hips into him. He is panting and with each time he drives into me my back knocks into the door making it rattle in the frame.

  He spins us and presses me against the opposite wall, only to rattle the metal signs and Mayhem club decorations each time he pounds into me. He has tore one hand loose from my ass and smacks the wall to the left of my head with such force it knocks something beside us off and onto the floor.

  “God Avery I can’t get enough of you,’ he growls into me ear as his left arm goes under my right taking a hand full of my hair his left arm snakes around my waist pulling me into to his frantic thrusts. My legs and his hips hold me in place while his erotic assault on my body is wonderfully unrelenting.

  My core begins to clinch around him as he pants, ‘Avery I want you to come with me.” His chest is slick with sweat. His request wasn’t going to be hard to comply with. He has become desperate for me and I crave him.

  “Oh god.” My breath catches in my throat as the overwhelming sensation of him filling me takes over. I scream as I come hard around him. My legs cinch tight around his waist as he is not far behind me. Two more deep thrusts and he comes too his hips rocking up into me. He rests his forehead on my shoulder as we both try to get our breathing under control.

  “Shit Avery.” He pants as he backs away from the wall taking me over to the bare bed. He turns us so that we collapse into the mattress side by side my legs still wrapped around him.

  He takes his finger and rakes a stray strand of sweaty hair away from my forehead, ‘that was amazing.” He smiles and kisses my nose.

  “Yeah.” Is all I can manage, being speechless after sex with Leo is becoming a very welcome pattern for me. Finding the strength I raise my hand and lay it on his cheek, ‘I missed you Leo.”

  He covers my hand with his, ‘you have no fucking idea, I have been miserable.” He brings my hand down to his lips and kisses the palm, ‘I will never fuck up so bad again, I promise.” We just lay side by side looking at each other for a while until the air conditioner kicks on and the cool air coming from the vent over the bed sends a shiver down my body.

  I giggle, ‘is this a promise of you never going to fuck up again, ever?”

  Shaking his head, ‘God no Avery, I am a big idiot and I am going to fuck up a lot,’ he pauses and kisses my hand again, ‘but nothing like what I did last weekend.”

  He pulls from me and rolls off the bed going over to his closet pulling fresh linins for the bed out, ‘here let’s make the bed before I pass out.” After the bed is made we fall into a sated comfortable sleep our bodies entangle with each other.



  I lie awake watching her sleep, her head is laying on my stomach and her small arm is draped over me. I marvel at the stark contrast of her milky white perfect skin against my dark tattooed torso. The soft rise and fall of her back, the flutter of her eyes as she dreams. I hope they are good dreams of me, not the bad shit I have put her through the past couple of weeks. Reaching a finger to stroke the loose hair away from her cheek so I can see her beautiful face, I wince as the remnants of her attack are still slightly evident on her supple skin.

  I should tell her the truth, or at the least a perverse version of it. Telling her the real truth would crush her world and make her remove herself from mine and that just isn’t acceptable. I have her back, for good this time Kent Delany be damned. I have grown to need her, crave her almost to the point of physical pain when I am away from her. My head is constantly filled with thoughts of what she is doing, who is she with and I immediately overwhelmed by jealousy at the thought of her sharing her laughter with anyone but me.

  I just thought I was in love before, but never anything like this, like what I feel for Avery. My thoughts settle and I have come to an impasse, continue to lie to her or give her something even if it isn’t all fact, I just know continuing to mislead to her is ripping apart my insides, mainly my heart.

  Something is better than nothing, right?



  I am leaning with my back up against the head board. Leo had climbed between my legs and has his head resting in my lap. His arms are wrapped around my hips and I am running my fingers through his thick black hair. We are silent and just enjoying the moment. His eyes are closed but I know he is awake. The sheet is pooled around his waist just above his fine ass, much to my dismay.

  “What are you thinking about?” I ask as my hand makes another pass through his wonderful hair.

  Without opening his eyes, ‘how I am sick of sleeping in this fucking bed when I have a much more comfortable one at home.”

  “Well you are the one who can’t wait for us to drive there.” I lift his head by his hair to see his eyes.

  His smile is warm, ‘I can’t help it.” He squeezes my ass with both hands and buries his face between my legs blowing a huff of ho
t breath across my sex.

  “Oh Leo.” I gasp and swat his back. His body shakes with laughter as his head lays back down.

  We sit in silence for awhile longer, ‘Leo I need to find a job.” I huff and lay my head back against the head board looking up at the ceiling.

  “Try the hospital.” His eyes have drifted shut again.

  “The one I was just in for being assaulted, I don’t think so.”

  “Who knows they might feel sorry for you this time and hire you. Never know until you try.” His logic is sound and I am not above playing the sympathy card.

  “Can I move back into my apartment?” I sheepishly ask.

  “No Avery you can’t.” His tone clipped and aggravated.

  “So how long do you expect me to live with you are stay here at the clubhouse?”

  “Until I can get this situation with Max sorted out or forever, the latter is fine with me.” A large lump forms in my throat, did he just say he wanted me to stay forever, with him? I have been repeating the conversation we had had several weeks ago in my apartment to keep from getting in too deep, but obviously the mental war between my head and heart found my head on the losing end.

  Quickly I change the subject, ‘Did you take whatever he wanted to him or his thugs he wanted it in two days it has been almost a week.” I pick hoping he will divulge information.

  “I have something else working and you don’t need to worry about it.” He dismisses me quickly.

  “Oh god Leo, why can’t you just tell me?” I try to shove him off of me and move off the bed, his grip on me tightens.

  He raises his head so I can see his eyes, ‘cause if you are ever questioned you can honestly say you don’t know anything that is why I am not telling you.” I have pissed him off.

  I take my hands from his hair crossing them over my chest, he hasn’t moved from my lap, ‘okay fine.”

  He releases a deep throat growl as he pushes himself up off my lap, ‘you want to know why I don’t want you involved?”


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