Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7) Page 7

by Luke Young

  “No, I’m usually calm and I slowly regain consciousness. I guess I’m lucky. I’ve read about people who can be violent.”

  Victoria nodded. “That’s right.”

  “About two months ago I started doing some…” Paula paused a moment then sighed. “… other things.”


  “Like, um…” She gave her a hesitant look. “… having sex with my husband.”

  “While you were sleeping?” Victoria asked.

  “Yes,” Paula began. “And I don’t remember any of it.”

  “Your husband told you about it?”

  “He did.”

  “How many occurrences would you say over the two months?”

  “I think ten.”

  “Do you still have any non-sexual sleep walking events during this time?”

  Paula shook her head. “Not that I’m aware of.”

  “And you haven’t woken up during any of those incidents?”

  “One,” Paula admitted.

  Victoria narrowed her eyes. “Tell me about that incident.”

  “Well, um, my husband’s brother was spending the night with us. He recently lost his job and he lives in Georgia. He was staying with us while he interviewed for some jobs in our area.”

  “Did he witness any of your sleepwalking.”

  “Well, you could say that,” Paula replied.

  “How so?”

  “I, um, evidently made my way to the guest room and I, um…” She trembled then closed her eyes.

  “Just take your time.”

  Paula forced her eyes open. “I, um, I performed oral sex on him while I was asleep.”

  “All right.” Victoria gave her a supportive nod. “That had to be traumatic.”

  “It was. I woke up when my husband pulled me away from his brother, Richard. Evidently my husband woke up, discovered that I wasn’t in bed and went looking for me. He was not happy.”

  “I can imagine.”

  “After the initial shock of discovering me doing that, Richard said he was trying to wake me and get me to stop but…” She sighed then after pausing a few moments continued, “And now I can’t even look at his brother any more. I get along really well with his wife and I don’t know how I can see either one of them ever again. I mean, how can I put this behind me? What would I say? I don’t really…” Paula dropped her head down, covering her mouth with her hands as her eyes welled up with tears.

  “I’m sure she would understand, um…”

  Paula raised her head and shot Victoria an incredulous look.

  “Well, I mean, maybe—”

  “Oh sure.” The patient sniffled then added in a condescending tone, “Jessica, um, last time I saw your husband I was giving him a blow job, but don’t worry I didn’t remember any of it.”

  Victoria put a calming hand up. “Let’s just focus on getting to the root of the problem. The people who love you, need to support you while you work through this.”

  “My husband hasn’t spoken to me since it happened.”

  “I understand he’s hurting, and maybe he just needs some time to process this before—”

  “Yeah, it might be a while before he gets the image of me doing that to his brother out of his head.” She exhaled deeply and dabbed her eyes with a tissue. “Especially since we don’t normally do that.”


  “Oral sex.” Paula grimaced. “I’m not a big fan of, you know…”

  Victoria nodded. “That’s not unusual.”

  “We’ve had some, let’s call them discussions, over the years about our sex life. It’s pretty vanilla. Mostly, um, standard stuff, not a lot of foreplay and we’ve never done anything too crazy.”

  “And Alex is looking for more?”

  “He doesn’t pressure me or complain, but it’s come up.”

  “He sounds like a good man.” Victoria gave her a sympathetic smile.

  “Oh, he is.”

  “So during any of your sleep walking experiences with your husband, you never…” Victoria lifted her palms. “… performed oral sex on him?”

  “No, never. But he tells me things are different when I’m asleep.” Her face twisted into a tortured expression then she covered her mouth.

  “Take your time.” Victoria gave her a reassuring smile. “What do you mean?”

  “Sorry.” Paula sniffled, dabbing her nose with the tissue. “Well, how’d you like to be good in bed, but only when you’re asleep?”

  “Yes, I understand, but how are things different when you’re asleep?”

  “Like I mentioned our sex life was pretty routine. But he tells me when I’m having one of my episodes, I take control. You know, get on top and, um, what do they call it… ride him, I guess you could say. I would also climb over his head and place my…” She glanced down to her lap before continuing on, “…over his face.”

  “And he would perform oral sex on you?”

  She widened her eyes. “I guess I wasn’t giving him much choice.”

  Victoria tried to hold back a smile as she said, “I guess not.”

  “And that’s another thing we never really did.”

  “Okay.” The therapist made another note then glanced up from her pad. “Well, not all women enjoy oral sex.”

  Paula nodded wearing a frown.

  After pausing a moment, Victoria continued, “When your sleep walking activities transitioned from household chores to sex acts do you recall if you were experiencing any stresses in your life? Was there anything out of the ordinary that occurred prior to the switch or any events that you can recall?”

  Paula narrowed her eyes and shook her head slowly. “I don’t think so. My son had just returned to college for his junior year and we were in the middle of a kitchen remodel, but other than that, I don’t think there was anything other than general life stuff, you know.”

  “And how was your sex life with your husband at that point? Anything happening there that might have triggered the change?

  “Nothing comes to mind.” Suddenly, Paula’s expression shifted into a frown.

  “What is it?” Victoria asked.

  “This is silly, but…”

  “Please share it with me. There’s no telling what could help in your therapy. Even the smallest event might hold a clue to recent developments.”

  “Okay, I was on the computer looking up a recipe for something… I think it was sweet potato pudding and I must’ve typed something incorrectly. I wasn’t paying attention fully. I clicked on a link and ended up on this adult website. A video clip started playing of this group sex thing.” She closed her eyes and shuddered. “I was horrified and quickly got out of it.”

  “And that was around the same time that you began experiencing this change to your sleep walking habit?”

  “I believe so.” Paula’s jaw dropped. “You don’t think simply seeing a few seconds of that could somehow have turned me into a sexual deviant, do you?”

  “No. No, I don’t and I don’t believe that you are a sexual deviant.” Victoria said. “But was there anything in particular about the video clip you saw that might have sparked some memory from your past?”


  “For example an old boyfriend or experience or—”

  “No.” Paula interrupted.

  Victoria spotted her patients knee suddenly bouncing up and down, nervously.

  Paula pushed her hand down on her leg to control the movements and said in an angry tone, “I can assure you I wasn’t some sort of swinger in the past or anything like that.”

  “I’m not trying to imply that,” Victoria began. “Just take a deep breath.”

  Paula took a calming breath then fanned her face with her hand.

  “Would you like some water?”

  “Yes, please.”

  After retrieving a bottle for Paula, Victoria returned to her seat and asked, “When did you first become sexually active?”

  Paula sipped her water before asking, �
��You mean lose my virginity?”

  “Not necessarily. Your first sexual experience.”

  “Well, I dated a little in college. I was in a sorority and there was a guy from the fraternity that I dated for about a year. We didn’t have intercourse, but we kissed and… touched and…”

  “So, you performed mutual masturbation.”

  After frowning Paula admitted, “Yes.”

  “And oral sex?”

  “No, but he asked for it.”

  “Well, what guy doesn’t?” Victoria made a face.

  The two women shared a laugh before the patient continued, “I met my husband senior year and he was very religious. We waited until we were married.”

  “Of course.” Victoria gave her a supportive nod.

  “There were a couple of guys I dated in between, but things never became physical. Mostly I hung out with my sorority sisters. We would go to parties and drink. I would overdo it from time to time, but never anything crazy.”

  “You mentioned earlier that the sleep walking started in college.”

  “That’s right.”

  “Can you recall when that started or any unusual stresses that might have led up to the initial occurrence?”

  After pausing a moment to ponder that, Paula shook her head frowning. “I think it started right after I rushed the sorority. You hear about the fraternities and their hazing rituals, but back then the girls got a little crazy too. All I remember is that it was right about the same time. My roommate didn’t pledge and we were close before I joined, but I remember our relationship seemed to be strained after that. She accused me of changing once I got in. She said I was stuck up. We made up a few weeks after that, but we were never as close.”

  “Interesting.” Victoria made a note in her pad, paused a moment thinking then continued, “Paula, have you ever been hypnotized?”


  “I feel that hypnosis can be very useful to recover repressed memories. Some therapists believe that while under hypnosis the memories that are retrieved cannot always be trusted since, while under hypnosis, people are easily subject to suggestion.”


  Victoria raised her palms up. “I disagree. Performed correctly, by a licensed hypnotist, this type of therapy has been known to bring issues to light and, in some cases, uncover traumatic events from one’s past that have been blocked.”


  “Would you be open to exploring this as an option for your therapy?”

  “I don’t know.” Paula shook her head.

  “Some clients can’t be hypnotized. It generally works in about a third of participants. Some people are highly susceptible to hypnotic suggestion and the results can be nothing short of eye opening. I believe that it’s worth a try.”

  “Can I take some time to think about it?”



  The next morning Jim placed a bowl of cereal in front of Kaylie. Glancing out the window, he spotted Victoria climbing out of the pool after an early morning energizing swim. She bent over to retrieve her towel and his lips parted as he took in the sight of her in her white one-piece suit. He was as smitten as he was the first day he laid eyes on her.

  “I want to swim with mommy,” Kaylie announced.

  “So. Do. I,” Jim said in a slow sexy tone.

  “What Daddy?”

  “Nothing.” Turning to his daughter, he shook himself back to reality. “You have to go to school, angel.”

  “But I want to go in the pool.”

  “Maybe when you get home. Eat your breakfast, okay?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  Victoria entered the house with the towel wrapped around her shoulders. She smiled at her daughter. “Good morning, puddin’.”

  “Hi, mommy.”

  She moved to Jim and put her hand on his shoulder. “What time do you have to go in today?”

  “Right after I drop her off.”

  “That’s sad.” She frowned. “I have to leave for the airport at ten.”

  “That stinks.”

  Standing behind her man, she patted him on the rear end. “I was hoping we could spend some quality time together before I had to leave.”

  “Me too,” he whined.

  “Mommy, why do you have to go?”

  “I’m going to be on the radio with Aunt Jillian.”

  “I want to be on the radio.” Kaylie’s eyes widened. “Can I go too?”

  “No baby, it’s a radio show for adults only.”

  Kaylie scrunched her face up. “What’s that?”

  “They just talk about mommy and daddy stuff.”

  “Oh.” Kaylie shoveled a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

  “Speaking of that.” Jim turned to her. “Don’t tell him too much of that mommy and daddy stuff. You know how that guy can be.”

  “He’s harmless.” Victoria waved her hand at him flippantly. “Plus, I’m not even sure they’ll have me on the air.”

  “Right.” He rolled his eyes. “Something tells me he’ll want to know who inspired your character in the movie. And once he takes one look at you, he’ll have you on for an hour, flirting and asking you all kinds of intimate stuff.”

  “I won’t say anything embarrassing.”

  “Yes, please don’t tell him about the size of my diii—” He pressed his lips together, glanced at his daughter then returned to his wife. “… um, you know he loves to ask about that.” He stealthily pointed toward his junk. “And if he asks about…” Leaning close to her, he whispered, “… anal sex… don’t answer the question.”

  “What? He won’t ask that.” She looked at him like he was nuts.

  “Uh-huh.” He chuckled, sarcastically. “He’s preoccupied with that. It’s like his favorite question.”

  “What’s the big deal if the world finds out that you’re…” She motioned toward his groin then discovered her daughter grinning up at her curiously. “… you are, you know, a healthy daddy and we have extreme fun every now and then.”

  “No one needs to know how healthy I am,” he grumbled. “I have to run a business here so yeah, it’s sort of a big deal. Just watch what you say.”

  “Okay. Okay.” She sighed. Their eyes met, she stepped to him and whispered, “I just got a little wet.”

  “From what?”

  “All this mommy and daddy talk.” She placed her hand on his arm, leaning close to breathe in the scent of him.

  He grinned. “I think it moved.”


  He paused a moment then looked down to his groin. “Yeah, it moved all right. It just did again.”

  “What are we going to do? I won’t see you for more than two days and I don’t think I can make it.”

  He glanced at the clock then grimaced. “We need to leave for school in like five minutes. I think you’re just going to have to power through.”

  Scowling, she bounced on her heels. “Crap.”

  “But when you get back I’ll make it up to you.”


  “I really, really promise.”

  “I can’t even hug you since my bathing suit is all wet,” she said.

  “Geez, it’s like one of us is in prison and we can’t touch each other.”

  “I know.” Being careful not to press her wet body up against his, she leaned in for a quick kiss. She grinned and placing her hands on his shoulders, adjusted his position until his back was directly facing their daughter and blocking her view. “But I can touch this.” She raised her eyebrows then squeezed the bulge in his pants. She gasped. “You’re almost fully…”

  “Yeah, the mommy and daddy talk is getting to me too.” He nodded. “Sure.”

  “What are you going to do?” Her gaze dipped down to his groin before returning to his face.

  “Um, well, I’ll walk a little funny and hold a jacket in front of my, you know, until things go back to normal. It shouldn’t take long.”

  “I think I
know a faster way to reduce the swelling.”

  Cringing, he glanced at the clock. “We literally have three minutes now.”

  “What are they going to do, not let her in at school, if you’re a few minutes late?” She shot him a suggestive look.

  “Good point. Okay, but we have to hurry.”

  “You go into the bathroom and I’ll be right there.”

  Smiling he headed off as Victoria, picked up her daughter. “Can you watch TV for a minute? Mommy has to talk to daddy about something really, really fast before you go.”

  “Okay, mommy.”

  Thirty seconds later, Victoria rushed into the bathroom and discovered Jim wearing only socks with his erection standing at attention. She giggled. “I figured you’d just have it out.”

  “I didn’t want to mess up my shorts. Those are my favorite ones.”

  “Uh-huh.” She moved to him and placed her hand on his chest. Grinning up to his face, she pressed her lips to his and kissed him hard. Her hands wandered down to his groin and she squeezed his shaft. He kissed her neck and she exhaled deeply, tilting her head to the side as he nibbled on her collarbone.

  Moaning, she slipped down to her knees. In one skillful motion she took half of his cock into her mouth. He exhaled sharply, gripping the edge of the counter behind him hard. Working quickly, she bobbed her head back and forth over his length in a smooth rhythm.

  His face contorted in what looked like pleasure mixed with pain as he struggled to force his release. His jaw dropped open and he refused to breathe as she worked him harder and faster. “Oh… Victoria.”

  His eyes glazed over and he extended his hand to her damp hair. He cupped her chin and there was fire in his eyes. He pulled back from her and his cock fell from her lips. “Screw it.”

  “Huh?” She looked into his eyes dizzied. “What?”

  “Stand up.”

  She did as he commanded and taking hold of her shoulders, he guided her to the counter. Slipping his finger into the crotch of her bathing suit, he moved it aside and in one stealth maneuver entered her at that odd angle. She cried out with a loud squeal. Scooping her ass up in his hands, he deposited her on the counter, pressed his hips fully to her and fucked her even harder.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and thrust her hips back and forth over him, holding on for dear life while he pounded his length into her. Her eyelids fluttered closed and he thrust harder, pushing her further back onto the counter and knocking the toothbrush holder into the sink.


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