Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7) Page 12

by Luke Young

  His jaw dropped open. “So it’s okay because men are drooling, pathetic sex maniacs and women have some actual sense?”

  “Um, well, when you put it that way, it doesn’t sound so good.” She frowned. “Look, I made him turn off all the cameras.”

  “Great that makes me feel better,” he replied sarcastically.

  “There was hardly anyone in the studio.”

  “Who was there?”

  “Just Harold, Carolyn, um, Jillian and that producer guy and maybe two others.”

  “Awesome,” he grumbled. “That’s awesome.”

  “You’re being silly.” She pointed at his now flaccid penis. “Even he thinks so.”

  Bringing his knees up to his chest, he wrapped his arms around them and sneered. “Obviously he doesn’t appreciate you going around showing your breasts to millionaire celebrities either.”

  “I think I know how to make it up to him.” Sliding over, she pressed her lips to his cheek as she ran her hand down his chest to his stomach.

  “Victoria, I’m really not in the mood.”

  She kissed his neck, feeling around blindly between his legs. When she came up empty, she joked. “Wait, where is he?”

  He tilted his head to move away from her kiss. “So now I’m so fat that you can’t even find him over my flabby stomach, huh?”

  “No, I wasn’t…” Sighing, she rubbed her forehead. “I can see that you’re having some sort of irrational moment, so I’m just going to go to sleep.”

  “Fine.” He turned away from her, flipped off the light and curled up with his pillow.

  After a few seconds, she said, “I love you.”

  He muttered, “I love you too.”

  She exhaled and stared up to the ceiling with her hands folded across her chest. A smile spread across her face as she thought of her appearance at the radio show and the fun she had. Jim was just being ridiculous, she thought. After he’s had some time to cool off she was sure he would come to his senses. She shook her head and traced a circle around each of her nipples with her index fingers. She had been really looking forward to spending a night enjoying some hot passionate sex with her husband and now, somehow, that was ruined. Closing her eyes, she ran her finger using feather light pressure down to her abdomen then back to her breast. With her heart rate increasing and her breathing labored she turned away from him and hid her face in the pillow.

  Slipping a hand between her legs, she ran a finger into her wetness and opened her mouth wide letting out a silent breath. She pressed it in further then pumped it inside a moment before seeking out her clitoris. She grunted in frustration then returned onto her back, opening her eyes wide.

  “Crap,” she whispered to herself.

  She turned to look at him and spotted him moving slightly in the dim light of the room. Turning onto her side, she pushed the covers down exposing his shoulder. She reached out and brought her finger to within a millimeter of his skin. He stirred and exhaled deeply.

  Lifting up the blankets from his nude body, she peered at his ass and smiled. She slid lower and pressed her lips to his back. She felt him tense instantly and she could have sworn she heard him moan, but she wasn’t sure.

  She ran her finger slowly over his rear end to his thigh then to his calf as she feathered his lower back with gentle kisses. This time his moans were unmistakable. He lifted his knee and cocked his foot, bracing it on the bed undoubtedly to give her access to all of him. Slowly she slid her finger along the inside of his calf, to the back of his knee, then over his thigh until it rested on his engorged cock. She was the one to gasp this time.

  She rose to her knees, pushed the covers off of him then lay on the bed in the opposite direction with her head closer to his feet. She kissed his thigh and he exhaled.


  Grinning, she ran a trail of light kisses to his balls. He lifted his knee higher. She extended her tongue and playfully lapped at his skin. Reaching behind his head, his fingers searched out her leg and taking hold of it he pulled it toward his shoulder. He craned his neck to her, placing his lips on her knee.

  She took hold of his erection and slowly stroked it as her tongue traced a ring around each of his balls. Adjusting her position closer to the headboard, she threw her leg over his head. He sensually rubbed her calf as he nibbled at the flesh of her thigh. She moaned with her eyes fluttering closed.

  Wrapping her fingers around his balls, she pulled them back and placed a kiss at the base of his cock. She ran her tongue up and down his shaft a few inches and he groaned in pleasure.

  He fought to adjust his position, turning toward her and pulling her leg over more so his tongue could find her spot. The moment she bent his cock back and sucked it between her lips, he gave up and flopped back away from her, still laying on his side.

  “That feels so good,” he cried out.

  As she pulled his dick into her mouth further and at that unnatural angle he groaned in what sounded like pain. But when he called out her name sensually she knew in no way the pain was anywhere close to surpassing the intense pleasure. There was no reason to stop.

  He bent forward at the waist, moving away from her, but giving her more access to his parts. Taking advantage of his new position, she swallowed more of his length, cupping his full balls in one hand and stroking his shaft with the other. Suddenly his cock throbbed, the head swelled and she nearly choked on him. He groaned as a burst of hot pre-cum slid from him and into her waiting mouth. Pulling back, she traced a ring around the head and purred with delight, savoring his taste.

  She adjusted her position lower in the bed and curling around him, she used both hands to stroke his thick shaft harder and faster. She took the head between her lips again. He reached back and found her pussy, sliding two fingers inside of her. The moment he touched her she gasped causing her to suck hard on his cock. Suddenly, his body jerked, he cried out in ecstasy just as the first stream shot into her mouth.

  He pressed his fingers into her deeper, his body convulsed and she pulled back and kissed the tip. His body jerked one last time before his knee fell over to the mattress and he turned away from her. After letting some of his juice slip from her lips, she reluctantly swallowed what remained.

  “That was…” He struggled to catch his breath. “Oh, Victoria.”

  She flipped around wearing a satisfied smile. “You enjoyed that?”

  He turned onto his stomach, looked at her and took a deep breath. “Oh my God, that was… even better than I, I… thought it was going to be.”

  “I’m sorry that I showed my, my, you know… It was stupid.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” He shook his head then chuckled. “I was being ridiculous and immature.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Well, I’m still sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too.” After pushing himself up on his elbows, he blew out a long, slow breath. “I mean, I’d prefer if you didn’t take your top off on a national radio show, but it’s not a huge deal.”

  She giggled. “So now I feel like I swallowed for nothing.”

  “That felt so good, you know, when you keep, sucking on it after I come. Anyway, I thought women sorta liked doing that.”

  “You’re crazy. Have you ever tasted that?”

  “No!” He shook his head, grimacing.

  “No woman really likes doing that unless she’s getting paid a lot of money in porn or maybe if she was just given a Cartier Diamond Bracelet.”

  “Come on it can’t be that bad.”

  She widened her eyes. “You want to taste it next time?”

  “What do you mean?” He recoiled in horror.

  “I’ll come up and kiss you next time right after while I still have a chunky glob in—”

  “Jesus, no.” He shook his head, cringing. “Did you have to say chunky glob?”

  “Well sometimes that’s what it’s like.”

  He scowled. “I’ll take your word for it.”

  “Okay…” She sighed shaking he
r head then suddenly she rose to her knees and glared down to him. “After all that you probably owe me one now.”


  “A big one.”

  “Whatever you need, baby.”

  “Lie on your back.”

  He quickly did as she commanded placing his head on the pillow near the headboard.

  “Scoot down!”

  “All right. All right.” He slid his body a foot lower, bringing the pillow with him in the process.

  She grunted and rolled her eyes.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  In one skillful motion, she ripped the pillow from under his head and tossed it to the floor. “And I don’t want to hear about your tongue hurting later or anything. Got it?”

  “Okay. Okay.”

  She moved into position over his face and sunk her thighs down right over his mouth. He extended his tongue to her and closed his eyes. She groaned in delight and pressed into him hard. Cupping the cheeks of her ass, he lapped greedily at all of her parts.

  She moaned gripping the headboard as she gyrated her hips over him.

  With her still pressing down on his mouth, he tried to say, “wwweee sshhh…”

  “What?” She rose up from him.

  He smiled. “We should do this more often.”

  “We really should.” She scolded, “Now make sure you do a good job.”


  “I’m serious.” She frowned down at him. “You know how you sometimes get lazy after you’ve already, you know, shot.”

  “Sheesh… I promise.”

  She sunk down onto his face. Her eyes drifted closed the moment his tongue slipped inside her.


  After three more meetings with Paula, Victoria was able to finally convince her to give hypnosis a try. She called on Scott Maren, who worked with a few of her other patients in the past. Victoria remained behind her desk, out of Paula’s field of vision, while Scott sat directly in front of the nervous client. The office was dimly lit in order to set the proper mood and be conducive for a successful hypnosis session.

  Scott spoke in a soft, soothing voice, “Paula, I’m going to ask you to close your eyes.”

  Paula did as he asked.

  “Take a slow, deep breath in.”

  She inhaled.

  “Let it out. Relax.”

  She exhaled deeply.

  “Good… and just hearing the sound of my voice lets you relax your mind and your body. Keep breathing. Just focus on the sound of my voice. At peace. Relax. Comfortable. Safe. Secure. In control.”

  Paula continued with her deep breathing as her shoulders slumped down and her head tilted back slightly.

  “I want you to go even deeper. Deeper and deeper with each breath that you take. More relaxed… comfortable… safe… secure.”

  He glanced to Victoria and nodded wearing a confident smile.

  “Good. Relax. Just focus on the sound of my voice.”

  Scott paused a moment then began, “Paula as you go deeper and deeper in your mind there are many doorways inside. Old memories and events from your past. Rooms where those memories wait. There’s a room marked with an X and, as you relax, you walk up to that doorway and step inside.”

  Paula’s breathing was suddenly deeper.

  “Inside that room there is one memory that stands out bolder and brighter than any other. Pull that memory out like on a movie screen, like you’re watching yourself. That memory is alive. Paula, can you see it?”

  “Yes,” she replied softly.

  “As you watch it, can you tell me what you see?”

  “I see me.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Drinking vodka.”

  Scott asked, “Where are you?”

  “At a party. A fraternity party.”

  “Who is with you?”


  “Who’s Cameron?”

  “My boyfriend,” Paula replied in a slow, monotone voice. “We had just started dating.”

  “Is there anyone else there?”

  “My sorority sisters. Fraternity brothers and Cameron’s roommate, William.”

  “And what are you doing?”

  “We’re playing a drinking game. I’m drinking beer and vodka and I’m drunk. I’m laughing and acting.”

  “How are you acting?” Scott asked.

  “I’m flirting with William and Cameron.”

  “How so?”

  “We’re sitting around a table playing quarters and Cameron is on one side of me and William is on the other and I have my hands… they’re, uh…”

  “Where are your hands?”

  “I’m rubbing their legs.”

  Paula trembled then her breathing became more labored.

  Scott said, “Paula, relax. Take a deep breath.”

  The patient paused a moment before inhaling deeply then letting it out.

  Scott continued, “Is anyone watching you?”

  “No. Everyone is laughing and talking loudly. It’s pretty dark.”

  “What are Cameron and William doing?”

  “They’re smiling at me and one of them, I’m not sure which is rubbing me.”

  “Rubbing you?”

  “Down there.”

  “I move my hands over their… their, penises and they’re hard.”

  “You are rubbing them at the table?”


  “Is anyone watching?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Victoria and Scott shared a quick glance then Victoria began writing in her pad.

  He asked, “What is happening now?”

  “I lean over and whisper in Cameron’s ear. He smiles and I get up from the table.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Up to their room. They follow me up the stairs and we’re sitting on Cameron’s bed and I’m kissing him.”

  “Is William there too?”

  “Yes, he’s touching me. I turn to kiss him and now Cameron is touching me.”

  “What are you doing now?”

  “I kneel on the floor and I’m looking up at them. I push them back until they are both lying on the bed.”

  “What are they doing?”

  “They’re just watching me and… smiling. I lean over them and I start touching them again.”

  “Where are you touching them?” Scott asked.

  “Outside their pants. Over their erections.” Paula exhaled sharply then her body began trembling once again.

  “Paula, take a deep breath. Relax. What are you doing now?”

  “I unzip their jeans and pull out their erections. I’m rubbing them at the same time. I’ve never done this before with even one boy.” She shook her head with her eyes still closed.

  “Are they forcing you?”

  “No, I want to do it.”

  “I’m rubbing them and I move my mouth closer to Cameron’s… Cameron’s… I take him inside my mouth.”

  “And what is William doing?”

  “He’s watching me. I’m still rubbing him and I lean over and put my mouth over his penis. It’s tastes salty and I feel dirty. I feel like a slut. So ashamed. I want to stop, but I can’t. I love pleasing them both. I’ve been so lonely.”

  Scott made eye contact with Victoria and she motioned for him to come to her.

  As he walked over, he called back to his patient, “Paula, take a deep breath. Relax.”

  He whispered to Victoria, “Should I bring her out or continue?”

  “Continue. Ask her why she’s ashamed.”

  Scott made his way back to his chair and Victoria moved to sit on the edge of the desk near them both. She held a small white erase board in her hand.

  Scott asked, “Paula, why are you ashamed?”

  “I don’t want my parents to find out.”

  Victoria wrote a message and turned the board to Scott. He read it and asked, “Paula, what did your parents tell you about sex?”

I was only thirteen they sat me down for a talk. They told me not to have sex. That sex was a gift from God, but only for married people. Abstinence was required. That I shouldn’t even touch myself. Premarital sex was a sin. They told me I would get warts and diseases if I had sex.”

  Wearing a sickened expression, Victoria let out an audible gasp then covered her mouth with her hand.

  Paula rocked slightly back and forth in her chair. Her eyes remained closed and her labored breathing continued.

  “Paula, what are you seeing now?”

  “Cameron moves off the bed and is trying to take off my jeans. I don’t want him to. I don’t want to have sex.”

  Paula’s mouth dropped open and she struggled to catch her breath.

  “Paula, what is happening now?”

  “I stand up and I move away from him. I tell him to stop.”

  “What’s he doing?”

  “He’s laughing at me. They’re both laughing at me.” She gasped for breath and lifted her hands in the air. “Cameron’s blocking the door. I tell him to let me out. I almost fall when I try to push past him. He’s laughing at me louder. William is off the bed and he grabs hold of Cameron and pushes him out of the way. I’m out of the room and down the steps. Then I get out of the house. I’m running. I’m running.”

  “Paula, take a deep breath.”

  The patient did as he asked as she gripped the arms of her chair tightly.

  Victoria held up her white board. Scott reviewed her note then asked, “Paula were you ever sexually abused by your parents?”

  “No, never.”

  “Were you ever a victim of sexual abuse from anyone?”


  Victoria leaned over to Scott and whispered in his ear.

  “Paula, now take a deep, calming breath. I want you to get as far away from that memory… from that room as you can. Focus only on my voice.”

  She inhaled deeply, held it for a moment then let it out.

  “Paula, you are far away from that room. You’re in a safe place now,” Scotts voice grew louder and less monotone with each phrase. “Paula, I want you to become more aware of your surroundings again. Bit by bit.”


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