Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7)

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Friends With Real Benefits (Friends With Benefits Book 7) Page 26

by Luke Young

  “Yeah, but do you really think we’ll be okay after?”

  “We already talked about this.”

  “I know, sorry.” He exhaled sharply.

  “I really think we’ll be fine.” She took his hand.

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “Me too, just having a last minute mini panic attack.”

  She shot him a hopeful look. “Ready?”

  “I am.”

  The couple headed through the hotel lobby to the restaurant and Brian stopped to meet with the hostess. Kathleen spotted them from the bar and made her way over. They exchanged hugs and were shown to their table.

  As the ladies reviewed their menus, Brian pretended to study his with his heart beating out of his chest. He wasn’t really ready for this although he was certainly intrigued with the possibility of experiencing a threesome with his gorgeous wife and her equally attractive friend. He was, however, concerned that he might not be able to perform when called upon. Jillian telling him that nothing was going to happen that night set him at ease. It was possibly the only thing keeping him from going down with a heart attack and slumping over the table.

  “Have you been here before?” Kathleen asked. “I saw it was one of the best restaurants in Miami.”

  “Yes.” Jillian nodded. “But that was years ago. I don’t really remember. Brian, what are you going to have?”

  After a few seconds without any response from him, Jillian repeated the question.

  He looked up from his menu with his eyes glazing over. “No, I don’t think I’ve been here before.”

  Jillian rolled her eyes playfully. “I asked if you knew what you’re going to order.”

  “No.” He sighed then placed the menu down on top of his plate. “In fact, I’ve just been staring at it without really reading anything.”

  “Oh good, so have I.” Kathleen shot him a warm smile.

  “So it’s not just me then.” He shook his head. “I’m nervous.”

  “No, need to be nervous. It’s just dinner,” Kathleen assured him.

  “He overthinks everything,” Jillian said with a smile.

  “Well, this is a pretty big deal. I think it deserves a little thinking,” he replied.

  “It is and it does,” Kathleen replied. “Jillian and I spoke and I think we have an understanding about the nature of what we’re trying to do here.”

  “What do you mean?” Brian asked.

  “I mean, it wouldn’t just be about getting me pregnant. Sure that would be a wonderful bonus gift and the ultimate goal from all of this, but we would also do this to have fun, explore fantasies and enjoy one another.”

  “But I worry that I might not be able to, you know…” He motioned toward his lap with his brows raised.

  Jillian giggled then whispered, “He gets an erection if I accidently bump into him.”

  “Yeah, but that’s different. I’m usually not nervous when we… but something tells me this would make me nervous. You are both so beautiful and sexy and…” He exhaled deeply then added, “I don’t know if I could perform and if I’m supposed to get you pregnant, I would definitely need to perform.”

  “Look,” Kathleen began. “We would ease into it. We’ll have opportunities to get together and play before I ovulate and even if we miss this next window there will be one right after it.”

  “Okay.” He finally remembered to take a breath.

  Kathleen motioned to Jillian. “At first you could even just watch the two of us and when the mood strikes you could participate.”

  “Wow, I think I just got a little hard when you said that.” Brian ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Baby, you are adorable.” Jillian placed her hand on his arm and when she felt him trembling she added, “You’re literally shaking. Maybe you should have a couple drinks to calm your nerves.”


  When the waiter stopped by all three ordered the same thing from the menu, with Jillian ordering first, a light pasta dish that wasn’t too spicy, and the other two saying, ‘I’ll have what she’s having.’ Like any good date where kissing might be involved, Brian thought this should be the protocol. But was this really a date? Would there be fun and exploration later? These were the questions running through his mind and he wondered if they were also running through the minds of his sexy dinner companions.

  As he sucked down two gin and tonics the women each enjoyed a glass of wine. As they ate their meals the conversation went from the television show, to the tennis club and finally to the twins.

  Pulling out her iPhone, Jillian took Kathleen through the dozens of pictures she had of the boys. Brian shared stories of taking the twins on a recent beach trip where he strolled them on the sand in Islamorada in the Florida Keys and how the boys were mesmerized by the ocean.

  After they all decided against dessert, Kathleen got down to business. “I’ve reviewed Brian’s and his family’s medical history and everything looks good. Sorry, this makes it sound like some sort of impersonal transaction.”

  Jillian said, “No, you have to be sure this is right for you on all fronts.”

  “And I haven’t yet shown you the contract, but I don’t think you’ll have any issues with it. Feel free to have your lawyer review it. It’s pretty simple in terms of custody and financial responsibility, which would all be one hundred percent on me.”

  “What were you thinking in terms of me knowing the child or visiting or…” Brian exhaled. “I’m really on the fence about it. I don’t know how I feel or how I will feel in the future.”

  “Well, I’ve been thinking a lot about it too. Originally my position was that I would solely make those decisions, but I think I’m open to changing my opinion on that.”

  Jillian said, “It is a complicated issue.”

  “I would want what’s best for the child. I don’t want to confuse them or cause them any stress,” Brian said.

  “Exactly, it could be five or ten or more years before I feel they are ready to understand that kind of thing and who knows where I’ll be or whether I’ll be married. I don’t know.” After pausing, Kathleen added, “So I had language added to the contract that allows for some visitation and disclosing that you’re the father at some point in the future. But I alone would make that decision when the time is right.”

  After Jillian looked to her husband, they shared a nod then she said, “That makes sense.”

  “I assure you that I will be level headed and considerate of any decisions like that.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” Jillian said.

  Kathleen emptied her wineglass with a healthy sip. “Just one more little nasty detail to get out of the way.”

  “And what’s that?” Brian asked.

  “Testing,” Kathleen replied.

  “Testing?” Brian repeated.

  “Yes, after I discovered…” Kathleen glanced around quickly to see if anyone was within earshot then continued, “… douche face with his little lady friends, I had a complete set of STD testing done and everything came back clean.”

  “That’s good,” Brian said.

  “I did the same after I found out my ex was cheating on me too.” Jillian widened her eyes. “George is still alive so…”

  “What do you mean?” Kathleen giggled.

  “Well, he wouldn’t be if he had given me anything,” Jillian said with her eyebrows raised.

  “Same here.”

  “I was tested too before we stopped using condoms.” Brian motioned to his wife.

  “I haven’t been with anyone since I was tested,” Kathleen added.

  “And we haven’t been either. I mean…” Jillian began then suddenly she looked to her husband with mild concern.

  Upon seeing his wife’s expression, he shook his head. “Oh, God, no.”

  “Good.” Kathleen laughed. “This would be an odd way to find out if he were cheating.”

  “She’s the only woman for me.” Brian looked to Jillian. He turned his attention to Kathleen and his voi
ce cracked as he said, “I mean, and you… of course, for whatever it is you need from me.” Then he returned his attention to his wife with a slightly terrified expression. “And, uh, as long as she approves of that too.” Placing his hands over his face, he sighed then gazed at the two lovely ladies and shrugged. “Obviously, I’m not sure how to act or what to say.”

  The two women took in Brian’s sincerely confused behavior, shared a heart melting look and Kathleen said, “He’s absolutely adorable.”

  “He really is,” Jillian agreed.

  “Jillian, what do you say we take care of him tonight.” Kathleen cocked an eyebrow at her friend.

  “Yeah, that might make him less nervous.”

  “I booked a room here just in case we wanted to stay,” Kathleen said.

  Brian and Jillian looked at one another in mild surprise.

  Jillian said, “What do you think?”

  He asked, “What about the twins?”

  “I could call my parents and see if they can keep them all night.” The couple shared a nod and a smile, then Jillian turned to Kathleen. “I think that works for us.”

  “Good. Brian, do you have any fantasies of what you might do with two women?” Kathleen put a hand on his arm. “Well, first I should ask you both. We discussed the testing and I can show you my results or get tested again if you need assurance of, you know…”

  “No, we trust you.” Jillian looked to Brian. “We trust her, right?”

  “Definitely.” Brian nodded quickly. “And I swear on the life of my children that I haven’t been with anyone.”

  “Okay, good.” Kathleen let out half a chuckle. “Without the testing I was going to suggest I just watch you two together and maybe lend a hand, but now, pretty much everything is on the table. I could lend a mouth or…”

  Brian swallowed hard. “Okay, I’m literally leaking right through my underwear now.”

  “He leaks a lot,” Jillian said casually.

  “I can’t wait to see how much,” Kathleen whispered.

  Brian’s eyes widened then he closed them. When he opened them again, he squirmed in his seat, adjusted his pants wearing a distressed expression. After taking a deep breath, he looked around the room to see that no one was within ear shot and said, “I’m literally so hard right now and my heart is beating out of my chest.”

  “Oh God.” Kathleen’s lips parted.

  The waiter suddenly appeared seemingly from nowhere. “Can I get you anything else?”

  Kathleen put on a straight face then looked to her friends. “I would like one more glass of wine. Would either of you?”

  Jillian and Brian both held up their glasses.

  “Another round for everyone then?” the waiter asked.

  “Yes, please and you can also bring the check,” Kathleen said then when the waiter was gone she looked to Brian. “So back to your fantasies.”

  “Um, well, can I…” He looked to Jillian. “Is it okay to say?”

  “Of course, I mean as long as it isn’t something scary or creepy.” Jillian laughed.

  “I don’t think it is.” He shrugged then after taking a deep breath, he began, “I have this fantasy that I’m standing up and two women are kneeling before me. They are kissing and…”

  “That sounds hot.” Kathleen looked to Jillian then returned her attention to Brian.

  “… and as they are kissing, I slide in between them and, you know, they are kissing each side of my… and tasting me and sliding up and down me and…”

  “And what else?”

  “They do that for a while then they take turns taking me in their mouth fully while one is licking my balls.”

  “He really loves to have his balls licked,” Jillian said.

  “It feels so good.” He nodded. “Then they switch.”

  “Oh, God, that sounds like a lot of fun.” Kathleen raised an eyebrow suggestively toward Jillian.

  “And I also love to perform… to return the favor,” Brian began hesitantly. “Um, I picture you both naked on a bed with your knees curled up toward your chests and your rear ends touching so that both your pussies are pressed together and I’m licking one of you then the other over and over again.”

  “You have given this a lot of thought,” Kathleen said with a grin.

  “No, not really,” he said sheepishly. “Just the standard amount of thought.”

  “I’m kidding.” Kathleen chuckled. “Now my heart is racing and I think I would need an underwear changing if I were wearing any.”

  “Fuck.” Brian blew out a long, slow breath. “Where the hell are our drinks and that check?”

  The ladies shared a laugh then Jillian said, “Maybe we should change the subject until we get up to the room.”

  “I think so.” Brian spotted the waiter heading toward them with their drinks. “Oh, thank God.”


  Fifteen minutes later, Jillian, Brian and Kathleen were standing in their luxury hotel room. It featured a king-sized bed and a large bathroom with a soaking tub, which just happened to be big enough for three. Jillian called her parents who were more than happy to watch the twins for the night. With no work for anyone the next day, everyone could relax and enjoy a late night of sexy fun.

  Brian looked first to his wife then to Kathleen. Both were eyeing him with a tipsy, come-the-fuck-here look that was sending shock waves to his loins. He cleared his throat and tried to remember to breathe. “I’m definitely taking a quick shower because—”

  “How about we all take a bath instead?” Kathleen suggested.

  “Great idea,” Jillian replied.

  “That works for me.” Brian bounced nervously on his heels as his cock twitched in his pants.

  Their hostess headed into the bathroom and turned on the water in the tub, testing the temperature before closing the drain. Brian and Jillian watched her from the bedroom not moving at all. He turned to his wife and asked, “So we’re really doing this, huh?”

  “We are.”


  Kathleen pulled the tight mini dress over her head. When she leaned over the tub once again to run her hand through the water, her gorgeous rear end stuck up so curvy and delightfully.

  Jillian and Brian shared a desperate look then Jillian said, “It’s okay. Even I want to lick her now.”

  “Oh good, so it’s not just me.” Brian began unbuttoning his shirt and Jillian slipped her skirt down her legs.

  The three sat in their respective corners of the large triangular-shaped tub all wearing slightly awkward grins.

  Kathleen said, “I can’t get over how good you two look together.”

  “Thank you,” Jillian giggled. “And you are breathtakingly beautiful.”

  “You are,” Brian agreed, looking to Kathleen before turning his attention to his wife. “You both are. I’m literally dying right now and I’m having trouble remembering my name.”

  “You’re sweet,” Kathleen said with a smile.

  “Do you want me to wash you both?” Brian asked.

  “That might be a nice way to kick things off.” Kathleen flashed Jillian a suggestive look.

  Jillian said, “Then maybe we can both take care of you.”

  “You won’t hear me say no.” Grinning, he rose up out of the water and his erection popped up with him. Strong, big and thick and the ladies’ eyes went right to it. “Sorry, he’s a little excited right now.”

  “I wouldn’t say a little.” Kathleen shook her head.

  “No, that is not the right word at all,” Jillian agreed.

  Moving to the center of the tub, he sat down closer to the women and poured some body wash into his palm. After cupping a little water in his other palm, he rubbed his hands together then placed one on each of the lucky ladies just under their necks. Both women’s eyes closed as his hand wandered gently down to their full breasts. He cupped each, then swirled the lather over their nipples, under their breasts and between them. He studied them in awe, his eyes moving from one
to the other, with his mouth slightly open, struggling to catch his breath.

  “That feels amazing,” Jillian said.

  “He has such a soft touch,” Kathleen added.

  Using each hand, he palmed water to rinse them, splashing it up carefully from the tub and rubbing his hands sensually over their breasts. Then he moved to their necks and massaged them leaving both women moaning and in a state of deep relaxation.

  When he was done, he cocked an eyebrow. “Would you like me to wash anything else?”

  Jillian giggled. “No, I think we’ll do our other parts ourselves.”

  Simultaneously the women rose to their knees, their gorgeous lady parts up out of the water now, glistening wet and a little sudsy from the bathwater. His eyes went from one to the other then back again and his heart skipped several beats. Kathleen was completely shaved and Jillian showed only a tiny tuft of a landing strip above her pussy. Brian handed over the body wash to Jillian, she poured a little in her hand and when Kathleen presented her palm she shared it.

  Staring him down hungrily, both ladies worked the lather into their hands, first carefully cleansing the front then their back sides while he looked on like a deer caught in headlights. He murmured, “Holy fuck.”

  After they sunk back down into the water to rinse they each popped up on their knees. Next they moved to him and guided him up to his knees. His cock was still super-hard and glisteningly wet.

  Jillian poured some body wash into Kathleen’s palm then some into her own and after working up a lather, they took to washing him. Jillian focused on his full balls and underneath and Kathleen ran her hands carefully over his shaft and head. Brian survived the experience fighting back his urge to have a heart attack, an orgasm, an aneurism, or all of the above. He withstood all of it with his eyelids dipping closed, panting and his head swaying slowly from side to side.

  Kathleen’s gaze travelled up his trim waist to his strong pecs then back down to his cock and she let out a sigh. “Now rinse before I faint in here.”

  “Yeah.” Jillian chuckled then the women moved back to their respective corners while he sank down into the water, rising up quickly to splash water and rinse all of his critical areas.


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