Tropical Safeguard (Men Of The Secret Service)

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Tropical Safeguard (Men Of The Secret Service) Page 8

by Stella Kelly

  “Katrina, you know you can tell me anything, right?”

  His phrase seemed to pull her back to now, breaking the silence that took residence between them.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “You just seem a little distracted. Is it something I can fix?”

  “It’s nothing, but thanks for your offer. I guess I’m just a little homesick. I miss my parents in Maine. Often when I’m out here, I’ll watch the sailboats and think of them. They’ve been sailing since I was just a kid.”

  “I have a similar experience. My parents are members of the yacht club in the Hamptons.”

  “Why am I not surprised,” Katrina looked over at him and smiled.

  “So, seriously, what brings you to the mansion? Did you know the owners before coming here?” He watched for her reaction.

  Katrina hugged her knees, looking out toward the sunrise again. She thought for a while, a long while, before deciding what to say. “Well,” she said, looking over at Cole who sat staring with interest. “It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. I was ready to move on from the corporate world, and the studio where I was apprenticing in Manhattan was going under because the owner didn’t know how to run a business; her ignorance along with the struggling economy forced the closure. I would’ve been looking for another job anyway. In truth, I’m saving right now for a down payment on my own studio.”

  “Wow, that sounds like a huge undertaking. Do you have the business savvy to take on something like that?” Cole hoped he didn’t sound condescending. He didn’t mean to be.


  Katrina looked out toward the water. She was used to being underestimated. She guessed it was because she looked so young, and her career choice seemed to indicate that she held no formal education. It was comical how people judged others from a quick glance. She realized that he had assumed she was in over her head. She’d been discouraged from discussing her education around her ex because she’d surpassed him in that department and he was sensitive about it. He’d said on many occasions how having an education meant very little in the real world of finance. Those with a brain rose to the top regardless. The subject would often lead to a heated argument, and in turn a heated beating.

  Although her face looked relaxed, her lips pressed together in a thin line. The energy she exuded was unmistakably anxious and no amount of willing herself to relax would help.

  “Katrina, I didn’t mean to offend you. I’ve just seen my share of hopeful entrepreneurs drown into waters that were unexpectedly deep.”

  She shot him a look and then softened as she realized she hadn’t answered his question. “Oh, no, you didn’t offend me. Sorry, I was just thinking about something.” She would attempt to drop the subject. But then again, Agent Nielsen wasn’t her ex. Maybe she could discuss her credentials without his insecurities surfacing. “I have an MBA from Brown.”

  His baffled expression advertised his shock, and it soon turned to a wide grin. “Incredible. You just keep surprising me at every turn. Yes, you definitely have the business savvy all right. My apologies.”

  “Thanks. Though even with my education, making a go of a studio in New York might be tricky. But it’s a dream and I’m going for it. Well, eventually. There are just a few things in my life I have to work out first.” Katrina thought about her fears, her anxieties, and the physical presence of the monster she had to avoid back in New York. “I was also thinking of going home to Maine for a while. They could use a studio there too.”

  “You’re remarkable, Katrina.” He leaned into her arm with his as they made eye contact.

  “Thank you, Agent Nielsen.”

  Cole rolled back in the sand and threw his arms up in exhaustion. “Ahhh, for goodness sake, will you call me Cole?” He sat up again, looking at her with confidence.

  Katrina smiled flirtatiously at his antics. “I guess I could.”

  “You guess you could? You gave me the best massage of my life and you’re trying to convince me to try Pilates. I think we’re past any need of formalities.”

  “Which reminds me,” Katrina stood up. “You still haven’t tried Pilates and now is as good a time as any. You’re geared up for running, but all you have to do is kick off those runners. You won’t be sorry.”

  Cole gazed at his watch.

  “When is your first shift?”

  “Plenty of time,” he said with a sigh. “Guess I have no excuse. Alright, let me have it.”

  Katrina smirked. She was happy for the distraction. “I’ll go easy on you, don’t want to scare you away with your introduction to the technique.”

  “That’d be nice.”

  “Okay, just clear your mind and we’ll begin.”

  Katrina felt the attraction they shared, the hungry tension. She assisted Cole as he transitioned from one move to the next. She had to remind him to release a breath or calm certain muscles because it the heat of the workout, he would forget. Cole admitted to feeling it, especially in the abdominal area.

  “You sound surprised.”

  “I think I severely underestimated the intensity of Pilates. This is anything but a wasted workout.”

  Katrina pushed his shoulder slightly at the insult. She knew he was joking, but it always made her day when a fit person assumed the exercises were a cake-walk.

  “That’s quite the intense burn,” he grunted. “I’m finding it really difficult to look calm and cool for you.”

  Katrina laughed. “Trust me, you don’t have to try too hard.”

  “I beg to differ,” Cole said winded. “I’m sweating like a maniac here.”

  “Now, lets finish off with some fire. Are you ready for the One Hundreds?”


  Cole could feel his abs crying out for mercy already. “I don’t like the sound of that!”

  Leaning over him, she touched her fingers to his temples, aligning his head. Then she placed a flat gentle hand on his firm stomach as he crunched up with effort, breathing fluidly in the process. “Keep going, Cole, you’re doing great,” she encouraged. “And thirty, thirty one…”

  Cole realized it was the first time she’d said his name and it sounded intimate, almost familiar. He liked it. They’d gotten to that point in such a short time. Still, there was another way they could grow even more intimate and familiar. Cole could easily imagine taking part in that act with Katrina, having her say his name as he satisfied her. It would be like heaven on earth, but he was also realistic. He didn’t consider himself the type that would jump a beautiful woman’s bones before he even knew her. Being here a mere week hardly constituted knowing each other enough. But there was always the future. Maybe back in New York they could see each other under different circumstances. He would keep in touch.


  In turn, Katrina felt the closeness between them. She fought it, but it was there. Touching him, she felt as if her hands would melt right into his flesh. It took everything to fight the urge to crawl right on top of him and feel their bodies pressing together. Admitting she felt safe around him was easy…in her head. But she could never admit it aloud, that would show her vulnerability. Getting any closer wasn’t an option. She wouldn’t’ allow herself that pleasure because of the risk involved; the risk of getting hurt again. How many more days until he left? Three. A nagging dread surfaced at the thought of his departure. In three days he would leave and the silence she had discussed with Jacque some days ago would engulf her and she would be an open target.

  Chapter Nine

  “Morning, Roy, lots today I see.” Gloria stepped toward the mailman’s outstretched arm and took the pile of white envelopes and flyers.

  “Yep. Making me work for it today,” he snickered.

  “Take care.” Gloria took a step back from his small postal vehicle.

  Roy waved as he sped off down the driveway toward the rot-iron gate, which closed slowly after his departure. While mindlessly sifting through the pile, Gloria sauntered back toward the front door. As she did
, she looked up and noticed a piece of white paper hanging out of the mailbox.

  “That’s strange,” she lifted the lid and pulled out a similar envelope to the one from the previous day. Her fingers trembled and she automatically turned around in a circle as if looking for the messenger. She knew of course that he was long gone, but the feeling of violation lingered.

  Opening the grand door, she strode with purpose through the foyer, passing the hall that led to Secretary Mitchell’s study. She knew he was in there, as he spent late evenings and early mornings taking care of business before Jimmy woke up. Instead, she walked directly toward the back of the house. Bending over to take something out of the oven, Jacque had his back to her and was whistling to himself. Gloria passed right by, not wanting to stray from her task. Approaching Agent Nielsen’s door, she knocked lightly and waited.


  Meanwhile, Katrina entered the side door and wound her way to the kitchen where she found Jacque pulling a roasted breakfast ham from the oven. After her Pilates workout with Cole, she’d stayed on the beach a while to stretch after he’d left. Perching on a stool, she watched Jacque place the ham on a cutting board to relax in its own juices.

  “You’re up early,” she noticed.

  “I had a timer set for this thing. It had to roast for two hours so I’ve been up since before you, my dear. Putting it in and then trying my best to sleep for another couple of hours before it had to come out.” Jacque stopped for a moment and leaned on the island, staring her down. “I did happen to look out my window in the wee hours of le matin.”

  “Oh?” Katrina saw a crooked little grin on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. She always found her chats with Jacque entertaining and informative, but she guessed that this morning’s would be personal.

  “So,” Jacque leaned over in her direction, “the agent then?”

  “Pardon?” Katrina inquired while trying to fain ignorance, though deep down she knew what he was implying.

  “At first I was hopeful that The Secretary would be your fate, but non, non, non! I was so mistaken. T’is the agent, oui?”

  “Is it that obvious?” Katrina smiled despite all efforts to maintain control.

  “For some, yes. You must not forget that I am a man of passion and romance. It takes an open heart and open eyes to see that kind of...” Jacque paused, thinking.

  “That kind of what? Indiscretion?” Katrina assumed he’d view it as a holiday fling even though nothing had happened – yet.

  Taken aback, Jacque wagged a finger as if to scold. “Katrina, I would never point out a simple indiscretion. To each their own. This is something completely different. I see the way you are together, the way you look at each other. There is a joie de vive lurking, a tangling of the lives. It is love, my dear, love!” Jacque leaned over the expansive island and tapped the tip of her nose with his finger, smiling.

  Dumbfounded, Katrina stared blankly at his jovial face in shock.

  “Say something, my dear.”

  “I think you overestimate my sentiments, Jacque. I appreciate you wanting the best for me, but I think your love radar may be broken. Agent Nielsen is a great guy and all, but come on. I’ve only known him for four days.”

  “This is more than enough time for the heart, more than enough. But, I understand if you are in the denial. It happens. You are the kind of woman who takes her time. But remember, Kat, there is not much time left. Grab a hold of this chance at l’amour.”


  Hearing the knock, Cole had just come from the shower after his private Pilates class. His shift was to start in an hour.

  “Good morning, Gloria, how can I help?” Cole then noticed her worried expression.

  “Another letter came, Agent Nielsen. Should I tell Secretary Mitchell? I thought it best to come to you first. I don’t want to upset him anymore than I have to. He’s here on holiday after all.”

  “Thank you, Gloria. I appreciate that, and yes, I’ll handle it.”

  “Yes, agent,” she said, closing the door.

  Cole sat on the corner of his bed. He wedged open the letter, careful not to disturb the envelope too much. It was, after all, evidence. He slid out the paper and could tell right away that it was sinister. The words appeared to be written in a frenzy of agitation, all capitals and messy. The author had progressed in his fury since the first letter’s more subtle threats and controlled handwriting. The perp was definitely progressing in heightened anger.

  Cole inserted his earphone and clicked it on, calling his colleague. It took a few rings before he got a response.

  “Agent Kensing.” His voice sounded sleepy, muffled.

  “Morning, Agent. We have another letter.”


  With the oncoming sound of footsteps, Katrina and Jacque stopped talking. A moment later, Gloria walked into the kitchen. They could tell something was wrong right away.

  “Gloria, darling, who killed your dog?” Jacque asked directly.


  “What’s wrong, Gloria, you look really upset,” Katrina asked.

  “Another threatening letter arrived today for Secretary Mitchell.” Gloria took a seat beside Katrina, looking glum. “I’m starting to feel a little vulnerable with this new crowd. We have two Secret Service agents here yet someone still manages to harass our guests. I have a strange feeling that something’s going to happen, and we’re not going to like it.”

  “What do you mean another letter came? What kind of letter?” Katrina asked. She’d missed out on the gossip of the first letter.

  “Didn’t Jacque tell you?” Gloria looked over at Jacque and he scrunched his shoulders.

  “I thought everyone already knew,” he confessed.

  “An anonymous letter arrived yesterday. It was very threatening. It said something like, ‘You can run, but you can’t hide. I’ll find you.’ It’s enough to make everyone lose sleep.”

  At Gloria’s words, Katrina’s heart skipped. “Was the letter addressed directly to The Secretary?” she asked with a slight chill in her voice.

  “No, it was pretty general. And now we have a second one in the span of a day. I’m starting to feel a little unsafe.”

  “What did the second letter say?” Jacque asked.

  “I didn’t read it. I brought it directly to Agent Nielsen this time and he opened it in private. Who knows what will happen now.”

  “I suppose there won’t be any trips into town for the rest of the week. Maybe we’ll be on lock-down or something. I cringe at the thought!” Jacques said, worried that his trips to the fish market would be put on hold.

  “Don’t worry, Gloria. I’m sure this kind of thing happens everyday for The Secretary. Every political figure experiences threats from people who don’t agree with their agenda.” Katrina tried to comfort her, though she herself was shaking to the core.

  Back in her room, Katrina paced the floor with worry. Could her ex have sent those letters? She wouldn’t put it past him. The nagging belief in his presence heightened. She was positive she’d seen him downtown yesterday and those letters confirmed it. They were meant for her and her alone. She was in grave danger.

  Katrina picked up her cell phone from the top of her dresser. She punched in the numbers of an untraceable calling card and waited.


  “Dad, it’s me.”

  “Hey there, Katchup! How are things there?”

  “Okay. Can’t complain. How’s Mom?”

  “Oh, fine as usual. Keeping busy. She’s at the grocery store right now. She’ll be sorry she missed your call. She says she wants to whip up something special for me tonight. She loves her cooking class and likes to make me surprises. And I love eating her homework!” Allen Turner chuckled, but he didn’t hear his daughter reciprocate. Her silence said it all. “Katrina, is something wrong?”

  “Dad, I’m calling to see if anyone’s been asking where I am. Some strange letters have arrived here recently and they have me a little
nervous.” Katrina downplayed the severity of the situation. She wanted to protect her father from further worry. She’d caused her parents enough. She noticed his long pause and knew something wasn’t right. She fought down a rising flutter of terror in her chest with each passing second.

  “Well,” he finally spoke with some caution, “there was a bit of an incident here last week but Mom and I didn’t want to make you worry about us.”

  “What kind of an incident?”

  “A little break-in, but it was nothing. Probably teenagers or something. Neither of us was home so we’re okay. We reported it.”

  “Did anyone else in the condo experience a break-in?”

  “No. We thought that was a little strange.”

  “Did they damage anything, take anything?” Katrina was frantic now.

  “It’s so peculiar, Kat, it seems all they took was our address book. You know, your mother’s pink one that sits beside the phone. You can’t miss it. Other than that, nothing was taken.”

  “Hmm…” Katrina thought for a moment. She’d left strict instructions that her parents not write her current address down or discuss where she was with anyone. The only trace of her was what she sent the first week she’d arrived to let them know she was there; a postcard of sunny Bermuda with the words ‘Safe and Sound’ on the back.

  “Dad, was the postcard I sent in the address book by any chance?”

  “Why, yes. I stuck it at the back for safe keeping.”

  Katrina’s heart sank.


  After discussing the newest letter with Agent Kensing, Cole began his shift. He wandered the property, his senses acutely heightened and alert to everything now. The agents knew they had to be vigilant in their security efforts.

  Lost in thought, Cole’s attention came around at the sound of a woman’s voice in a hushed discussion. He stopped when he noticed movement up ahead near the vine-covered pergola. Stepping aside into the shadows, he saw Trudy the nanny sitting on a bench. He realized she was talking on her phone. Cole found it strange that she was out here in the first place.


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