Tropical Safeguard (Men Of The Secret Service)

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Tropical Safeguard (Men Of The Secret Service) Page 11

by Stella Kelly

  “Bastard,” Cole muttered under his breath. “Katrina, can you hear me? It’s going to be okay, it’s Cole. I’m here now, you’re safe.” Without thinking, he cradled her in his arms and rocked back and forth. Lulling her, comforting her. As he did this, he heard the distant shouts up on the cliff and then a group of people appeared at the crest.

  “Agent Nielsen, are you hurt?” bellowed Agent Kensing’s voice from above.

  Before Cole could answer, he heard Jacque’s voice cry, “Oh, mon dieu, Katrina!”

  As if in unison, the entire entourage and staff walked together down the switchback and onto the beach. They were there in support of their friend. The terror was over. Cole stroked Katrina’s forehead gently, caressingly, as she finally opened her eyes. Blinking, she held his stare and searched his eyes as if knowing the answers before having asked anything. He hugged her tight. “I’m here, Katrina. Everything’s going to be okay. It’s over.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The night was a long one with police sirens and investigators milling about in search of answers. Both Secret Service agents had cooperated fully with the local dispatch, though they were direct in their instructions that this not leek to the press.

  The paramedics placed Cameron’s body on a stretcher as Helene directed the half-asleep boys into the house so they wouldn’t have to witness anything inappropriate. The paramedics then carted the stretcher up the switchback stairs toward the awaiting ambulance. As they carried him, Katrina felt numb, her body swaying in place. She felt as if she might faint before feeling Cole’s strong arm envelope her, pulling her close comfortingly. She held the icepack on her face, the skin tender and swollen from Cameron’s heavy-handed punch. He’d never hit her in the face before and it was ten times more painful than being hit in the stomach, back, or legs. Her eye throbbed and her ear was still ringing on the left side.

  “He can’t hurt you anymore, Katrina. You’re free,” Cole muttered quietly.

  Staring at the outline of Cameron’s body under the white sheet, she let his words sink in a little. Free. Katrina realized then that the past five months had been merely an illusion of freedom, for she had continued to look over her shoulder. Now, there was no need. She was indeed free – but the freedom came at the cost of a life. A nagging regret pierced her core and Katrina couldn’t help but wonder why someone so promising and intelligent had chosen to throw it all away simply for the need to control another person. Cameron could easily have carried on with his life, found another substitute for her and be done with it. But no, he’d brought this mayhem on himself. He’d been unstable and stubborn enough to force this kind of an ending. For that, Katrina could only shake her head in confusion.

  When the night’s terrifying ordeal came to an end with the grounds vacant, the rot-iron gate closed, and the staff and entourage safely tucked in once more, Cole escorted Katrina to her room around 3:00 am.

  “Was he unstable at all? I mean, besides his history of abusing women?” Cole asked from the side of Katrina’s bed. He leaned over her again and pressed the icepack onto her cheek.

  She winced and placed her hand on top of his and the icepack, immobilizing him there. She wanted his hand there for reassurance. “No, there’s no history of mental illness in his family that I know of. I’m just so lucky to have you, Cole. I was meant to die on that beach. You saved me and I thank you endlessly. How can I ever repay you?”

  “Just keep smiling at me the way you are now and we’ll call it even.”

  “How’s Agent Kensing doing?”

  “Just fine. He has a mild concussion, but other than that he feels like a failure for being ambushed so easily.”

  “Hmm. Poor guy.”

  “Never mind that. You’re the one who needs the TLC.” Cole stroked her hair back with a tender hand. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there when Cameron arrived. I would have stopped him before he’d taken you. I can’t imagine what would have happened if Jacque hadn’t come to wake me. I don’t even want to think about the alternative.” He held her other hand and gave it a squeeze. Looking deeply into each other’s eyes, the pause that ensued was gaming with an obvious need. Leaning over, Cole hesitated, staring Katrina down. She seized her opportunity and leaned in to meet him, opening her lips to welcome his kiss and telling herself she could justify their needs due to the dangers they’d just faced. There was no better cure than this.

  Katrina was overwhelmed by the sensations rolling over her. She was given a second chance at life – a life without having to look over her shoulder – and she was desperate to feel alive. Releasing herself into the shelter of Cole’s kiss, she gave him everything. She was eternally grateful and her kiss indicated it with blissful abandon. Their tongues entwined, searching each other in their desperation to connect.

  Reaching out, she placed a hand on his muscular bicep, feeling the gauzy bandage the paramedics had placed over his knife wound. She brought her hand up to his stubbled chin and caressed his cheek, bringing his face closer to deepen the kiss. Releasing each other, Cole pressed his forehead onto hers and they stayed that way for a moment, eyes closed, letting this bliss sink in.

  “Mmm, thanks, my hero.” Again, the mythological figure was leaning over her and it made her toes curl with desire. He was a fantastic kisser. Cole sat back, smiling as if in satisfaction. He took the icepack from her face and held her hand, caressing the skin with his thumb subconsciously. Katrina’s eyes grew heavy and closed shortly after her head hit the pillow, the faint kiss from Cole’s lips on her forehead her last memory before drifting off in her sheer exhaustion.


  With steri-strips holding his split cheek together after Cameron’s vicious punch, Cole placed her icepack on his own face and crept down the hallway to his room. He was thankful that the day was over. Although just another day as a Secret Service agent, he knew the devastating events of this night had changed things significantly for Katrina. She would never be the same again.

  After what seemed like minutes, the chirping birds and the bright sunlight creeping in through the blinds woke Cole. Lying in bed, his entire body ached from last night’s ordeal. He hadn’t realized just how physical his altercation with Cameron had been, or the way his body had pushed itself to protect Katrina. At the thought of her, he smiled and put an arm across his face to block the brilliant rays. It all seemed surreal. It dawned on him that being here had happened for a reason. Cameron had chosen this particular week to track Katrina down, so in a way rescuing her was their shared fate. It was blatantly obvious to Cole that he was meant to be in her life.

  Wincing slightly as he pushed up with his cut bicep, he rose from the bed and grabbed some clothes for the day. The house was quiet without a trace of anyone awake yet. His morning workout ritual would be shelved for today because his body needed to relax. He crept down the hallway and showered, acutely aware of his injuries as the hot water stung every scrape and gash. He quickly toweled off and dressed, wanting to get to Katrina as quickly as possible. He wasn’t sure how she would be feeling today so he wanted to be on hand in case she needed anything. As he came down the hall, he heard movement in the kitchen but didn’t want to engage anyone else just yet. She was the only thing on his mind and he avoided all other distractions.

  Knocking lightly on her door, he waited patiently.

  “Come in.”

  Cole opened the door to find Katrina sitting up in bed, her eyes red from crying. Her face lit up when she saw him, so he knew that was a good sign. He was sure she mimicked his joy at seeing her.

  “How are things?” he asked gingerly, coming into the room and closing the door.

  “Okay. Everything’s sinking in now.”

  “You should get up and start your day. Shake off the shock of it all. I think I hear Jacque in the kitchen. I’m sure he’ll whip up something spectacular for everyone today. Maybe comfort food.”

  “Sounds good, but my stomach’s still in knots. It’s like last night was all some sort of night

  “Will you walk with me for a while to clear your head?” Cole asked, sitting on the edge of her bed. He ran a hand up and down her arm soothingly.


  Katrina looked him squarely in the eyes. She was so grateful for this man. Being the fifth day that they’d known each other, Katrina realized he already played a significant role in her destiny. He’d given her a second chance and for this, she would be eternally grateful.

  “Cole, I just wanted to say thank you again for everything.” Katrina felt another surge of emotion well up, but she tried her best to suppress it.

  “My pleasure. I’m just sorry I wasn’t there from the very beginning. If only Agent Kensing had been able to radio me that an intruder was on the premises.”

  Katrina thought about this. Yes, last night had been terrifying beyond words, but deep down she knew that having Cameron in custody wasn’t enough. Although a nagging guilt resided on her conscience, she knew Cameron dying was the only outcome that set her free.

  “I should call my parents and let them know I’m okay. Do you mind passing me my phone?”

  “Sure.” He walked across the room and Katrina watched his strong physique. She couldn’t believe her luck.

  After an emotional phone call home to assure her parent’s that she was out of danger and would be home to Maine as soon as her contract was up in three months, Katrina showered and dressed carefully, acutely aware of her throbbing cheek. Although she was sad, Cole had been completely right in his suggestion to start the day and shake off the last night’s shock. After her shower, she felt like a new woman.

  Knocking on his door lightly, Katrina entered Cole’s room. He was in the process of sorting some papers on his meticulously made bed.

  “Hi, I’ll just put this stuff away and then we can take our walk.” He said over his shoulder.

  Katrina watched as he quickly shoved Cameron’s threatening letters and the silver dagger into a manila envelope for evidence. He hadn’t wanted her to witness the act, thinking it may upset her to see the letters. In his haste, the second letter dropped to the floor and he bent to pick it up. Katrina glanced at the scrawl, shaking her head in confusion. She put a hand on Cole’s arm. “Wait, can I take a look at that for a second?”

  “Are you sure? Maybe it’s not such a good idea.”

  “It’s okay Cole.”

  He handed it over reluctantly. Katrina inspected it, and then pulled the other letter out and laid them on the bed. Leaning over, she studied each one closely. She was suddenly struck by a foreboding sense of intuition. Something seemed off. Cameron had been so precise with his writing, so uptight about the particulars. His grammar and spelling was impeccable and the second letter was riddled in errors. And the handwriting was far from familiar.

  “Cole, this isn’t Cameron’s handwriting.”

  “What do you mean?

  “I don’t think he wrote this second letter.”

  “He probably disguised his handwriting to prevent being caught. I’ve seen it many times, Katrina. I wouldn’t worry too much. Besides, it’s over now. You shouldn’t bother yourself worrying.” Cole moved closer and took the wrinkled papers. Turning, he placed them on top of the manila envelope and grasped her shoulders, running his hands over her bare skin. She wore a pink tank top that showed off her bronzed, toned back and arms. “What can I do to take away those remaining fears?”

  Katrina noticed his sexy ‘come hither’ eyes, though somehow she knew it wasn’t intentional. Cole was just naturally sexy – he couldn’t help it. Still, there was something seductive in his loaded question.

  “You can be my bodyguard on our walk. I know you’re good at that. And…” Katrina turned to face him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You can kiss me the way you did before.”

  Walking out toward the cliff with Cole, Katrina looked down at the beach and was instantly struck by sorrow. Even in the bright welcoming sunshine, the drama of last night hung over her psyche like a dark cloud. She was happy to have slept in this morning, skipping her morning medication in lieu of much needed slumber. The tide had erased all traces of blood and disturbed sand, smoothing it away as if a life hadn’t been lost there, erasing all trace of last night’s terror. If only the tide could erase her vivid memories. Looking down from a distance, it was all still fresh in her mind. “I still can’t believe it’s all over.” Without warning, tears flowed down her cheeks in her glorious relief.

  Cole wrapped his hard, strong arms around her. She buried her face in his shoulder and wept. He held her close to his chest, tightening his grip protectively.

  “You did just fine, it’s okay. I’m proud of you.” Stooping slightly, he kissed her forehead and, as she raised her chin to meet his face, he kissed her passionately.

  “Now that’s a lovely way to start the day,” Cole tried to make light of the heavy moment. “Shall we go in for breakfast?”


  Meanwhile, Gloria arrived at the mansion ready to get the day started. When she entered the front door, she’d found it strange that the entire place was quiet and the entourage were still sleeping. Stopping, she listened intently from the bottom of the staircase, wondering if perhaps everyone had gone on an outing in the early hours or something.

  Gawking around, the eerie silence sliced the air until Gloria heard a pot clang in the kitchen and she knew where the action was. She strolled down the center of the mansion toward the back staff quarters. Just as she was passing the long harvest table in the kitchen, Jacques cornered her.

  “Stop,” he insisted, putting up a hand.

  “What?” Gloria asked curiously, his tone alarming her slightly.

  “Sit here,” Jacques guided a hand toward the island stool. “I have to tell you about last night.”

  After a flurry of details and plenty of gasps from Gloria, Jacques raised his eyebrows and threw his hands up in the air dramatically. “And that, my dear, is why our poor Katrina is with us in the first place. Because of that boorish, abusive scoundrel who has now made all of our lives a living hell. But, he will bother her no more.”

  “My goodness, that’s terrible,” Gloria put a hand on her chest in disbelief. “And to think our strong, capable Katrina was once the victim of an abuser. And to track her down here and endanger everyone, he must have been ruthless.” Gloria was about to add more to their conversation, but it was stopped short when they heard the shuffling footsteps of a few pair of feet. Looking up, they watched as the three boys entered the kitchen.

  “Morning, Jacque,” said Jimmy casually.

  “Ahh, young man, you are hungry I assume. After last night, we can all use something special.”

  “Morning, Gloria,” the boys seemed to say in unison as they took a seat at the harvest table.

  Gloria noticed their energy levels had decreased.

  “So, I understand there was some activity here last night.”

  Zachary looked over at her. “You’re lucky you missed it. All we heard was a gunshot and screaming and then a guy was dead on the beach. It was totally crazy!”

  “Yeah,” said Noah. “We thought it had something to do with our Dad or Jimmy’s Dad because of who they are, but it had nothing to do with them. That was weird.”

  “A good surprise I am sure,” Jacques interjected.

  “Yeah, a good surprise. But still, I feel real bad for Katrina,” Jimmy said, slumping in his chair. “She’s a nice lady and doesn’t deserve some scary guy coming after her. Was it her husband or something?”

  “No, they were never married. But he was not a good person. Still, it was terrible how it all ended. Are you boys doing okay after seeing what you saw?” Jacques asked cautiously.

  “I guess so,” Noah looked down at the table. “I’m just happy everything’s back to normal. I don’t think I could handle more bad stuff happening.”

  “Me either,” piped in Jimmy. “This is supposed to be a vacation. It’s like a movie or something, first Noah falling over the cli
ff and then that crazy man taking Katrina and getting shot by the Secret Service guy. Wow. I sure do have a lot to talk about with my class when I get back.”

  “That’s for sure,” Zachary said as the boys sat solemnly.

  Jacque pulled a batch of hot corn muffins from the oven and set them on the stovetop to cool.

  “Is it safe to start on your rooms then?” Gloria asked the boys, still in shock over last night’s tale. She was anxious to speak privately with Katrina and see with her own eyes that her friend was okay. She would have to wait until after breakfast.

  “Yeah, Gloria, thanks,” Zachary said and the other two boys nodded.

  As Gloria walked out of the kitchen, she passed the Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary, and Mrs. Greenbaum who were now sitting in the living room. They were talking in hushed tones, no doubt discussing the events of last night. As she passed, they looked up and acknowledged her, but no one said anything. Gloria sensed they too had been shaken up by what had happened, although quite relieved that it was unrelated to the entourage themselves.

  “I suppose we won’t be receiving any more threatening letters,” Secretary Mitchell commented after Gloria had passed out of earshot.

  “I have to admit, I’m a little concerned for our safety. If it hadn’t been for Agent Nielsen, we all would have been in danger. Agent Kensing was indisposed when he should have been on high alert after those letters arrived.”

  “I agree, but we can’t be too hard on the man. He is only human,” Edward Greenbaum added. “How were they to know that lunatic would ambush Miss Turner? It’s all so hard to believe.”

  “At least we can relax now and try to enjoy these last two days. We deserve it before returning to the hustle of your schedules.” Helene leaned over and patted her husband’s arm.

  Agent Kensing strolled into the kitchen from the back hallway. He was still nursing a large bump on the back of his head from being knocked out by Cameron. When he’d regained consciousness, Jacque had been leaning over him in the grass asking if he could hear him and shaking his shoulders to bring him around. That’s when Agent Kensing and Jacque had heard the final gunshot that took Cameron’s life.


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