Valentine Special Delivery

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by Sharon Kleve

  Valentine Special Delivery

  Sharon Kleve

  Valentine Special Delivery

  A Books to Go Now Publication

  Copyright © Sharon Kleve 2013

  Books to Go Now

  For information on the cover illustration and design, contact [email protected]

  First eBook Edition –January 2013

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, events or occurrences, is purely coincidental. The characters and story lines are created from the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

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  Look for Other Stories by Sharon Kleve

  Flamingo Blues

  Be Mine

  Klutzy Love

  Josey’s Christmas Cookie


  I wanted to thank my critique partners for their support and hard work.


  You’d think a divorce from Robert, who I’d thought was the love of my life, would jade me—it did. He emptied our bank account, took our dog Max, and moved to Oregon with his secretary. He’d wanted short skirts, high heels and spontaneity. I’d worn tennis shoes, jeans and stability like a coat of armor. Robert, and the home wrecker, opened a small real estate office with our savings. He left me with a huge car payment on his dream car—a red Beamer. We couldn’t afford the loan but he said he needed it for his image. He left it and the payments behind and bought matching silver Mercedes. I immediately traded in the new Beamer for a five year old Subaru.

  I’d worked fifty hours a week, for three years, at a Bed & Breakfast called, ‘Leisure Nights’. Cooking, cleaning and sometimes as the gardener. Peter, the owner, appreciated my drive and dedication. His life partner Chris, a divorce attorney, went after Robert and my money with a vengeance—pro bono. Robert had invested it all in his real estate business and didn’t have the cash to pay me back. Chris negotiated a deal. I’d own a third of his real estate business until he paid me back. I also changed my name to, Vickie Valentine. I didn’t want anything that was Robert’s, except my dog and a monthly check. Robert wouldn’t budge on Max. He confessed to Chris, “I love him more than I ever loved Vickie. I’ll pay her, but she’s not getting Max.”

  When I heard that, I realized I’d wasted the last ten years of my life on a jerk.


  Leisure Nights was in the ideal location on the outskirts of Seattle. It had a steady, elderly clientele. The rooms were decorated in a Country Fresh style, nothing to exciting, but comfortable. The carpet needed to be replaced in two of the eight rooms. The majority of the fixtures were outdated. I’d kept an inventory of what I’d thought needed a little tender loving care. Peter had been putting off the repairs and I wasn’t sure why.

  Everything in my life had slowly been falling into place again, except dating. My long hours at the B&B weren’t conducive to meeting eligible men. But just in case one dropped into my lap, I wanted to be in shape. Every other day I ran for sixty minutes; rain, shine, snow or sleet. On off days, I’d speed walk for sixty minutes. At twenty-eight my legs had never looked better. I’d lie in bed, lift my leg, stretch and admire my sculptured calves. My mind would wonder… wouldn’t it be nice if it were a man running his hands over my legs. Down to my ankles, up to my... Stop! There’s no use tormenting myself.


  I stood naked in front of my full length mirror. What would a guy think? My breasts were a little large for my body, but firm and perky. That’s the one thing Robert didn’t complain about. The rest of me was pretty average; 5’7, one-hundred- twenty-five pounds, blues eyes, auburn hair. In summary, my legs and boobs are my best asset.

  The B&B didn’t have anyone checking in Friday, so Peter kindly gave me the day off. I called Kimmy, my best friend from high school. “I need a makeover. Where should I start?”

  “It’s about time you got on with your life,” she squealed.

  Of course, it was easy for her to say, she’s happily married to her high school sweetheart.

  “Let me plan the whole day. It’ll be great!”

  “Remember, I’m on a limited budget.”

  “You’ve been my best friend forever. Let me treat you Friday. Please, please, please,” Kimmy begged.

  “All right, but I’ll find away to pay you back. Thank you, Kimmy.” I’ll arrange for a romantic night stay at Leisure Nights for her and Joe.

  “Be ready for a fun-filled day.”

  Kimmy hung up before I could say, “I can’t wait.”


  Kimmy wouldn’t tell me what she planned. I’m glad she hadn’t, I wouldn’t have agreed.

  She picked me up in her Honda Accord and drove straight to the Gene Juarez salon in down town Seattle. Randall, my new stylist expertly cut five inches off my hair. It swirled around the salon floor, like a dust bunny. He added deep golden highlights. While my foil packets processed, a salon technician applied green goop to my face and neck. When the goop hardened to stiff clay it was carefully removed. Randall shampooed and conditioned my new golden locks. He said I looked radiant.

  Maybe I did.

  If that wasn’t enough, Kimmy insisted I needed at least one new outfit to go with the new look. Because I agreed, I countered with, “Only if we eat lunch before we go shopping and I get to buy lunch.”

  “Okay.” She grinned from ear to ear.

  “You think you’re pretty clever don’t you? Just because I look and feel better than I have in months doesn’t mean I’ll start dating again. So, don’t get your hopes up.”

  She got her perfected stubborn look on her face and said, “There’s a new restaurant that just opened up down the road. They serve a dozen different soups and sandwiches every day. Let’s go there, okay?”

  “Kimmy, I know that look. Let’s have a nice lunch without you trying to set me up with the waiter.”

  “The waiter? No. I was thinking the manager.”

  “Funny, Kimmy.”

  The restaurant was called, ‘Soups and Salads’. We drove in right behind a FedEx delivery truck who pulled into the loading zone as we parked. Kimmy wasn’t getting out of the car, she fanned her face.

  “Hey, are you okay? You’re not getting a hot flash are you?” Her eyes were glued to the back of the FedEx truck.

  “Yes. I’ve never been better. Did you ask me if I’m having a hot flash? Geez, I’m way too young for those. Look over there. Check out the ass on that guy. His face isn’t too bad either.”

  The FedEx guy was in the back of his truck, bending over to lift a large box. His navy shorts were drawn tightly over his well formed butt. I could see why Kimmy fanned herself.

  “Wouldn’t you just love to help him? Come on.” She insisted.

  Kimmy was on the move. She popped out of her car before I could say, “Stop.” She’d always been the adventurous one. “He’s a trained professional, Kimmy. He doesn’t need our help.” I said to her back, being the realistic on

  She ignored me—like always. I followed, hoping she wouldn’t completely embarrass us.

  “Hi there. That’s quite a package you’ve got there. Can we help you with it?”

  Unbelievable! This was an all time embarrassing moment. She’d been outspoken all her life, so you’d think I’d heard it all before. But that was over the top. I should pretend I didn’t know her, get back in her car and hide. He’d never know…

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Kimmy said, as she grabbed me by the arm and pushed me towards the FedEx guy. Of course I stumbled. With amazing agility, he jumped out of his truck and stopped me from falling with only one muscular arm around my waist.

  “Hey, are you all right?” asked the FedEx driver.

  “Yes. Sorry about that. My friend accidently tripped me.” As I straightened, my right breast brushed against the front of his navy polo. His eyes lowered to my boob and he grinned. My cheeks felt warm. “Thank you for stopping my face plant. Randall, my stylist would’ve killed me if I messed up my hair.”

  Kimmy smirked like an idiot. Would I look mean if I kicked her in the shin?

  “Pretty,” was all he said.

  “What?” Was he talking about my boob or my hair? Crap, what should I say? I’m pathetic. My dear friend, Kimmy came to the rescue.

  She stuck out her hand and said, “Hi. I’m Kimmy and this is my friend Vickie.”

  “I’m Jake. Nice to meet you both.”

  It was my turn to shake his hand. I discreetly wiped my moist hand on my jeans before extending it. “Thanks again. We should let you get back to work.” When he smiled you could see his two front teeth slightly overlapped.

  “No problem. Do you work around here?”

  He rested his hip on the side of his truck. He didn’t seem to be in any hurry. “I work at a B&B called Leisure Nights on 7th Avenue.” Discreetly, I looked at his ring finger. It’s bare, with no ring indentation.

  “Do you make deliveries to the area?” This new hair style made me bold.

  “I do, but I’ve never made any stops there. Maybe the owner prefers UPS. Some people like the brown uniform over the navy blue.”

  Oh boy. He has a sense of humor and good looks. “It’s more likely my boss hasn’t bought anything that he couldn’t pickup himself.” I’m getting out my fix-it list and Peter’s going to cough up some repair money. I wanted FedEx to start making deliveries.

  “Too bad. Maybe I’ll run into you again sometime.”

  He headed towards the building’s side delivery door with his package. Kimmy looked panicked. She blurted, “Jake, do you have a wife and kids at home?”

  He must’ve known what Kimmy was up to because he turned and looked right at me, not her. “No. I’m single. How about you Vickie? Do you have a husband and a bunch of kids at home?”

  Suddenly my mouth went dry. “No. I’m single too.”

  “Good. Is it okay to call you at work? Maybe we could go out sometime.”

  “Yes. I’m usually the one answering the phone. Go out? Yeah. That would be great.” Did I sound desperate? I hope not.

  “Okay. Talk to you soon.” He winked at me. I don’t think a guy has ever winked at me. I liked it a lot. He turned, rang the delivery bell, the door opened and he disappeared behind it.

  Kimmy yanked on my arm and said, “Wow. That guys hot. Come on. Let’s go eat.”

  How could she eat at a time like this? I met a really sexy, strong, available guy. I can’t eat. I need to diet. Well, maybe a small salad wouldn’t hurt.


  Kimmy insisted on buying me a beautiful sexy, black silk nightgown. Jeans and t-shirts would’ve been more practical. She convinced me otherwise.

  “Vickie, you haven’t dated for ten years—you’re rusty. Even when you were married, Robert never took you anywhere. He was such an ass. When Jake asks you out, you have to ‘dress for success’. In other words, ‘dress for sex’.”

  Kimmy was right. I decided to invest in a pair of black slacks and a fitted, emerald green cotton sweater. After spending a nice chuck of money I felt guilty, so I drove into work. The rose bushes out back needed a good fall pruning.


  Exhausted, dirty, and starved I headed to my car. The plain green salad was a poor choice for lunch and I needed something more substantial. A Lean Cuisine chicken pot pie sounded like heaven. Luckily, I stocked up on the frozen dinners when they went on sale last week. I was dreaming of chicken pot pie and I didn’t notice Peter sitting on the porch swing.

  “Vickie, Vickie, Vickie… A day off means you take the whole day off.” He used his foot to keep the swing moving slowly back and forth.

  I sat on the bottom step as to not track dirt all over the porch. “I had a great day. I met a cute guy that might ask me out on a date. It seemed natural to come back here. It feels more like my home then my apartment does.”

  “I’m really happy you’ve met someone, Vickie.” Peter stroked his goatee. “Chris and I have been thinking about retiring and doing some traveling overseas. Last night we talked and couldn’t think of a reason to wait any longer.” He stroked his goatee again.

  “Oh. I’m happy for you two.” What am I going to do now? I’ll have to find another job.

  “Now, don’t get all teary-eyed on me. You’ve been the daughter I’ll never have. I had Chris draw up a proposal for you. Here you go.”

  He handed a large packet of papers to me.

  “It’s a lot to read. The gist of it is: I want you to take over the ownership of Leisure Nights. I’ll be moving out of the cottage this weekend. If you decide to accept my gift you can move in next week.”

  “Peter, you know I don’t have the money to buy the B&B from you.” I couldn’t help myself. I started to cry.

  “Now, now… Stop that. Listen to me. The house was my grandparents and it’s clear and free of any debt. The business makes more than enough for you to pay the property taxes and a small salary for yourself. Between you and me, Chris and I are financially set. I want to give my lovely family home and business to you. I couldn’t imagine it in better hands.”

  “Oh, Peter. I can’t believe this. This is wonderful and so generous of you. Thank you!”

  “I know you’ve wanted to make changes and upgrades for quite some time, now you can. It’s yours. You can wait until that deadbeat ex-husband of yours pays you back or you can take out a loan and make them now. I know you’re probably full of grand ideas, but I suggest doing a big grand re-opening on Valentine’s Day.”

  “I am. I’ve dreamed of this moment, but I guess I never really thought I’d own my own business.”

  “This is a lot to take in. Go on home and read through this legal document. We’ll talk more tomorrow.”

  After giving Peter a big hug, I looked around my new home and business. Mental note; the Leisure Nights Bed & Breakfast sign needs replacing. While I’m replacing the sign, I might as well change the name. Valentine’s Bed & Breakfast has a wonderful ring to it.


  With the ownership signed over to me, Peter moved his belongings out of the cottage and into Chris’s house. It only took three days for me to move out of my apartment and into the cottage. It was surprisingly easy to get a small business loan. With money in hand, I stopped by Costco and picked up a zippy new HP laptop.

  My Valentine’s Day grand re-opening was only two and half months away. The basic design of the house would stay the same, but the rooms would change dramatically. All eight rooms would get new carpeting, paint, light fixtures and bedding. It was out with the old and in with a new romantic décor.

  To keep the costs down, my cousin Anna and her boyfriend, volunteered to help with the renovations in exchange for a few nights free. Most of the work would be done without disturbing my current scheduled gu
ests. Leisure Nights would close for business for a few days right before Valentine’s Day. To make the major changes, like the name change and re-open on Valentine’s Day.


  Two of my regular guests had just headed out for lunch when there was a quick knock on the front door and it opened. It was Jake, the FedEx guy.

  “Hi there.” Jake smiled. Wow, he’s got an amazing smile. He was dressed in jeans and a polo shirt and looked sexy as hell.

  “Hi, Jake. Hey, you’re not wearing your FedEx uniform. This must be your day off.”

  “Yeah. I was in the area and thought I’d stop by and say hi. Is that okay?”

  “Of course. A lot’s changed since we met. I’m now the owner of this Bed & Breakfast.”

  “That’s great. I meant to come by sooner but I have a pregnant lab. She’s due to give birth any day.”

  “Really? I used to have a dog. My jerk, ex-husband took him when he left. Dogs are the most loyal companions, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, they are. I’m sorry about your dog. He must’ve been a real jerk if he left you.”

  “Thank you. I’ll get another dog someday. Is your dog with you now?”

  “Yeah. I took a half day off to take her to the vet.”

  “Do you have time to bring her in? I’d love to meet her.”

  “She’d love it. This is her first litter and she’s acting a little anxious. The vet examined her and said she’s healthy and not to worry. With my luck, I’ll leave the house and she’ll go into labor. I’ll be right back.”

  A year ago, I couldn’t see myself dating or caring for another animal. It’s seems I’m jumping in with both feet. The door opened again and in walked Jake with a beautiful, very pregnant lab. She looked at me and her tail wagged slowly back and forth—an invitation to come closer. I knelt down in front of her and asked, “What’s your name sweet thing?”


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