American Hypocrites: Short Series of Graphic Revenge

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American Hypocrites: Short Series of Graphic Revenge Page 1

by Mackenzie Stark

  Table of Contents

  American Hypocrites



  The Politician

  For the Reader

  Chapter One: Just Another Great Day in Politics

  Chapter Two: What is this?

  Chapter Three: Turning into Chaos

  Chapter Four: What the Darkness Brings

  Chapter Five: Demagogue, Does Not Mean Protected

  Chapter Six: The Real Story

  Chapter Seven: What Do We Do Now?

  Chaper Eight: Swayed Outcome?

  The Celebrity

  Chapter One: It’s All in The Cards

  Chapter Two: The Good Life

  Chapter Three: Surprise, Surprise

  Chapter Four: Reality Hits

  Chapter Five: Act I

  Chapter Six: Act II

  Chapter Seven: Act III

  Chapter Eight: The Final Act

  The Liberal Professor

  Chapter One: Exams Optional

  Chapter Two: There is work to do

  Chapter Three: Dripping with Pride

  Chapter Four: The Night Crew

  Chapter Five: Class Begins

  Chapter Six: The Mid-term

  Chapter Seven: The Final

  Cop Lives Matter

  Chapter One: Game Over

  Chapter Two: The Protest

  Chapter Three: The Success!

  Chapter Four: The Meet

  Chapter Five - The Reality

  Chapter Six - The Ignorance

  Chapter Seven: The Greed

  Chapter Eight: The Hypocrite

  Chapter Nine: The End

  End Notes

  American Hypocrites


  By Mackenzie Stark


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  American Hypocrites


  Copyright © 2017 DeckersPress

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Published by DeckersPress

  The Politician

  For the Reader

  First off, if you downloaded and are reading American Hypocrites Short Series, thank you!

  American Hypocrites delves into real life situations and shows us possible outcomes. The possibilities are real, however unfortunate, unattractive, or even impossible they may seem at the time. When people are pushed to the limits even the most innocent could turn into criminals and there’s no telling what someone would do when seeking revenge for lost loved ones and lives gone wrong.

  I would love to know what you think!

  Thank you,


  Chapter One: Just Another Great Day in Politics

  Hypocrite, Merriam-Webster definition: 1) a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2) a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.



  Five police officers were killed and seven others wounded in the ambush. It was the deadliest single incident for U.S. law enforcement since September 11, 2001.


  Dianne Palermo is a political powerhouse. Everyone knows her. She takes a firm stance on her beliefs and doesn’t hold back. As one of the most accomplished women in politics you can either love her or hate her, but either way, you know her.

  Today, she’s at home in San Francisco where her house is more of a fortress than a home, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She likes the quiet, away from the hustle and bustle of her life. She also enjoys the security of the six-foot brick wall around her house, and of course the staff that monitors the property.

  Her schedule is consistently booked but on this Thursday evening she has a small break. Her husband will be back in town tomorrow and they are hosting a house full of people before their big fundraiser Saturday night.

  Dianne is in her office on the second floor, sitting on her window seat watching the sun go down. She smiles and takes in a large breath, inhaling her own pride. She is satisfied with her achievements and feels good about her life.

  She has only one more meeting scheduled this evening and it’s with her assistant. Well, her second assistant because her main girl is out of town, much to the annoyance of Dianne.

  “Good evening Dianne!” The call comes from Holly downstairs, the second assistant.

  “I’m here, I’m here,” Dianne calls out on her way down to the kitchen. Holly brought her one of her favorites, a triple skinny vanilla latte. “Oh, you are my savior!” Dianne picks up the glass and removes the lid, “ a godsend!”

  “Yes, well, so is this!” Holly gives her a copy of the L.A. Times, opened to the section where there is yet another rave review of her latest speech.

  “Is it good?” Dianne asks, sitting down with her latte. Not really looking for an answer, she starts reading.

  “Oh my,” she smiles, “well, well, well,” she smiles some more and then giggles. The look on her face is almost as if her supporters are standing right there in front of her and she’s about to receive an award for her political genius.

  Dianne gets done reading the article, about herself, and then folds the paper back up. She sees the top headline as she sets it back down on the table that reads, Protesters return to the streets throughout U.S. breaking into more violence across the country.

  Dianne is disgusted, like usual, “What a mess! Thank goodness we do the work we do, right?” Dianne gets up and says, “You understand, don’t you Holly? I mean, people are ridiculous!”

  “It’s a real thing across the country…,” Holly starts to put in her two cents, but then immediately regrets it. She knows that Dianne is very stubborn in her beliefs and does not acknowledge any thoughts outside her her own.

  She has heard Dianne preach time after time that it’s people like her, and her closest counterparts, that hold our country together. People that oppose what she knows to be best are either mentally deficient or completely ignorant. They just don’t understand! They don’t know what is best!

  “Well, make sure you’re on board. There’s a reason you’re second assistant Holly, Nicole knows all about it!” Dianne finishes up the rest of her drink and sets the glass down, “Look, I’ve worked hard to get where I am. I feel like everyone’s gone and lost their mind!”

  Avoiding an argument, Holly goes for some morale-boosting instead, “You’re right. I mean, you are all these poor people have to get their lives back on track! All of this nonsense is just people that don’t understand and it makes no sense! It’s just appalling to me that people don’t get it.”

  “That’s exactly right!” And with that, Dianne is all smiles again.

  Chapter Two: What is this?

  The Baltimore Sun:

  It started Monday morning with word on social media of a "purge" — a reference to a movie in which crime is made legal.


  Dianne starts going through more paperwork from Holly when Teresa timidly walks in.

  Teresa is from Mexico and has been helping the Palermo family for years, “Excuse me,” she says, “may I come in?” Her English is limited and her accent is heavy.

“What is it Teresa?” Dianne asks, visibly annoyed by the interruption.

  “I am sorry. I must go.” Teresa would normally stay on the property all week, only going home on the weekends.

  “Go? But today is Thursday?” Dianne reminds her, questioning why she would leave. “We have things to do for this weekend, guest rooms and the linens!”

  Teresa is struggling for the words and points to the TV.

  “Do you want me to turn that on?” Holly asks.

  “Yes ma’am,” Teresa says, nodding her head.

  Holly turns on the television they see a Breaking News story unfolding. They see that by recommendation from the San Fran PD, people are closing up shop and shutting things down in the city. They see officers in riot gear filling up the streets and other shots of people throwing rocks and bricks.

  Dianne turns to Holly, “What is this?”

  “It looks like it’s happening now. This is breaking news!” Holly says, in aw of what she is seeing on the screen.

  “No work. I must go. Ma familia,” is all Teresa says. She looks from Dianne to Holly, and then back to Dianne, “I sorry miss. I go.”

  “Well, wait a minute! Teresa, we have people coming tomorrow! We have a lot to do!”

  “I sorry,” Teresa says again. And with that, she turns and unties her apron as she walks out of the kitchen. Dianne and Holly exchange glances. “Find Robert!” Dianne yells.

  Robert, who is the main man in charge of Dianne’s personal affairs, gives them the lowdown. She has a limited help staff in San Francisco but relies on them heavily. Today however, they have all up and left. The police are losing control and people are trying to get out of San Francisco. He’s about to go into more detail when Dianne interrupts him.

  “I can’t believe this!” Dianne doesn’t want to hear about excuses. Her frustration is around her weekend obligations, not some mess in town fueled ignorant protesters.

  Holly, however, does see the situation as something serious beyond Dianne’s plans, and wants to call her boyfriend. He works downtown and she’s noticed he’s already called, “Uh, Dianne , can I…”

  “Not now Holly! Can’t you see we have a situation? You’re not trying to leave also are you?” She flashes Holly a stern glance, “I certainly hope not. I need you, if you didn’t notice!” Dianne wants no distractions and certainly not from her incompetent second assistant.

  “Right, okay.” Holly gives in. Her phone does vibrate again though and she looks down. It’s a text from her boyfriend Justin. She clicks into it:

  What’s going on? We need to get out of here. Let’s head to Mitch and Tammy’s in San Jose until things settle down. Call me.

  Holly looks up at Dianne, but then reluctantly puts her phone down.

  Chapter Three: Turning into Chaos

  USA Today:

  In Chicago, chants of “No hate. No fear. Immigrants are welcome here” rang throughout the group of hundreds of protesters as they marched Saturday in Millennium Park, a popular downtown tourist attraction.


  Dianne stomps out of the kitchen and into the living area just inside the pool. Robert and Holly follow. When they get there, they are met by her security guard who just walked in. Clint looks at Robert and then to Dianne, “We have a breach.”

  “What kind of breach?” Dianne asks. Clint helps secure the property by watching the front and walking the grounds.

  Clint fills them in. Things have been tampered with and the security cameras are down, as well as the land line.

  “What?” Dianne runs over to one of her house phones to check the line, and sure enough it’s down. “Okay, well what do we do?” she is starting to panic, “I mean, what are you doing to do about it Clint?”

  “First things first. I wanted to make sure you were okay,” he says.

  “Of course I’m okay! And that’s your job!” Dianne shoots back.

  “Yes, ma’am, let me see what else I can find out,” he says. Dianne grimaces but gives him the nod, and he goes.

  Chapter Four: What the Darkness Brings


  Multiple acts of vandalism then took place in Northeast Portland. Protesters tagged buildings, kicked cars, shattered an office building window and knocked out power.


  Holly decides to check on any TV updates but before she gets to the kitchen, the house goes dark. She rushes to try a few switches and nothing turns on. She turns back to Dianne and Robert and slowly, their eyes start to adjust to the moonlight.

  Then, it hits them all at once that the patio doors to the pool are wide open. After a moment of silence, they each take off running in different directions. They shut the patio doors and then start going from window to window, closing anything they see is open. Dianne likes the open breeze through the house and there is a lot to do. In the frenzy however, they all lose track of each other.


  Holly calls out, “Dianne?”, there is just silence, “Anyone?” She isn’t quite sure what to do. She goes back to the kitchen but can’t find her cell phone. She feels her way around and notices all their notes are scattered about, like they have been gone through. Has someone been in here? She thinks it, but she refuses to believe it.

  Feeling a bit lost she continues to feel her way around. She finds the knife block. She stands there with her hand on a large knife and lowers her head and sighs. Could this be any more like a movie? She hesitates, but then grabs a large knife from the block. “I really hope I don’t need this,” she says to herself in a quiet voice.


  Dianne and Robert find each other in the back sunroom. A bit winded, they sit down. The walls are lined with glass and the lights are still on along the pathway outside. They take solace in the little bit of light it gives them while they catch their breath.

  Dianne’s expresses her fear through frustration, “Where’s Clint? And we need to find Holly! I don’t even have my phone.” Robert does not have his phone either.

  The lights in the garden suddenly go dark and it instantly gives them an even more uneasy feeling. Then they hear, tap, tap, tap.

  Robert and Dianne exchange glances and then turn back to the glass, “It came from over there,” he points to the right.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  “That came from over there!” She points to the left.

  “Someone’s out there,” Robert says.

  “Who? Who is out there?” a feeling of desperation is coming over Dianne.

  “I don’t know!” Robert replies.


  They are startled by the slam and see hand in a black glove up against the middle of the glass. Another hand slams in, BANG! That hand has a gun in it. The two are frozen and can’t move. All they can see is a figure dressed in all black.

  “Come on!” the stranger says through the windows, “Let us in!”

  Tap, tap, tap.

  “Just…don’t move,” Robert tells Dianne.

  “Why haven’t any alarms gone off? And where is Clint?” Dianne frantically asks Robert.

  “Anyone’s guess at this point. And the alarm has probably been disabled like everything else.”

  Dianne is beyond uneasy. She squeezes her eyes shut and pushes her head back against the wall as if this is all a dream and will go away.

  They sit there for what seems like an eternity, but there are no more sounds and no more tapping. Robert eventually gets up and tries to see outside but can’t see a thing. While he’s standing there, the pathway lights turn back on.

  “Well hello there Boss,” a strong, male voice says. It’s coming from the doorway off the hall but it’s too dark to see anyone. Robert and Dianne are sitting ducks.

  “What?” Dianne asks in a shaky voice, straining to see who is there.

  “Don’t you worry,” the man says, his voice getting closer. “You just wanna help people, and welcome everyone, right?”

  “Robert?” Dianne whispers.

  “Don’t talk to him! He can’t
help you!” The large, dark beast of a man has now approached Dianne and is hovering over her, “You do wanna help people, right?”

  “Too late!” a woman who is walking in from the other end of the hallway says. “Besides, she thinks WE are the problem, isn’t that right Ms. Political? Or maybe it’s just Ms. Politically Correct!” She lets out a chilling laugh and then looks to the man, “Sorry I was late,” she says, “had a small problem in the kitchen. A little bloody, but I took care of it.”

  Dianne lets out a gasp, Holly!

  “What do you guys want?” Robert attempts to start a dialogue with the man.

  The man looks at Robert, but then turns to Dianne, “We came here to see YOU, who is this guy?”

  Dianne doesn’t answer.

  The man walks over to Robert and tells him to stand up, which he does. “Yea, I think it’s time for you to go now mister. We don’t need you.”

  “Wh-what?” Robert asks.

  “You heard the man…get out!” The woman walks over to one of the sliding doors, unlatches it and slides it open, “GET OUT!”

  Robert slowly goes to the door. Before he takes a step outside, the man grabs him by the arm and then hits his head with his gun, knocking him out. The man shoves him out into the garden and slams the door shut and locks it, leaving just the three of them inside.

  “See, here’s the thing,” the man starts out, ”when you’re talk’n, we’re all listen’n!” He turns around, “And we don’t like it!”

  “That’s right!” says the girl. She is standing against the wall twirling a knife in her hand.

  “The problem is,” he throws his hands up in the air, “Talk’n is all you seem to do! And while you’re doin all that and getting your cheers and your votes, and your standing ovations, we’re getting screwed!” the man is yelling now.

  He reaches down and grabs Dianne by the arm and manages to get her to her feet. She is limp but he drags her down the hall, “Now it’s time for us to do the talk’n!”

  The woman follows and starts to skip and chuckle as they go, like she is excited. Dianne still has no clue what they are talking about but is now in fear for her life. Who are these people? What do they want from me and…how did they get in?


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