Scarred Surrender (Scarred Series Book 6)

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Scarred Surrender (Scarred Series Book 6) Page 7

by Jackie Williams

  David nodded as he stared at the letter again.

  “You’d have to ask Patrick about the barn. I think that’s on his land, but I don’t suppose it would be a worry to him now.” He referred to the parcel of land Ellen had signed over to her husband before they had become a couple, when the stubborn man had still wanted to hide himself from the world and everyone in it.

  The man himself suddenly walked down the chateau steps and joined them. Patrick looked down at the letter and then moved closer to his wife. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

  “You know you don’t have to ask, it’s fine to use the barn, but I have another idea that might end up working alongside it. There’s the old stable block right beside the barn, you know, the one that they must have used for the working horses on the estate. It’s run down but the stalls could be partitioned off. They would make ideal starter units for local craftspeople and I think our visitors would love something like that too. Can you imagine...Artists, glassmakers, jewellers, wood turners, all those kind of things? I think there are about twelve stalls, but some of them are huge, and there is the hayloft above. We could split them to make more if necessary. Not only would it be a great addition to our own facilities but it would help the local community too. We could keep it completely separate from the château as there’s an entrance in off the main road into town. Oof!” He exclaimed suddenly as Ellen threw herself into his arms and hugged him hard before dashing back up the château steps.

  “Wow! I can’t believe we haven’t thought of that before. I’m going to have to draw up some plans and get some detailed costings for this as well as the retraining thing. And I must make an appointment to see the Maire...” Her voice faded as she ran back into the château again.

  David threw his head back and laughed.

  “Well, you can never say that my sister is not enthusiastic about things. I suspect it will all be organized by dinner time.”

  James leaned forwards and tapped his pen on his note pad.

  “It is a great idea though. This place is so beautiful at all times of the year, but the rest of the area shuts down completely from October to April due to a lack of visitors. If you could offer facilities that keep people coming all year round then it might help regenerate the town.” He frowned, thoughtfully.

  Joe nodded.

  “You’d have to keep the units small and for individuals only. Anyone would be clobbered by the French tax system if they became too big. Not that you would want them big anyway. Individuality is the key to making the scheme work. People would come here especially if they knew that the products were completely unique.”

  Patrick pulled out a chair and sat down with the men.

  “Yes, but it’s the money that those entrepreneurs and visitors could bring into the community that would make the difference. The hotel on the main road closes for three months in winter and there are hundreds of empty gites as well. I’ve no idea what the staff or owners do for an income during that time, but if there was more demand for rooms then the general accommodation around here would stay open longer. Can you imagine coming and staying for a week to do a jewellery making course? Not only would the business owner be able to sell their own products and skills, but they would have a continual income stream from interested holiday makers. There are people who love that kind of stuff, but it’s not something we can offer here at the château.”

  David spoke up.

  “And if the hotels and gites are full, the restaurants in town will be full and so will the bakers and the grocery shop. Some of the places that have closed in recent years might re-open and they would need employees. I bet the local town hall will be willing to take a reduced rate on the shops if they could get them open and people working in them again. After all, they’re not making a penny on them now. Anything they make has got to be better than nothing.” He pushed back from the table. “It’ll probably need more investment from outside sources, but if we could get it going the rewards could be enormous. I’m going in to help Ellen. This could turn into something really big. Joe and Patrick, you go and take a look at all the buildings we mentioned. Take some photographs so Ellen and I can show the Maire. We’ll have to get his approval before we can do anything else, but if we can get it, well...” He left his words hanging in the air as he rushed away from the table.

  Patrick glanced at James.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your brainstorming session.”

  James shook his head.

  “Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t really into it anyway and it’s not as though I have to decide anything immediately. Adam’s investments have all been moved into safe accounts. I might not be making the girls any more money, but I’m certainly not losing it either and it’s not as though they are ever going to be short of a bob or two. Ten million quid should be enough to last them a lifetime if they never lifted a finger to earn anything ever again.”

  Joe stood up and brushed the biscuit crumbs from his shirt.

  “I’ll just go and grab the camera. Do you want to come with us, James? Your input might be interesting given that you set up your own security company. We’re going to need someone with firsthand knowledge if we’re going to do this and anything you can tell us will help with the overall picture for the Maire.”

  James grabbed the last biscuit from the plate.

  “I might as well. It’s not as if there’s anyone else about to talk to.”

  Patrick gave a small smile.

  “Oh, so Emily did go with Crystal over to the rehab centre? I wondered if she would after suggesting it last night.” He clarified his words as James’ eyebrow lifted curiously. “The subject came up after you had gone to bed. Emily said that she might see if the guys fancied doing some artwork while Crystal takes the others for their individual sessions. I don’t think they have taken on anything artistic before. Might have some interesting results, don’t you think, Joe?”

  Joe nodded enthusiastically.

  “And you said that Crystal was going to give all those young men a therapy session each. Some sort of massage, was it? I wonder how that works? I mean, does she massage their actual limbs or is it all visualization. Can you actually massage non-existent legs, or do you have to touch the real thing? That Andrew is a bad case. He has lost his legs right up to his mid thighs. Might be awkward to massage.” He kept his eyes down as spoke.

  James looked form one man to the other and felt the blood rushing into his head, pounding around his body as his heartbeat began racing. Jesus! What was Crystal doing right now? The images instantly flashing through his mind almost drove him mad. Especially the one of where her slender hands might be heading at the tops of Andrew’s thighs.

  He nearly brought back the biscuit he’d just eaten as he immediately squashed the thought. How could he think of anything so sordid? Crystal would be nothing if not professional. She took her work incredibly seriously. There was no chance of her doing anything vaguely risqué, but as his heart-rate calmed slightly, visions of the handsome young officer lying semi naked on a therapy bed with Crystal working some kind of magic on him, crowded in.

  He heaved in a great lungful of air and looked back at his two companions who were staring at him keenly. He kept his voice level although his mind continued to jump from one disturbing image to the next.

  “She must have some kind of scheme worked out. I expect it’s all to do with suggestion and whatnot. I bet she barely lays a finger on them. You can ask her later after we all get back here, if you’re that interested,” he said dismissively as he shoved his hands in his pockets and turned towards the path leading through the forest. He glanced back over his shoulder a few seconds later when there was no sound of anyone following him. Joe and Patrick stood staring at him from the terrace, neither of them moving, but both of them looking at him curiously. He shrugged and turned back to the forest. “Are you coming, or what?”

  Chapter Six

  Three days later, James had heard enough about o
ther men’s muscles to last him a lifetime. In the interests of confidentiality, Crystal had kept the specifics of whose muscles she was talking about out of her dinner conversation, but it was clear that both she and the men concerned felt that there was already some improvement in their condition.

  “I can’t believe that they are taking to it so well. It might have something to do with the oils I’m using, I suppose.” She enthused over their starter that night.

  “Oils! Who said anything about using oils?” The words were out of James’ mouth before he could stop them.

  Crystal turned to him and gave him a dazzling smile.

  “The oils have different properties. Lavender oil is meant to have a very relaxing effect on the body. It means that the men are more receptive to my treatment. I can use it in several different ways. Diffusers, burners, and in the massage itself. If I massage the oils into your skin, it’s almost impossible not inhale it. Although it doesn’t have a strong scent, it works its way into your senses and they say that it’s really effective. I can mix different scents to gain the most effect for the particular client. We’re still working on the individual mixes but the men seem to be really enjoying the sessions.”

  James glowered down at his smoked trout starter and his fork squealed across the plate as he stabbed a succulent morsel with more force than necessary. Oh yes! He just bet the three guys were enjoying their sessions and he damn well knew that it wasn’t due to any effects of some random flower oil. They were getting their rocks off on having Crystal’s delicate hands running gently all over them. Sweat broke out on his brow and he put down his fork.

  Crystal laughed suddenly.

  “They also tell me that it’s working wonders on their skin too. Andy says his skin has never felt so soft. He reckons it’s going to be a big hit with the ladies when he gets back into dating.”

  James suddenly lost his appetite completely. Andy, dating? Fuck! He couldn’t take it a moment longer. He removed his napkin from his lap and quietly rose from the table. Crystal looked up at him, her big, blue eyes roaming over his features.

  “Are you okay?” She asked innocently. “You look awfully hot. Maybe you’re coming down with something.”

  He couldn’t speak for fear of shouting. He was coming down with something all right. Another big fat dose of jealousy. He shook his head and bit back his anger. It wasn’t her fault. She was doing nothing wrong.

  “I’m okay. Just tired. I’ve had things on my mind and I’ve not been sleeping well. My legs have been playing up too.” He couldn’t look her in the eye even though the part about not sleeping had been true. Each of the previous three nights had been filled with dreams of happy, smiling men drooling over Crystal as she massaged them in places he didn’t want to think about.

  Crystal reached out and touched his hand.

  “It’s all to do with the stress of the last few weeks. You should let me give you a massage. It might help.” Her gentle tones matched the touch of her hand.

  James felt a tingle run through his skin as she waited for a response. He lifted his eyes to hers and was about to shake his head when he suddenly realized that this would be a perfect opportunity to find out exactly what she was doing to those guys at the rehabilitation centre. Up until this moment, fearing her answer, he had purposely avoided asking for any specifics.

  “Do you think so?” His voice sounded hoarse and strained.

  Crystal smiled as she shrugged.

  “Well, if it doesn’t, what have you lost? It’s not like it would be intruding on your sleep time if you’re not getting any anyway. Why don’t you go down to one of the treatment rooms and get yourself undressed. I’ll go and fetch my bag of oils and be down in a mo. I’m not that hungry so I can have my dinner later. Go on, I’ll give you five minutes. Use the green room. Green’s a more relaxing colour.” She waved him towards the door.

  He glanced around the table. Everyone else was chatting to their neighbour or eating. No one appeared to be taking any notice of his and Crystal’s conversation. He looked back at her. Her beautiful smile hadn’t wavered, her gorgeous eyes still held his. His heart gave a violent lurch and he gave in.

  “Okay.” His voice barely reached a whisper. “See you in a few.” He managed to avoid the doorframe as he walked quietly from the dining room.

  Thirty seconds after he had left the room everyone stopped talking. They all grinned at Crystal. Geraldine spoke first.

  “ ‘e is stronger than we thought but we knew ‘e wouldn’t be able to resist for much longer.”

  Lucy nodded.

  “Now just remember not to come on too strong to start. You don’t want to frighten him off, but give him plenty to think about. You make sure he knows what you could be doing to those guys at the centre despite the fact that you aren’t.”

  Crystal felt the heat rising in her cheeks.

  “Oh God! I have to go through with this now. What if he doesn’t react at all? What if he hates it? Is this even ethical?”

  Emily let out a loud snort.

  “Ethical be damned. Have you eyes in your head? He has barely eaten a thing since we’ve been here and he told you that he can’t sleep. If he goes on like this much longer he’s either going to die of starvation or sleep deprivation. Whatever you do to him will be a kindness. He’s in way over his head. You just need to keep yours and you’ll get to keep the guy too.”

  David finished his mouthful of smoked trout and pulled James’ leftovers towards him. He looked affronted at Geraldine’s raised eyebrows.

  “What? James clearly doesn’t want it and it’s too good to waste it.” He turned back to Crystal. “Just go down there and put him out of his misery, please. I’m sick to death of seeing his dejected, pining face a moment longer.”

  Crystal huffed out a determined breath and slid her chair back from the table.

  “Okay, I’m going to do it. Wish me luck.”

  James stretched out on the therapy bed. He wasn’t sure of the protocol but she’d mentioned massaging shoulders and thighs so he had stripped down to his boxers and removed his prosthetics. He lay on his front with cool air wafting over his back, wondering why he had suddenly given in. Maybe he shouldn’t have. She was going to have her hands all over him. This was going to become horribly uncomfortable if his body reacted when he didn’t want it to.

  Shit! Too late! He felt almost lightheaded as all of his blood seemed to rush to the one area of his body that he would have preferred that it didn’t. He was about to grab hold of his legs again and make a dash to his bedroom when he heard the door open behind him. Even more too late! Now he was stuck with an erection hard enough to hammer nails, and nowhere to go. He couldn’t turn over without revealing his weakness. His cheeks burned and he desperately thought of digging potatoes for his dinner and ironing the creases from all of his shirts, anything to take his mind off what Crystal’s hands would be doing to him any second.

  He almost jumped when she spoke.

  “Try to relax while I turn the lights down just a little and get some towels.” She hesitated a moment before adding. “You’re going to want to take your boxers off if you don’t want the oils marking them. It’s okay, I’ll cover you.”

  Her gentle voice washed over him. Could he do this? He had to or he’d look like an idiot. She was a professional therapist, he had to treat her like one and get her out of his system before he went mad. One massage would do it. Then he would know it was just his raging libido from where he hadn’t had sex for a while. For a while? Jesus, it had been years. He hadn’t wanted anyone for so long he had almost forgotten what it was like.

  The lights dimmed a fraction, taking the clinical glare down to a comforting glow. He heard her open the cupboard at the side of the bed and took the opportunity to hook his thumbs into the waistband of his underwear. He slid his boxers down over his thighs. Feeling horribly exposed, he reached out to drop them on the chair with his other clothes and then settled his head back on his forearms. A second later
, warm fluffy material covered his naked backside and tops of his thighs. He breathed out slowly. Okay, he was covered. All good so far.

  A soft breath wafted over his shoulder blades and he heard what sounded like someone rubbing their hands in lotion. She spoke quietly a second later.

  “Just warming the oil. I’ve made up an infusion of Lavender, Bergamot and a hint of Vetiver. All are especially good for stress and relaxation. I’m not going to do anything more than relax you tonight. You need to be well rested before we begin anything more serious. Just see how you like it and we’ll work at everything else from there. I’m going to begin with your shoulders and neck and then work downwards. It can get intense so if you’re uncomfortable with anything, just ask me to stop, okay?”

  He gulped as he nodded silently against his forearm. Jesus! He was completely naked with her only inches away from him. Of course he was going to be uncomfortable. The way his cock had sprung to life again, nearly drilling a hole through the bed, he was already about as uncomfortable as he could get.

  “Sure,” he croaked while he thought desperately about his ironing again.

  And then her hands were on him. He clenched every muscle as tight as he could as her fingertips began gently running lightly over his skin, sending sensations that he’d never experienced before shooting about his whole body.

  He almost leapt from the bed, only just remembering in time that without his prosthetics in place he would fall flat on his face if he tried it. He forced himself to remain still, drove away the desire to turn over, to haul her into his arms and to kiss her senseless. It was all but impossible.

  She spoke again just as he thought he was going to have to ask her to stop, and her words calmed him enough to keep him lying down.


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