Scarred Surrender (Scarred Series Book 6)

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Scarred Surrender (Scarred Series Book 6) Page 20

by Jackie Williams

  Her scent invaded him, turned his body to liquid mercury as the silver light of the moon skimmed across him and her fragrance melted him.

  “You are so beautiful.” His lips touched the base of her throat and his tongue darted out to taste her glistening skin. Honey smothered apples with a touch of cinnamon laced her shower damp flesh. He brushed the knuckles of his free hand along the length of her arm and he felt a tremble flicker to life.

  He lifted his head, fearing that he had scared her, had gone a step too far, but her eyes were closed, lashes fanning onto her cheekbones. Her breath came in tiny gasps of pent up passion through parted lips. He cupped her face with his palm and slid the tip of his thumb over her bottom lip. She opened her eyes slowly and gazed at him as though she were in a dream.

  Her tongue darted out, licked the pad of his thumb and it was all over. Resistance wasn’t a word he knew any more. It had been erased from his vocabulary. He bent his head to hers, their heated breath mingling as he spoke.

  “Tell me to stop. Tell me to stop now, or I won’t be able to.” A fierce longing that she wouldn’t deny him rose in his chest. She shook her head and for an infinitesimal moment he thought she meant that she wanted him to stop, but then her hands reached for his shoulders and she pulled him to her.

  “I don’t want you to stop.” Her voice was just a breath of air as she closed the last gap remaining between them.

  Sensation exploded through him as her damp towel dropped from her body and pooled about her hips. He tugged it out of his way even while his lips closed over hers. Their mouths met as their bodies melted together. His hands wove around her and found the dip of her spine, swept around her waist and clamped down as he lifted her into the bed beside him.

  She fell back under his assault but arched her body into his, her breasts heaving against the wall of his chest. Her fingers dug into the muscles over his shoulders and a groan rose in his throat as his head fell to the base of her neck. His lips devoured the delicate flesh over her thrumming pulse as she explored his body with questing fingertips.

  A cry left her as he nipped the skin beneath her ear and his lips left a blazing trail of heat. His palms sought her breasts he cupped them gently before he bent to take one in his mouth. She drew in a sharp breath and he revelled in the sting of fire left by her fingernails as they scored his back.

  His heart pounded furiously, banging so hard against his ribs he thought they might break. He could feel her chest rising and falling, her ribs expanding as she dragged in the now sultry air. The tightened peaks beneath his lips left him lightheaded as his blood raced to his groin. Her leg slid up over his thigh and caught on his hip. A flush of damp heat pressed against his lower belly and the scent of her passion assaulted him.

  He let the air pucker her nipples to firmer points as he kissed his way across the soft curve of her stomach. Lifting her thigh higher, he draped her leg over his shoulder before nuzzling his way between the pulsing moistness that cried out to be tasted.

  She bucked against him as his tongue delved into her, a cry of surprise leaving her lips and her fingers spearing through his hair as he chased her liquid desire. Nothing could have prepared him for her sweetness, her potent nectar driving him to please her more.

  Her body began to quake, her shuddering breaths heaving in and out as she trembled beneath him. He rose up quickly, took her face in his hands, and pressed himself into her heat.

  Her sudden intake of breath and stillness confirmed what his body had sensed almost too late, and for a moment he thought his heart might have stopped beating, but then her hips moved slowly, rotating around him as he held himself in check for what felt like a hundred years.

  He stared down at her, almost unable to believe what he had just done, what she had let him do.


  She shook her head against the crook of his neck, her rapidly drying hair frothing over his shoulder.

  “Please, don’t stop. I want...I want...” she let out a breath as she lifted her gaze and her blue eyes met his. “I want you.” She tilted her head and bit down gently on the corded tendon between his shoulder and throat and he suddenly knew he was in far deeper than he had ever thought possible.

  Her slender legs wound around his waist and he gave up the fight, moving his hips slowly as he found a gentle rhythm. She moved with him and against him and then she was gasping, her whole body undulating as he felt the first flutters of her release. His own couldn’t be contained. Wildfire swept through his veins and his heart thundered against his ribcage. Sweat ran down the dip of his spine as he plunged into her, every inch of him buried until he could fill her no further. Spikes of pleasure pierced him as he withdrew and thrust again. And again.

  The intensity of his climax blinded him. His arms locked her to him as streaks of white heat seared his soul. Pleasure such as he had never known rocked his very being as the sounds of her own bliss filtered through the haze of passion.

  He held her against him. She pressed her lips to the muscle still twitching in his chest.

  “I should have told you.”

  “You should have told me.” They spoke at the same time.

  Crystal let out a small laugh as he became quiet again.

  “It’s not easy admitting that you’re the world’s oldest virgin. I sort of hoped that you wouldn’t notice.”

  He shifted in the bed and let out a laugh of his own.

  “I know that you women think us men are generally insensitive beasts, but honestly? You thought I wouldn’t notice? Jesus, Crystal. You really should have told me. I would have been more careful.” He kissed her forehead.

  She smiled against his skin.

  “You were perfect. It was perfect.” She threaded a finger through the dusting of hair on his chest.

  James brushed his fingertips along the length of her arm.

  “I’ve not been with anyone for a long time. Since before...Well, you know how long. I don’t think I gave you my best performance.” He rested his chin in her hair.

  Crystal shook her head sending tendrils of hair all over his shoulder.

  “Then perhaps it’s just as well I have no one else to compare you with.” She lifted her head and leaned up on her elbow. She gazed down at him for a moment before stretching a leg over his hips and pulling herself above him. “Perhaps it’s just as well that you have forgotten what any other woman feels like.” She bent from the waist, kissed him once before moving backwards and twirling her tongue over his nipple.

  He sucked in a breath as his cock hardened instantly. She wriggled her hips a little and knelt up over him before sinking down on a sigh. He held her as he breathed through the desire to surge into her, but his choice was taken from him when she began to move.

  “Crystal!” A deep groan built in his chest and his eyes widened as he marvelled at her perfection. He folded his arms around her and pulled himself to meet her, finding her lips and kissing her deeply. Seconds later she was beneath him, his mind reeling with the joy threading through him. He never wanted this to end, was never going to let it end. She was his and although he didn’t know how it would work, he was never going to let her go again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  An excited yell from downstairs woke him but he kept his eyes closed, basking in the weary glow that covered him while he yawned until his jaw felt as though it was about to pop. He reached out across the sheets and cracked an eyelid as only cool sheets slithered under his palm.

  He lifted his head to check. Crystal wasn’t beside him and by the feel of the cotton bed linen, she hadn’t been there for some time. He sat up as he heard footsteps thundering up the stairs and smiled as he imagined Emily racing to her sister’s room. It was all going to be all right. As soon as they had a chance to tell Emily that her sister would be sleeping with him from now on, Crystal wouldn’t have to creep away from him in the dead of night.

  His lips quirked up as he thought of their lovemaking. An indent remained in the pillow beside
him and he lifted it to his nose. Her scent invaded him, the delicate perfume of her surrounded him. He puffed out a long, satisfied breath and shifted in the bed. His lower back ached, muscles tight from more use than they had experienced in years. His thighs and buttocks held a delicious burn that he didn’t want to leave him. God! She had been fabulous! She’d given him everything, not holding back for a second, and he had returned her generosity with every fibre of his being.

  He was about to slump back onto the bed and drag the scented duvet back around him when the door of his room flew open and the next instant Emily bounded in waving some sheets of paper. Grabbing the sheet to make sure he was covered, he held up his hand to stop her before either of them became embarrassed.

  “She’s gone back to her room.” He stated with a small smile.

  Emily stopped dead at the end of his bed and looked around.

  “Who are you talking about? There’s only us here.” Confusion covered her features.

  James raised an eyebrow.

  “Crystal, of course. Who else would I be talking about? She’s gone back to her room but that was probably only for your benefit. If she hasn’t already told you, we’ll be sleeping together from now on.” He grinned widely but his smile slipped from his lips as he noticed Emily swallow. “What? What’s wrong?” He smoothed his hair into some sort of order while he wished she wasn’t staring at him so hard.

  She took a step forwards and then sat down heavily on the end of his bed.

  “Crystal left this morning. Jules came and picked her up at about six. I only just arrived home in time to see them off. The flight to Dinard was fully booked so they all took the early ferry to Caen. I thought you knew she was leaving this morning. I assumed that she told you.” she said quietly as she looked down at her hands.

  James swallowed over the lump that suddenly clogged his throat.

  “She’s gone already. Oh, I see.” He choked out his words. He didn’t see at all. She’d given herself to him. Had only ever given herself to him. She was his. He was hers. He wasn’t going to just let her go. Or was he? Was that what she wanted? Just one night and then nothing. Her career was important to her, he knew that already, but although they hadn’t talked about it, he had assumed that she would come home, would maybe open a clinic in England. Well, he had that wrong, that was for sure.

  His thoughts tumbled over one another. She had obviously made some kind of unbreakable attachment to the men at the rehabilitation centre, but those three men wouldn’t be there forever. Maybe if she saw out this challenge, she would come home. Perhaps if he pleaded with her, or even used Emily as leverage, he could persuade her.

  But then he remembered Jules? Bitterness filled him to the point of near furious jealousy. Why had she slept with him if she was going to go back to the handsome Frenchman? He couldn’t reason it out, couldn’t begin to imagine what she had been thinking. Had she used him? Perhaps Jules had assumed she was experienced. The way women as good as threw themselves at the man James was pretty sure that Jules was as experienced as they came. Jesus! He suddenly felt sick at the thought of Crystal merely using him for a trial run.

  Emily was muttering something, but he couldn’t stop the roar that filled his ears. Something flapped in his face, distracting him from his ire. He remained silent for a moment longer before noticing the letter Emily held. Something else to talk about. Good.

  “Postman’s been? He was early,” he said sharply.

  She glanced up at him suddenly aware that he probably hadn’t heard a word she had been saying to him. She spoke patiently, realizing that things weren’t as he had assumed.

  “Yes, but he wasn’t early. You were sleeping like a baby. It’s gone ten already.” She paused and looked down at her letter before she carried on quietly. “I thought that you would want to say goodbye, but you were sleeping so well that Jules said not to wake you. Having to take the hire car back made them tight for time.”

  He took another few breaths as his whole world crashed down around him.

  “And Crystal didn’t want to wake me either, that’s obvious.” He couldn’t keep the bitterness from his tones.

  Emily shook her head.

  “It wasn’t like that. She was crying. I don’t think she wanted to go.”

  James let out a bark of a laugh.

  “Yeah, sure. She might not have wanted to leave you, but it’s perfectly clear that she couldn’t care less about leaving me.” He shrugged while the jealousy tore at him. “Just getting me out of her system before she makes a match with the oh so perfect Jules. Can’t say I blame her. She must wince every time she looks at an aging cripple like me.” He didn’t want to hate the pair of them but the agony burning through his veins was too much. If Jules had been in front of him, he didn’t know if he would have been able to stop himself from tearing the man’s heart out.

  Emily gasped in shock.

  “No! How could you say that? You know she’s not like that. And you’re wrong about her and Jules. They’re just friends.”

  James shook his head in resignation.

  “No. You’re the one who is wrong, Em. They were at the police station together and at the hospital. I’ve seen the way he looks at her and they would be perfect together. She’s so beautiful and he’s so...Well, you can see for yourself how fucking glorious he is.” He threw up his hands in despair before he stared hard over at his prosthetic limbs. “Why wouldn’t she want someone like him.” It was a statement, not a question.

  Emily stood up, anger in her own expression.

  “Just stop! You’re so up your own arse! Why don’t you pull your head out of it and smell the roses? Jules is handsome and perfect for someone, but it’s not going to be Crystal or any of the women who fawn over him. He’s gay, you idiot.” She ignored James’ dropped jaw. “Now get up and get dressed. We have a lot to do before we leave.” She walked towards the door.

  James slammed his jaw shut, the shock of Emily’s revelation completely befuddling his brain.

  “Gay? Jules is gay?” he swallowed as a smile crept over his lips. “Jules is gay! My God! Of course he is. Don’t know why I never saw it before.” He scowled again. “But what about Andrew? It’s as if he’s attached to her with glue.”

  Emily rolled her eyes.

  “There are more women in the world than my sister, you know. Andrew has been hanging around her not only to have his therapy, but to see me.” She grinned delightedly.

  James’ eyes widened in surprise.

  “Andrew is interested in you? But he’s a lot older than you, and...” he didn’t finish as he saw Emily glower. “Okay, well he’s obviously a better choice than the last boyfriend you had, but we can discuss that another time. You said something about leaving. Where are we going?”

  “We’re going after them. If we hire a private plane we might get there before them.”

  James’ mouth fell open again.

  “What? I don’t have money for private planes. And we can’t go after them anyway. Even if Jules is gay, it doesn’t change the situation.” He still felt stunned by the news. He had no idea. “I have my work here and you have university in September.”

  Emily grinned suddenly.

  “It might not have changed your work situation yet, but I think I have a way around that. Ellen’s been in touch this morning. She’s sent everyone an email. You probably have one too if you look.” She waited for him to pick up his phone.

  He scrolled through a few screens and then stared hard.

  “They had the go ahead for the units. That’s great.” He frowned back up at Emily. “What are you thinking?” Suspicion laced through him.

  “Just working things through in my head,” she replied lightly before returning to the papers in her hand. “It’s a pity that the postman didn’t deliver this yesterday.” She waved her letter beneath his nose.

  James could barely follow her. He pressed his fingers to his temples, trying to concentrate as she flicked the letter at him again.
  “What are you talking about? What did the postman deliver?” He grabbed the letter and looked at the header before scanning the rest of the page and forms attached. His head jerked up and he stared at Emily. “You didn’t! Does this mean what I think it does?”

  She gave a small smile.

  “Yes, it does. Now, where do we go to hire a private plane?”

  James shook his head, disbelief clouding his thoughts and worry lacing his tones.

  “I’m not sure about this. I’m your guardian. You should have talked it through with me.”

  Emily shrugged and her smile became a grin.

  “Oh, blah! I’m old enough to make some of my own decisions and I think this one will be okay. Nothing is set in stone, but this gives us some breathing space. Everything with dad and Crystal was getting too much. My life has altered so radically in the last few weeks that I need some time to work things out and maybe try something different.”

  James stared at her. He’d always thought she was a scatty kind of girl but he could now see that she had a good head on her shoulders. Things had changed in all their lives. Perhaps it was right that they reconsider their future.

  “Okay, I concede that you might have a point. With all the changes going on, maybe we should slow down a little, but that still doesn’t mean that I have enough money for private plane trips.” He wasn’t poor but he certainly wasn’t rich either.

  Emily shoved his shoulder.

  “Idiot! I don’t know what Crystal sees in you sometimes...” She rolled her eyes as he winked and flexed a rock-hard bicep. “Yes, well, you do have impressive muscles, I’ll grant you that, but honestly sometimes you can be frighteningly daft. I’m not asking you to pay for anything. I just want you to release some of my trust fund. I want to go and see my sister and you have to come with me. I’m not allowed to fly unaccompanied as I’m not yet eighteen.”

  James suddenly laughed. Something shifted inside him even while he thought of the consequences of Emily’s letter.


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