Inescapable Eye of the Storm

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Inescapable Eye of the Storm Page 3

by O'Rourke, Sarah

Her wicked kiss eroded his control, much like the waves that would be decimating the shoreline soon, and he found his hands burying in her silky hair, pulling gently to tilt her head as he fought her for dominance. He was the one in control here, and she needed to recognize that simple fact. Thrusting his tongue inside the wet cavern of her tempting mouth, her body ground against his wantonly, and he realized that her need might just match his in every way. Wild and hot, the kiss only intensified the flame burning between them.

  Breathing heavily, he tore his lips away from hers as the lights flickered in the room and the wind howled beyond the window. Dropping his eyes to watch her breasts rise and fall rapidly beneath the thin dress shirt she wore, Colin felt his erection swell inside his trousers, her body presenting a temptation he was helpless to resist. "Tell me you have another shirt," he ordered roughly, eyeing the pearly buttons that trailed down her breasts hungrily.

  Feeling his grip on her hips tighten, Abigail nodded wordlessly as she watched his hands lift and grab the collar of the simple white silk shirt she wore. Gasping as his hands ripped it open, buttons flew against them as he bared her chest, and she watched his eyes darken dangerously as they narrowed on the lacy bra she still wore. Letting the material fall down her arms, she reached with shaking hands behind her back to release her bra's clasp, the satiny material falling away with a whisper of sound.

  "Jesus," Colin whispered ardently, lifting his hands to weigh her heavy mounds in his hands, relishing the feel of the warm, firm globes in his palms. Stroking his thumbs over her swollen nipples, he met her eyes. "Like fat juicy raspberries just waiting to be devoured," he murmured appreciatively. "I wonder if you'll taste like raspberries, too." Sliding his hands down to cup her narrow waist, he took a step backward to sit on the bed, putting her breasts at the level of his mouth as he tugged her toward him. "Let's see, shall we?" he said, his voice low and dark as he leaned forward to pull one plump tip between his lips.

  Moaning as his lips surrounded her sensitive areola, she stood between his legs, her fingers twining in his short dark hair as he suckled first one breast, then the other. Every pull of his lips against her flesh sent a delicious throb pulsing through her wet pussy, building an ache that was almost painful. His lips ate at her, growing hungrier with every passing second.

  "So good," he mumbled, circling his tongue around one rucked nipple before lashing it with his tongue. Moving his hands to cup the tight globes of her ass, he pulled her closer, deeply drawing her breast into his mouth with a hard tug of his lips and biting gently. The urge to mark her as his clawed desperately at him, and he found himself pulling on the reins of his control.

  "Colin!" Abigail moaned, her head falling back as he lovingly stroked her with his lips, his hands massaging her ass. The slight sting of his teeth was a small price to pay for the sheer bliss she experienced as he worshiped at her breasts. Dropping her hands to the waist of her skirt, she pushed the smooth fabric down her legs. Kicking away the cumbersome material, she stood before him in a bare scrap of wet lace.

  Releasing her nipple to look up and down her petite body, Colin groaned. "I don't know where I want to start," he said softly rising to stand in front of her again. "There isn't a part of you that I don't want to explore," he murmured, staring at her perfect form, running his fingertips down her belly to the hem of her brief panties.

  "Yes," Abigail breathed, barely registering the sound of rain lashing the windows of the room. The Storm in front of her was quite enough to consume her full concentration.

  Running his finger over the smooth plump folds of her pussy through the damp panties she still wore, he smiled wickedly. "Mmmm, you're shaved," he whispered, pleased. "I love a shaved pussy," he breathed against her gasping mouth. "So sexy. Are you going to let me taste that, too?" he asked her hotly, nibbling her lips. “Are you going to let me sample that sweet delicacy, Abigail?” he asked, almost taunting her.

  "Whatever you want," Abigail confirmed softly, her body trembling as his hands moved again, his fingertips hooking in the elastic of her panties and sending them plunging toward her feet with a flick of his wrist.

  "So docile…submissive," Colin whispered, dipping his head to lick her neck. "I like that."

  "Do you?" Abigail breathed against his ear, capturing the shell and nipping it in warning. "Trust me, I won't be so docile when I have you flat on your back, Colin," she warned, letting her small hands trail over his muscular chest. "I don't think you need this anymore, do you?" she asked, flicking the buttons of his light blue shirt from their loop holes as her eyes connected with his.

  Chapter Four

  His body responded urgently to her cool fingertips falteringly releasing the buttons of his shirt. "Definitely not." Colin shook his head as he watched her push the garment off his shoulders. Inhaling sharply as her nails dragged down his chest, he clamped down on his jaw as those wonderful hands reached his belt next. Her touch was eager, almost desperate. And that shine in her eyes told him one thing. It had been a very long time since Abigail Donavan had been well loved. That was a situation that he was going to take extreme pleasure in remedying.

  "Or this?" she whispered, her voice like velvet as she undid his belt with fumbling fingers and released the fly on his slacks with a shaking hand. Shoving the material over his hips, she gasped as his cock sprung free, bobbing in front of her. "Commando?" she smirked, lifting shocked eyes to his. "I never would have expected that from you, Mr. Storm." No, she’d expected silk boxers or something equally decadent. Hard, firm flesh was an unexpected treat.

  "I'm full of surprises, Sweetheart," Colin murmured as he offered her a rare smile, capturing one of her hands and guiding it to his rock hard length. Dropping his eyes, he watched her tiny hand enfold him, pumping him in her hand slowly. "Fuck, yes," he growled, his hips bucking into her touch. While he knew in his soul that this woman was no innocent, neither did she seem to be experienced either. Her eyes were dilated and he could see her pulse throbbing in her neck. Meeting her heavy lidded gaze, Colin cupped Abigail's neck, pulling her slender body toward him. "How many times did that old boyfriend fuck you that long ago night, Sweetheart?"

  "I don't know," Abigail admitted with a nervous shrug, sliding her inquisitive hand over his pulsing erection as she committed the feel of his shaft to her sensory memory. She had a feeling she’d want to remember and relive these moments in the months to come. "Two or three, maybe," she whispered as lightening flashed behind the closed drapes, the storm on the outside far less important than the one raging inside within the palm of her hand.

  Smiling dangerously, Colin shook his head. "Pathetic. We're going to do much better than that together, Abby," he promised with a charming arrogance, claiming her lips again for a ravenous kiss as he caught her against him and reversed their positions, pushing her legs back against the bed. "Lie down," he commanded quietly, his eyes blazing as the skated down the length of her naked body.

  Lips tilting upward slightly, Abigail raised an eyebrow. "Is that an order from my superior?"

  Taking a step forward to press against her, his lips grazed hers as he asked, heavily, "Does it need to be?"

  "No," Abigail denied, nipping his chin, her teeth grazing his dimple. "But it never hurts to know the score," she noted, turning to kneel on the bed, crawling up its length and allowing him a perfect view of her ass. While she might be careful about presenting a cool professional façade in the office, she was still a woman that knew where her strengths were. And she had a killer ass. Three gym classes a week filled with squats and lunges had ensured that simple truth. Turning over, she laid propped against the pillows, her head slightly tilted as her eyes now challenged him to finish what he’d began. "Now, what?" she asked dryly as thunder shook the room again.

  Reaching down to grip one slim ankle gently, Colin's eyes glittered as they met hers. For a moment, he wondered if she realized that she was provoking a long neglected beast that resided inside him. Discarding the thought quickly, he acknowledged to hi
mself that it no longer mattered to him. He was starving, and she’d make a more than adequate meal. "I told you that I was hungry," he reminded her, tugging her legs apart as he lifted one knee to the bed. Kneeling between her legs, his eyes focused on the shaved pussy displayed before him, all glistening pink folds that made his tongue water. "Correction,” he chided himself aloud. “Make that starving.”

  Leaning up, Abigail placed one hand on Colin's shoulder, stalling him when he would have bent his head to claim her body. "Maybe I'm hungry, too," she said suggestively, shamelessly eyeing his massive erection."Don't I deserve a treat, too? Up until now, I’d say I’ve been extremely cooperative, wouldn’t you?" She could play this game with him, couldn’t she? She could hold her own with the magnate of the advertising world…or so she attempted to convince herself while she waited for his reply.

  Lifting his head as her meaning registered, Colin's heart beat faster. Was she suggesting...

  "Maybe I need to be clearer," Abigail said with a slow smile of her own as she saw the questions flash in his dark eyes. "I want to suck your cock, Colin."

  Blinking as her soft assertive words washed over him, making his dick throb painfully, Colin realized just exactly how different she was from Hadley. Where he'd had to beg for even the mildest sexual acts during his marriage, promising her everything from jewels to vacations, this earthy woman was ready, willing...and even eager to please him. For nothing. Nothing but the promise of his reciprocity. And that knowledge thrilled him in a way nothing had in his life. "Far be it from me to refuse a lady's request," he rasped, rising to stand in front of the bed before walking with slow, purposeful steps to her side.

  Throwing one leg over her body as he straddled her face, Colin groaned as her ready lips captured his pulsing member, sucking him quickly into the warm, wet confines of her mouth. "Fuck, baby!" he growled, catching himself with his hands against the ornate headboard of the bed when the pleasure sent his body pitching forward and surging between her velvety lips.

  Her only reply was to flick her tongue against the head of his shaft, her tongue toying with the small slit and pulling a shudder from his body as she felt him wage an internal battle not to thrust deeply into her mouth. Obviously, it had been awhile since the boss had enjoyed any carnal delights…which seemed odd, considering he was a virile, handsome man well capable of finding a willing woman to fill his arms. But facts couldn’t be denied. He was beyond excited, and his salty flavor already thickly coated her tongue.

  "God, Abigail," he breathed raggedly as her soft tongue slid against the sensitive vein running along the underside of his cock, tracing it with a wicked leisure that made his fists ball around the wooden posts of the bed. Dropping his head to watch his engorged flesh disappear into the warm cavern of her mouth, his only coherent thought was that he needed her to feel a tenth of the desperation he did.

  Thank God he was in a position to make that happen. Shifting slightly, he reached behind him and parted the pouty folds of her mound. His searching fingers easily found her pleasure point and it only took a few strokes of his fingertip against her slick pink bud for her musky scent to fill his nostrils and fuel his desire. Adjusting his position with a lightening quick move, he bent between her parted legs as he filled her mouth and took his first sip of her syrupy nectar.

  Moaning around him, Abigail's hips jerked in response to the touch of his tongue against her most intimate flesh, earning her another long, wet kiss against her swollen folds. Oh, sweet God, she thought wildly as his tongue circled her clit, lazily flicking his tongue over it, he was going to drive her over the edge if she didn't act fast and throw him off balance. Sliding a hand over a muscular cheek of his ass, she sucked him deeply between her lips as her fingertip found his puckered entrance, making a shallow foray into the warm opening.

  Releasing his cock as his hot tongue stabbed the heart of her, she gasped, the warm invasion creating a maelstrom of sensation within her. "Colin," she panted, struggling for breath as he used his tongue to fuck her with deep, even plunges of his tongue. "Mmmmm, yeah," she moaned when his tongue moved back to her clit, massaging it gently with long loving strokes. He was a man well acquainted with a woman’s body, finding all the hidden erogenous zones.

  Biting her lip, she slowly slid one finger past the tight ring of muscles in his anus. She needed to distract him before she dissolved underneath his lips. Feeling him gasp against her pussy at her gentle invasion, she smiled. "Do you like that?" she asked hoarsely, her tongue darting out to lick one of his heavy sacs. Swirling her finger inside him as she pulled one of his balls between her lips and sucked gently, she heard his rough grunt of approval.

  Shocked by her boldness, Colin stilled. The sensation of her finger inside him wasn’t altogether unpleasurable. In fact, it made his dick harden painfully. "Abigail," he breathed as her small finger crooked inside him, skimming his prostate. "Shit! Abigail," he groaned, rolling his hips to press his tip against her parted lips. “Suck my cock, baby,” he demanded gruffly.

  "I'm going to take that as a yes," she purred, taking his length back into her mouth and sucking gently as she stroked inside him again.

  "Oh, fuck," Colin gasped as incredible sensations he'd never experienced before flowed through him and caused his back to arch. The urge to fuck that dirty mouth of hers with long hard strokes intensified. She was a siren, and he was happy to reap the rewards. Dropping his head, he pulled her clit between his lips and suckled, relishing the muffled sounds escaping her lips as he fucked her mouth with shallow thrusts of his hips as he ate at her pussy.

  Squirming underneath his heavy body, Abigail tried to find a rhythm, but his talented mouth coaxed her nearer the edge, his tongue relentless as it flicked her clit. Stroking her finger over that magical bundle of nerves inside him, she cried out when he growled against her pussy, gently nipping her swollen bud in warning. "Colin!" she screamed as the vibrations from his mouth sent her hurtling toward paradise.

  Chapter Five

  Feeling her cream against his lips, Colin lapped greedily at her essence, groaning as she sucked one of his balls into her mouth and brushed over his prostate again with her wicked finger. "Fuck, yes," he hissed against the inside of her thigh, his back bowing as acute pleasure assaulted him.

  Breathing heavily, he quickly pulled away from her lips before her sweet mouth could render him insane and reversed his position. Now face to face with her, he slammed his mouth over hers, savoring the taste of himself on her tongue as he introduced her to her own. Torridly, he thrust his tongue into her mouth, relieved when she returned the kiss eagerly. There was nothing tender about their kiss. It was wet and sloppy…two people intent on milking as much pleasure from each other as humanly possible. "So hot, Abigail," he muttered against her lips. "So fucking sexy," he growled, moving to suck gently on her neck as her legs lifted to wrap around his waist, opening herself to him.

  "Don't stop," Abigail breathed, lifting her hips against him as he teased her entrance, barely touching her, yet promising her heaven. Steamily hot, his shaft gently nudged her throbbing core as his eyes bore into hers.

  Smiling wickedly as heavy rain slashed angrily against the window, Colin trailed a finger over her high cheekbone. "The way I see it, we don't need to rush. We’ve waited a long time to share these moments," he murmured, bending his head to nuzzle her neck, his teeth biting gently at her collar bone. "Rushing through them would be an injustice to both of us. Now, tell me what you like, Abigail. What makes you hot? What makes you scream?" he asked huskily, capturing a dark nipple between his lips and pulling lightly with his teeth.

  "Aaahhhh." She shivered, the sinful feel of his lips nearly driving her mad. "What?" she choked when those evil lips moved to her other breast, the flickering lights barely registering in her overworked brain. How could he expect her to offer him coherent answers when the only thing she could think about was the feel of his heavy cock so close to piercing her core and delivering her into paradise?

heard me," Colin whispered against her skin, branding her with each word. "What do you like, Abigail? It's a simple question, Sweetheart," he taunted softly, gently biting the underside of her breast in warning. “Do you like it slow and gentle? Sweaty and wild…me driving into you so deeply that you feel my cock in your throat? Tell me,” he invited.

  Simple question, Abigail's jumbled mind echoed, gasping as his tongue glanced over a swollen nipple again. How was he even able to continue speaking in complete sentences at this point? Now, with his heavy cock nestling her swollen folds, promising her sensual abandon? And how the hell could he not be as frantic for release as she was...even with the amazing orgasm he'd already left her with? "I don't think there's much you could do that I wouldn't like, Colin," she replied truthfully, tightening her thighs around his hips as she tried to urge him closer.

  Lifting his head, Colin stared down at her with hooded eyes. "You're leaving a lot open here to interpretation, Abigail. Are you sure you want to do that?" God, she was beautiful stretched out beneath him, a human banquet for him to feast upon, her body begging to be embraced by his. Flushed cheeks, bright eyes...and that gorgeous smile slowly forming against her lips. Every nuance of her beauty collided to further harden his already aroused body.

  "I'm sure," Abigail whispered, staring into those mesmerizing eyes that had managed to hypnotize her countless times before. "Anything you want is fine with me," she said, touching his tense jaw. She could feel him vibrating with barely contained need, his body screaming even though his lips remained quiet. "I won't break, Colin," she promised him gently. "I can handle you." Staring into the turbulent orbs of his, she wondered at the number Hadley must have done on him. He wanted her, but he didn’t trust her. She could see that now, but it didn’t matter.

  She needed him and no amount of reminding herself that she was merely a body for him to sate his desire on would sway what was about to occur between them.


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