Make Mine Midnight

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Make Mine Midnight Page 5

by Annmarie McKenna

  Mason was the one to answer. “Your little notebook fell out of your pocket when I picked up your clothes. And let me just say I’m damn glad we got to you when we did, Ms. Sleep With the First Man Who Offers.”

  Holy chimoly. She waved her hands in the air. “Oh. Well. You know. That was just me spewing…crap.”

  “Uh-huh.” Mason crowded her. “No changing. We like you just the way you are. Except of course for this coat.”

  “And the pants, and the shirt, and the underwear…” Hunter reached for the zipper and removed her coat. Mason went for the rest.

  “You…didn’t read any more out of my notebook, did you?” Claire moaned when Mason bit gently on one of the nipples he uncovered.

  “Just the part about my emerald-green eyes and my god-like stature.” Mason wiggled his eyebrows and went back to his feast.

  “Oh my God.” Claire closed her eyes and leaned her head against the wall when Mason took a particularly strong draw on her nipple.

  “And the part about his equally beautiful friend.”

  “You suck.”

  “No, but I’m going to.” Hunter knelt, divested her of her pants and panties and spread her legs apart. Before she could react to the cool air on her nakedness, Hunter zeroed in on her clit. Claire rose to her toes. The duel sensations at her apex and her breasts made the room spin.

  “Bed.” Hunter rose and pulled off his own coat and shirt.

  “Too far. Couch,” Mason panted, tugging off his clothes. He and Hunter dragged her to the couch and before she could blink, Hunter was naked and sitting, his legs sprawled and his hand lazily circling his hardened cock.

  Claire licked her lips and dropped to her knees. She tentatively reached for his erection.

  “Touch me, sweetheart.” Beads of sweat formed on his forehead as he waited for her to proceed.

  Last night she’d had Mason in her mouth. Right now she wanted Hunter. She leaned in, pulled his hand away and wrapped her lips around the head of his cock, delighting when his back arched and his thighs grew taut. That she could do this to him excited her. She took more of his length, sucking until she gagged and had to back off.

  Mason positioned himself behind her. His hands stroked her back then wandered to her front to cup her breasts. Her pussy creamed, readying her to take the cock currently prodding her backside. She wiggled against it, wanting Mason to bury himself in her.

  Hunter’s long fingers twisted in her hair, keeping her from escaping, not that she would have. She laved the head of his cock, swiping the precome that gathered there. His head fell back on the couch, the muscles of his neck corded.

  She was doing that to him. He bit his lip when she lowered her head again and allowed him to touch the back of her throat.

  His length was too much, gagging her. She added her hand to the base of his cock, gripping him in her fist as she bobbed on the upper half.

  Mason pressed on her hole. Not the one she expected him to. She clenched against the new-to-her intrusion. No one had ever touched her there.

  “Let me in, baby.” Mason’s crooning made her relax. They wouldn’t hurt her.

  “Fuck.” Hunter’s grip tightened in her hair.

  A wet finger worked into her hole, leaving a pinching sensation in its wake. Mason draped himself over her back and whispered in her ear. “We want to be able to take you at the same time. Think about it. Hunter filling your pussy, me in your ass.”

  Her hand slipped off Hunter’s thigh with the thought. Mason’s finger pushed deeper. She squeaked, bearing down on the digit and its foreignness.

  “That’s it, baby.” Mason tugged on her nipple.

  “Shit. You gotta stop, sweetheart. I don’t want to come in your mouth this time.” Hunter pulled gently on her hair.

  Claire gave him one last lick and a slow pump of her hand.

  “Come up here,” Hunter growled.

  With a wicked smile, Claire crawled onto Hunter’s lap, his cock dragging on the skin of her belly as she did.

  She hovered over his length.

  “Mason. Condom.”

  Claire shook her head. “I don’t need one, Hunter. I’m on the pill.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, you don’t have any idea what you saying that means to us.”

  She swiveled her hips, rotating around the head of his cock and teasing him. “I think I have some idea.”

  Hunter put his hands on her waist to hold her still. “Take me inside you, Claire, now.”

  From behind her, Mason helped guide her onto Hunter’s length. Hunter tucked his cock into her entrance and allowed her to set the pace from there. She went slowly, lowering her body onto his, connecting them in the most elemental way. He filled her, stretching her inner muscles until she gasped with the feeling of being too full. Her clit throbbed, screaming for attention.

  Hunter palmed her breasts, tweaked her sensitive nipples, rolled them until they stood out, hard and proud.

  It wasn’t enough.

  She cried out for help. “Maaason.”

  “Right here, baby. Right here.” His touch reassured her. His cock lined up with the crack of her ass, sliding between her cheeks and pausing with each pass at her tight hole.

  She stared at Hunter, his face serious. He nodded. Claire knew exactly what he wanted her to do. Give up control. Let Mason take her ass while he took her pussy. Could she?

  The finger returned to her ass, slippery and cool with something—lube? Where the hell had he gotten lube?—and pressed against the opening.

  “Relax, Claire. Push back on my finger and let me stretch you.” Mason’s calm voice soothed her nerves. She wanted this.

  With a deep breath she did what he asked, and his finger dipped into the forbidden entrance. He paused, letting her get used to the feeling, then moved, in and out, emulating what he’d do with his much bigger cock. How would she even take something bigger?

  Hunter kissed her, opening her mouth and pushing his tongue deep to tangle with hers, and every single thought fled. She tilted her head, giving him better access and reveling in his taste.

  The stretching in her ass increased and she didn’t care. Claire rubbed her breasts on Hunter’s chest, the tickling of his hair making her nipples go crazy. Fingers reached between them and touched her clit. At the same time the pressure in her ass went supernova.

  She yanked her mouth off Hunter’s. “Shit.”

  “Shh…” Mason did something with his fingers inside her, making her eyes cross.

  She squeezed him, bearing down on the fullness invading her, and then, just like that, the fingers were gone and her ass was empty.

  “Wait, wait. Where are you going?” She wanted to scream in frustration. How dare he just leave her hanging like this?

  “The next to come is my cock, Claire.”

  For a brief moment of lucidity she balked, unsure of how things were actually going to work even though she’d written plenty of ménages. Writing and doing were obviously two entirely separate things.

  Hunter captured her in another kiss, another distraction, and before she could argue, Mason pressed his cock beyond the tight ring of muscle.

  The burning was there, but not overwhelming, not anything like she’d imagined it might be. If anything, the sweet burn only added fuel to the fire happening inside her.

  Her ass was so tight. Even more so with Hunter filling her pussy. Mason eased further inside, the lube he’d pulled from his jeans pocket letting him glide without painful friction adding to the pressure.

  He played with her clit, rousing her passion, not giving her a chance to let a new kind of pain take away her excitement. With one hand on her belly he worked himself deep into her channel. She was taking him much easier than he could have imagined.

  “Can you feel us both?” Hunter’s voice was strained.

  “How could I not?”

  Mason rocked forward. Claire moaned and dropped her head onto Hunter’s shoulder. The line of her spine called to Mason and he placed tiny kisses
on every vertebra he could reach. She arched back into him, stretching like a cat and pushing her breasts toward Hunter’s waiting mouth. Hunter suckled her.

  There was nothing more erotic than a flush woman between her two men, taking them both at the same time.

  Mason couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Move with me, baby.” He pulled out of her and lifted her at the same time, dragging her off Hunter’s cock, then set up a rhythm where he would enter as Hunter exited. Her head was thrown back in ecstasy, her teeth imbedded in her lower lip, her eyes closed.

  He wasn’t going to last.

  “Hunter, you almost there?” He wanted his friend at the same place.

  “Ohhh yeah.”

  “Good.” Sweat dripped from Mason’s brow to the small of Claire’s back. He watched his cock emerge then disappear into her perfect body. She’d shared herself with them and nothing could ever please him more.

  Except, of course, if they could continue on as her lifetime lovers.

  Last night he’d believed it was possible that day would come.

  Her body bowed, and she cried out. “Please let me come.”

  Mason pressed on her clit, bringing her closer to completion. He waited for the moment of her release then slammed himself deep into her channel and came with her. A growl from Hunter said he’d done the same.

  They stayed that way, tangled up in each other’s arms until they could breathe once more. Their sweat glued them together but Mason had no desire to move. Only Claire’s discomfort made him do so.

  He carefully extracted himself as did Hunter. She lay on Hunter’s lap, exhausted.

  “I’m going to run a bath for you.” Mason willed his legs not to collapse when he stood. He grinned when Claire could only nod.

  Then he turned and left the woman that he loved with his best friend, every inch of his soul cracking in despair.

  Chapter Eight

  Hunter twirled a lock of Claire’s hair around his forefinger. She sighed and snuggled deeper into him. Her skin was soft, slick with sweat, and the air smelled of their shared sex.

  When Mason returned, Hunter lifted her and carried her to the bathroom and the hot water awaiting her. He lowered her into the tub and knelt beside it, Mason next to him.

  “You make me happy.” She startled Hunter with her announcement.

  He swallowed. “You were unhappy?” He hated thinking how she would feel when they told her things wouldn’t work.

  “No, just…I guess part of me was missing. But I didn’t really know it. And it’s only been one night, for goodness’ sake, yet I can’t imagine you guys leaving here tonight and me going back to the way things were.”

  Hunter hung his head. This was exactly what they’d wanted and now they were just supposed to let her go?


  “Wait.” She held up a hand, a stunned look on her face. “Wait. If this is where you tell me you had fun but that’s all it was, just leave. Leave now before this goes one second further.”

  “That’s not it.” Mason spoke before Hunter could.

  “Then what? You both seem like someone you love just died. I’m not stupid. It was stupid of me to blurt out my feelings when I knew you didn’t feel the same way, yes, but I am old enough to realize this wasn’t forever.”

  Hunter growled. “We wanted it to be, lady. We came to that party last night fully intending to make you ours forever. To make you see things the way we did.”

  “Great. So I didn’t hold up to your ideal woman.” She sank into the water and closed her eyes. “Leave.”

  “Goddammit, Claire. That isn’t what we’re saying at all.” Mason’s words were punctuated by a tear slipping down Claire’s cheek.

  “Trust me, we want nothing other than to hear you say you want to stay with us ’til the end of time.” Hunter reached for her leg and washed it with the soapy washrag, gently working his way up to the area he knew would be the sorest. “You have to know by now how we feel.”

  She looked at each of them from beneath her lashes. “Then why the hell do you appear as though you can’t get out of here fast enough?”

  Hunter felt like shit. He eyed Mason and sighed. “We decided we couldn’t do this to you.”

  Her arms went across her chest, her eyebrows came down. “Do what, exactly?”

  Mason rubbed the back of his neck. “Make you uncomfortable.”

  “How do you figure you’re making me uncomfortable?”

  “Come on,” Hunter cried. “You saw the way that lady reacted to us together at the parade. No way could we put you through that kind of thing on a daily basis. I want you and Mason wants you. Neither of us would be okay with standing in the background when we were out in public.”

  “So because you guys think I’ll be uncomfortable in front of other people you’re going to take off?”

  “We’re going to let you go. Let you have a normal relationship.” Hunter eased his thumb over her instep. She had to understand before they left this apartment that they were leaving for her sanity, not because they didn’t want her.

  “You two are full of horseshit. You know that, right?”

  Mason straightened from his slouch. “What?”

  “I told you when we left the parade that people shouldn’t stick their noses in other people’s business and I meant it. What I do or don’t do with my life isn’t of anyone’s concern except my own. And yours, I guess, if you decide to man up and give it a chance.”

  She scowled for a minute but Hunter couldn’t care less. His heart soared.

  “We were trying to make things easier for you.”

  “And you think that by storming into my life, making me feel special for the first time ever, then running out like a couple of babies is making things easier for me? I live in a fictional world, boys.” She glared at both of them. “A world I create where everyone has a happily ever after no matter how many people are involved. If I didn’t think a threesome would work, I wouldn’t write about it.”

  “God I love you.” Mason leaned over and kissed her, hard and deep.

  “Maybe that bitch was jealous that she didn’t have her own two men to share,” Claire whispered when Mason backed off.

  Hunter barked out in laughter.

  Claire smiled and dragged her toe up her bare leg in a sensuous movement, the warm water sluicing down her thigh as it lifted above the line of the water. “So you all started this last night. I guess if I want it bad enough I’ll have to persuade you to stay?”

  The pretend pout did him in. Hunter took her lips in the same fashion Mason had and devoured her essence.

  When he finally let loose, she was panting. Big blue eyes peeked at him. “Is this for real now?”

  Hunter hated the fear he heard in her voice. “For us it always has been, but neither of us could fathom making your life awkward.”

  “One hundred percent real.” Mason echoed Hunter’s reply and cupped one of her breasts, thumbing the nipple.

  “It’s so weird.”

  “Why? Because there’s two of us?”

  She waved him off. “No, not that. The fact that yesterday, in 2009, I was sitting at a party trolling for a fictional hero and here I am in 2010 with two of my very own real-life heroes. It really is like something out of one of my books. Happy endings don’t really happen like this.”

  “They do if you let them.” Hunter used the cloth at her pussy, wiping away the evidence of their lovemaking. He’d make sure to replace that seed later.

  “And you’re saying I should? Give you another chance not to flake out on me?”

  Mason kissed her again. “Yes. We’re saying you should at least give us the chance to make you happy. Happier. We promise to try not to flake out on you. Or at least not quite so easily.” He glanced around the bathroom. “We might have to move you into our place, though. Much more room.”

  “And where do you guys live?”

  “We bought a house. With a big fenced-in backyard. Three bedr
ooms, a basement, the whole nine yards.” Mason’s eyes shone with excitement.

  Claire laughed. “What do two men need with all that?”

  Hunter threaded his fingers through hers and held on tight. “They need it for their wife and the children they hope she’ll give them and the dog or two.”

  Tears glistened in her eyes.

  “We need it for you, Claire.” Mason rubbed a thumb over her bottom lip. “Stay with us. Be with us. Marry us. Let us make you fat with babies. We know you can’t legally marry us both, but whoever you choose will be fine with us, and in our eyes we’ll both be married to you. No one else has to know a damn thing about our relationship.”

  The tears spilled down her cheeks.

  They were killing Hunter. “Are those happy tears or I-can’t-do-it tears?” His heart thudded. He didn’t know what they’d do if she told them to get lost.

  “They’re happy ones.” She laughed through a sniffle and wiped the tears away with her wet hands. “It’s not every day a wallflower gets propositioned by two gorgeous men in her bathtub.”

  “Thank God for happy tears.” Hunter reached in and pulled Claire to her knees, hugging her tight. Mason did the same, their naked skin soaking up the heat from the water.

  No one could have ever asked for a better New Year’s wish. They’d gotten what they’d wanted. Claire in their arms forever.

  Author Note

  Okay, so I realize there’s no parade in St. Louis on New Year’s Day but darn it, I wanted there to be and so I made it happen! You can achieve anything if you believe strong enough, right? Hunter and Mason seemed to think so too…

  About the Author

  Annmarie McKenna lives in Missouri where she stays busy writing, shuffling four kids to various activities and trying to keep sane. She loves to hear from readers and can be reached at [email protected]. To learn more about Annmarie, please visit or join her Yahoo! group for updates on her latest releases or other information.

  Look for these titles by Annmarie McKenna

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